Omni System 1: Status Window Info & System Info

Sen's smile broadened, 'So that's how it works, did the creator of the system take any inspiration from "The Gamer", that gamer system Manwha from my old world? It must have gone through my memories, so it's capable of reading my mind, I'd expect nothing less of an all powerful system."

{Correct! Han Jihan's system from "The Gamer" had some suitable functionality, so some of it was integrated into the Omni System.}

'So you are not just a mindless system, that's nice to know. Tell me System, would there be any chance of finding out how I received this system, or is that information unavailable to me right now?'

Sen continued to chop the onions, he didn't want Martha to think that he was slacking off, so he kept going with what he was doing, albeit a little slower. This was all very good to know, but he would go over all of the system's functionality after finishing dinner. 'System, would it be possible to mute all system notifications until after 8 PM? Unless something urgent comes up, I don't want to be disturbed!'

{Certainly, all system notifications will now be muted until the specified time, unless something urgent comes up. As for your previous question, all I can tell you is that you were the only suitable candidate, you will learn more when you are ready.}

'Thank you system.'

{You're welcome host!} (A/N: The system will conform to the user's language preferences, for example; slang, you're over you are, detailed or concise, etc. On another note, there will be more spacing between system messages & notifications; and regular narrative text, dialogue, and inner thoughts. Otherwise, it will just look messy, that's it for this super-long author's note!)

Sen continued to make dinner; he finely chopped the onions, before putting down on the... rune-powered induction hob? He set it to the boosted setting after filling it with about 2 litres of cold water (A/N: Induction hobs have numbers 1-9, then boosted, which is good for quickly boiling water, please try this recipe yourselves, I can guarantee that it's delicious :D, there will be no more shameless promotion of my own cooking after this), and filled the kettle with more water until it reached the limit (6 cups). After the water in the kettle had boiled, he poured it into the pan, as a result of this; the water in the pan only took a couple of minutes to come to the boil again. He then poured around 250g of Wholemeal pasta into the boiling water, the water once again took merely moments to boil again. Once it was done, he set it back to the "8" setting, and set a timer for 13 minutes. After that, he pulled out a large frying pan (A/N: Skillet for all of you in the US), poured a generous amount of olive oil, and turned on the bottom-left side of the hob and set it to "7". After waiting for the oil to heat up, he dropped the finely chopped onions into the hot oil. After 2 minutes of frying and occasional stirring, he added the sliced courgettes as well. After stirring for a bit, he turned down the heat to "6", and then got out two small cans of tuna. He then used the... rune-powered tin opener? 'Seriously, this is getting ridiculous!'

The lids both popped off instantaneously after placing the contraption on top of each one. 'Leagues better than that rusty old thing I had back on old Earth.'

After around 10 minutes in total, the courgettes and onions were sufficient cooked. Sen added the tuna to the mix, stirred them in, then turned the heat setting all the way down to "3". The tuna was already pre-cooked, so there was no need to cook it anymore. 2 minutes later, the timer went off, he stopped it and then used a long spoon to try a bit of the pasta. It was perfectly cooked, so he turned off the hob, separated the water and pasta using a Sieve. Finally, he poured the mix of Courgettes, onion, and tuna into the pan filled with pasta, and mixed everything together. He then added some salt, pepper, and spices and mixed them in too (A/N: Chilli Powder/Mild Chilli Powder, Cayenne Powder, Cumin, Za'atar). He then served a generous portion onto two plates, and carried them over to the table where Martha was waiting. She had already put out the cutlery, she looked pleasantly surprised by what he'd prepared, 'Is this really my Sen? This smells fantastic!'

After tasting it, her eyes lit up, "Sen! This is is delicious? You'd better not tell me that you've been hiding this skill from me."

The two of them continued to talk with each other as they enjoyed the meal, Martha then insisted on cleaning up afterwards, despite Sen's numerous protests, she then kissed him lightly on the cheek (much to his surprise, and no small amount of delight either).

"Sen, that was amazing, I'll have to treat you to something at some point, but I have to go on my night-shift now, Ernesto really needs my help with dealing with the newbies at the guild, I'll see you some time tomorrow, if I can get done with those rookies on time that is."

