Chapter 2

-Hinata's POV-

As much as I wanted to run to Sasuke, to apologize with every ounce of my being, I was too scared. So, I went straight to the agency after finishing up at my father's house. Itachi followed, offering to give me a ride afterward so I could return the agency's car.

"Don't go see my brother yet. Let me talk to him first. His temper-" "I-Itachi…. I appreciate it, but he deserves to hear it from me."

There was a long pause, but he eventually replied, "At least let me come with you so I can intervene if he gets too angry." I relented before climbing out of the car and hurrying inside with my head low, hoping not to garner anyone's attention.

After turning the car's keys into Shizune, I went directly to Kakashi's office. He smiled as he stood from his desk and watched me close the door behind me.

"Hinata, I'm glad you…." His grin faltered, and he trailed off as I trembled before him, barely holding it together, "What happened?"

It was hard to understand my words as I cried, "I-I-I don't need my boss right now, Kakashi…."

He came around his desk and gently guided me to sit down, sitting at my side, "Alright, I'm listening."

I studied his handsome face and tried to decide whether to tell him the entire truth. If I do, he'll be made aware of Prestige's romantic relationships, which are contractually forbidden. As genuine as his concern may be, I decided to omit those parts because it'd defeat the purpose of what I agreed to in that awful office.

"I need to void my renewal contract."

The man's spine straightened, a look of utter surprise meeting his face. He slowly removed his hand from my shoulder, his eyes falling to his lap as he came up with a response, "Is it because of your health? I'll gladly give you any time off that you need. I'll accommodate any of your needs, Hinata."

I shook my head, falling forward to run my hands through my hair with my elbows on my knees, "I'm getting married in March."

Kakashi responded slowly once more, his voice closer to a whisper, "Should I expect a visit from Sasuke, too, then?"

My spine straightened, and I faced him with wide eyes.

He grinned sheepishly, "I'm not as dumb as I look. I know Sakura and Gaara are dating as well."

"I-If that's true, then why haven't you-" "Because I care about all of you. So long as you kept it hidden from the public, I told myself I'd turn a blind eye."

No wonder he was so lenient when that photo of Sasuke and I hit the tabloids. His smile threatened to widen, and he leaned in slightly as though he was going to tell me a secret, "The fact that you look cute together may have something to do with it, too, but that's off the record." My cheeks warmed, a bittersweet feeling churning in my stomach.

"Here's what I want you to do, Hinata. Go get Sasuke, and the three of us can talk. We'll figure out a way to make this work, alright? I'm not actually going to fire anyone for fraternizing."

The light-hearted mood fell as I was reminded of the truth behind my visit, "I-I'm not marrying Sasuke."

The CEO became stupified but waited in silence for me to elaborate. Since he already knew about us, I told him every detail.

When I was finished explaining, he interlaced his fingers and leaned forward, his gaze on the ground, "You don't want to fight this? There's no way you'd lose if it gets taken to court."

I shook my head, "I-If we do that, they'll release everything. I-I-I can't do that to them, Kakashi. Please just void it."


When we met eyes again, I understood that he wasn't actually okay with accepting defeat but was backing down because that's what I wanted. "Consider it null. You'll continue with Prestige until your contract ends in March. Just know you'll always have a place here if you ever change your mind."

We got to our feet, and I surprised myself by hugging him. He, on the other hand, seemed to have expected it.

"Thank you, Kakashi, for everything."

The CEO patted my back comfortingly, "I'll leave it up to you if you want to announce it to the public before March. You should go tell the others. They've been worried about you."

I pulled back, wiping at the last of my tears as I gathered myself, "Please don't tell them why I'm doing this. If they find out, they might try to do something, and I can't risk ruining their lives, too."

Kakashi frowned but nodded, "If that's what you want."

Itachi was waiting for me outside, and I slid into his passenger seat before any of the paparazzi could identify us. Unsurprisingly, the ride to my house was utterly silent. What was there to say? He did everything he could, but neither of us could best our fathers.

