Increasing Stats, First Level Up

At that moment, Sen's phone buzzed, he quickly checked it to see what kind of notification he had received. It was a voice message from Martha:

"Hey Sen, it seems that I'll be kept busy for quite a while now, I may be gone for up to a month! I'll be keeping the newbies safe in a new low-level rift that just opened. The monsters are aggressive, G-E Rank Monsters only. Sorry to drop this on you like this, I'll see you soon. Love you, bye!"

'A MONTH? Oh yeah, she did mention that she sometimes goes on long excursions with the guild sometimes. That gives me plenty of time to Awaken my powers, the only way to do that at the moment is by raising my stat values, acquiring new skills, and levelling up my existing skills. System, when will I unlock my first ability?'

{The Host will unlock the first ability at Level 3.}

'That's not so bad, from now on, stop referring to me as "The Host", I'm right here you know!'

{Updating language preferences... DONE!}

'Thank you.'

{You're welcome!}

'Now that's out of the way, it's time to start increasing my stats. System, please generate a HIIT routine with my status information in mind.'

{Of course, GENERATING... DONE!}


Spend 3-5 minutes doing light cardio exercises such as jogging in place, marching, or jumping jacks. Follow it up with dynamic stretches, including arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists, to loosen up the muscles and increase flexibility.}

{HIIT Routine (15 minutes):

Jumping Jacks: 30 seconds

Increases AGI, PHY, STA

Rest: 15 seconds

Bodyweight Squats: 30 seconds

Increases STR, PHY, END

Rest: 15 seconds

Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds

Increases AGI, PHY, END

Rest: 15 seconds

Push-Ups: 30 seconds

Increases STR, PHY, END

Rest: 15 seconds

High Knees: 30 seconds

Increases AGI, PHY, STA

Rest: 15 seconds

Plank Hold: 30 seconds

Increases END, PHY, WIS

Rest: 15 seconds

Water Break: Take a 1-minute break to hydrate and catch your breath.

Repeat the circuit for a total of 3 rounds.

Intervals between rounds: Take a 2-minute rest between each round to allow for recovery and replenishment.


After completing the final round, spend 5-10 minutes doing light cardio exercises such as brisk walking or gentle stretching.

Focus on deep breathing and gradually bring your heart rate down.}

'I wasn't expecting that to work. Thank you! I'll start right away.'

{You're Welcome! Have a great workout!}

'I will.'

Sen, who was downstairs currently, went back up to the kitchen, and filled up a bottle of water. He then walked back down the stairs, walked along the corridor, and entered the gym located at the other end. He placed his water bottle down near him, got out his exercise mat, got out his phone, and then realised that there was a much simpler way of doing the intervals. 'System, is there any way that you could simulate the HIIT session in the format of those fitness videos from my version of Earth?'

{Of course! Are you ready to start host?}

'I'm ready, let's do this! Please mute any other system messages not related to the workout, I want no distractions until after I'm done.'

{Muting all other system notifications! The workout will begin in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Start!}

It really was just as he'd remembered it. As he struggled his way through the workout, he heard the same voices of the man and woman who ran the channel. It really helped to motivate him to continue and to go at his own pace. Despite feeling absolutely exhausted at the end of the workout, he felt fulfilled. He decided to partake in both the stretches and a brisk walk for 5 minutes, he was still extremely tired, but he felt more refreshed. 'System, did my stats increase at all or will they increase after my body recover?'

{There have been a few minor increases, but most of the gains will happen after you wake up in the morning.}

'Alright. Please tell me what they are.'

{STR +1, PHY +2, STA +2, END +1, WIS +3, AGI +3, DEX +1}

'Wow, and those are just minor increases, I can't wait to see the rest of them! System, from now on, only show Stats and Rank on the Status Window.'

{Preferences saved!}

{Notifications re-enabled. You have Levelled up x1, All Stats +1, congratulations on your progress! Additionally, with this level-up, all traces of tiredness and fatigue have been completely cleared, allowing you to feel refreshed and ready to continue your journey! You have also been healed!}

Name: Sen Direndal

HP: 1250/1250

MP: 600/600


Stamina Remaining: 160/160

Level: 2 (8/50)

Rank: H (Civilian)


STR: 5

PHY: 7

AGI: 6

DEX: 5

INT: 12

WIS: 9

VIT: 5

END: 5

STA: 8

Stat Points: 10

'YES! Finally! Actually, that took very little time to achieve, I've barely arrived here and received this system, and I've already levelled up. I didn't even have to defeat monsters or complete quests, stat increases and skill upgrades also give experience. System, please show the percentage increases and physical differences that the increase in stats resulted in!'

