The Serious Start! Epic-tier Boss!

{WARNING! WARNING! Epic-tier monsters detected! Proceed with absolute caution!}

Sen quickly identified the Epic monsters amidst the others, discerning their distinct aura that hinted at potent enhancements like [Super Strength] and [Damage Resistance]. These were just a fraction of their augmented abilities; the challenge had magnified exponentially. Aware of the necessity to communicate, Sen couldn't remain silent any longer. "Stay vigilant, everyone. Some of these creatures possess exceptionally formidable buffs. Be cautious, as they might also wield debuff spells!"

His alertness instantly reverberated through the group, prompting them to scan their surroundings. The monsters he mentioned came into view, confirming Sen's words. The foremost Tank units swiftly sprang into action, raising robust barriers. Meanwhile, Sen embarked on a fervent casting spree, invoking every available buff within his repertoire. Mental and physical attributes of all of the attack force were significantly amplified under his powerful buffs. Simultaneously, he directed targeted debuffs at the Epic-tier Monsters.

Arkan, who had maintained his silence throughout their dungeon exploration, cast a glance towards Sen, his approval palpable. 'The guildmaster's spouse is undoubtedly a promising young talent. It's safe to assume we have another super-rookie in our midst. I should definitely engage in a conversation with him later,' Arkan contemplated.

(A/N: This is Arkan's normal way of speaking.)

Martha's keen observation swiftly detected Arkan's unusual demeanour, and she realised his attention was fixed on Sen. "Arkan, this isn't your usual behaviour. I've seldom seen you acknowledge a newcomer so promptly after their induction into our ranks."

Arkan's composure momentarily faltered, "Guildmaster, you're right. It is extremely abnormal for me to recognise someone this swiftly. But your spouse, he's truly captured my attention. His adeptness at rallying the attack group is impressive, and the scale of simultaneous buffs and debuffs he's capable of weaving is astonishing. I was actually contemplating having a conversation with him once we finish with this dungeon!"

Martha appeared surprised, nodding, "I hope you don't mind me joining in. I want to explore this side of you." Arkan reciprocated her nod, immediately agreeing to her request. If there was someone he respected deeply, it was the Guildmaster, Martha. "Well, you're right. I didn't intend to announce it immediately, but you know how keen my sensing abilities are. Congratulations on ascending to SS-Rank Hunter status!"

Ravenna, who happened to be passing by, abruptly halted and turned toward Martha, exclaiming, "SS-RANK? Seriously?" Her typically composed demeanor was shattered by sheer shock. Martha sighed, "Ravenna, did you really have to make it public? I wanted to surprise everyone later." Ravenna responded matter-of-factly, "No offense, Guildmaster, but I doubt they're really paying attention to what I'm saying. Even the scouting force is now supporting the attack force. No need to worry. Plus, I'm sure your husband already knows."

Martha blushed, "Well, yes, he does know. He was there when it happened. But listen, there's something I want to discuss with both of you after we wrap things up here. Sen will be there too. It can be after your chat with Sen, Arkan!" Both Ravenna and Arkan responded with utmost respect, assuring, "Of course, Guildmaster!"

In almost perfect unison, they provided their answers. Meanwhile, amidst the ongoing battle with the attack force, Titanella darted across the battlefield, her urgency evident. "Sen! Some of these monsters are incredibly formidable. Can I unleash my full power?"

Sen pivoted to face Titanella, his curiosity piqued. "Hold on, what exactly do you mean?" Titanella let out a sigh, realising Sen might not be aware of her innate ability, something she hadn't explicitly shared with him. She had assumed that her power was common knowledge due to Sen's extensive understanding of their world.

"Sen, I possess the innate ability to manipulate the lightning element. I can channel it to enhance both my physical and mental abilities during combat." Sen struggled to maintain his composure, his surprise evident. "You're telling me this now?" Stepping back from the frontlines for a moment, Titanella looked slightly sheepish. "I apologise. I assumed you knew about innate abilities, given your knowledge about Canisoris."

Sen's exasperation faded as he spoke, "I was aware of the concept, but I had no idea you possessed such an ability. Regardless, you don't need my permission. Actually, why would you need it at all?" The realisation hit Titanella, prompting her to explain her perspective. "According to the beast contract, until you're strong enough to protect me, I take your orders. It's an unspoken rule within our contract."

"I understand," Sen replied, determination gleaming in his eyes. "Titanella, you have my full permission to unleash your power."

With an eager wag of her tail, Titanella expressed her gratitude, excitement palpable. "Thank you, Sen! I won't let you down!"

In an electrifying display, lightning wrapped around Titanella, shrouding her form until she disappeared from view.

Martha couldn't hide her astonishment, her voice tinged with surprise. "Incredible! Titanella possesses an innate lightning ability. Her speed and strength have surged to the level of a low-level C-Rank Hunter!"

Arkan's approval was evident in his nod. "It's no surprise, considering she's Sen's contracted beast."

