Dungeon Preparation, Entering Desertron

(A/N: From now on, I won't be including any more details about the workouts. A large majority of this chapter will just be the morning workout, the guild meeting, and dungeon preparation.)

Sen woke up to the sound of his phone's alarm ringing. Confusion washed over him as he thought, 'Wait, a phone alarm?'

{You were both discussing the idea of an early morning workout, so I took the initiative to set an alarm for both of you!}

Sure enough, Martha let out a yawn before slowly sitting upright, rubbing her eyes. "An alarm, huh? That's pretty useful. Sen, could you use your Technomancy ability to create one of those?" Sen hadn't considered that option, "That's actually a great idea," he made a mental note to himself to work on that after they returned from the guild meeting. Quickly getting ready, the two of them then headed outside for their workout.

They had opted for an outdoor workout due to the more pleasant experience it offered. The lush grass, the cool morning breeze – it wasn't too hot outside yet. Additionally, Centropai's climate had diverged from Earth's, making climate change and global warming almost negligible concerns at this point.

With the advent and widespread adoption of mana and spiritual energy, the quest for a sustainable energy source became unnecessary. These two forms of energy, often referred to as the lifeblood of the universe, seamlessly transitioned into Centropai's primary fuel and energy sources. While fossil fuels had their heyday, the introduction of mana to the world prompted a rapid and phased-out abandonment of non-renewable energy sources. The world had embraced a new era of boundless, renewable power.

Naturally, with Sindra Berlock's revelation of Spiritual Energy, the world's foremost technological experts were able to devise a method to harness this newfound energy source as well, effectively doubling the available power output. Despite Sindra's ability to wield both forms of energy concurrently, he had yet to devise a means to seamlessly merge the two, creating the ultimate power source. Sen, bolstered by his trust in the System, held the confidence that he could achieve this very feat.

The possibility of collaborating with the man himself to find a solution remained an option, albeit one in the distant future. Sen recognized the importance of staying grounded in the present and focusing on his current path. To achieve this, he needed to prioritise his cultivation endeavours before entertaining such lofty ambitions. Engrossed in his thoughts, Sen pushed through his morning workout, his mind preoccupied with these considerations while he inadvertently paid little attention to Martha's activities.

As he observed her, Sen gradually comprehended that Martha was moving at speeds beyond his immediate understanding. He recognised that what he was witnessing was likely just her warm-up routine, a precursor to her more intense training. Having concluded his own workout, Sen took the opportunity to shift his attention towards watching Martha as she engaged in her exercise regimen.

{The Omni System has identified the utilisation of Gravity Magic by Martha Direndal. Verifying prerequisites... COMPLETE! The host will gain access to this ability upon attaining Level 45!}

Martha came to a halt upon hearing the notification, her breathing steady. She seemed more awake than when they had begun. "Well, that's intriguing. So, you'll soon have access to Gravity Magic! And hold on, there's a shop feature?"

Sen nodded, realizing he should have informed Martha about the shop earlier. "Yes, the shop offers a wide range of items, as long as they align with ethical considerations. However, there might even be certain dark magic abilities and skill books available there."

Martha's eyes widened considerably, and she promptly opened the Shop interface. "I'll certainly explore its features later. But for now, we should get ready for the guild meeting. A new dungeon has appeared, and our focus will be on discussing the raiding strategy."

As they prepared for the meeting, time seemed to slip away. After showering and changing into their suits, they made their way into town. During the walk, Sen had a quiet idea that he shared with Martha, "I just had an interesting thought. Could we potentially use the System's shop to purchase information about the dungeon?"

Martha turned to him with a knowing smile, "You're ahead of the game, Sen. I've already considered that possibility, but your suggestion reinforces its merit. My plan is to subtly acquire the information during the meeting. Hopefully, the System can display it in a discreet manner."

{Certainly, once you've procured the required information, I'll present it in a separate window for your convenience.}

"That's perfect, thank you System!"

{You're welcome, Martha!}

Sen glanced toward the System window, "Why don't you ever address me by my name?"

{Because Martha is simply more polite than you, host. But jokes aside, I have saved now saved your new language preferences.}

Sen caught the sound of Martha's laughter, "It wasn't that amusing, though—especially since my reaction was quite subdued."

Martha swiftly stole a glance at his face, her expression tinged with a hint of disappointment, "Ah, a missed chance to tease you. Well, there's always next time!"

In due time, they arrived at the guild office. Stepping onto the teleportation circle, they were swiftly transported, finding themselves in a straightforward meeting room. It appeared simpler than Sen had imagined, yet he understood that practicality took precedence over aesthetics in this context.

The present guild members immediately bowed upon seeing Martha, each greeting accompanied by a nod of respect. Their esteem for her was unmistakable, verging on a form of admiration akin to hero worship. Sen wasn't taken aback by this response; Martha was a well-known figure in the Jinto system, and it seemed only fitting for most to consider her a hero. As they took their seats, Martha didn't delay in embracing her role as a leader, promptly launching into the meeting.

"I assume that all of you know why we're meeting today," Martha's confident voice reverberated through the spacious office. A chorus of confirming voices filled the room, all affirming their understanding of the meeting's purpose. "Great! Now, let's get into the strategy we have in mind. I've personally scouted the dungeon, and I'll give you a basic overview along with the simpler tactics we've devised." As Martha shared this, Sen's focus shifted as a notification from the System alerted them to the successful completion of Martha's information purchase.