I know he's not in love with me; that's not why he asked me to choose him. Itachi was trying to save me from the other three options. If Obito is anything like how he acts in public behind closed doors, that relationship would be smothering. Aside from the noticeable age gap, Madara seemed similar to Fugaku, meaning he's likely to take what he wants with little regard for others. I'm sure I don't need to elaborate further.

That leaves Toneri, my new fiance. I've only had one conversation with him, but it was enough to know he's adaptable. Who knows if the two very different personalities he showed at the dinner party are who he truly is. His true nature is an enigma. I'll find out soon enough.

During the drive, I realized my phone had turned off and wouldn't turn back on despite being charged. Add that to the long list of problems I'm facing.

My body was trembling with anxiety by the time Itachi pulled into the driveway of Prestige's house. The Uchiha man finally spoke, "I'm sorry that you have to do this, Hinata."

Rather than reply, I exited the car and led the way through the gate and to the front door. As I unlocked the door, it swung open to reveal Sakura, Gaara slightly behind her, with tears in her eyes, "Oh, thank god, Hinata! We've been so worried!"

My pink-haired friend moved to hug me but froze when her eyes landed on the tall man behind me. She stepped back, meeting my eye again, "What's going on?"

Before I could respond, the person I dreaded seeing the most appeared beside Gaara. My breath caught in my throat as I took in his tired appearance. He looked like he hadn't slept since the concert. Dark eyes looked over me almost frantically but widened when they landed on Itachi.

Sasuke cautiously pushed Sakura out of the way to stand in front of me, a glare on his brother, "Why is she with you?" It wasn't jealousy in his tone but dread.

"I-I-I need to tell you all something."

He looked at me, and my heartbeat sped up like it does anytime I'm in his presence. It was unspoken between Itachi and me that I didn't want these three to know the true nature behind my leaving and engagement.

Let them hate me. At least their lives won't be ruined.

The older Uchiha brother interjected, "We should do this inside. Can we come in?"

Sasuke stepped aside but bit back, "This is her home. She doesn't have to ask to come inside."

I gestured for the three of them to sit on the sofa and anxiously stood before them with my hands clasped together. The confession was right on the tip of my tongue, but I struggled to get it out.

An entire minute passed in silence before Itachi spoke softly, "Would you like me to do it?" I looked over at him. He stood against the wall a yard away.

"N-No, I need to-" "Hinata, please tell us what's happening. We're here for you no matter what, but you're acting weird. You're scaring me," Sakura pled. I met her watery green gaze.

And then I just spit it out, "I-I'm not renewing my contract with Evolution."

All three instantly spoke simultaneously on their feet, so I couldn't understand what anyone was saying. I squeezed my eyes closed and raised my voice, "It's done. I already talked to Kakashi."

Sakura stepped around the table, crying freely, "Hinata, what happened? What's going on?" I shied away when she tried to grab my hand. She looked so hurt that it also led to my eyes watering up.

Gaara surprised me by speaking next, "You said you've never been happier than when you joined the agency. Was that a lie?" I tilted my head, meeting his calculating eyes before shaking my head.

"What the fuck did you do?" The room became silent as Sasuke stepped toward Itachi, who stood straighter.

I moved between the two, unable to hold back my tears any longer, "H-He didn't do anything wrong, Sasuke."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me almost roughly out of the way, glaring at his older brother, "It happened, didn't it? The thing you kept warning me about."

Itachi's eyes narrowed, "You're hurting her."

Sasuke's eyes widened, and he looked at me in surprise, releasing my wrist. He gave me an apologetic look before facing his brother again, "So, what is it? What's so bad that even the great Itachi Uchiha couldn't overcome it?"

He was nearly yelling, and if he took a step closer, I was sure the brothers would begin physically fighting. I squeezed my eyes closed and grabbed Sasuke's arm, "Please stop!"

