Micro Habitat! Returning To The Slime Dungeon!

Sen was beyond tired, as soon as the three of them arrived back at their house, he had a quick shower, and got changed for bed. He had a sudden thought however, Titanella had been expressing her discomfort whilst sleeping within their house. Sen had an idea, and opened the system shop. He searched for "Giant Dog Micro Habitat", and immediately, he found what he was looking for.

It was a [Mythical] Grade compound spell that allowed the user to open a sub-dimension containing a micro-habitat for a Young Pooch. 'System, when did I gain access to Mythical Items?'

{You gained access to Mythical Grade Items after you reached Level 50! Prices of Mythical Items range from Ⱡ 125,001 - 1,000,000}

'I see, now, let's see this Item description, it's bound to be very expensive.'

{Canine Haven Micro-Habitat

Price: Ⱡ 500,000

Rarity: Mythical

Step into the enchanting world of the Canine Haven Micro-Habitat, a sub-dimension meticulously crafted to nurture and raise a Young Pooch rank canine from the magnificent realm of Canisoris. This extraordinary sanctuary offers a harmonious blend of natural landscapes, ethereal energies, and celestial elements to provide the optimal environment for the growth and development of your canine companion.

The entrance to this micro-habitat is concealed within a radiant weave of intricate spells, a compound spell that draws upon the arcane energies of [Time Manipulation], [Space Manipulation], and [Direct Dimension Access]. The delicate interplay of these forces opens a portal to the sub-dimension, allowing you and your beloved Young Pooch access to this remarkable realm.

Upon entering the micro-habitat, you'll find yourself immersed in a sprawling landscape adorned with lush meadows, towering trees, and crystal-clear lakes that mirror the boundless sky above. A serene river winds its way through the terrain, offering the soothing melodies of flowing water. The ground is rich with fertile soil, ideal for the growth of indigenous flora that provides nourishment and vitality to your Young Pooch.

In this microcosmic realm, the passage of time aligns with the rhythm of Canisoris itself. Daylight bathes the habitat in a gentle glow, fostering a natural day-night cycle that promotes healthy circadian rhythms. Celestial patterns grace the night sky, echoing the celestial wonders of the realm from which your companion hails.

The habitat is replete with resources carefully curated to sustain your Young Pooch. Natural springs bubble with water infused with the essence of Canisoris, ensuring optimal hydration. The air carries an invigorating mix of elemental energies, enhancing your canine's vitality and natural attributes. Nourishing food sources grow abundantly, tailored to their dietary needs.

An intricate network of caves and dens provides shelter and security, each carved with natural patterns that resonate with Canisoris' energy. Crystal formations within these shelters emit a soft luminescence, illuminating resting spaces with a celestial radiance.

Integrated training zones offer opportunities for your Young Pooch to hone their instincts and abilities. Whether it's leaping across intricate terrain, harnessing their innate elemental talents, or engaging in friendly sparring with simulated foes, these areas foster growth and skill refinement.

The micro-habitat is a realm of harmonious connection, where the bond between you and your Young Pooch deepens. Communicate through the heart-link established during the contract, and feel the ebb and flow of your companion's emotions and experiences.

Resources within the micro-habitat regenerate organically, mirroring the resilience and abundance of Canisoris. It's a realm where the extraordinary becomes everyday, and the wonders of the celestial canine realm are at your fingertips. Choose the Canine Haven Micro-Habitat from the System's shop, and embark on a journey of companionship, growth, and shared destiny with your Young Pooch of Canisoris.}

'Do all vendors for this shop talk like this?'

{Not all of them, but a large majority of them do!}

Of course, once he pulled up the description for the micro-habitat, Sen's other party members who weren't present all saw this shop item. It would be an understatement to say that they were impressed. Of course, Woofzilla and Dogzilla were both capable of creating entire realms, but it still took a lot of time, patience, and power to do so.

[ "A System Shop? I may see if I can acquire some items from it. The ability to sell an entire sub-dimension as an item in a shop is just mind-blowing. This System will never cease to amaze me!"]

[ "This is indeed an unexpected, but welcome discovery!"]

[ "You always underplay unprecedented discoveries dear!"]

[ "I do no such thing, cheeky monkey!"]

[ "Wow! You've found a micro-habitat for me? You're so amazing Sen!"]

Titanella's tail was wagging like crazy, and her tongue was lolling out of her mouth from all the excitement.

[ "That- that's just insane! I'd say go ahead and buy it Sen!"]

Their reactions were what Sen had been expecting from them, he'd had a similar reaction to it, it had just been a more internalised reaction. He bought the micro-habitat, and couldn't help but be grateful for their now nigh unlimited budget, thanks to Sindra Berlock! After opening the sub-dimension, they all marvelled at the perfect quality of it, this was a Mythical Rarity store item, and it definitely lived up to the hype. After Titanella had settled down in her new micro-habitat, Sen went to bed, and fell asleep immediately.

