Anthrakokinesis, Testing [Auto-Workout]

Sen now had an ability, but he had nowhere to test it since it was very likely to burn everything it touched, unless it could be tested out in the open air. He decided that would probably be the best option, he did not have access to a Dungeon or Rift close-at-hand after all. After walking far enough into the Garden, he took several deep breaths. He now had the ability to manipulate embers, it was not quite Pyrokinesis, but it was the next best thing. The question was, how does one manipulate embers without knowing how to do it. Instead of just asking the system, Sen decided to try and figure it out himself, his INT and WIS stats would definitely simplify this process. He imagined the embers responding to his commands, visualising the process in his head. Sen thought about the basic Heat Triangle concept, then realising that he didn't necessarily require fuel. He only required the use of Mana to produce the embers, so he imagined them being emitted from his fingertips. Sure enough, several sparks, followed by larger embers; all flowed from out of his fingertips. After doing so however, he felt a stinging/searing sensation coming from them, and realised that he'd received minor burns.

{As a result of receiving multiple 1st-degree degree burns, [Fiery Resilience (Passive)] has levelled up 1 -> 2; another passive skill has been generated too: [Natural Regeneration LVL 1], Effect: You naturally recover from injuries 4x faster, also applies to long-term & permanent injuries.}

Sen gaped at this, his resistance to burns increasing was understandable, but a low-level regeneration skill was beyond his expectations.

{[Natural Regeneration (Passive) has levelled up, LVL 1 -> 2.}

'Already? Let's see the skill description to see how it works. System, please open the information on [Natural Regeneration].'

{Right away!}

[Natural Regeneration LVL 2 (Passive, 13/50, +1.5 EXP/sec}]

{Description: Natural Regeneration is a remarkable passive skill that enhances the body's innate healing abilities. This skill enables the user to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate, promoting swift healing and rejuvenation. What makes Natural Regeneration truly exceptional is its unique ability to gain experience and grow stronger by actively healing injuries.

At its base level, Natural Regeneration increases the recovery factor from any injuries by fourfold, allowing the user's body to heal more efficiently. Whether it's minor cuts, bruises, or more significant injuries, the natural healing processes are heightened, expediting the recovery time.

However, Natural Regeneration doesn't stop there. This extraordinary skill gains experience per second as long as the user is injured. The amount of experience earned depends on the severity and nature of the injury. Even a minor 1st degree burn, considered a minor injury, contributes to the skill's growth by providing 0.3 EXP per second per burn. More severe injuries or a greater number of the same injury yield even higher experience gains, reflecting the increased strain on the body's regenerative abilities.

As the user continues to accumulate experience through healing, Natural Regeneration evolves and becomes even more potent. With each level gained, the skill's recovery factor increases to the next square number, magnifying the healing capabilities exponentially. At level 1, the recovery factor is set at 1^2, level 2 increases it to 2^2, and so on. This progression ensures that the user's healing abilities grow in proportion to their overall development.

Moreover, the user's connection to their mana reserves plays a role in the skill's development. With each level gained, the amount of experience earned increases by 0.001% of the user's total MP per second. The initial base amount at level 1 is set to 0.001% of the user's total MP per second. This synergy between mana and healing enables the user to tap into their inner reserves to fuel the growth of Natural Regeneration.

It is important to note that while Natural Regeneration greatly enhances the body's healing capabilities, it does not grant immunity to injuries or negate the need for proper medical care. In cases of severe injuries or complex medical conditions, it is advisable to seek professional medical assistance.

Natural Regeneration empowers the user to swiftly recover and adapt to various injuries, turning each healing process into an opportunity for growth. By actively earning experience through healing, the skill continually evolves, pushing the boundaries of the user's regenerative powers. With each level gained and the infusion of mana, Natural Regeneration unlocks new levels of healing prowess, enabling the user to rebound from injuries and emerge stronger than before.}

'That's great, and the mana usage makes sense, even if it's almost negligible at this point in time. System, I'm guessing that the evolved version of this skill is just [Regeneration].'