Sen then remembered Martha telling him about the guild during their walk in town. She was the Founder and current Guild-master of the 'Mooncry' guild, and rightfully so. Martha was one of the Jinto system's few Diamond-tier hunters. To put that into perspective, she had explained how the hunter system worked. Starting from the lowest of the low, Bronze-tier, this tier comprised of the weakest ranked hunters (G - D Rank Hunters). This was followed by Silver-tier (D+ - B Rank Hunters), Gold-tier (B+ - A++ Ranked Hunters), Platinum-tier (A* - SS+ Ranked Hunters), and finally Diamond-tier (SSS and beyond).

(A/N: Yes, an overpowered female character, there will probably be a few of those)

They both said goodbye to each other, and Martha left after changing into her hunter's uniform, which was a whole lot less revealing than Sen had expected, much to his relief. Only her heavily-muscled arms were exposed (A/N: Not bodybuilder muscles, don't worry...). Now that Martha was out of the house, this gave Sen ample time to figure out the ins and outs of his system without her giving him anymore suspicious glances. He knew that this system would probably function in the way he was expecting it to, but with a name like the "Omni System", there were bound to be a few differences. 'Status', he envisioned the word in his mind, hoping that this would work and he hadn't made a fool of himself. He breathed a sigh of relief as his status window popped up.

Name: Sen Direndal

HP: 300/300 ⓘ

MP: 175/175


Stamina remaining: 100/100

Level: 1 (8/25) ⓘ

Rank: H (Non-awakened)

Stats: ⓘ

STR: 3

PHY: 4

AGI: 2

DEX: 3

INT: 7

WIS: 5

VIT: 4 (base value) ⓘ

END: 3

STA: 5

Stat Points: 0

Secret Stats: ⓘ


CHA: 45






Active: [Inventory LVL 1], [Status LVL 3], [Settings LVL 2], [Recipe Book LVL 1]

Passive: [Chopping (Culinary) LVL 2], [Cooking (Culinary) LVL 3], [Slicing (Culinary) LVL 3], [Sleeping Recovery LVL MAX]

< 1 >

'Pretty standard system, there seems to be an information symbol.'

He tried tapping the ⓘ next to his HP amount and a new information window popped up separately from the status window.

{HP: How many hit points you have, if this amount reaches "0" for any reason, you will die. The only scenario that will prevent you from dying at this stage would be a skill that saves you from death in some way. HP Regen Rate: 1/Min. HP Formula: (VIT x 25) x (STR) x (Level), HP Regen Rate Formula: (VIT x 0.25).}

{MP: How many Mana Points you currently have, this will deplete when you use any magic related Active skills. If this number reaches "0", then you will be unable to circulate or use magic in any way until it regenerates. MP Regen Rate: 1/Min. MP Regen Rate Formula: Wisdom x 0.2, MP Formula: (INT) x 25 x (Level)}

{SP: How many Spiritual Points you have. This stat will remain locked until you unlock the SPI Secret Stat. More information will be unlocked upon doing so.}

'Well that's pretty easy to understand. Let's see the next one,'

He then tapped on the ⓘ next to his Level and EXP amount, at least that's what he assumed it was. Just like the first time, a window popped up again displaying the appropriate information. (A/N: This is the last time I will repeat "a window popped up again", otherwise it'll get very repetitive)

{Level: 1 (8/25): Your current level, as well as your current accumulated Experience Points out of the required amount to reach Level 2. Every time you reach a milestone ⓘ, you will unlock a new part of the system. Once a new part of the system is unlocked, it will appear in your Status Window. Your experience points will increase by 1 every time a skill levels up, this number can be increased by... More information will be unlocked after increasing a skill beyond Level 10.}

{Rank: H (Non-awakened): Your current rank, as you are not yet an awakened being yet, your rank is listed below the lowest ranking of the Awakened Ranking standards. Rank H is just a system classification. In Centropai, you would be classified as a regular civilian, regular civilians take up more than 70% of this world's population, but only takes up around 30% of the known. Your rank can be increased by bringing all of your stats past a certain threshold (this does not include secret stats until a later rank). More Information will be unlocked after reaching Level 500.}

Sen then closed that window. 'Very useful information, it's very clear that there are some requirements for acquiring more information, some are definitely within reach, while others are still a long way away.'

