Easy hunting, Increasing difficulty, Rare Mobs Everywhere!

Upon their immediate entry into the dungeon, a searing and intense heat met them head-on. In response, those well-versed in wind magic and wielding abundant mana reserves promptly began conjuring wind spells. This collaborative effort gave rise to a refreshing breeze that gracefully enveloped the entire group, offering a deeply welcomed respite from the oppressive heat.

An audible collective exhalation of relief echoed through the ranks, with many expressing heartfelt gratitude towards the wind mages who had come to their aid. Among them, Sen, Martha, and Arkan stood relatively unfazed by the heat due to their preparedness. With swift efficiency, the trio of guild leaders marshaled their respective groups, aligning them precisely with the strategic plan outlined by Martha. In this orchestration, Sen found his place within the primary assault unit, guided under the leadership of Arkan and Ravenna, while Martha herself led the remaining squads.

Martha's versatile leadership skills shone through as she adeptly navigated various situations, her radiant smile mirroring Sen's, a visible embodiment of the pride she felt for him. The appearance of a few monsters unfolded rapidly, their movements carrying them toward the group. Sen's quick assessment indicated that even these seemingly lesser adversaries were classified as F-Rank creatures.

Swiftly responding, he allocated his accumulated stat points, distributing 162 in total, resulting in his advancement to F-Rank. Notably, his PHY attribute experienced a significant surge, reaching 142, while the other attributes remained steady at 140.

For now, he set aside system notifications, opting to collaboratively use his pooled funds with Martha to secure magic skills aimed at buffs and debuffs. Acknowledging the necessity for added support when dealing with individual adversaries, the decision to invest in these skills jointly felt like a sensible choice, given the reasonable cost. In response, Sen summoned Titanella, confirming her level to be that of a mid-level D-Rank Hunter. Eagerly, she bounded over, a picture of enthusiasm and readiness.

Titanella, sensing Sen's hesitation, gazed at him with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. His words resonated, expressing his reliance on group dynamics over solo combat prowess. As long as he remained with the team, he felt secure. This admission initially caught Titanella off-guard, her expression shifting from surprise to excitement. Her tail wagged exuberantly as she absorbed his message, readily agreeing to the plan.

With swift determination, she dashed towards the mechanised foes that had initiated the barrage of mana-based projectiles against the defensive barriers maintained by the Tank-class members. Her lithe form moved faster than the monsters' comprehension, claws slicing through them with remarkable precision. Her joyous demeanor was unmistakable.

The assault force observed in awe, even if Ravenna and Arkan were not directly part of the primary assault unit, Titanella's combat prowess was a sight to behold. Sen's voice resonated in his mind, bestowing a quartet of buffs—[Strength], [Haste], [Regeneration], [Protection]—upon all members of the attack force. Those attuned to mana nuances discerned that Sen was invoking buff-related magic through non-verbal gestures.

For now, inquiries were put aside as their focus shifted to the adversaries that still remained after Titanella's swift onslaught. Sen realised he was accumulating half the experience that Titanella was gaining, hinting at an imminent level-up. The expedition progressed rather smoothly on the first floor, where the absence of traps and intricate formations removed the need for dedicated reconnaissance squads.

A short span of time transpired before the initial floor was freed from peril. Swiftly, Sen cast recovery magic over the party, renewing their vitality. Gratitude flowed as the members discovered Sen's role in providing the buffs, expressing their thanks. They encircled him, forming a protective ring. A hunter armed with such invaluable buffs for a substantial assembly warranted safeguarding, even if their individual defenses were formidable.

Suddenly, a door materialized seemingly from thin air, its technological sophistication undeniable. Sen, acknowledged for his reasonable proficiency in Technomancy within the guild, stepped forth as the vanguard. Anticipation pulsed through the group, all eyes fixed on Sen as he approached the enigmatic portal with purpose. As he arrived, the atmosphere seemed to hold its breath in collective expectancy. The challenge before them: how to breach this mysterious threshold.

Guided by intuition, Sen navigated towards a solution. '[Binary Surge]'—the incantation resonated, mana shifted in response. The mana's expenditure held little relevance compared to the significance of the moment. Instead, it led to Sen successfully acquiring the required code to unlock the enigmatic door. With the code secured, he deftly input the sequence on the panel, where a handle would usually reside: '[6, F, 4, 0, 9, B]'.

As the final digit was entered, a distinct sound echoed—a harmonious chime of success. The door's mechanism disengaged with enchanting fluidity, and a collective cheer erupted. Triumph was achieved, a testament to Sen's proficiency and resourcefulness.