{Right away host!}

{STR: 3 -> 5 (4% Increase to all other variables)

PHY: 4 -> 7 (6.1% Increase/decrease to all variables)

(A/N: If anyone has a good knowledge of how all of this works, please include calculations, I think I've stepped into the deep end a little.)

AGI: 2 -> 5 (6.1% Increase to all variables)

DEX: 3 -> 5 (4% Increase to all variables)

INT: 7 -> 12 (10.41% Increase to all variables)

WIS: 5 -> 9 (8.24% Increase to all variables)

VIT: 4 -> 5 (2% Increase to all variables)

END: 3 -> 5 (4% Increase to all variables)

STA: 5 -> 8 (6.1% Increase to all variables, except for Stamina Amount)}

Sen's eyes widened considerably, 'THAT'S INSANE! Especially the increases for STA, WIS, and INT. Hmm, I still seem to be using the same words whenever I'm thinking, so the increases haven't made me progress towards becoming a Language Guru or whatever, I guess I have to make to make the effort myself in that regard. I'll go and have a shower now, then it'll be time for bed, I can't wait to see the rest of the increases in the morning. System, when I next ask for you to show that page, please only show the affected stats.'

{Certainly! Saving preferences... DONE!}

Sen exited the Gym and entered the downstairs bathroom next to it. He quickly showered, dried himself, brushed his teeth, and then walked upstairs to the bedroom. He got changed into his Pyjamas, and threw himself onto the bed, it was now around 9:30 PM, he was exhausted!

{Would you like to sleep through the night?}

'That's a thing? YES!'

{Sleeping through the night... DONE! The host has slept in a bed, all fatigue and status ailments have been cleared!}

{STR +3, PHY +5, STA +4, END +3, WIS +5, AGI +6, DEX +3}

{Displaying all percentage increases, as well as the direct physical strength differences.}

{STR: 5 -> 8 (6.1% Increase to all variables)

PHY: 7 -> 12 (10.41% Increase to all variables)

AGI: 5 -> 11 (12.62% Increase to all variables)

DEX: 5 -> 8 (6.1% Increase to all variables)

WIS: 9 -> 14 (10.41% Increase to all variables)

END: 5 -> 8 (6.1% Increase to all variables)

STA: 8 -> 12 (8.24% Increase to all variables)}

Sen was once again speechless, 'I just can't get used to this! There would've been some pain when my body was changing, but all status ailments were cleared, that would definitely explain the lack of pain. Huh... I don't think I'd be able to figure that out so quickly, those stat increases really did make a massive difference.'

Sen suddenly became aware of a tight feeling all over his body, and then he remembered that his stats had just increased a lot. That meant that he'd probably outgrown his clothes due to the increase in muscle mass. 'I guess I'll have to go out and buy some new clothes, no point in keeping my old ones anymore. It's a good thing that I keep some baggy clothes spare, they'll probably just about fit me now.'

Sen walked over to the bedroom mirror, he then stripped down to his underwear, and stared in wonder at his new body.

(A/N: You would do the same thing, you can't tell me that you wouldn't be shocked if your body suddenly changed a lot out of nowhere. I already know what some of you will type, so included this to get your minds out the gutter) In place of the fat that had once been present there, a six-pack was starting to form.

There was still a miniscule amount of fat there, but it was barely noticeable now! All of his muscles had developed a lot, and despite not having eaten anything since the previous night, he felt as if he was full of energy. It was a feeling he'd never really experienced. 'I need to tell Martha about my possible Awakening, something tells me that she won't be happy if I keep my new awakened status from her. She'll be back in a month and I'll probably be much stronger by the time she comes back, I'm already much stronger.'

Sen quickly sent a message to Martha, telling her about his new status as an Awakened being.

(A/N: I know that the Mc's sudden gains have been rather considerable, but just remember, he literally has a reality-breaking cheat system.)

Sen walked to the kitchen and started making himself some breakfast. It consisted of Avocado toast, along with Greek Yogurt with fruit and Granola. His reason for making a breakfast like this was because he'd decided that it was best to stick to a healthier diet now that he was trying to get stronger. Even if he had a system, an unbalanced diet might lead to his stats decreasing.

{Added 2 recipes to [Recipe Book], Avocado Toast; Greek Yogurt, Fruit, Granola}

Sen stretched before deciding on what he wanted for his next workout, he knew that he was capable of doing a lot more so he knew he'd probably be even more exhausted by the end of it.

So sorry for not uploading chapters in the past couple of days. Family event on Sunday, work on Monday, but that's life. I have 9 more chapter titles decided, and am already working on the next chapter. Until next time, peace out!