Battle Cry - Part 4

"Well, well, well. It looks like I'm the life of the party," Sathanas smirks. She stands her ground as a group of ten Angels approach her, weapons drawn.

"Archdemon Sathanas, you have fallen from grace. Your treachery will not go unpunished," one of the Angels declares. They glare at her, eyes glowing with righteous fury.

"Do you think you can take me down? Do you think so? I suggest you think twice, fucking brats," Sathanas chuckles, twirling her sharp mace in her hand.

Without warning, the Angels lunge at her, their swords and spears aimed at her heart. Sathanas deftly dodges their attacks, her mace striking each one with deadly precision. The sound of metal clashing against metal fills the air as she dances around her opponents, her movements graceful and deadly.

"After all this time waiting, is this the only best you guys can do?" Sathanas taunts, as she lands a final blow that sends the last Angel tumbling to the ground. Through the corner of their eyes, they can see a dead figure fountaining blood on his chest after the sharp mace punctured it.

The remaining Angels hesitate, unsure of how to approach the Demon who has just taken down their comrades with ease. Sathanas grins wickedly, enjoying the fear in their eyes.

"Well, don't just stand there. Who's next?" she challenges, her mace ready for the next attack. The Angels exchange nervous glances before slowly nodding with each other. What plan do they still have to uncover, we can only wait and see the result.

While Sathanas finishes off the last of the Angels, Abaddon steps forward on his side of the battle with his bladed chain whip coiling around his arm. With a fierce look in his eyes, he charges towards the next group of Angels that have gathered to confront them. The Angels raise their swords, but Abaddon is too quick for them.

He swings his chain whip with deadly accuracy, slashing through the air and catching the Angels off guard. The sound of metal hitting metal echoes through the room as Abaddon's whip collides with the Angels' weapons. Abaddon moves with such fluidity that it is hard to believe he is even fighting. He is like a dance of death, the chain whip an extension of his arm as he spins, twists, and flips his way through the enemy lines.

With each slash of his whip, he draws blood, leaving his opponents screaming in agony. The Angels try to regroup, but Abaddon is already upon them. He wraps his chain whip around one Angel's neck and pulls it tight, the blade slicing through flesh and bone.

With a sickening crack, the Angel falls to the ground, lifeless. Another Angel charges Abaddon, but he is ready. He sidesteps the attack and slices his whip through Angel's throat, sending a fountain of blood spewing through the air. The remaining Angels hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do. Abaddon stares them down, his eyes burning with fierce determination.

"You want a fight?" he growls. "Abaddon will show you a fight."

Abaddon moves with lethal grace as he swings his bladed chain whip, the deadly weapon extending and retracting with lightning speed. Two Angels foolishly charge towards him, only to have their necks slashed open by the sharp blades of his weapon.

More Angels approach, but Abaddon is ready. He dodges their attacks with ease, his movements fluid and precise. With a flick of his wrist, he sends the chain whipping out to entangle Angel's wings, then pulls the creature towards him to deliver a deadly blow.

"You're all just pathetic creatures," Abaddon sneers. As the battle rages on, his confidence only grows. "You're no match for the likes of me."

The Angels continue to attack, but one by one, they fall to the overwhelming power of Abaddon's bladed chain whip. Finally, the last of the Angels fall to the ground, defeated. Abaddon stands tall, victorious.

"Is that all you've got?" he taunts, looking around at the lifeless bodies scattered at his feet. "Pathetic."

Meanwhile, Asmodeus dances around her opponents with a grace that belies her deadly intentions. Her warping ability allows her to effortlessly evade their attacks and manipulate their movements, causing them to accidentally strike each other. Despite her skill, her heart is heavy with conflict.

"Come on, Angels," she taunts. "Is this all you've got?"

One of the Angels lunges at her with a sword, but Asmodeus deftly sidesteps and twists his arm, causing him to plunge the blade into his companion instead.

