
Sen thought about what he might want in the next workout, and after a few minutes of deliberating, he had an answer. 'System, give me an intensive HIIT Routine combined with pre-martials arts training exercises, but no martial arts techniques. When I start the workout, make sure to do it in the same format as last time.'

{Of course! Generating workout with the specified parameters... DONE!}


5 minutes of light jogging or skipping rope to raise the heart rate and warm up the body.

HIIT Circuit (45 seconds of exercise, 15 seconds of rest):

Burpees with Push-Ups and Dumbbell Rows:

Tutorial: Start in a standing position, then drop down into a squat position and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back into a push-up position, perform a push-up, and then row one dumbbell in each hand by pulling it towards your chest. Return to the push-up position, jump your feet forward, and explosively jump into the air.

Benefits: This exercise targets multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, back, arms, and legs. It improves strength (STR), stamina (STA), and agility (AGI).

Mountain Climbers with Resistance Bands:

Tutorial: Get into a push-up position with your hands on the floor and the resistance bands around your ankles. Drive one knee at a time towards your chest, alternating quickly between legs.

Benefits: Mountain climbers engage the core, shoulders, chest, and legs. They improve agility (AGI), endurance (END), and grip strength (GRIP).

Jump Squats with Overhead Press:

Tutorial: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, squat down, then explosively jump up while extending your arms overhead. Land softly and immediately go into the next repetition.

Benefits: This exercise combines lower body strength and power with upper body involvement. It enhances strength (STR), power (PHY), and stamina (STA).

Plank Walks with Shoulder Taps:

Tutorial: Begin in a plank position with your forearms on the ground. Push up one arm at a time into a push-up position, then return to the forearm plank position. While maintaining a stable core, tap one shoulder with the opposite hand and repeat on the other side.

Benefits: Plank walks with shoulder taps strengthen the core, shoulders, and arms. They improve core strength, stability, and endurance (END).

Russian Twists with Medicine Ball:

Tutorial: Sit on the ground with your knees bent, holding a medicine ball or weight in front of your chest. Lean back slightly, lift your feet off the ground, and rotate your torso from side to side, tapping the medicine ball on the ground.

Benefits: Russian twists target the obliques, abdominals, and hip muscles. They improve core strength, rotational power, and stability.

Dumbbell Lunges with Bicep Curls:

Tutorial: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, step forward with one leg into a lunge position while simultaneously curling the dumbbells towards your shoulders. Push back up and repeat on the other leg.

Benefits: Dumbbell lunges with bicep curls enhance leg strength (STR), muscular endurance, and arm strength (STR). They work the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and biceps.

Grip-Strength Exercise: Farmer's Walk with Heavy Dumbbells:

Tutorial: Grab a pair of heavy dumbbells and hold them at your sides. Walk forward, maintaining an upright posture and a tight grip on the dumbbells, for a certain distance or time.

Benefits: Farmer's walk improves grip strength (GRIP), forearm strength, and overall strength (STR). It also enhances stability and engages the muscles of the shoulders, arms, and core.

Water Break: Take a 1-2 minute break to hydrate and catch your breath.

Repeat the circuit for a total of 3-4 rounds.

Intervals between rounds: Take a 2-3 minute rest between each round to allow for recovery and replenishment.


5-10 minutes of light stretching to cool down the muscles and prevent post-workout soreness.

Focus on deep breathing and gradual relaxation of the body.

By following this intensive HIIT workout combined with pre-martial arts training exercises, you can improve your strength (STR), stamina (STA), agility (AGI), and overall physical fitness. Remember to maintain proper form and technique, adjust weights or resistance bands according to your fitness level, stay hydrated, and listen to your body.}

(A/N: Again, please do not try to replicate this at home unless you are in excellent physical condition! This workout was created for fictional purposes, do not hold me accountable for any harm you may bring to yourself!)

