Chapter 1

I just want to issue a warning: This story is significantly darker than the first book. It may seem like it won't for the first half, but it WILL have a happy SasuHina/GaaSaku ending.

Thanks for reading!


-Hinata's POV-

Prestige's most important concert was ruined, and it's all my fault.

A doctor was going over instructions with Kakashi as I sat on the edge of the hospital bed and waited for them to finish so I could leave, but I wasn't listening to anything being said. According to Dr. Inuzuka, everything that happened was a result of malnourishment. She said I was lucky I only received one nosebleed and fainted because most people don't get found out in time to prevent lasting effects.

I've never been so disappointed in myself. I thought I had it under control. After the light-headed spell on the tour bus, I ate at least something at mealtimes, which was hard considering how sick it made me feel.

Tenten swore to me before the doctor asked her to leave the room that no one was upset with me about what happened, but that simply couldn't be true. I let everyone down: my bandmates, the agency, and the fans. God, the fans. Sixty thousand pairs of eyes saw Sasuke have to help me off-stage. Who knows how many cameras caught the moment. I haven't checked my phone because I haven't had the chance, but it's vibrated nonstop since I awoke.

The door to the room shutting snapped me out of my thoughts, and I saw Kakashi taking a deep, slow breath with his eyes closed. The CEO looked so stressed. That's my fault, too.

He turned to me with a frown, "As your boss, I'm concerned about how the media will react to all this, but as someone who cares about you, all I ask is that you tell me what you need to feel better. Do you want to take some time off?"

I shook my head. True Talent is to be filmed just over a month from now.

"What can I do to help you, then? Everyone's worried, Hinata."

My gaze dazed out as my eyes dropped to the floor. What can anyone do? It's impossible to control what's on the internet. You can't forcefully change thousands of people's opinions just because you don't like them.

Kakashi knelt at my eyeline, "Hinata, talk to me. This isn't like you."

There's only one thing I know for sure: I don't want to see anyone right now. I can't see them, or I'll fall apart. I'm too humiliated, too ashamed.

Wiping at my tears, my voice wavered heavily, "Can someone bring my wallet to me? I-I want a few days to myself if that's okay."

My boss's eyes narrowed, his tone softening, "If I agree to this, will you promise to take care of yourself? You won't harm yourself, right?" Genuine concern was written all over his handsome face, making my guilt sting that much more.

Still, I nodded, "I-I-I just want to be alone."

His jaw flexed, but he nodded once more before calling someone and telling them to locate and bring my purse to the room. Barely five minutes passed before a knock came at the door, and one of the security guards I recognized from the agency handed Kakashi the bag before silently stepping out again. I got to my feet and accepted the item, walking toward the back exit of the room so I could avoid the crowd of people in the hall.

The white-haired man stopped me, "Hinata."

My eyes squeezed closed, and I took a deep breath as tears continued to fall, but I turned to give him my attention.

He pondered his words carefully before saying, "You can come to me with anything, any time of day. I hope you know that."

My brow furrowed at his kind sentiment, but all I could do was nod before leaving him in the room by himself.

To avoid having to bear someone else's presence, I fought my fear of driving and used one of the agency's cars to drive to the outskirts of town, where I found a cheap motel where no one would look for me. I used one of those shopper apps on my phone to order clothes and necessities, enough for two or three days, then collapsed on the small bed in the dark room.

Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara, and Tenten were all blowing up my phone to the point that I had to put it on "do not disturb" mode just to keep the screen clear enough to use.

As I stared at the ceiling, tears running steadily down to drip onto my ears and hair, I could only think about what happened. I've never felt guilt this strong. My self-hatred only strengthened because I dared to yearn for Sasuke to show up and comfort me after the damage I'd done.

I lay there for a long time, over an hour, before a knock came at the motel door and pulled me from my obsessing. It was the order I'd submitted. I waited a few minutes to ensure the driver was gone before cracking the door, swiftly grabbing the two large shopping bags, and slamming the door shut again. After locking it, I slid down to the floor, clothing spilling onto the carpet as I dropped the bags and finally let the grip on my emotions release.

It felt like my heart would burst from my chest as I sobbed, my forehead resting against my bent knees as I wrapped my arms around myself.

I ruined everything.

-Sasuke's POV-

Gaara sat quietly, and Sakura stood with her arms crossed as I paced anxiously outside Hinata's hospital room. The paramedics took her from me backstage, loaded her into an ambulance, and none of us had seen her since. They wouldn't tell us anything other than that she was awake and okay. It's been three hours since we arrived at the hospital. None of us even changed out of our stage outfits.