Itachi met my eye, and I shook my head once, signaling I wouldn't tell them about my engagement for now. I should talk to Sasuke one on one.

The younger brother looked at me, and I shook my head, "I promise you, he's only been trying to help us."

His brow furrowed, "Us?" My mouth clamped shut as I realized my mistake.

"Hinata, what do you mean "us"?" Sasuke repeated his question.

As I tried to find my voice, I looked over at Gaara and Sakura, who were both in tears, before returning my gaze to the seething man in front of me.

My courage fled.

I released his arm and stepped back, "I-I'm going to pack a bag, Itachi. Can you wait here?"

The man looked between his younger brother and me, "Are you sure?" I nodded before turning on my heel and going upstairs without another word. All three of my friends watched in disbelief.

Once in my room, I fell into a pit of sobs but forced myself to move. I procured my gym bag and began tossing clothes into it with little regard for what I was grabbing. All I know is I have to get out of here. A hand grabbed my shoulder and forced me to turn around. I knew it was Sasuke even before looking up.

He didn't bother trying to appear unfazed like he had downstairs, "Hinata, talk to me. What's going on?"

All I wanted to do was bury my face in his chest and let his familiar scent and warmth comfort me, but that's the opposite of what I came here to do. I shook off his hand and packed some toiletries and jewelry in the bathroom.

Sasuke followed, "Hinata, stop." The tone that usually stops me in my tracks didn't this time, and it seemed to finally make him snap.

Strong hands wrestled my bag away from me, and he let it fall to the ground before pressing me against the counter, "Tell me why you're doing this."

I knew this would be hard, but I didn't realize how difficult it would be to tell him we don't have a choice but to separate. Despite his rough handling of my bag, his fingers were gentle as he cupped my cheek.

I can't do it. I can't leave him when he's like this.

My tears slowed as I hardened my resolve.

Don't feel it.

Don't feel anything; just do it. Remember why you're doing this.

Say it.

"Sasuke, we can't be together anymore."

-Sasuke's POV-

Everything seemed to come to a standstill as Hinata's words repeated in my mind. Of all the things I thought she'd say, it wasn't that.

"What?" I managed to ask.

What happened? What did I do that made those expressive eyes turn to ice? I've never seen her put a wall up like this. I didn't think she was capable of it.

"I said we can't be together. I'm breaking up with you."

As quickly as everything froze, did it speed back up. Everything felt like it was crashing down around me.

"Hina…." I couldn't form any coherent thoughts as I stared at her.

Her facade shook, but it didn't fall, and she tried to get out of my hold, "Let me go. I'm leaving."

"Don't do this." The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

She wrenched herself away from me and picked up her bag before walking out to the room so she could start packing her laptop.

I followed her, dumbstruck by the situation, "At least tell me why."

Hinata ignored me completely. She opened the door to her room so she could leave, but I grabbed her arm, and she dropped her phone. She didn't even try to pick it back up.

With every ounce of control I had left, I said it; the words I should've said weeks ago, "Hinata, I love you."

She froze, and I watched as she turned, that wall crumbling to dust. I kept trying since she finally listened, "I don't know what I did, but I swear I'll fix it. Just tell me what happened."

The woman tugged her wrist from my grip, grief, and panic in her eyes as she backed away, and then she was hurrying downstairs, away from me.

-Hinata's POV-

Itachi gave me a warning look as I hurried down the stairs and toward him, but I was more concerned with the man whose heart I just broke, who was following me. My arm was grabbed suddenly when I was on the floor level, and I looked at Sakura in surprise.

She was seething angry, "You're getting married? You're leaving us for some guy?"

How did they find out? Oh, God. She said it right in front of Sasuke.

I tore my arm from Sakura's grasp and moved toward Itachi, only to freeze when the man behind me spoke angrily, "Who is it?"

Turning to face him, I recognized the thick wall he'd put up. I haven't seen it like that in over a year.

"Tell me his name. I deserve to know."