Titanella became a whirlwind of destruction, effortlessly tearing through even the formidable Epic-tier Crystalline Golems. Within minutes, all the monsters were vanquished, and both Sen and Titanella reaped a bountiful harvest of experience. Sen had already informed Titanella about the System, and her acceptance had been swift and natural. His level had soared from 43 to 48, marking the unlocking of his long-awaited Gravity Magic!

{Gravikinesis - Epic

Description: Gravikinesis, a pinnacle of manipulation over the fundamental force of gravity, empowers the adept with unparalleled control over the very fabric of spacetime. This rare ability, bestowed upon the fortunate few who transcend the boundaries of mortal capabilities, unlocks the potential to reshape the world's gravitational forces to their will.

Harness the power of Gravikinesis to command celestial bodies and terrestrial masses alike. With a mere thought, shift the weight of objects, altering their trajectories or binding them in gravitational fields. Propel projectiles with augmented force, or bind enemies with the irresistible pull of intensified gravity, rendering them immobile. The epic ability to create localised gravitational anomalies grants you the authority to defy conventional physics, setting your enemies adrift in disorienting microgravity pockets.

Yet, mastery over Gravikinesis carries its own inherent challenges. Balancing control with the risk of unintentional distortions demands precision and profound understanding of the universe's intricacies. The Epic Rarity designation aptly reflects the monumental potential and rare nature of Gravikinesis, an embodiment of ultimate mastery over a force that shapes the cosmos itself.}

{Skill Name: Gravitational Surge (Active) LVL 1

Description: Gravitational Surge, a manifestation of your mastery over gravity through Gravikinesis, allows you to channel focused gravitational forces into a concentrated burst. When activated, this skill enables you to create a localised surge of gravitational intensity at a designated point within your line of sight.

Upon activation, gravitational forces coalesce, generating a potent field that exerts an irresistible pull on surrounding objects and foes. Use this skill strategically to immobilise enemies, manipulate their positions, or redirect projectiles. The surge's impact radius and intensity are determined by your proficiency in Gravikinesis and the skill level attained.

Mastering Gravitational Surge involves fine-tuning your control over gravitational forces, ensuring precise execution to avoid unintended consequences. The Intermediate level designation marks your progression towards harnessing the full potential of Gravikinesis, as your skill in manipulating gravity advances with each successful use of this ability.

Cooldown: 5 Seconds

Cost: 350k MP/sec}

{Skill Name: Gravitational Resilience

Skill Type: Passive

Skill Description: Through your mastery of Gravikinesis, you have developed a remarkable resilience to the gravitational forces that shape the world around you. Your body and mind have adapted to handle extreme shifts in gravity with exceptional ease.


Gravity Adaptation: Gain a natural affinity to different gravitational environments. You are unaffected by sudden changes in gravity, such as increased or decreased gravitational pull, allowing you to move and function normally.

Enhanced Physical Endurance: Your body's cells have become denser and more durable due to your Gravikinesis training. As a result, your overall physical endurance is increased by 15%.

Mental Fortitude: Your enhanced understanding of gravitational principles has also bolstered your mental resilience. You are better equipped to handle stressful situations, gaining a 10% resistance to mental attacks and disruptions.

As you continue to develop your Gravikinesis ability, your mastery over gravitational forces enhances your physical and mental capabilities, ensuring you remain steadfast in the face of even the most challenging circumstances.}

Sen devoted some time to familiarising himself with his new Gravity Magic, knowing he could put it to the test against the impending Dungeon Boss. The final portal materialised, its code hidden behind a formidable encryption key.

Sen's brow furrowed as he inputted the complex code: '[c47c5b3fd1e042e53e8dd70306abbd5a]' (A/N: 128-Bit AES Encryption Key) '[4ADER2b7F33HINbKL]'

Cracking the encryption took over 10 minutes, during which the guild members patiently waited, allowing Sen to recuperate. Once ready, they swiftly filed through the door, eager to face the boss. Anticipating a search, they were startled to find the formidable figure of the boss already looming before them. Sen activated his [Observe] skill on the boss, his spine tingling as he read the description.

{Boss Name: Omnifusion Behemoth - Zephyrion

Class: Titan

Rarity: Epic

HP: 325B/325B

MP: 150B/150B

Description: Omnifusion Behemoth - Zephyrion is the culmination of the Desertron Dungeon's diverse challenges, combining the essence of every monster encountered within its labyrinthine depths. This colossal entity stands as the ultimate test for hunters who have journeyed through the dungeon's sands, illusions, technology, and elemental forces.

Appearance: Omnifusion Behemoth - Zephyrion is a colossal amalgamation, standing at a staggering 40 feet tall. Its body showcases a fusion of sand, machinery, illusions, and elemental energy. Robotic limbs seamlessly blend with sinuous serpent-like forms that writhe with elemental power. Its core pulses with a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of shifting colours, signifying its mastery over the dungeon's myriad facets.