'Now for that long list of stats', he brought up the appropriate window.

{Stats: A numerical value that represents your physical, mental, and spiritual attributes. Each increase will result in a percentage increase over the previous value. For example: 1 STR = 10 KG Lifting, 80N (Newtons) Attack Force; 2 STR = 2% increase over 1 STR (10 x 1.01 = 10.1, 80 x 1.01 = 80.8); 3 STR = 2% increase over 2 STR; and so on.}

{STR: Strength stat. It determines your raw power and affects their melee attack damage, carrying capacity, and the ability to overpower or physically dominate opponents. Those with high strength values are usually adept at dealing heavy blows, wielding powerful weapons, and performing feats of brute force.}

{PHY: Physique stat. The Physique stat is more comprehensive and takes into account your overall physical prowess. It influences various aspects such as health, endurance, resistance to damage, and physical skills. Physique reflects a character's overall physical fitness and their ability to endure extended battles, withstand physical strain, and participate in physically demanding activities beyond just pure strength.

Bearing all of this in mind, it is very important that your PHY stat is >= STR, if your STR is > PHY, then there will be minor to major consequences. Minor consequences can be solved with your [Natural Regeneration] skill, whilst major consequences require the evolved form of that skill. However, Bone Fractures can be healed with [Natural Regeneration] but it will be much slower. Whilst [Sleeping Recovery] can also fix major issues, it will require several nights work of sleep, sometimes more than a week.

Major consequences:

- Muscle Strain or Tears

- Bone Fractures

- Joint Injuries

- Overuse Injuries

- Cardiovascular Issues (Minor or major)

Minor consequences:

- General Fatigue

- Exhaustion}

{AGI: Agility Stat. It influences a character's ability to dodge or evade attacks, perform agile manoeuvres, act quickly in combat, and excel in skills that require precision and dexterity. Those with high Agility values may be proficient in ranged combat, stealth, acrobatics, or other actions that rely on swift and precise movements.}

{DEX: Dexterity Stat. It affects a character's accuracy with ranged weapons, their ability to perform intricate tasks, and their overall finesse. High Dexterity values can grant you increased accuracy, faster attack speed, improved accuracy with ranged weapons, and proficiency in skills such as sleight of hand or craftsmanship.}

{INT: Intelligence Stat. Intelligence represents your mental capacity, knowledge, and problem-solving skills. Those with high Intelligence values excel in spellcasting and technical skills. They are quick thinkers, adept at strategizing, and possess a wide range of knowledge. In non-system terms, intelligence refers to cognitive abilities, critical thinking skills, and the capacity for acquiring and applying knowledge. It encompasses logical thinking, memory, learning capability, and the ability to analyse and process information.}

{WIS: Wisdom represents your perceptiveness, intuition, and practical knowledge gained through experience. Those with high Wisdom values exhibit keen perception, insight, and the ability to resist magical or mental influences. They may excel in areas such as insight into others' motives, or resistance against deception.

In non-system terms, wisdom involves the application of knowledge effectively, good judgment, and a deep understanding of human nature, ethics, and life's complexities.}

{END: Endurance Stat. Endurance represents your ability to withstand physical strain, resist fatigue, and endure challenging conditions. Those with high Endurance values have greater stamina, allowing them to participate in prolonged battles, withstand damage, and engage in physically demanding tasks. Endurance also contributes to a character's overall health and resilience.

In non-system terms, endurance refers to the capacity to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort, such as engaging in rigorous exercise or enduring challenging circumstances without exhaustion.}

STA: Stamina stat. Stamina refers to your physical energy reserves and their ability to sustain physical activity over time. Those with high Stamina values possess increased energy and can perform continuous physical actions without tiring quickly. They excel in activities that require long-lasting effort, such as long-distance running or extended combat engagements.

In non-system terms, stamina relates to an individual's physical fitness and the ability to sustain prolonged physical exertion, whether it be through cardiovascular endurance or muscular endurance.}

'WOW! I was expecting something like this, but this information is great, especially the format it's presented in.'