Sakura and Gaara looked at him in surprise, but I could only try to make him feel how sorry I was without saying it because using my words would ruin everything. Sasuke came closer slowly, his aura quite intimidating.

I wiped my tears and tried to shove my emotions away like I had upstairs, "Toneri."

No one moved or said a word for a moment, but then the Uchiha man took another step toward me, swiftly grabbing my upper arm when I tried to back away. He hissed in disbelief, "The same Toneri that you got mad at me for not trusting you with?"

Sakura gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth. She'd realized who my secret boyfriend was, without a doubt. Gaara also seemed to figure it out but didn't react as much.

"S-Sasuke, nothing happened between us, I swear. I'd never cheat on you!"

He grabbed my other arm tightly, and I winced as his grip tightened to the point that it was painful, but I was too distracted by the fuming man in front of me to register it, "How do you expect me to believe that when you're giving up everything to fucking be with him?"

My bag fell to the ground, and a slight pained sound left my lips when he tightened his grip further, this time enough so that I couldn't ignore it.

"Let her go, Brother. You're making a big mistake right now." Itachi lay a hand on Sasuke's arm.

His glare turned from me onto his older brother, and I was shoved away. The loud and unmistakable sound of a punch met my ears, and I turned around to see Sasuke had his brother against the wall, Itachi obviously being the one to receive the hit.

"You're angry, I get it, but you need to get under control before someone gets hurt."

I hurried to them, "S-S-Sasuke, stop!" When I touched his arm, he shoved me with one hand, and I lost my balance and fell.

Gaara suddenly stepped in, pulling Sasuke off of Itachi, "Stop and think about this rationally, man. There's obviously something else going on."

The younger Uchiha brother glared down at me as Itachi grabbed my bag before offering me a hand so I could get to my feet, "You really had me fooled."

I could only stare, tears running down my face, as Sasuke continued, "Fuck you. I wish I never met you. " Without another word, he pulled himself from Gaara's hold and angrily went upstairs.

Gaara followed him, but Sakura waved her hands frantically, "H-He didn't mean that, Hinata. He's just upset."

Itachi grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as I stared wide-eyed at the staircase where Sasuke had disappeared.

Sakura continued awkwardly, "Um, text me so I know you're safe, okay? We'll all talk after everyone's had a chance to cool down."

The front door closed behind us.

-Sasuke's POV-

"Sasuke, stop, man! Do you even know what you just said?" Gaara was following me upstairs. When I tried to close my door, he shoved his way in with a dark expression.

The world around me was coated with red and shaky. The anger in my veins was more robust than ever before. I need something strong to drink and something to take my frustration out on.

"Get the fuck away from me right now," I warned Gaara.

Footsteps came from outside the room, and Sakura stood beside her boyfriend, "It was you all along! You're Hinata's-" "Not anymore, I'm not."

Gaara ignored me, "There's something they're not telling us. Did you see her? She doesn't want any of this."

Sakura nodded, wiping her tears, "Hinata wouldn't give up everything she cares about for someone like Toneri. She doesn't even like him. She told me herself."

"She obviously lied; she's fucking marrying the prick."

Gaara's glare hardened further, "What's wrong with you? This is Hinata we're talking about. She'd never do something this drastic without a good reason."

My rage flared, and I scoffed, "I wonder who else she's been seeing behind my back."

A swift sting came across my face, and my eyes shot open to see Sakura's hand was still raised. I lifted a hand to my cheek, bristling, "Get. out."

Sakura pulled her arm from Gaara's grasp, who was trying to pull her behind him, "I know you're hurting right now, but you went too far, Sasuke! Hinata loves you, and you know it. Be pissed. Hate me for all I care, but I won't stand here and listen to you talk bad about her."

The boiling in my blood began to simmer as Sakura continued yelling with a red face, "Something bad obviously happened, and instead of opening your eyes, you said that. Did you see her face, Sasuke? You just destroyed her!"

