Omni System 2: Skills; Passive/Active; Locked Features!

Welcome to part 2! This part will not be nearly as long as Part 1.

Sen quickly closed the Secret Stats information page before thinking of the word 'skills', immediately, a more detailed view of his various skills popped up.

[Chopping (Culinary, Passive) LVL 2]: Chopping speed increased by 4% when chopping any kind of food.

[Cooking (Culinary, Passive) LVL 3]: All food cooked by you is 6% tastier.

[Slicing (Culinary, Passive) LVL 3]: Slicing speed increased by 6% when slicing any kind of food.

[Sleeping Recovery (Passive) LVL MAX]: All severe injuries, along with status ailments and debuffs are cured with a good night's sleep. More severe/permanent injuries take many more nights of sleep to completely recover from.

[Inventory (Active) LVL 1]: Opens your inventory, you currently have one row of 9 slots available. Each slot is also upgradeable. Each slot is a separate 1m x 1m x 1m cube, in which you can store as much of 1 type of item that the subspace allows. Each Inventory skill Level Up will add another row of slots. Each Slot Upgrade will increase the length, width, and height of the cube by 1.

[Status (Active) LVL 3]: Opens your status window. You must reach the first Level Milestone to unlock more information.

[Recipe Book (Culinary, Active) LVL 1]: Opens your current list of cooking recipes. It currently contains 1 recipe.

[Settings (Active) LVL 1]: Opens the settings page of the Omni System. You must reach the first Level Milestone to unlock more information.


'Good, that's all great, I must have a look through the settings after looking at the explanation for skills, I have a good idea of what it will contain but it's also fun reading the System's Info pages.'

Sen opened the information page for Skills, after closing the previous one.


{Active: Active skills are abilities or techniques that require specific activation, they can be activated using voice or thought commands. These skills often have cooldown periods or resource costs associated with their usage. Active skills can encompass a wide range of actions, such as offensive spells, weapon techniques, healing abilities, utility skills, or special manoeuvres. They can be tailored to various combat styles, support roles, or exploration needs within the world. Active skills give you a wide array of options to overcome challenges or engage in strategic combat.}

{Active skill example:

[Whirlwind Strike (Active)]: Unleashes a spinning attack, striking multiple enemies within a radius of 2.5m, Cost: 10 MP, Cooldown: 30 Seconds.}

{Passive: Passive skills are abilities or traits that provide ongoing benefits or enhancements to yourself without requiring direct activation. These skills typically have a permanent/long-lasting effect, and provide passive bonuses or effects that affect various aspects of your abilities or attributes.

Passive skills can boost attributes such as strength, agility, or intelligence; increase resistance to certain types of damage, improve critical hit chances, or provide bonuses to specific types of actions or abilities. Passive skills allow you to specialise in certain areas, providing long-term benefits that augment your overall capabilities.}

{Passive skill example:

[Divine Empowerment (Passive)]: Divine Empowerment enhances your magical abilities, increasing spellcasting damage by 15% and reducing the cooldown of all magic related skills by 20%.}

'Great descriptions! Those examples are good too, System, are both of those existing skills that I can obtain?'


'That's great! Are there any other features of the system that I will unlock, please tell me about them if you can.'

{Due to the host's curiosity about the system's features, an information page containing details of two other features that will be unlocked at LVL 5 and LVL 25.}

'Wow! Ok then... 'Status', 'Next Page'. Sure enough, on the next page, a new "Locked Features" option with an ⓘ symbol next it, both appeared there. He then opened that page.

{Quests (Locked, unlocked at LVL 5): Within this system, quests are a way to provide structure, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth and achievement. Quests can be categorised into different types based on their nature and purpose. This categorization includes Daily Quests, which refresh daily and offer recurring challenges and rewards; Compulsory Quests, which are essential for advancing the main storyline ⓘ; and Optional Quests, which are additional tasks you can choose to undertake for additional rewards.

In quests, you will typically be assigned specific goals to achieve. These goals can involve various activities; such as exploration, combat, puzzle-solving, gathering resources, interacting with the various individuals you encounter in your daily life, or completing specific tasks. Quests materialise as pivotal moments, intertwining the journey with significant encounters, heartfelt conversations, and meticulously orchestrated events. These quests illuminate the fabric of the storyline , revealing the profound impact of actions and their intrinsic connection to the unfolding events.}

{Shop (Locked, unlocked at LVL 25): The shop plays a vital role in your journey. Within this shop, a wide array of items, skill books, and other powers are available, allowing you to enhance your abilities and progress further in any world. Some skill books contain multiple active skills, so the skill cooldowns & resource costs will be revealed after purchasing them.}

{Here's a detailed explanation, along with examples, of the different rarities and the types of items and skill books found within the shop:


Common: Common items and skill books are widely available and serve as basic enhancements for your abilities. They provide modest boosts or introduce foundational knowledge to expand your skill set.

Example Common Item: Iron Sword - A sturdy and reliable weapon, slightly improving your melee damage.

Example Common Skill Book: Novice Fireball - Teaches you the basics of conjuring and launching small fireballs, enabling you to perform simple fire-based attacks.

Uncommon: Uncommon items and skill books offer more substantial upgrades or introduce specialized techniques that are less commonly known. They grant you unique advantages and open up new avenues for your growth.

Example Uncommon Item: Swift Boots - Footwear that enhances your movement speed by 5%, allowing for quick and agile manoeuvres in combat or exploration.

Example Uncommon Skill Book: Adept Stealth - Teaches advanced techniques of stealth and invisibility, enabling you to move silently and remain undetected by enemies.

