Battle Cry - Part 3

Captain Hadraniel listens intently as an Angel pleads to him, just a few meters away from the warzone. The Angel's voice is laden with urgency and desperation, urging Hadraniel to put an end to the ongoing war.

Hadraniel gazes at the Angel, his expression a mix of sympathy and resolve. He understands the toll the war has taken on both sides and the mounting casualties. Ending the conflict won't be easy, but he knows it is necessary.

"I know," Hadraniel replies firmly but gently. "We must exercise patience and wait for the right moment. A hasty decision could risk everything."

The Angel nods, though doubt lingers in his eyes. Hadraniel recognizes the fear and uncertainty reflected in his gaze, mirroring his sentiments. The Angels and Demons are locked in a stalemate, but Hadraniel believes they can turn the tide if they strategize wisely.

The Second Great War continues with heavy losses suffered by both Angels and Demons. Hadraniel bears the weight of each loss, feeling their impact as if they were his own.

As the sole commander of Angel's army, Hadraniel cannot afford recklessness. Sacrificing himself in battle would leave the Angels without their greatest weapon and plunge the army into chaos.

Despite longing to fight alongside his brethren, Hadraniel understands his role as the leader of the Angels. He must think strategically, avoiding early demise that would result in the Demons using his severed head as a trophy, striking fear into the hearts of the Angels and potentially dooming their cause.

The Demons have six Demons of Sins leading their army, each possessing unique abilities and strengths. Hadraniel can't help but feel a pang of envy at the demons' organization, but he knows that envy does not befit an Angel.

He continues to observe the unfolding battle, meticulously considering his next move. The Angels can only hope to win if Hadraniel acts decisively and strategically. With a heavy heart, he makes his decision and prepares to lead his troops into battle.

Desperation gnaws at Hadraniel as the war rages on. Time is running out, and every passing moment claims more lives. The six Demons of Sins revel in their merciless killing spree, while Hadraniel has yet to join the fray.

He contemplates the futility of war and dreams of a day when angels and demons can coexist peacefully. As he witnesses the ongoing battles, he realizes that the diminishing numbers on both sides make true victory unattainable.

Hadraniel cannot bear to see his fellow angels and comrades suffer, but he also understands the risk of leaving the army leaderless by sacrificing himself. He must devise a plan to end the war and prevent further unnecessary loss of life.

Suddenly, inspiration strikes. Hadraniel summons his most trusted advisors and unveils a strategy that involves a strategic retreat for the angels. This retreat will allow them to regroup and devise a new plan of attack.

The plan carries risks, but Hadraniel believes it is their best chance at achieving lasting peace. He acknowledges the sacrifices that the angels will have to make, but he is determined to do whatever it takes to end the war.

As the angels begin to withdraw from the Gate of Heaven, Hadraniel remains behind to ensure a smooth retreat. He watches as his comrades fade into the distance, hoping for their safety.

With a heavy heart, Hadraniel turns and heads back to Angel's stronghold. He knows there is still much work to be done, but he feels a glimmer of hope. For the first time in a long while, he believes that angels and demons may one day set aside their differences and live in peace.

"Are you already running away?" Belphegor, one of the six Demons of Sins, confronts Hadraniel. He places both his shields firmly on the ground, tauntingly questioning Hadraniel's readiness to fight.

"Killing is your idea of fun? What a lunatic," Hadraniel retorts, realizing his mistake of not detecting the enemy's proximity. A retreat is no longer a viable option.

"I believe you angels also found joy in the first Great War," Belphegor remarks, a statement Hadraniel cannot refute. It is hard not to smile when victory is within reach.

"You know what? I'm tired of watching our comrades die," Hadraniel deviates from his original plan, summoning his twin blades. "Why don't we have a little playtime, you and I?"


Belphegor is accompanied by five shadowy figures, emerging from the darkness. The sound strikes fear into those who recognize its significance—a testament to the sheer power embodied by those who still stand.

"May we join in?" Beelzebub's voice vibrates through the tense air.

"The more, the merrier. Let's turn it into a party," Belphegor chuckles as the other demons reveal themselves, emanating their distinct auras of power and malevolence.

Frustration clenches Hadraniel's teeth as he realizes the overwhelming odds against him. Engaging Belphegor was a mistake, and he failed to notice his presence behind him. Taking a deep breath, he tightens his grip on his blades, preparing for what lies ahead.

"You're quite foolish for an Angel," Beelzebub taunts, observing Hadraniel's subtle movement. "Do you truly believe you can defeat us? Alone?"


"Now's our chance!" In a seemingly coordinated signal from Angel's army, several Angels suddenly appear from a secret trench situated in the middle of Hadraniel and the Demon of Sins.

"It sounds like you're describing yourself," Hadraniel counters, swiftly joining the ambush.

"Damn it!" Mammon curses as he hastily draws his bow, followed by the others retrieving their weapons.

The Angels charge forward, weapons at the ready. Hadraniel moves with lightning speed, his twin blades glinting in the sunlight as he strikes at his foes. He parries a blow from Belphegor's shield and evades Abaddon's bladed chain. His primary target is Beelzebub.

Despite being outnumbered, the Demons of Sins fight with unwavering determination. They carry the weight of their dream and refuse to let the Angels prevail.

Amidst the chaos, a loud crack reverberates, and an Angel falls to the ground, an arrow piercing his chest. It is Mammon, the demon of greed, who expertly sniped him from a distance.

One by one, more Angels succumb before they can reach the enemy. Their bodies pulse and stiffen, drained of life by the combined effects of blood loss and the precise arrow strikes.

"You can't defeat me," Beelzebub snarls. "Even if you manage to isolate me, the others can't reach me."

Indeed, the other Angels involved in the ambush find themselves restrained by the individual members of the Demons of Sins. Hadraniel, caught amid the enemy's line, grinds his teeth and takes a deep breath, preparing himself for the impending confrontation.

With blades gleaming in the sunlight, Hadraniel lunges forward. Sparks fly as he clashes with Beelzebub, briefly hinting that the Angel might have the upper hand.

However, Beelzebub roars and launches a devastating attack that sends Hadraniel reeling. Staggering backwards, his blades drooping, Hadraniel faces the advancing commander of the Demons of Sins.

"Give up now," Beelzebub taunts. "You'll end up dead anyway, just like all your friends here."