'Alright then. Let's see if this pans out, the System probably my current stats into consideration, which means that I can probably do this if I really push myself. I also have to listen to my body though, so let's see how this goes.'

Sen once again went back to the Gym, this time preparing all of the necessary equipment. He also had a slightly larger bottle this time, since this workout would be extremely taxing. He'd noticed that the break durations were much longer than his previous workout. 'System, begin the workout.'

{Beginning the workout in: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... GO!}

Sen really did have to push through this time, the system reminded him to listen to his body when needed, giving him lots of encouragement to continue. In the end, he managed to finish off the last round before collapsing to the floor for a few minutes. After taking several deep breaths, he made sure to put extra effort into the stretches. He started to make his way to the shower again, he hadn't paid attention to any of the system notifications, he was extremely tired after all. After showering, he slowly walked back down the corridor, holding an arm against the wall to support himself, just in case. He was a tiny bit unstable on his feet, and didn't want to injure himself. It felt like an eternity had passed before he finally made it to the bedroom, he didn't even bother to put on his Pyjamas, and collapsed onto the bed.

{Do you wish to sleep in order recover from the intense workout?}


{You have been placed into an induced sleeping state.}

Sen woke up, feeling very refreshed, he received the system notification telling him that he'd fully recovered after sleeping in a bed. 'System, can you show me my total stat increase from that workout please? Don't bother with the system message containing the gains, just the window containing them all together. If the percentage increase goes beyond 100, only include a multiplier!}

{Of course!}

(A/N: Stat gains will be less insane after the next workout, the Mc will have to do a lot more in order to get the same results.}

STR: 8 -> 15 (14.87% Increase to all other variables)

PHY: 12 -> 19 (14.87% Increase to all variables)

AGI: 11 -> 17 (12.62% Increase to all variables)

DEX: 8 -> 15 (14.87%x Increase to all variables)

WIS: 14 -> 20 (12.62% Increase to all variables)

END: 8 -> 14 (12.62% Increase to all variables)

STA: 12 -> 19 (14.87% Increase to all variables)

(A/N: These may not seem like very major increases, but the stats are still quite low in value, stat increases will result in much more drastic gains later on)

{You have Levelled up x1! All Stats +1 Congratulations on your progress! All fatigue and tiredness have been cleared. Keep up the great work on your journey to becoming stronger! You are very close to the boundary between civilians and G-Rank Hunters!}

Name: Sen Direndal

HP: 54k/54k

MP: 43.87k/43.87k


Stamina Remaining: 900/900

Level: 3 (0/75)

Rank: H (Civilian, Awakened)

Title: Rookie (Gives a 15% increase to all experience gained from killing monsters!)

Stats: ⓘ

STR: 15 -> 16 (2% Increase to all variables)

PHY: 19 -> 20 (2% Increase to all variables)

AGI: 17 -> 18 (2% Increase to all variables)

DEX: 15 -> 16 (2% Increase to all variables)

INT: 12 -> 13 (2% Increase to all variables)

WIS: 20 -> 21 (2% Increase to all variables)

VIT: 5 -> 6 (2% Increase to all variables)

END: 14 -> 15 (2% Increase to all variables)

STA: 19 -> 20 (2% Increase to all variables)

Stat Points: 20

{Congratulations to the host for reaching Level 3! The first ability has been unlocked: Anthrakokinesis (Ember Manipulation, comes with 1 Active skill & 1 Passive skill), as an additional reward has been generated: [Auto-workout (Active/Passive)]}

'That's... wow! An ability? Before that though, I really need to get my VIT stat into the double digits, System, please put 9 Stat Points into VIT!'