After waking up, Sen got up early and completed some training in [Simulation Mode]. The difficulty had certainly increased, it always spawned in virtual enemies who were a few levels above him. They now used much more complex buffs and debuffs. Their buffs included more-focused strength which would only buff a specified body part, and it would be a much higher level of strength. Another of the buffs was a more powerful version of haste, which increased the virtual enemy's attack speed tenfold.

After finishing that up, he went back inside and discovered that Martha was making breakfast. Titanella helped with carrying things around on her back, since her paws weren't exactly ideal for helping out in the kitchen. It was a Full Breakfast, Sen had informed Martha about it during the night out with the guild. It was nice to eat something so delicious and less healthy every once in a while.

After finishing breakfast, Sen remembered the unfinished Slime Dungeon in Yggdrasil's Seedling. He brought Martha and Titanella to the entrance, he'd told both of them more about it along the way, but they were still impressed when they arrived. "It certainly is a beautifully designed entrance, a welcome change from the usual coloured portal, those tend to be rather dull."

It was Martha who had made that comment, and Titanella seemed to agree with Martha's judgement. Sen once again brought up the dungeon information.

{Dungeon Info: Yggdrasil's Boughs

Dungeon Level: 5, 25, 50, 100, 150

Entry Requirement: Level 5, 25, 55, 120, 185

Difficulty: Easy

Welcome to Yggdrasil's Boughs, an extraordinary dungeon nestled within the seedling of the legendary Mythical-grade tree, Yggdrasil. As you venture into this ancient realm, you'll embark on a journey through its enigmatic boughs, facing challenges and encountering a variety of unique creatures.


Legend speaks of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, as the sacred lifeline that connects the Nine Realms in the cosmos. The Yggdrasil's Seedling, an offshoot of this legendary tree, carries with it the essence of this grand connection. The dungeon, mysteriously located within the tree's heart, appears to be a manifestation of the life force and energy that emanates from Yggdrasil itself. It is believed that the dungeon serves as a gateway to test hunters, offering them a chance to prove their worthiness and form a bond with the ancient power of the tree.


Experience Points (EXP): 5000

Luminite: Ⱡ 150

Uncommon Item: Unrevealed

Uncommon Passive Skill Book: Unrevealed

Higher Difficulties:

As you progress and conquer each difficulty level (Medium, Hard, Challenging, and Insane), the appearance and challenges of the Yggdrasil's Boughs will evolve, presenting fiercer opponents, rarer treasures, and greater tests of your skills. Be prepared for more formidable adversaries and enticing rewards as you dare to venture deeper into this legendary dungeon.

Medium Difficulty Rewards:

Experience Points (EXP): 70000

Luminite: Ⱡ 2500

Rare Item: Unrevealed

Rare Passive Skill Book: Unrevealed

Hard Difficulty Rewards:

Experience Points (EXP): 6,250,000

Luminite: Ⱡ 40,000

Epic Item: Unrevealed

Epic Passive Skill Book: Unrevealed

Challenging Difficulty Rewards:

Experience Points (EXP): 20T

Luminite: Ⱡ 10,000,000

Legendary Item: Unrevealed

Legendary Passive Skill Book: Unrevealed

Insane Difficulty Rewards:

Experience Points (EXP): 50Qn

Luminite: Ⱡ 3,500,000,000

Mythical Item: Unrevealed

Mythical Passive Skill Book: Unrevealed

Prepare to test your mettle in Yggdrasil's Boughs and claim the ever-escalating rewards that await those who dare to embrace the challenge of higher difficulties.}

{Dungeon Mobs:

[Easy Difficulty Slimes]:

[Common Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: None

Average Rewards: 5-11 EXP, Ⱡ 20, Common Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Common Slimes have basic melee attacks. Their defense is low, so swift attacks can defeat them easily.

[Uncommon Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Minor Poison (Deals damage over time)

Average Rewards: 11-27 EXP, Ⱡ 40, Uncommon Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Uncommon Slimes have slightly stronger melee attacks. Watch out for the poison debuff and use healing abilities or items when affected.

[Rare Slime (Boss)]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Reflect (Reflects a portion of damage dealt)

Average Rewards: 1000 - 2500 EXP, Ⱡ 280, Rare Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Rare Slimes possess a reflective barrier. Coordinate your attacks to avoid dealing damage to yourself. Use ranged attacks and abilities to minimise the risk.

Medium Difficulty Slimes (Level Requirement: 25):

[Uncommon Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Minor Poison (Deals damage over time)

Average Rewards: 50 - 150 EXP, Ⱡ 400, Uncommon Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Similar to Easy Difficulty.

[Rare Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Reflect (Reflects a portion of damage dealt)

Average Rewards: 151 - 350 EXP, Ⱡ 800, Rare Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Similar to Easy Difficulty.

[Epic Slime (Boss)]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Corrosion (Reduces target's defense)

Average Rewards: 2000 - 10k EXP Ⱡ 1200, Epic Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Epic Slimes have potent melee attacks. Focus on breaking through their defense reduction with fast and heavy-hitting strikes.

Hard Difficulty Slimes (Level Requirement: 50):

[Rare Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Reflect (Reflects a portion of damage dealt)

Average Rewards: 10k - 25k EXP, Ⱡ 8000, Rare Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Similar to Medium Difficulty.