{Dungeon Description: Desertron Dungeon

The Desertron Dungeon is a unique fusion of futuristic technology and arid desert themes. Spanning four floors with an additional fifth floor housing a formidable Epic boss, the dungeon challenges adventurers with a diverse array of traps, puzzles, and monsters.

Floor 1 - Sandswept Entry:

A mix of desert dunes and advanced machinery.

Initial encounters include sand imps, robotic scorpions, and laser-equipped drones.

Monsters: Sand Imps, Robotic Scorpions, Laser Drones.

Spawn Rates: Common (70%), Uncommon (20%), Rare (2%).

Floor 2 - Mirage Halls:

Mirage-themed illusions, optical puzzles, and shifting sand passages.

Monsters become more varied, including holographic warriors and phantom sand serpents.

Monsters: Holographic Warriors, Phantom Sand Serpents, Mirage Spirits.

Spawn Rates: Uncommon (50%), Rare (12.5%), Epic (0.25%).

Floor 3 - Techno-Oasis Nexus:

A fusion of desert oasis and advanced technology.

Tricky engineering puzzles and ambushes by rogue robots and malfunctioning mechs.

Monsters: Rogue Robots, Malfunctioning Mechs, Oasis Guardians.

Spawn Rates: Uncommon (65%), Rare (35%), Epic (2%).

Floor 4 - Circuitous Caverns:

Underground caverns with luminescent crystals and high-tech tunnels.

Lethal traps and monsters such as crystalline golems and energy elementals.

Monsters: Crystalline Golems, Energy Elementals, Nanotech Splicers.

Spawn Rates: Uncommon (50%), Rare (35%), Epic (25%).

Raiding Strategy for the First 4 Floors:

Communication: Maintain constant communication to share observations and strategies.

Role Distribution: Assign roles like tank, DPS, and support to cater to the group's strengths.

Environmental Awareness: Be prepared for optical illusions and shifting terrain on Floor 2.

Countermeasure Preparation: Carry anti-robot equipment to counter rogue robots on Floor 3.

Elemental Adaptation: Adjust tactics based on elemental weaknesses of enemies.

Traps and Ambushes: Designate a scout to detect traps and ambushes before they trigger.

Team Synergy: Coordinate skills and abilities for effective crowd control.

Puzzle Solving: Pool collective intelligence to solve intricate puzzles.

Healing and Recovery: Maintain a healer to ensure the group's vitality during battles.

Strategic Retreat: If overwhelmed, retreat to previous chambers to regroup.

Venturing through Desertron Dungeon demands a combination of strategic coordination, adaptability, and synergy. The key to success lies in understanding each floor's unique challenges and employing the team's skills to conquer them. The ultimate reward awaits on the fifth floor, where an E-Rank Epic boss awaits those who dare to tread its depths.}

Martha began sharing the details she had gathered during her "scouting" of the dungeon. Her skill in this endeavour was apparent, and her inherent charisma captivated everyone present, their focus fixated on her every word. What truly struck Sen was her skill at masking any surprise she might have felt upon discovering the thoroughness of the information. The price of 25 Luminite for the intel seemed justifiable, given that the dungeon was classified as F-Rank and contained an E-Rank boss at its depths.

However, the abundance of information about the layout, diverse creatures, and tactics for each floor left her somewhat overwhelmed. "Are there any questions from anyone? Any thoughts on the strategy?"

Vice-Guildmaster Ravenna rose, promptly securing permission from Martha to speak. "This information is truly remarkable. Your consistent excellence shines through, and the strategy is near perfection as well. I'm inclined to believe that minimal adjustments are required. Our junior members should be more than capable of executing this."

The remaining guild members nodded in agreement. Upon leaving the office, Sen and Martha opted not to use the teleportation circle. The dungeon's location was known only to a select few—Sen, Martha, and a handful of higher-ranked members possessing advanced mana sensing abilities.

It required a couple of hours for them to reach the destination, situated just outside the city. The portal bore a deep shade of purple, a departure from the conventional blue Sen had anticipated. At this juncture, all had shed their formal meeting attire, now sporting dungeon-ready gear underneath. Following Martha's lead, Sen swiftly purchased a set of equipment from the System's store.

Without hesitation, he donned the armour, a move that garnered surprise from most guildmates. However, Peter and Ravenna exhibited no such astonishment—Martha had briefed Ravenna on Sen's distinct capabilities, and Peter had anticipated no less from an individual of Sen's calibre. At the forefront, Martha, Ravenna, and Arkan formed a gathering, with Sen and the others positioned slightly behind in waiting.

To Sen's astonishment, Arkan had emerged as the Deputy Vice-Guildmaster. This revelation had caught him off guard, considering Arkan's reserved nature and the fact that this information hadn't been previously discussed. However, this alignment fell in line with Sen's understanding of Diamond Celestials. Arkan shared the status of a high-level S-Rank Hunter, much like Ravenna. Strangely, Arkan's gaze seemed to hold a peculiar awareness of Martha's ascension to an SS-Rank Hunter. At Martha's signal, they embarked inside the portal, moving forward as a unified group.

Another chapter done! This one went by insanely quickly! As usual, please leave a review/rating, and maybe a power stone. These are both completely optional however. Also, I wanted to take a quick moment to thank all of those who have added the story to their libraries in the last few days. It really means a lot to me, the Discord is almost complete, and I'm currently recruiting some staff members to manage it. It may be a little while before I release it to the public though. You have probably all noticed that I don't really modify this end section much, and I don't really intend to. Until next time, peace out!

Update: There are currently 8 more chapter drafts remaining, so Volume 1 will hopefully be complete by Chapter 30!