"Oops, my bad," she smirks. Another Angel charges at her, only to be thrown off balance as Asmodeus warps the ground beneath his feet. She seizes his spear and spins, using his momentum to drive the weapon into his chest.

As she fights, Asmodeus feels a pang of guilt in her chest. The Lucifer that she looks up to has switched sides and joined the Angels, and she can't help but feel that what she's doing is wrong.

"I'm sorry, Lucifer," she whispers to herself as she dodges another attack. "But I have to protect this family."

With a flick of her wrist, she sends Angel's blade spinning through the air and catches it by the hilt. She twirls the weapon experimentally, feeling the weight and balance.

"Nice," she purrs. "I think I'll keep this."

The remaining Angels hesitate, eyeing Asmodeus warily. But she's already in motion, striking like a viper with the stolen sword. One by one, they fall before her, their bodies riddled with fatal wounds.

As the last Angel collapses to the ground, Asmodeus stands alone on the battlefield, panting with exertion. She gazes around at the carnage she has wrought, feeling a sense of unease.

"Is this the right thing to do?" she wonders aloud.

The three of them stand amidst the debris at their respective ring, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Their powers are unparalleled, and even the mightiest of Angels tremble at the sight of them. Sathanas' mace crackles with dark energy as she tests its weight. She can feel the sin coursing through her veins, empowering her beyond measure. She has become a force to be reckoned with, a being of pure malevolence.

Abaddon's bladed chain whip glints in the dim light. He has embraced his sin, allowing it to guide his every move. His movements are swift and deadly, and his strikes leave nothing but destruction in their wake.

Asmodeus stands silently by herself, her eyes flickering with dangerous energy. She has not undergone the Sinner Transformation, but her powers are almost equal to theirs. She is the Archdemon's right hand, and her loyalty is unshakable.

All of these accomplishments while not working together. They might be an unstoppable force, a trio of beings that no Angel can hope to defeat. Unless their title is an Archangel. They have embraced their sins and become something greater, something far beyond their previous selves. And with their combined power, they will rule over the afterworld with an iron fist.

But of course, at our centre of attraction, Hadraniel takes a deep breath as he readies himself for the battle ahead. Beelzebub charges towards him with incredible speed, his massive frame almost filling the entire space.

"Enough, Hadraniel," Beelzebub taunts with a sinister grin. "I'll show you the true meaning of pain and suffering."

"I will not let you harm anyone else. You will pay for your sins." Hadraniel grits his teeth and summons his holy spear. Beelzebub lunges forward, his razor-sharp claws glinting in the dim light. Hadraniel parries his attack with his blade, the clash of metal ringing throughout the room.

"You're nothing but a fucking insect compared to me," Beelzebub sneers. "Your precious God cannot save you now."

"I may not be granted the title, but I am not weak. I will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent." Hadraniel blocks another attack, his face a mask of determination.

"You can't avoid your fate, Hadraniel. You will fall just like the rest of your pathetic kind." Beelzebub snarls and swipes at Hadraniel with a backswing, but the Angel dodges it with ease.

Hadraniel lunges forward and plunges at Beelzebub with his spear, but the Archdemon catches the handle with his claws and easily snaps it in half.


"How many times do I fucking need to remind you?" Beelzebub hisses. "It's time for you to die."

"I will never give up. Even if I fall, my faith will guide me to victory." Hadraniel stands his ground, undeterred. With a fierce battle cry, Hadraniel charges towards Beelzebub, his fists glowing with holy energy. The Demon braces himself for the impact, but he is not prepared for the Archangel's sudden burst of strength.

Hadraniel unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks, each strike hitting its mark with deadly accuracy. Beelzebub roars in anger and swings his claws wildly, but he cannot keep up with Hadraniel's lightning-fast attacks.

"You're impressive, Hadraniel," Beelzebub says through gritted teeth. "But remember, I'm not alone in this battle."

Hadraniel pauses, confused. What does Beelzebub mean?

Suddenly, he notices three shadows approaching him. The shadows belong to Sathanas, Abaddon, and Asmodeus.