Meeting Sindra Berlock! Unlikely Friendship!

(A/N: These chapters ended up being shorter than I expected them to be.)

Sen, Martha, Titanella, and the rest of the guild exited the dungeon, counting their spoils from the raid and working on evenly splitting the loot. Despite being a low-ranking dungeon with a difficulty fluctuation at the end, they had still made a significant profit. Even after sharing out the loot, each of them was richer by almost 50,000 Luminite! As everyone started to head home, only Sen, Martha, Titanella, and the two other guild leaders remained.

Arkan appeared as if he was on the verge of saying something when a deep, rich voice called out to them. "Well, hello there, everyone. I sensed the presence of another individual who possesses both Mana and Spiritual Energy recently. When I detected it again here, I hurried over as fast as I could. I never anticipated that I would encounter someone like myself so soon!"

They turned to see a man who appeared to be advancing in years. Although Sen had never met him before, he could instantly put a name to the face – Sindra Berlock! The others also seemed to recognise him; even Arkan was rooted to the spot, staring in apparent disbelief. Berlock exuded an aura of almost limitless power. His gaze was fixed directly on Sen, prompting him to activate the [Observe] skill in response.

Name: Sindra Berlock

HP: 10De/10De

MP: 12.2De/12.2De

SP: 34.96No/34.96No

Level: 1497 (45.26NoDe/319.88NoDe) (A/N: NoDe = Novemdecillion)

Rank: SSS+ Low-Rank Celestial

Title: Celestial


STR: 7249

PHY: 7305

AGI: 7290

DEX: 7365

INT: 7293

WIS: 7260

END: 7500

VIT: 7493

STA: 7502 (Interesting Ability, you'll have to tell me about it later.)

(A/N: I am very aware that his stats don't match his level at all, that'll be explained in Volume 2! Also, you may have noticed that Sindra was able to pick up on the MC's [Observe] skill and even interfere with it!)

{Sindra Berlock, a luminary whose impact reverberated across the tapestry of existence, embarked on an epochal journey that unravelled the mysteries of the planet Centropai. The annals of history bear witness to his profound contributions, as he unveiled the latent forces of Mana and Spiritual Energy in the fateful years of 1876 and 1883. An age that exceeded three centuries had etched its mark upon his countenance, yet his presence remained suffused with an undying vitality that defied the passage of time. Among the ranks of existence, he held the distinction as the singular SSS+ Rank, a distinction that elevated him to an echelon beyond compare within the Multiverse's vast expanse.

A visage that bore the traces of countless experiences was etched with lines of sagacity and depth, each contour a testament to a life rich with exploration and discovery. His eyes, twin orbs of profound insight, glistened with the accumulated wisdom of ages. Threads of silver interwoven amid his obsidian hair testified to the harmonious fusion of antiquity and vivacity that thrived within him.

In his possession, he wielded not only his seminal discoveries but also an encyclopaedic repository of knowledge that spanned dimensions, realms, and epochs. His mind was a sanctuary of ancient myths, scientific revelations, and the enigmatic wisdom that emanated from his ceaseless inquiry.

An aura of gravitas enveloped him, a palpable resonance borne of his ceaseless pursuit of truth and enlightenment. The gait of one who had traversed countless miles was imbued with the vivacious energy of a seeker who had not merely witnessed history but played an instrumental role in shaping its course.

Sindra's presence evoked an amalgamation of reverence and curiosity, the embodiment of a soul that had journeyed through the corridors of time and emerged with a luminous understanding of existence. As the only SSS+ Rank Existence, his reputation echoed in the whispered tales of beings across realms, a name that held the power to stir both awe and inspiration.

His discoveries, far from being confined to the confines of Centropai, rippled outward, touching dimensions and civilisations with an indelible mark. His legacy was a testament to the potential of the human spirit, the embodiment of the relentless pursuit of knowledge that transcended generations and epochs.

Sindra Berlock's existence epitomised the extraordinary capacity of a being to fuse the rigors of age with the vibrancy of the soul. As he stood at the nexus of time and space, his presence resonated with a resonance that could only be matched by the cosmos itself.}

Sen was taken aback by the revelations he uncovered. As he delved into the information, he stumbled upon something that momentarily froze his heart. The man had skillfully tampered with Sen's [Observe] skill, leaving a message adjacent to his last stat value. It was clear that his attributes didn't align with his level at all. Every aspect of this individual defied logic and reason.

