Ch - 6 - Day 3 part 2

" you ready " asked Vegs

" you bet " replied Darkness as he charged forward.

Vegs measly looked at him waiting for him to strike.

Darknesses swung his katana and vegs dodged. He struck again,Vegs dodged again. Continued for a few more times.

When Vegs was striking again Vegs parried this time and launched a strike of his own which Darkness barely managed to block.

Vegs had gotten a understanding of Darkness. He was fast but, not to fast.

He had a normal defense but, his striking power was his real deal it had taken him much effort to parry his blow.

(the werewolf)

" its so hard to find people now ah!! " he thought,he had already killed 8 people that night. But it had now become harder to find people for some reason.

Suddenly he saw a person walking towards him unfazed. He was not someone recognizable.

" ah finally a prey! " he shouted

The man heard this and smiled and said " mr. werewolf will you please listen out to me" he said

The werewolf was confused at there was not hint of fear or anxiety in his voice. He thought he had nothing to lose and said out loud " quickly spew it out quickly before i kill you "

The mans smile widened " i will help you find prey that you want "

The werewolf asked " and how is that gonna happen ? "

The man said " i am a member of a drawf nation and i will bring you to their location they have a measly 11 people that you get to enjoy eating "

The werewolf asked " and why are you doing so ? "

" be cause they have treated me like absolute garbage i do not care if you kill me after killing them but i just want to see their dead bodies. They made me collect wood througth out all of day 1 and 2 while they barely did any work and have now refused me shelter from you, the werewolf and have told me stand guard at the furthest point while the others are way deeper inside for safety,saying that i did not do much " work" collecting wood and that they have done much more work building shelter " he said

Upon hearing this the werewolf smiled and said " fine show me where they are "

Both of them walked for some time before reaching a small settlement Of huts.

The werewolf saw a guard walking by and immediately rushed towards him.

Before the guard could even see him his heart was pulled out and he was left for dead.

Crushing his heart the werewolf exclaimed " oh!,that hits the spot "

Turning to the man he said " so where are the people ?"

He pointed to a bigger hut than the rest and said " about 5 people hidden in there "

The werewolf slammed the door open but, no one was in the room.

Suddenly a giant hammer hit the werewolf's head, crushing a part of its skull.

And the another hit and then another, these hits were hit with great power and force. The werewolf fell down coughing and spitting blood its eyes bloodshot.

He knew he had walked into a trap ! . The man who had brought the werewolf reveled a knife hidden in his clothes stabbing the werewolf.

" ha! I did not expect it to be so easy to kill the werewolf, what an idiot "

In his last moments the werewolf saw three men appearing from behind the door smiling and shouting " we have killed him !we have killed him !"

Their leader came and finished the job.

A message flashed on the screens of each player saying

{ congratulations players !!! You have hunted down the werewolf }

The name of the player who killed the werewolf flashing on the screen.

{ Ralph }

The rabbit appeared in-front of Ralph and said " congrats on hunting the werewolf with your wits and smarts and, now i shall present you your reward,"he said and a screen appeared in front of him.

{ please choose your reward -

1. The successor-the king of monsters is angry , for you have slayed one of his own but he has given you another chance. [ you will gain the ability to transform into a werewolf. Do not worry as you can still transform back into your human form any time ]

2. The hunter- the great hunter 'Hans's is impressed with your smarts and says with more power you can become a amazing hunter. [ your strength,speed and defense will increase by 70%. But you will gain a hatred towards otherworldly creatures ]

3. The speed - the god of speed is impressed by your speed at completing this task and offers you an ability. [ Swift- you're speed will increase by 150% for a period of 5 minutes. Can be used once per day.]

After thinking for sometime Ralph choose the third option. Because first he did bot want to become a werewolf. And while a 70% permanent increase sounded very tempting but hatred towards otherworld creatures turned him off, as this was stating that there would be otherworldly creatures and he guessed that some of them would be like Npc's so he did want to be angry at them. The third was the only one without downsides and was very useful if he was ever stuck in a tight situation.

The others asked him " hey bro what was your reward ? "

He said with a smile on his face " its a ability called 'Swift' it increases my speed by 75% for 2 minutes " no wanting to revel the whole truth but also not lying.

(At 'moonlight')

" dammit! I could not kill the dammed thing " exclaimed Rosh after seeing the message of the werewolf's slaying.

" don't worry , its not like he will instantly become overpowered " Trever said try to comfort him.

(At a clearing in the forest)

A katana was seen flying upwards ,shining beautifully in the moons light.

"Ah i see the gap is big" Darkness said

After helping him up ,vegs said " its not that fun once you reach the top, the fights are not interesting anymore " forming a little happy smile on his face

And with day 3 ended.....