Rare: Rare items and skill books possess exceptional qualities and provide significant enhancements to your capabilities. They are sought-after treasures that grant access to potent abilities or rare elements and techniques.

Example Rare Item: Amulet of Elemental Mastery - Enhances your control over elemental magic by 10%, increasing your elemental damage and unlocking advanced elemental spells.

Example Rare Skill Book: Master Archer's Technique - Unlocks the secrets of precision archery, empowering you with unparalleled accuracy and long-range shooting prowess.

Epic: Epic items and skill books are revered for their immense power and rarity. They bestow you with extraordinary abilities, often unique to your class or power system, and are coveted by adventurers and scholars alike.

Example Epic Item: Blade of Eternal Frost - A legendary weapon forged with ancient ice magic, capable of freezing enemies and dealing devastating cold damage.

Example Epic Skill Book: Arcane Time Manipulation - Unleashes the manipulation of temporal energies, allowing you to briefly alter time to your advantage, such as slowing down opponents or hastening your own actions. Cooldown: 1 hour. Resource Cost: 100 MP/Spellcast. Uses per activation: 5.

Legendary: Legendary items and skill books are the stuff of legends, renowned for their unrivalled power and significance. They grant you access to abilities that can shape the fate of battles or alter the course of the story.

Example Legendary Item: Dragonheart Shield - A mystical shield infused with the essence of a legendary dragon, providing exceptional defense and the ability to absorb and unleash dragon-fire.

Example Legendary Skill Book: Divine Healing Arts - Unlocks the profound healing abilities of ancient divine beings, enabling you to heal even the most grievous wounds and cure ailments. Cooldown: 1 day. Resource Cost: 5k MP.

Mythical: Mythical items and skill books transcend ordinary boundaries, granting you access to abilities beyond mortal comprehension. They represent the pinnacle of power, often associated with ancient legends and mythical beings.

Example Mythical Item: Phoenix Feather Cloak - A legendary cloak imbued with the essence of the phoenix, granting you the power of rebirth, restoring health and granting temporary invulnerability upon death.

Example Mythical Skill Book: Celestial Summoning - Allows you to summon powerful celestial entities to aid you in battle, harnessing their divine energies to devastating effect. Cooldown: 1 week. Resource Cost: 25k MP.

Divine: Divine items and skill books embody the essence of the divine realm. They are exceedingly rare and bestow god-like abilities upon you, granting immense power and authority over the forces of the world.

Example Divine Item: Staff of Creation - A staff said to be crafted by the gods themselves, capable of shaping reality and manipulating the elements with immense power.

Example Divine Skill Book: Primordial Mastery - Unleashes the ancient secrets of primordial magic, enabling you to tap into the raw elemental forces of creation and destruction. Cooldown: 1 month. Resource Cost: 150k Mana points.

Ultimate: Ultimate items and skill books are unparalleled in their potency and represent the epitome of power within the realm. They are exceedingly rare, with abilities and attributes that defy conventional limits.

Example Ultimate Item: Gauntlets of Omniscience - Bestows the wearer with all-knowing insight, enhancing your perception, intuition, and granting you unparalleled knowledge in various domains.

Example Ultimate Skill Book: Void Manipulation - Allows you to harness the power of the void, warping reality, and manipulating space-time itself to your will. Cooldown: 4 Months. Resource Cost: 10M Mana points.

Unique: Unique items and skill books are singular, one-of-a-kind treasures that possess extraordinary powers and properties. They are fabled artifacts, each with a rich history and often tied to pivotal moments in the world's lore.

Example Unique Item: Soul-Render Blade - Forged from the heart of a fallen star and infused with ancient souls, this legendary sword possesses the ability to sever the very essence of its target, rendering them vulnerable and draining their life force upon each strike.

Example Unique Skill Book: Forbidden Incantations of the Celestial Sages - Containing inscrutable spells inscribed by the celestial sages themselves, this ancient skill book grants you access to unparalleled celestial magic, allowing you to command cosmic forces and shape reality itself.

The shop within the Omni System offers a diverse range of items and skill books, with each rarity providing unique advantages and abilities. These treasures become vital tools in your quest, enabling you to overcome formidable challenges, unlock new powers, and unravel the secrets of the world. Some of the high rarity Skill Books will have lower or greater cooldowns or can be used multiple times before the cooldown period begins.

LOCKED! Reach the first Level Milestone to unlock more information

LOCKED! Reach the second Level Milestone to unlock more information.}

'For features that aren't available to me, that's a lot of information, I thought that higher rarities would be Locked since I probably can't use most of those items for Skill Books.'

{The example skill books are there to give the host some motivation to work as hard as they can to get to that point!}

'That does make sense, let's look at the information for Milestones, they seem important.'

{Milestones: Level Milestones are significant points in your progression that mark your journey and growth within the Multiverse (More information will be unlocked after reaching Level Milestone 8). Each Level Milestone signifies a significant accomplishment and unlocks new information, opportunities, and various rewards.}

Level Milestone 1: Level 100 (Locked)











'That's good, that's more or less what I expected, but it was good to confirm this information.'

Sen thought about what else he might ask the system, but after a moment, he had his answer.

'System, can you give me a a brief history of this world with key events and dates. I want it to start from the point where it started to converge from my Earth's timeline?'

That's it for that two-parter, that ended up being a lot more difficult than I thought. I ended up having to do some research into certain aspects in order to get the right information. Both parts ended up being a lot longer than I expected! There are 2 more chapters to go in this mass release.