[ "Martha, take a look at his Information. This is something you won't want to miss!"]

Sen urged Martha, his voice tinged with excitement and intrigue.

[ "... Did he just communicate with me through the [Observe] skill?"]

"Sen, Martha, I'm sure that both of you have a lot of questions. Walk with me, well, you don't have to, but I'd very much appreciate being able to learn more about you. Bring Titanella with you too, come, we have much to discuss!"

Sen, Martha, and Titanella all joined the old man. Martha called back to Ravenna and Arkan, "We can talk a little later, after we've answered Mister Berlock's questions!"

"Of course, Guildmaster, take all the time you need!"

Both Ravenna and Arkan walked over to a bench and sat down together. Sen asked, "Are they...?"

Martha nodded, "Yes, they're dating, Sen."

Sen also nodded, "I see. Well, Mr. Berlock, I've been waiting to meet you for a little while now!"

Sindra smiled at both of them, "And I, you. So many of the abilities you seem to have manifested, there's no logical explanation about how you were able to awaken powers in the first place. It should have been impossible, but you've somehow pulled it off! And not just one power, but several, each more incredible than the last. Even I don't have experience with Technomancy; it was a theoretical field that I wrote about only in passing. I never expected it to manifest itself in any being, to be honest with you!"

Martha couldn't help but agree with the old man, "Yes, that's what my reaction was to him gaining abilities, seemingly out of nowhere too! He has recently explained everything to me, and it all makes sense now. You've already experienced a couple of our abilities for yourself; we saw your little message after all!"

(A/N: If any of you think that Sindra is going to turn out to be one of those evil old men with supposedly good intentions, get that thought out of your heads right now, there will be people like that, just not for a little while!)

Sindra looked delighted at this revelation and laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, that's astounding! I just sent that little message as an experiment. I didn't think that you'd both receive it. This really is a ground-breaking discovery. Please, tell me more about it!"

Sen, Martha, and Titanella couldn't help but feel like this man was trustworthy. After all, he was the original hero who drove back the cataclysm when everybody thought that humanity would be driven to extinction just like that. The information pretty much proved that he was trustworthy on its own. Sure, he was certainly extravagant and more than a little strange, but that was usually a quirk that came with being a man like Sindra Berlock.

Sen took a deep breath, 'Alright, let's do this!'

'[Invite] to the party!'

The old man almost fell backwards in astonishment, "Oh? Now then, what is this? So this is what you were being so secretive about. Alright, I'll play it by ear and accept."

{Sindra Berlock joined the party!}

[ "WOW! How is this even possible? Wait... Dogzilla and Woofzilla, there's no way, why do I feel horribly insignificant all of a sudden? I had heard about these two, but I never expected to see them here! I learned about them during my first meeting with the Celestial Alphas, they held them in such high regard too. Two individuals who are practically worshipped by the gods of the Canine realms, and I get to meet them like this?"]

[ "Well met, Sindra Berlock. The council told us about your various meetings with them. There is no need to feel insignificant; anyone who has had the opportunity to meet with the ruling council in person is someone deserving of our respect! Are you sure that you don't want a place on the council still?"]

[ "Sindra Berlock, I knew that the name sounded familiar. It seems that events once deemed impossible are now occurring, thanks to the human, Sen Direndal."]

[ "Mr. Berlock, I've been wanting to meet you for a long time. I'm glad I finally have the opportunity to do so. I hope we can collaborate in the future. I've developed some technological advancements that I'd like to discuss with you. My Technomancy ability enables me to create any piece of technology I can imagine, as long as I have the Mana and the Pseudocode required for the item's creation."]

[ "Is that so? Well, I'm also looking forward to collaborating with all of you and anyone else who might join us in the future. I'll be heading home now. We can continue our conversation in a few days. I have some preparations to make. Farewell for now!"]

[ "Goodbye Mr. Berlock!"]

[ "Farewell, Sindra Berlock!"]

[ "Byeee! It was an honour meeting you!"]

Sindra Berlock disappeared in a flash, and the three of them stood there for a while, before walking back in the direction of the bench where Ravenna and Arkan were still seated, engaged in endless conversation with each other.

Part 1 Complete! The finale of Volume 1 is next!