All I can think about is how white Hinata's face was compared to the red of the blood. I've seen her faint more than once before, but she's never looked sickly like that.

"Sasuke, stop. You're just getting yourself worked up." Sakura suddenly mumbled. I looked to see her glaring at the floor and chose to ignore her.

The door to the room opened soon after, and all three of us perked up, only to see a watery-eyed Tenten step out and close the door behind her. "What's-" "You three are gonna tell me what you know about this right fucking now." Tenten cut me off, a rare expression of anger on her features.

She gestured for me to stand beside Gaara and Sakura, so I did.

"We asked her if she was feeling okay on the bus, and she said she was dieting and felt fine, Tenten!" Sakura explained, her hands out from her sides as she struggled to control her emotions. Our mentor's eyes turned to Gaara, who nodded. Then they looked at me.

The rage on her face was nothing compared to what I was feeling. All it'll take is one wrong word from her, and I'll snap; I just know it.

"Tell me you don't know anything about this, Sasuke; I dare you."

There it was.

My voice raised slightly as I stepped away from the three of them, fixing them all with a glare, "I didn't know it was this fucking bad, okay? She said she was gonna do better."

Tenten was suddenly in my face, poking my chest angrily, "Why didn't you say something? She lost over fifteen pounds in less than three weeks! Do you know how bad that is for the body?"

I glared down at her, mentally telling myself not to lay a finger on the woman, "Get away from me, Tenten. I mean it."

Sakura grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her away, "Guys, now's not the time for this. Hinata needs us to be there for her right now."

Our mentor hissed at me but didn't fight the pink-haired girl, "You could've prevented this."

My vision was coated with red, and I lost control of my anger momentarily, "I know this is my fault, so shut the fuck up about it!"

Gaara stepped toward me, laying a hand on my shoulder with a warning look that snapped me out of it. I shook his hand off and went back to pacing.

As stupid as it was for Hinata to let things get this bad, I'm just as guilty. How can I say I'm her boyfriend when I let something awful like this happen right before my eyes? I noticed way before the start of the tour that something was wrong.

She was quieter and had less energy. I didn't figure out what it was until I watched her get dressed one day and noticed her favorite pair of jeans were loose, whereas they used to hug her curves perfectly. Why did I wait so long to say something to her about it? I know why. It's because bringing up a woman's weight is dangerous ground. Hinata's been self-conscious about her body since the day I met her, making that statement more factual.

The door to the room opened and closed again, making me focus on what was in front of me, and I watched one of the bodyguards walk down the hall, Tenten chasing after him, "Hey, stop! Tell me what's going on!"

I missed something just now. What happened?

Kakashi opened the door a minute later, and we approached. I looked behind him to see an empty room. Where is she? Did they move her to a different room to rest?

My eyes narrowed on our CEO's, and he sighed, lifting his hands in a calming manner, "She's fine. She said she wants a couple of days to herself, so she left."

Sakura looked as stunned as I felt, "What do you mean she left? You let her go off by herself after she just fainted? What if it happens again!"

My disbelief just fueled my anger further, and I breathed deeply as I turned and walked down the hall, pulling my phone from my pocket to call her. It rang all the way through to her voicemail. I got into the elevator, not caring if I was leaving the other two behind, and texted her rather than leave a voice message, asking where she was so I could at least join her if she didn't want to go home.

I didn't look away from my screen as I walked through the hospital toward the exit, but she didn't respond even when I made it outside. It was almost morning, so the world was quiet and dark.

There's no point in pretending not to know why she took off without a word. I know that woman better than she might even know herself, and I know that being alone is the last thing she needs right now, even if it's what she wants.

Cursing under my breath, I walked down the sidewalk toward the road so I could hail a cab to take me home so I could get my own car and look for her.

A little over an hour later, I searched Konoha's many motels and hotels for agency cars with no luck. The sun was already rising, and my body was begging me to go home and get some rest, but I couldn't give up when I knew Hinata was in a dangerous state of mind.

My phone began ringing, and I snatched it up and answered quickly. Before I could even say her name, an unexpected voice came on the other line: Itachi's. "What hospital is Hinata at? Is she alright?" News outlets had undoubtedly gotten ahold of footage from the concert. He probably saw it on tv or online.

I cursed at him, "Now's not the fucking time."

"Where is she?"

"I don't know, okay? She ran off without telling anyone."

There was a long pause before he responded, "Sasuke, you need to find her."

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing right now? I've been looking for her since the moment I found out!"

"For once in your life, shut the hell up and listen to what I'm saying!"

My mouth shut in surprise.