Gaara grabbed her hand, but she huffed with a glare before turning her face to the ground to breathe deeper.

The redheaded man was more composed when he spoke, "Your brother's somehow involved; we all know that but what else is there? We need to figure this out as quickly as possible."

As my anger continued to dissipate, I began to recall what I said and did to Hinata. When I heard she was engaged, it was like a switch was flipped.

My chest tightened as I pictured the scared look on her face when I shoved her. I…. I laid my hands on her.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Gaara's right. The signs were there if I'd kept my cool and paid attention. From the moment Hinata stepped foot in the house, she looked heartbroken. She was visually defeated.

My limbs began to feel shaky as guilt flooded my stomach, making me nauseous. I backed away and sat lifelessly on the edge of the bed, my head in my hands.

"In Suna, she told me her father asked to meet after the tour. Do you think that might be related?"

Tears stung my eyes as I stared wide-eyed at the carpet. My voice cracked, "She really left." I sensed the other two look at me but could only focus on my thoughts of Hinata. The tightness in my chest was only getting worse by the minute. It feels like I'm suffocating.

"I'm calling Neji. Maybe he knows something," Sakura muttered before leaving the room.

It was silent momentarily, but then I felt someone lay a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged Gaara off, "Don't."

He removed his hand but surprised me by saying, "Do you remember what I said when you asked me how I knew I loved Sakura?"

Slowly, I sat up and met his eye. When I couldn't speak, the redhead repeated the words he'd drunkenly offered back then, "I said I'd do anything for her, even if that means giving up my career."

Shaking my head, I argued, "No. She wouldn't do that. She knows I wouldn't want her to."

Sakura interrupted us by rushing back into the room, her face pale. Gaara and I stood, waiting for her to deliver the news of what Neji had to say.

"He couldn't give specifics but said he was only made aware of the situation a few hours ago and that there's nothing we can do to save her."

Her green eyes watered, her voice cracking, "He said we can't save her. That means she's in trouble. Baby…."

Gaara rose and hugged her so she could cry into his shirt. He gave me a stern glare, but it wasn't caused by me this time, "Do you know anyone close to your father who would tell us the truth? Itachi and Neji obviously can't."

This new information encouraged my regret and angst to take a backburner, "No. I'm going to the source." If my father's involved, which I'm sure he is, I want to hear it from him. I want him to look me in the eye and admit what he's done.

"Just don't lose your cool like you did with Hinata, okay? You can't help anyone if you're in jail."

So, those two decided to go to the agency to find out if Kakashi was told anything since Hinata said she'd already spoken with him. I left immediately to drive to my family's compound.

Even if Hinata hates me for how I treated her earlier, I can't and won't sit back and let her go through this alone. Sakura was right when she said that I know Hinata loves me. I do know that. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had to put up that goddamned wall when she broke up with me.

I angrily hit the steering wheel with my palm, cursing. It probably broke her heart to say those things to me, but I was too focused on my own emotions.

It was my intention to go directly to Fugaku's office upon arriving, but I ran into Itachi in one of the hallways that led to it. He noticed me when I did him and immediately shoved me against the wall with a glare, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have security remove you from the building." His jaw was sporting a nasty bruise from when I punched him earlier.

I searched his face, feeling as defeated as Hinata looked earlier rather than angry. Itachi was genuinely upset, meaning he'd been keeping his composure for Hinata's sake earlier, something I didn't do.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a man, little brother. Do you understand what you've done?"

My jaw flexed, but I simply glared at him instead of trying to get his hands off me, "Is she okay?"

Itachi's teeth grit, and he released my shirt with a look of disbelief. I thought he would insult me again, but instead, he reared back his fist and hit me just as hard as I had him earlier in the day.

And I took it.

Fixing my posture after having stumbled due to the force he'd put into the punch, I met Itachi's eye again. That's when he finally began talking.

"Our mother didn't raise you to treat women that way. It's taking every bit of my self-control not to hit you again."

His words struck a chord.

