Two more party members! Onwards!

(A/N: This marks the conclusion of Volume 1! I'll be dedicating more time to my Fanfic for a short while, but just a few days, mind you! I'm planning to start working on Volume 2 very soon! Also, I'll be applying for Premium Chapters soon, but I wanted to offer the first 30 chapters for free as a teaser of what's to come in this story. This is just the beginning, and I hope you've enjoyed the journey so far! This final chapter will be rather short, spanning around 1k words in total.)

Sen, Martha, and Titanella continued their walk back to where they had left the other guild leaders, playfully referred to as "twiddle dum and twiddle dee" by Martha. This peculiar nickname earned odd looks from both Sen and Titanella. Sen recognised it from an old show he used to watch, "Dragon Ball," while Titanella found it an odd way to refer to an engaged couple.

As they neared the other guild leaders, Martha exclaimed with a playful grin, "Look at you two lovebirds! Who would've thought Arkan? I never considered that you'd be the one walking down the romantic path! But let's get down to business now!"

Arkan and Ravenna stood up, ready for the discussion. Ravenna praised Sen and Titanella first, her excitement evident, "Sen, you truly impressed me with your leadership and abilities during the dungeon run. And your Technomancy talent is just awe-inspiring. It's a privilege to have you with us. And Titanella, your performance was nothing short of divine. The way you dispatched those monsters while exuding such majesty was extraordinary. Sen, you've made a remarkable choice, forming a contract with a beast is rare enough, let alone one with such unique talents."

"To discover and bond with a beast like Titanella, possessing rare abilities, is beyond remarkable!"

Ravenna's enthusiastic praise caught Sen off guard; he hadn't seen her so animated before. Her usual seriousness had transformed into genuine admiration.

Arkan approached Sen and Martha, his expression more serious, "I'd like to discuss your extraordinary powers, Sen, and Titanella, I'd be interested in speaking with you as well."

Martha nodded at Sen, sending a message to him through the party chat.

[ "Sen, these two can be trusted too, especially Arkan!"]

[ "Alright, it looks like I'll be inviting these two as well, I won't be inviting anyone else for a long time though, enough people know about the System as it is!"]

{There is currently a limit of 10 Individuals for the party function! This will be increased once you reach the 2nd Level Milestone!}

[ "Alright! That sounds great!"]

'[Invite] and to the party!'

Ravenna let out a muffled scream and jumped backward, preparing herself for a possible threat! Arkan also let out a surprised grunt and moved back, mirroring Ravenna's reaction.

"It's alright, I also responded just like you two did the first time it happened," Martha reassured the two guild leaders.

The two of them quickly adjusted to this new phenomenon, and Martha explained the system's functionality to them. Sen realised that he hadn't granted all of the new members access to the other features of the system. He swiftly rectified this and received several surprised and grateful messages from them all.

After saying their goodbyes, they started heading back home. Sen was feeling exhausted; so much had happened in the past day. He had encountered two god-like entities and formed a connection with them. He had met THE Sindra Berlock, the man he'd heard so much about. He had also shared the secret of the System with far more people than he had ever expected. In truth, he had originally thought that only he, Martha, and Titanella would have access to the system.

Sen's mind drifted over his recent adventures. He had ventured into his first dungeon alone, where he had found an incredible item that he had later gifted to Martha. Then came the encounter with the four mercenaries, an incident that had almost turned into a kidnapping. While news of their aftermath hadn't reached him yet, he wondered if Sindra Berlock could shed light on their fate.

Joining the Mooncry guild had opened up a new chapter for Sen. The exploration of a rift brimming with colossal canine beings had been both exhilarating and eye-opening. It was there that he had formed the remarkable contract with Titanella, a Legendary beast boasting an innate elemental prowess.

Amidst his guildmates, Sen had formed lasting friendships and acquaintances. Creatures once confined to the realms of fantasy stories in his old world now surrounded him, each with their unique qualities and abilities. With Martha and Titanella by his side, he had shared the secret of his extraordinary power.

Soon after, he had participated in a dungeon raid alongside his guildmates, an experience that showcased his growth and worth to the guild. His contributions had been pivotal, marking a significant milestone in his journey.

The journey, while filled with challenges and revelations, had only just begun. With newfound allies, cosmic encounters, and evolving powers, Sen knew that his adventure was far from over.

(A/N: I already mentioned Dogzilla and Woofzilla, along with Sindra Berlock, so I'm not repeating that part again.)

As they made their way back, Sen's heart brimmed with excitement for the adventures ahead. The prospect of collaborating with Martha, Titanella, and Sindra Berlock ignited a fire of anticipation within him. This, he realised, was merely the opening chapter of a vast chronicle of exploits waiting to be unraveled.

With each passing day, Sen's path would intersect with wonderous yet challenging trials. He foresaw moments of triumph, as well as heart-wrenching losses that would test his resilience. Among these peaks and valleys, he would find himself, define his purpose, and discover depths of strength he hadn't known existed.

Inevitably, Sen would grapple with the abyss, encounter the sting of farewells, and confront his own vulnerabilities. Yet, amid these struggles, he would remain resolute, an unwavering force driven by his unyielding spirit.

In the vast tapestry of his journey, Sen knew he'd be shaped by experiences beyond imagination. Through every twist and turn, he would be Sen Direndal, a beacon of authenticity amid a world of uncertainty. The chapters ahead would tell stories of growth, camaraderie, and self-discovery, each contributing to a saga that was his and his alone.

With these moments woven into his memory, Sen realised that this marked the conclusion of his inaugural adventure. The journey he had embarked upon, the challenges he had overcome, and the friendships he had forged all converged to this point. And yet, as profound as these experiences were, Sen understood that they were but a prelude to the vast expanse of the world that lay ahead, a world brimming with even greater trials, profound connections, and untold mysteries waiting to be unravelled.

End of Volume 1 - A Chaotic Introduction!

Volume 2 - Transcending the Heavens, will be coming very soon!

It's finally done, I'll be honest, I never expected that I'd keep writing until this point. I felt like giving up many times, but I kept going. It was quite the experience writing the first volume, and I look forward to writing the second one, which will probably be a lot longer too! As always, please leave a rating/review, and maybe a power stone if you want to. Feedback will always be appreciated. I have also noticed that my story is getting increasingly close to 100 Collections! Thank you so much for all of your support so far, thank you for reading this far, this is only the beginning after all!

Until next time, peace out!

Update: My break is over, I've started writing the first chapter of Volume 2.