{VIT Stat has been increased: 6 -> 15. Congratulations to the host for increasing all stats to a number higher than 10! All formulae have been revised! +25 EXP!}

{HP Formula: (VIT x 25) x (STR) x (Level) -> (VIT x 75) x (STR) x (Level)

HP Regen Rate Formula: (VIT x 0.25) -> (VIT x 0.75)

MP Formula: (INT) x 25 x (Level) -> (INT) x 75 x (Level) x (VIT)

MP Regen Rate Formula: Wisdom x 0.2 -> Wisdom x 0.6

Stamina Amount: VIT x 20 -> VIT x 60}

Sen froze, before every slowly looking up at his HP and MP; he almost let out a strangled yell but just managed to contain it. 'System, are you sure that these formulae aren't too overpowered? Those increases are RIDICULOUS!'

{As a newly awakened individual, those numbers are pretty average}

'Oh really? That's good to know! Now then, please bring up the description for Anthrakokinesis!}

{Of course!}


Description: Anthrakokinesis is a common-grade kinetic power that allows the user to generate and manipulate small embers and sparks through their mind. While not as potent as advanced Pyrokinesis, this ability still provides control over fire-like phenomena.}

Ember Burst (LVL 1, Active)

MP Cost: 250

Duration: 1 second

Damage Per Second (DPS): 500

Description: The user focuses their Anthrakokinesis to unleash a burst of fiery energy towards their target, creating a sustained flame that engulfs the enemy for 1 second. Ember Burst inflicts minor fire damage per second during its duration. This skill requires an initial expenditure of 250 MP/Sec of activation.}

{Fiery Resilience (LVL 1, Passive):

Description: The Fiery Resilience passive skill enhances the user's natural resistance to fire-based attacks and effects. By tapping into their Anthrakokinesis power, the user becomes more resilient to flames, reducing the damage received from fire and enhancing their ability to withstand heat. This passive skill grants a 5% increase in Fire Resistance.}

'Ember Manipulation, that didn't seem too useful but that's a lot better than I thought it would be! Please open the skill description for [Auto-Workout], that's first time I've seen a skill labelled as both Active and Passive!'

{Opening Information Page!}

{Skill Name: Auto-Workout (LVL MAX, Passive/Active)

Cooldown: 6 hours}


Auto-Workout is a versatile skill that operates passively to enhance your physical training. Once activated, this skill enables your body to automatically complete a workout routine until its completion. It seamlessly adapts the routine based on your body's needs and feedback, ensuring an optimized and effective training session.}

{Passive Effect: When Auto-Workout is activated, it engages a sophisticated algorithm that considers various factors such as your physical condition, energy levels, and overall fitness goals. It intelligently designs a personalised workout routine tailored to your specific needs. This includes selecting appropriate exercises, adjusting intensity levels, and incorporating sufficient rest periods for recovery.

During the workout, Auto-Workout passively listens to your body, taking cues from your energy levels, heart rate, and overall fatigue. It makes real-time adjustments to the routine, allowing for necessary modifications based on your body's response. If it detects excessive fatigue or strain, it will automatically adjust the intensity or force the user to take a break to prevent overexertion.

Auto-Workout also factors in the importance of hydration and includes designated water breaks within the routine. It prompts you to stay hydrated, ensuring that your body maintains optimal performance and recovery throughout the workout.

This passive effect eliminates the need for constant decision-making during your workout session. It allows you to focus on the exercises without the hassle of planning or monitoring the routine. By providing a tailored and adaptive training experience, Auto-Workout optimizes your workout and ensures efficient progress toward your fitness goals.}

(A/N: Auto-Workout is a fictional concept created for entertainment purposes. Always listen to your body, exercise safely, and consult with a qualified fitness professional for guidance on your specific fitness needs.)

'That's incredible! That simplifies so many factors, and will basically negate any chances of me becoming physically burned-out.'

After re-reading all of the information using the [Scan] skill, and also reading several other books, he went off to start his next workout, after all, he had to reach Level 5 in order to unlock Quests.

There goes another chapter! Time to start writing the next one again! It seems that there have been some bad miscalculations in stat increase factor amounts (or whatever you call it, looks like it's time to change all of it). The next chapter will be published later because of that :(