{You are correct! In its evolved state, you will recover from injuries much faster, and the mana cost will also be removed.}

'I look forward to the day when I unlock that, this is going to hurt quite a bit, but I think that upgrading a few of my passives whilst emitting embers from almost my entire body will be beneficial.'

Sen began to do just that, he imagined the process, but with his entire body, apart from any vital areas. Luckily, he was far enough into the garden, so when he groaned in pain, there was nobody close who might be suspicious. 'OH SH*T! That really hurts! I'd better get a pain tolerance or resistance skill from this too!'

{Warning! You have received numerous 1st-degree burns, and several 2nd-degree burns. [Fiery Resilience (Passive)] has levelled up x5, [Natural Regeneration (Passive}] has Levelled up x6, x4, x3, x2, x2, x1...}

{+3 END, +2 PHY, +2 INT, +1 WIS. You have Levelled up to Level 4! Congratulations! Keep up the great work! Your progress is commendable, and you are steadily growing stronger with each level. Embrace the challenges ahead and continue to push your limits. Your journey has only just begun. Stay determined and stay focused on your path to greatness! All Stats +1! Would you like to see your Status Window?}

'I know System, sorry about that, it was the only way I could think of to both increase my passive skill levels, whilst also gaining experience points. I levelled up again, I guess that's to be expected. [Status], include stat gains too!'

Name: Sen Direndal

HP: 54k/54k

MP: 43.87k/43.87k


Stamina Remaining: 900/900

Level: 4 (9/100)

Rank: H (Civilian, Awakened)

Title: Rookie (Gives a 15% increase to all experience gained from killing monsters!)

Stats: ⓘ

STR: 16 -> 17 (2% Increase to all variables)

PHY: 20 -> 23 (6.1% Increase to all variables)

AGI: 18 -> 19 (2% Increase to all variables)

DEX: 16 -> 17 (2% Increase to all variables)

INT: 13 -> 16 (6.1% Increase to all variables)

WIS: 21 -> 23 (4% Increase to all variables)

VIT: 15 -> 16 (2% Increase to all variables)

END: 15 -> 19 (8.24% Increase to all variables)

STA: 20 -> 21 (2% Increase to all variables)

Stat Points: 21

{[Ember Burst (Active)] has Levelled up x3, Cost reduced by 15 MP, Ember size increased by by 0.3%, DPS increased by 100.}

'Now that's what I like to see! System what are the conditions for evolving Anthrakokinesis to Pyrokinesis? Also, when will I unlock my next ability?'

{You must increase the level of [Ember Burst] and [Fiery Resilience] to 25 to meet the conditions for your Ability's evolution. You will unlock your cultivation ability at Level 5.}

'That's great, so I'll be receiving abilities at a decent rate. Of course, once I unlock the Shop function, I'll be able to buy abilities too. At least, I hope I will. So what are the conditions for reaching the level of a G-Rank Hunter?'

{You must increase all of your stats past 25 to gain that title, but in this world, you already have the qualifications to receive a G-Rank Hunter's license!}

'Oh, is that so? However, I don't plan to do register until Martha returns. I guess that it's time to my new [Auto-Workout] skill to the test!'

Sen quickly walked back to the house, and didn't bother to change into his Sports outfit. He went straight to the gym. 'System, generate a top-level Military-style workout!'


{[Auto-Workout] has been activated, generating workout... DONE}

{Army-Level HIIT Routine:


Jogging on the spot: 2 minutes

Jumping Jacks: 1 minute

High Knees: 1 minute

Butt Kicks: 1 minute

Circuit 1: Strength and Endurance Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest. Complete the circuit 3 times.

Barbell Squats (Increase: STR, PHY)

Push-Ups (Increase: STR, AGI)

Deadlifts (Increase: STR, PHY)

Bent-Over Rows (Increase: STR, AGI)

Mountain Climbers (Increase: AGI, DEX)

Russian Twists (Increase: AGI, DEX)

Water Break: Take a 1-minute break to hydrate and catch your breath.