"This has nothing to do with Mom. Don't bring her up," I hissed.

Itachi's eyes narrowed, "It does. You're scared because you're losing her just like you lost Mom. That's why you acted like that."

Despite my surprise, he continued, "Worry not, little brother. I'm sure Hinata will have an easier time overcoming her grief after your display of immaturity."

We glared at one another silently for a long time before he acted disgusted, "That's not true, of course. When I left her, she was inconsolable."

My brow furrowed as the guilt from earlier ate at my chest again.

"Even if her predicament isn't your fault, there's no one to blame but yourself for that."

I couldn't find the words because everything he said was true. Hinata's never going to forgive me, and I don't blame her, but I have to apologize.

Itachi sneered, "You don't deserve it, but I'll give you a piece of advice; I pray you'll listen for once. Go home. Entering that office will only make things worse." He offered one last glare before turning and continuing down the hall.

"Where is she?"

He shook his head, turning to offer a look that said he was surprised by my audacity, "If she wanted you to know, you would." Then he was gone.

I looked down the hall in the direction of Fugaku's office and sighed before turning to head back to the exit. Not listening to Itachi is what got us in this situation, to begin with. The least I can do is heed this one warning.

As the butler handed me my jacket at the front door, he said sadly, "Young master, I'm sorry things have ended up this way for you."

When I gave him a glare, he sighed, "I understand you must be angry after seeing what they did to that poor girl. If those photos get out, she'll never be able to show her face in public again."

My eyes narrowed, "And which photos are you referring to exactly?"

The older man looked confused, "They're all bad, but the ones where she was unclothed are far worse, of course. Did you not see them in your father's office just now?"

Unclothed? Unclothed! They…!

Breathe Sasuke. Get the fuck out of here before you do something you'll regret.

Without another word, I turned and left. I will fix this, and when I do, I'll make sure everyone involved never sees the light of day again.

When I returned to the house, Sakura and Gaara announced that Kakashi had sworn to secrecy with Hinata. Apparently, he would only say that we should do everything we can to treat her well for the remainder of her contract.

Feeling drained, I trudged upstairs. Her door was still open. My teeth gritted as I knelt down to pick up her forgotten cell phone. She'd dropped it when I was trying to stop her from leaving.

I took in the state of her bedroom, feeling hollow. A couple drawers in her dresser were half open, and clothing spilled messily onto the floor. The same goes for her closet. She was in such a rush to leave that she didn't bother cleaning up. Robotically, I put everything back in place before heading toward my bedroom through the bathroom.

Something caught my eye on the counter. I froze, staring at the jewelry box knocked open on its side atop the counter. Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and faced the door to my room again, but then a thought I couldn't ignore crossed my mind. I picked up and organized the jewelry box, confirming my suspicion and making me feel more guilty.

She only took two things from that box: the earrings Gaara gave her for Christmas and the necklace I gave her for her birthday.

Stone-faced and suffering, she grabbed the things that meant the most. The device in my hand vibrated, interrupting my inner turmoil, and I looked at the screen. It was locked by a passcode, but I could still see the first half of each notification. The one that just came up was a virtual receipt for a hotel. My heartbeat quickened as I realized I might be able to locate where she was staying, but the device wouldn't let me do anything without her passcode.

I took a quick shower before crawling into bed and beginning to try different codes. It was numerical, whatever it was, but it didn't say how many numbers were in it. I tried a few before receiving a black screen that said the phone would lock for twelve hours because I'd guessed wrong so many times.

Feeling as irritated as I was depressed, I sat the device on my nightstand and rolled over. Even if I'm exhausted, I know the rest I'll get won't be good because Hinata's soft skin wasn't against me. Her hair wasn't on my pillow. I stared at her side of the bed before groaning and pulling the pillow into my arms.

Tears welled in my eyes when I realized it smelled strongly of her shampoo.

As dumb and useless as it was, I spoke into the pillow as though she'd somehow hear me, "I'm sorry."