Sandstorm Convergence: Summoning a devastating sandstorm, Zephyrion envelops the battlefield, impairing visibility and dealing sustained damage over time.

Illusionary Mirage Array: Manifesting a multitude of illusory duplicates, Zephyrion confounds hunters by attacking from every direction, testing their ability to distinguish reality from illusion.

Elemental Fusion Surge: Zephyrion channels the elemental energies of fire, water, earth, and air, unleashing a cataclysmic fusion attack that engulfs the area in elemental chaos.

Techno-Resonance Assault: Incorporating rogue robots, laser-equipped drones, and malfunctioning mechs, Zephyrion deploys an onslaught of technological weaponry, testing hunters' adaptability in the face of diverse threats.

Circuitous Sand Serpents: Conjuring phantom sand serpents imbued with the power of luminescent crystals, Zephyrion sends them snaking across the battlefield, ensnaring and disorienting hunters.

Mirage Cyclone: Creating a swirling vortex of mirages, Zephyrion distorts reality and space, making precise navigation and targeting a near-impossible feat.


Versatile Fusion: Omnifusion Behemoth - Zephyrion's primary strength lies in its ability to seamlessly combine and wield the powers of sand, illusions, technology, and elemental forces. This versatility grants it a wide range of attacks and strategies, making it unpredictable and challenging to counter.

Elemental Mastery: Zephyrion's elemental fusion attacks draw from fire, water, earth, and air, enabling it to exploit elemental weaknesses and overwhelm adversaries with a barrage of diverse elemental assaults.

Illusory Manipulation: The boss's mastery over illusions creates confusion among hunters, disrupting their coordination and decision-making. Illusory duplicates and mirages hinder precise targeting and grant Zephyrion opportunities for sneak attacks.

Technological Arsenal: Incorporating advanced machinery and technology, Zephyrion can employ laser beams, drones, and mechs to engage hunters from a distance, applying tactical pressure and limiting safe zones.

Iron-tight Defence: Omnifusion Behemoth - Zephyrion boasts an almost impregnable defense due to the fusion of crystalline armor, technological shielding, and sand manipulation. Its outer shell, composed of hardened sand and interlocking crystal plating, provides exceptional physical and magical resistance, significantly reducing the damage inflicted by adventurers' attacks.

This formidable defense grants Zephyrion the ability to endure extended battles, wearing down opponents through attrition while formulating counterattacks.


Complex Fusion Patterns: The intricate fusion of different elements and abilities can sometimes backfire. If the hunters can discern the patterns of Zephyrion's attacks and its transition between elemental phases, they can exploit its vulnerabilities during periods of transition.

Elemental Instability: The boss's fusion of elemental forces makes it susceptible to extreme elemental disruptions. Skilled hunters who can manipulate or amplify elemental weaknesses have the potential to disrupt its equilibrium and exploit its vulnerabilities.

Illusory Vulnerabilities: While Zephyrion uses illusions to confound adversaries, its focus on maintaining illusions leaves it more vulnerable to direct physical attacks. Disrupting its concentration on maintaining mirages and duplicates can provide openings for counterattacks.

Technological Overload: Zephyrion's reliance on technology and machinery can also be a weakness. Skilled hunters who understand technology and robotics can target its robotic components and disrupt its weapon systems, impairing its ranged attacks and reducing its overall offensive capabilities.

Fusion Fatigue: Maintaining fusion attacks and seamlessly transitioning between different forms demands immense energy. If hunters can force Zephyrion into a prolonged battle and exhaust its energy reserves, it becomes more susceptible to physical and magical attacks.}

Upon reading the description and noting the boss's substantial HP and MP stats, Sen swiftly discerned that this was an incredibly resilient D-Rank Boss. For the first time in a while, Sen's heart raced with genuine fear. The enormity of the challenge ahead was undeniable, and he found himself grappling with the uncertainty of how they could possibly overcome it. The realization dawned on him that their best chance might lie in seeking assistance from the three Masters of the Guild, despite Titanella's enhanced capabilities, now akin to those of a low-level C-Rank Hunter.

First Cliffhanger! Reflecting on this chapter, I'm pleasantly surprised by its outcome. The length ended up being more substantial than I initially thought, giving you more content to enjoy! Despite the late completion, I hope it was worth the wait. Your feedback is truly valuable, so if you could spare a moment to leave a rating and review, along with a power stone if you're feeling generous, it would mean a lot. I'm aware that there might be a few areas that need some tidying up, but I promise to give them a polish once I've had a good rest. Feel free to dive into this chapter at your own pace, and until next time, take care and peace out!

Update! Thank you so much to all of you who recently added this story to your reading libraries, this story has reached 50 collections because of you! Another update, the next chapter will be a much longer one, and will probably be around the length of the longest chapter in this novel currently, which did take a while to write, so I'm sorry if this one takes a while. I've already written around 1.5k words of the next one! Part 1 will be released very soon!