Itachi continued, "You need to find her and ensure she stays away from anyone in our families until I find a way to fix things. Don't even let her talk to them on the phone." He hung up before I could ask any of my confused questions.

What is he trying to fix? Is it what he's been warning me about all this time? Whatever it was, he sounded more genuine than I'd heard in my life. It had to be awful if it shook the pillar that is Itachi Uchiha's composure.

I tried calling Hinata again, only to get her voicemail again. Rather than hang up, I left a message this time, "Hinata, I don't care what happened; I need you to tell me where you are. Call me back."

Sighing in defeat, I tossed the device into the passenger seat and focused fully on driving, mumbling, "Where the hell are you?"

-Hinata's POV-

I sighed for what felt like the millionth time as I drove to the house I used to call home the following day. Surprisingly, I found it relatively easy not to cry while getting dressed this morning. Maybe I ran out of tears after breaking down last night. It's more likely that I'm emotionally drained.

When I turned my "do not disturb" off earlier, it froze my phone. I glanced at the device as it sat in the console. It still hasn't unfrozen. I even tried turning it off and on again. Now that I got a lot of my distress out last night, I feel bad for leaving everyone hanging at the hospital last night and want to at least text them so they know I'm alive and okay, but now I don't have that option. I'll just borrow Neji's phone if he's there today.

Many cars were parked on the block, which was odd because I don't recall it ever being this busy.

Soon I parked the agency car in front of my childhood home, locking it up and smoothing my clothing as I climbed the steps. Since I knew I'd be seeing my father today, I'd ordered a more professional outfit so he won't have to complain about my clothing.

After having such an awful night last night, I need this meeting to go well. It's the first time Father's extended an invitation, so I'm trying to keep my thoughts positive. A maid opened the front door when I approached. I gave her a smile of thanks as she bowed politely.

"The CEO is waiting in his office. Would you like me to accompany you, Ma'am?" I shook my head, and the woman excused herself.

The house hasn't changed a bit in my absence. Slowly, I walked toward the hall that leads to Father's office, taking my time reminiscing about the days when I lived here. Just as I approached the door, it opened, and I took a surprised step back when Itachi Uchiha stepped out. He met my eye as though he was staring at a ghost.

His brow furrowed, and he hissed as he swiftly shut the door behind him, "What are you doing here? You need to leave before-" The door opened again, and Fugaku Uchiha plastered a fake smile on his lips, "Ah, Hinata. We've been patiently awaiting your arrival. Please come in."

All positive thoughts I had about this meeting were gone. Feeling a little nauseous, I gingerly entered the room. To my surprise, the office was full of people. Other than my father, who sat silently at his desk, Itachi and Fugaku, present were Tenmu and Toneri Otsutsuki, Obito Uchiha, and my father's lawyer, Danzo. There was also an older man that I assume is an Uchiha by his hair, eyes, and demeanor. He seemed to be somewhere in his late thirties and looked at me like I was an insect in the dirt.

I clutched my frozen phone in my hands tightly to hide the fact that my fingers were trembling but sat at the chair directly in front of my father's desk as he gestured to do so.

"I appreciate your attendance after the incident last night. It does, however, work in my favor." Cold silver eyes bore into mine with a look that said I didn't know what I was up against.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Hiashi looked at his lawyer, who opened his briefcase atop the large desk to fish out a thick manilla folder. He handed it to me without a word. I accepted the item, glancing at my father in confusion. The man motioned for me to go ahead and open it.

I undid the metal clasp and peered into the folder, only for my blood to turn to ice. My hands shook more heavily as I pulled some of them out. It was dozens upon dozens of photos of Sasuke and me together, some of which were taken inside our house. I flipped through photo after photo until I came upon one where we were in a state of undress.

Gasping, I slammed the photo downward on my lap and glared at my father tearfully, "W-What is this?"

Hiashi leaned forward with his fingers laced together and a victorious expression, "Exactly what it looks like; Proof of your relationship with Sasuke Uchiha."

My mouth opened slightly, and I glanced around at the silent men in the room before putting the photos back into the folder, "Why are you doing this? What's your goal?"

The room was silent for a long moment as I stared at my father in disbelief. Sasuke said Itachi warned him I might've been stalked, and he was right. Now Itachi's face minutes ago made sense. He's been trying to warn us about this without legally compromising himself.

"Here is what's going to happen. You will void your renewal contract with Evolution Entertainment, so your employment there will end in March."

I shook my head, angry, "No, I won't-" "And you will sign a marriage contract before you leave this room today."

My mouth clamped shut as I was stunned further.