(A/N: Yes, I decided to use Hexadecimal, otherwise known as Base-16!)

The imposing door, grand in its size, provided effortless passage for all guild members. To ensure safety, the scouting parties led the way, their objective to preemptively nullify potential traps and illusions. A span of approximately 45 minutes was dedicated to dismantling these threats, after which Martha emerged to signal the area's clearance. The rest of the guild swiftly flowed through the portal, poised to confront the monsters that were poised to spawn once the traps were deactivated.

Time was a limited commodity as monsters began their rapid manifestation. A stark revelation became evident: the majority of guild members lacked the essential skills to effectively engage these adversaries. The crux of the matter lay in the enemies' illusion-based nature, masking their real forms elsewhere. Those skilled in deciphering distinct mana signatures filtered out extraneous cues, honing in on concealed and hostile ones.

Discovery didn't linger; the team surged forward, closely followed by the main force. Sen observed this process with a mixture of fascination and anticipation. These raids unveiled layers of complexity that exceeded his initial assumptions. Inwardly acknowledging Martha's astute judgement, he silently applauded her knack for identifying top-tier talents. Sending a swift mental directive, Titanella seamlessly integrated with the sensory mages, promptly eradicating the detected adversaries. In due course, a cacophony of howls, screeches, and anguished bellows reverberated from a nearby corridor, heralding the presence of approaching foes.

With the scout team's diligent efforts effectively dismantling the ambush system, the assault force entered the next phase with notable ease, swiftly overpowering the opposition. Though these adversaries exhibited greater resilience than those on the prior floors, the increase in challenge remained incremental. Opting for a well-deserved breather to restore their energies, the team temporarily halted their advance. Sen's remarkable progress took center stage, characterized by a significant five-level ascent during this interval. A mere two levels stood between him and the coveted Gravity Magic. Notably, their victories also yielded small caches of Luminite—a valuable addition to their spoils.

Emerging revitalized from their respite, Sen commenced the process of inputting the subsequent codes: '[2A8F9C1E3B6D5F7]', '[a3RmZXl0aW1lZA==]' Remarkably apparent was the discernible surge in complexity, highlighted by the deployment of a high-level encryption key to fortify the primary code's security.

(A/N: Base-48 this time!}

With the scouting party's prior efforts effectively neutralising the ambush system, the assault force entered with relative ease, sweeping through the adversaries. Though sturdier than the foes encountered on the preceding floors, the increment in challenge was marginal. Opting for a brief respite to replenish their energies, the team temporarily suspended their progress. Notably, Sen's ascension featured prominently, marking a five-level increase during this interval. A mere two levels remained before unlocking the coveted Gravity Magic. The discovery of small amounts of Luminite amongst the defeated foes added to their spoils.

Emerging from their hiatus, Sen embarked on the process of inputting the subsequent codes: '[2A8F9C1E3B6D5F7]', '[a3RmZXl0aW1lZA==]' Notable was the marked escalation in difficulty, underlined by the utilization of a high-level encryption key to safeguard the primary code.

(A/N: In the midst of this narrative, I'd like to take a moment to clarify that the encryption methods and passphrases mentioned are a product of the story's fictional universe. While drawing inspiration from real-world cryptography, I've taken creative liberties to craft a captivating tale. Thus, some of the portrayed techniques might not perfectly align with actual practices. As always, your immersion and enjoyment remain at the heart of this story. DES Encryption this time.)

With a deliberate motion, the imposing door commenced its separation, granting passage anew to the scouting party. This time, the group was led by none other than Martha herself, a reassuring presence ensuring their safe progression. Methodically, the team embarked on the meticulous dismantling of the intricate network of lethal traps that lay before them. This endeavor unfolded across a span of slightly over two hours, each intricate mechanism yielding to their combined prowess.

Upon their triumphant return, the resounding declaration of "all-clear" reverberated once more, disseminating a collective sigh of relief. Empowered by the reassurance of their comrades' diligence, Sen and his companions set forth once more, their strides more cautious, their senses more attuned. On this level, the lurking presence of rare-tier monsters was palpable—a fact not lost on Sen. As he drew in a deep breath, his mental resolve solidified, a steadfast preparation for the challenging trials that lay ahead.

That's another chapter done! I managed to complete it much sooner than I thought I would. I've just finished writing the first chapter of my new Fanfic, which you can now find on my page! As always, please leave a review/rating, and maybe a power stone as well. Until next time, peace out!

Update: The next chapter is around 60% done, it will be done very soon! I ended up procrastinating a little...