Circuit 2: Agility and Speed Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest. Complete the circuit 4 times.

Box Jumps (Increase: AGI, DEX)

Ladder Drills (Increase: AGI, DEX)

Burpees (Increase: AGI, END)

Speed Skaters (Increase: AGI, DEX)

Plank Jacks (Increase: CORE, END)

Bicycle Crunches (Increase: CORE, END)

Water Break: Take a 1-minute break to hydrate and rest.

Circuit 3: Cardio and Stamina Perform each exercise for 1 minute, followed by a 20-second rest. Complete the circuit 2 times.

Treadmill Sprints (Increase: AGI, END)

Rowing Machine (Increase: AGI, END)

Battle Rope Slams (Increase: AGI, END)

Jump Rope (Increase: AGI, END)

Stair Climber (Increase: AGI, END)

High-Intensity Cycling (Increase: AGI, END)

Water Break: Take a 1-minute break to hydrate and recover.


Light Jogging or Brisk Walking: 5 minutes

Stretching: Focus on major muscle groups and hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds}

{Remember to listen to your body throughout the workout. If you experience any discomfort or excessive fatigue, modify the exercises or take additional rest as needed. Stay properly hydrated by drinking water during the water breaks and as required throughout the routine. Hydration is essential for optimal performance and recovery.

By incorporating water breaks and paying attention to your body's signals, you ensure that you maintain a safe and effective workout. Push yourself, but also be mindful of your limitations. Consistency, proper form, and gradual progression will lead to long-term improvements in your physical fitness and overall well-being.

Keep up the great work, stay disciplined, and continue to challenge yourself with this army-level HIIT routine. Your dedication and commitment will yield significant results, enhancing your strength, endurance, agility, and stamina to meet the demands of rigorous training.}

{Scanning workout, scanning equipment, all necessary equipment is present, beginning workout!}

Sen immediately felt his body move on its own accord, and started to complete the workout, he knew that he could leave it in the hands of this skill to take care of his body. Even though the skill optimised his posture for each exercise, it was still the most physically taxing experience he'd gone through so far. Most of the first-degree burns had already faded, but the 2nd-degree burns still stung every time each one of them made contact with the ground. And yet, despite all that, he didn't feel nearly as unstable as he did in his previous workout. The skill had deactivated after finishing the cool-down walk and stretches. As usual, he showered, and then went straight to bed. After waking up, he received a notification that'd he expected to see at this point. He knew that he would receive some major stat boosts.

{All physical & and mental attributes, apart from INT, have increased greatly! STR +12, PHY +13, AGI+11, DEX +13, VIT +12, END +11, STA +12}

{A/N: This will be the last time a workout will result in such a major stat increase, major stat gains will only occur in actual combat in dungeons, and with other individuals.)

Sen grinned from ear-to-ear, he'd expected something like this but this blew his expectations out of the water. '[Status], only show stat increases and Level with EXP amount. Also, please mute all system notifications for a few hours!'

{Of course!}

Level: 4 (92/100)

Stats: ⓘ

STR: 17 -> 29 (26.82% Increase to all variables)

PHY: 23 -> 36 (29.36% Increase to all variables)

AGI: 19 -> 30 (24.34% Increase to all variables)

DEX: 17 -> 30 (29.36% Increase to all variables)

VIT: 16 -> 28 (26.82% Increase to all variables)

END: 19 -> 30 (24.34% Increase to all variables)

STA: 21 -> 33 (26.82% Increase to all variables)

{Congratulations to the host, you are now at the level of a G-Rank Hunter!}

I finally completed another chapter! I just finished recalculating the increases, and it's made me realise just how overpowered characters in this series will be! Oh well, I already planned to make them insanely powerful anyways. This is a power-fantasy after all. See you all in the next chapter, please leave a review, and give your stones (Just a reminder, this is optional).