Father gestured to the men in the room, "I've prepared four candidates. You even get to choose which one you prefer."

My ire flared, and I stood, the folder tight in my hands, "I'm not going along with any of this! If you release these photos, I-I-I'll sue you."

The man was unphased, but Fugaku responded, walking around the desk to stand beside my father, "You'd do that to Sasuke despite knowing his career's importance to him? Both of yours will be ruined."

The tears in my eyes overflowed, but I didn't bother wiping at them as I glared at the tall man, "How can you do this to him? He's your son!"

My eyes fell to Hiashi, and my head tilted as the betrayal threatened to overwhelm me, making my voice waver, "Dad, how can you do this to me?"

Fugaku spoke before he could, "That boy has been nothing but a thorn in my side since the day he was born. I gave him everything, but he's an ungrateful little brat. He should've listened when I warned him against disobeying me."

I shook my head, sitting the folder of photos heavily on the desk, "You'll all be hearing from my lawyers very soon. Now, if you'll excuse me-" "Not so fast, Hinata."

I huffed, tears falling slowly down my cheeks as I watched Danzo pull another folder from his briefcase. My brow furrowed as I accepted it. I recognized the first photo immediately and slid it back inside before anyone else could see it. It was unfiltered photos of Sakura from her hospital visit after Sasori hurt her. I fell back into my chair, falling forward with my elbows on my knees to cover my mouth as I tried not to throw up.

"There's more if you care to know. It turns out the Subaku boy in your group has a violent history. He's even put people in the hospital. Evidence of their relationship is also included. Unless you want these files released to the public, you'll do as we say."

My eyes glazed over as I stared down at the carpet. Earlier, when I refused to give in because of the photos of Sasuke and me, it wasn't because I didn't care. It's because if I agreed and Sasuke found out why, he'd never forgive me.

This is different.

There's no way I'll sacrifice all three of my beloved friends' privacy and careers for my sake, and these men know it. They know they have me cornered. That beautiful future I pictured, where Prestige thrives over the next five years, and all of us were happy; it was fading fast. I should've known better than to think I could have it all.

"I'll do it." My voice was flat and soulless.

"Wonderful, now if you'll-" I slowly sat up, cutting my father off, "I'll do it, but only on the condition that a clause is added that I inherit the entirety of Hyuuga Corp and Sasuke will inherit Uchiha Corp if even one of these photos is released to the public."

The business moguls finally looked taken aback by my words, so I added, "You must have a lot to lose if you went through all this trouble to ensure I'll marry one of these men, so you'll both agree." I turned my gaze onto Danzo, "Prepare a document. Don't just stand there."

"Your temerity is almost impressive, but there's the matter of who you're to wed."

Fugaku motioned around the room, and I followed his gesture as he spoke, "As mentioned, we've prepared four contracts for you to choose from. We have Obito Uchiha."

I glared at the man, who dared to speak, "If you choose me, I'll allow you to continue your music career with my agency."

The Uchiha CEO moved on as though he hadn't said anything at all, "We have Madara Uchiha, my younger brother." He gestured toward the long-haired man that I hadn't recognized.

"Of course, we have my eldest son, Itachi Uchiha." When I turned to look at the man in question, he avoided my gaze with a guilty expression.

His father didn't acknowledge it and moved on to the final candidate, "Lastly, we have Toneri Otsutsuki." My head snapped toward the white-haired man I met at the dinner party months ago. He smiled sheepishly but didn't say anything.

My shoulders slumped as I realized I could only accept one option, and it was all for Sasuke's sake.

"I-I'll go with Ton-" "Wait, Hinata!"

Itachi interrupted me. I turned, and he offered a hand with a frown. I accepted it, rising to a stand and facing him fully.

He spoke as though everyone wasn't staring at us, "Please choose me. The others, they're-" I cut him off, barely capable of speaking because I was crying too hard, "I'm not taking the Uchiha name for any man but Sasuke." I shook my head, searching Itachi's surprised face, "Th-This is going to hurt him, but that would destroy him. I-I can't do it."

So, I released the man's hand and turned to face both of our fathers, "I request that the marriage has to wait until my contract with Evolution ends in March." My eyes narrowed into a hateful glare at my father, "Let me live my last months of freedom as I see fit."

Danzo spoke when no one replied, "Is there anything else?"

My brave facade threatened to fall as I nodded, "I-I ask that the engagement not be announced until I've had a chance to speak with my friends and employer."

The lawyer nodded, "Your decision?"

I turned to look at the white-haired man who'd left a bad impression on me from the first moment, "Toneri Otsutsuki."