Sen then opened the information on Secret Stats.

{Secret Stats: All of these will be displayed, but the methods for unlocking them will be revealed once you unlock each stat, but each stat will have a detailed explanation, despite not being unlocked yet. Currently, you have unlocked 1 Secret Stat (Charisma)}

{PER: (LOCKED): Perception Stat. Perception represents your ability to observe and interpret your surroundings. Those with high Perception values have a keen eye for detail, noticing hidden objects, traps, or subtle clues that others might miss. Perception enhances their awareness and allows them to navigate the world around them with greater insight. In non-system terms, perception refers to one's sensory awareness and the ability to notice and interpret information from the environment accurately.}

{CHA: Charisma Stat. Charisma reflects your overall charm, persuasiveness, and ability to influence others. Those with high Charisma values excel in social interactions, negotiations, and leadership roles. Their charisma enables them to sway opinions, gather followers, and achieve favourable outcomes in conversations or diplomatic encounters. In non-system terms, charisma pertains to one's personal magnetism, confidence, and the ability to connect with and inspire others.

The Luck stat is unlocked in the event that a fortuitous encounter or occasion occurs in your life, in your case, it was unlocked by default, due to you marrying one of the most important individuals in the Jinto System, which is why your charisma stat is so high by default. Increasing this stat value will become exponentially more difficult, the higher it is.

This is because each increase requires an encounter that eclipses the previous one, and with each percentage increase being greater than the last, it'll get more challenging very quickly.}

{LUK: Luck Stat. Luck represents the element of chance or fortune in your actions or outcomes. Those with high Luck values may experience favourable outcomes, critical hits, or fortuitous events more frequently. Luck can influence random events, loot drops, or critical success rates, adding an unpredictable element to every experience you partake in.

In non-system terms, luck refers to chance or random occurrences that can affect outcomes, often beyond an individual's control.}

{FORT: Fortitude Stat. Fortitude represents your mental and physical resilience. Those with high Fortitude values can endure hardship, resist mental or physical attacks, and recover more effectively from negative effects or status ailments. Fortitude enhances your durability and ability to withstand adversity. In real life, fortitude refers to mental and emotional strength, as well as physical toughness and resilience in the face of challenges or hardships.}

{DTY: Dignity Stat. Dignity represents your poise, self-confidence, and adherence to personal principles or codes of conduct. Those with high Dignity values exude a sense of honour, integrity, and grace. Their dignified demeanour can influence how others perceive and interact with them. Dignity often affects diplomatic encounters, social status, or the ability to maintain composure in difficult situations. In non-system terms, dignity relates to self-respect, moral values, and the way one carries themselves.}

{SPI: Spirit Stat. the Spirit stat represents your spiritual energy, inner power, and connection to the metaphysical realm. It reflects your ability to harness and cultivate Qi (life force) and tap into higher levels of consciousness and spiritual abilities. Those with high Spirit values possess a strong spiritual foundation, allowing them to perform advanced techniques, manipulate energy, and gain insights into the mystical aspects of the world around them.}

'Another standing ovation from me, inside my head of course.'

{System notifications are no longer muted! As a result of reading a rather substantial amount of information, a memory related skill has been generated! [Scan (Memory) LVL MAX] was successfully generated!}

'I think I have an idea of what that skill might entail, I'll have a look at all my skills, as well as Skills as a whole after asking you this question. Considering the concept of an "Omni System", what is the overall purpose of this system? I know that some information is restricted right now, I just want to know what is currently available to me now.'

{Of course! The Omni System's overall purpose is to provide the user with an unlimited array of powers, skills, and items at his disposal. Its goal is to ensure that the host will transcend the limits what is thought to be possible in your Universe. Of course, this will naturally take a long time, the system was designed to accelerate your progress as much as possible without overloading your body. Too much power at once will corrupt or destroy anybody, no matter what kind of skills are given out by the system. To learn more information, please reach Level 300 first.}

'I see now, that makes sense, alright! Now that I have satisfied my curiosity, it's time to take a look at those skills.'

This chapter is split into two parts!