[Epic Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Corrosion (Reduces target's defense)

Average Rewards: 25k - 60k EXP, Ⱡ 12k, Epic Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Similar to Medium Difficulty.

[Legendary Slime (Boss)]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Energy Drain (Steals target's energy)

Average Rewards: 500k - 1,500,000 Ⱡ 20k, Legendary Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Legendary Slimes drain energy, making abilities less effective. Use physical attacks and crowd control to counter their energy-draining abilities.

Challenging Difficulty Slimes (Level Requirement: 100):

[Epic Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Corrosion (Reduces target's defense)

Average Rewards: 15B - 20B EXP, Ⱡ 100k, Epic Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Similar to Hard Difficulty.

[Legendary Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Energy Drain (Steals target's energy)

Average Rewards: 25B - 32.5B EXP, Ⱡ 250k, Legendary Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Similar to Hard Difficulty.

[Mythical Slime (Boss)]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Elemental Burst (Deals elemental damage)

Average Rewards: 975B - 5T EXP, Ⱡ 850k, Mythical Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Mythical Slimes possess elemental attacks. Adjust your resistances and counter with the opposing element for effective defense.

Insane Difficulty Slimes (Level Requirement: 150):

[Legendary Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Energy Drain (Steals target's energy)

Average Rewards: 15Qd - 20Qd EXP, Ⱡ 10M, Legendary Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Similar to Challenging Difficulty.

[Mythical Slime]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Elemental Burst (Deals elemental damage)

Average Rewards: 27.5Qd - 45Qd EXP, Ⱡ 35M, Mythical Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Similar to Challenging Difficulty.

[Mythical+ Slime (Boss)]:

Buffs/Debuffs: Dimensional Shift (Phase-shifts to evade attacks)

Average Rewards: 5Qn - 20Qn EXP, Ⱡ 500M, Mythical+ Crafting Materials

Attack/Defense Strategy: Mythical+ Slimes can phase-shift, making them elusive targets. Time your attacks carefully.}

'Bring up the Info Page for Crafting Materials please!'

{Certainly, generating information... DONE!}

{Crafting Materials:

Crafting Materials are fundamental resources utilised by hunters, artisans, and enchanters in their creative endeavours. These materials can be sourced from defeating various creatures, breaking down items, or exploring diverse landscapes. Crafters rely on these materials to imbue their creations with unique properties, enhancing the quality and capabilities of the items they craft.

[Common Slime]:

Slimy Blob: The most basic form of slime. Their simple composition provides essential components for crafting basic potions and coatings.

[Uncommon Slime]:

Mystic Gel: Uncommon slimes in the dungeon are known as Mystic Gels. These slimes emit a faint magical aura, making them valuable for enchantment materials and alchemical reagents.

[Rare Slime]:

[Prismatic Residue]: Rare slimes, referred to as Prismatic Residue, display a dazzling array of colours. Their essence can be extracted to forge items with iridescent and multifaceted properties.

[Epic Slime]:

Etheric Ooze: The dungeon's epic slimes, known as Etheric Oozes, are infused with ethereal energies. Extracting and refining their essence yields materials suitable for crafting ethereal and otherworldly equipment.

[Legendary Slime]:

Luminescent Core: These legendary slimes possess radiant cores that emit a powerful glow. Extracting and mastering their energy opens avenues to craft items that radiate brilliance and hold hidden enchantments.

[Mythical Slime]:

Astral Essence: Mythical slimes, known as Astral Essences, hold a connection to celestial realms. Their essence can be distilled to imbue items with celestial properties, granting enhanced capabilities.

[Divine Slime]:

Ethereal Essence: Divine slimes, existing as Ethereal Essences, exude an otherworldly presence. Their essence is used to craft divine artifacts, carrying potent magical attributes.

[Ultimate Slime]:

Primordial Sludge: Ultimate slimes, in their Primordial Sludge form, embody primordial forces. Extracting their sludge provides materials for forging items that channel raw elemental powers.

[Unique Slime]:

Singularity Slop: A one-of-a-kind slime, Singularity Slop defies the norms of existence. Harvesting its essence leads to crafting items with unpredictable and reality-bending effects.

As hunters delve deeper into the Slime Dungeon, facing slimes of increasing rarity, they gather a diverse range of crafting materials. Each slime variety contributes its unique properties to the crafting process, offering artisans the opportunity to forge remarkable items that mirror the essence of the dungeon itself.}

'I see, thank you for the information.'

{Of course!}

"Well; Martha, Titanella, it's time to enter the dungeon!"

Sen, Martha, and Titanella approached the dungeon entrance, and opened the ornate door.

That's the end of the first chapter of Volume 2. It was mostly filled with Info dumps, but that's just the nature of this chapter. As you can probably tell, this chapter reveals a little of what the title of Volume 2 entails. As usual, please leave a review/rating, and maybe a power stone. This is completely optional as usual. Until next time, peace out!

Update: Chapter 31 will be published tomorrow, it may be the first premium chapter too!