Battle Cry - Part 5

As the four Archdemons close in on Hadraniel, the angel knows that he is vastly outnumbered. His heart pounds in his chest as he braces himself for the coming onslaught. Hadraniel spreads his wings wide, ready to take flight if necessary, but he knows that he has to stand his ground if he is to have any hope of defeating his foes.

The Archdemons approach him from all sides, their eyes blazing with hatred and malice. Beelzebub lunges forward first, his razor-sharp dagger slicing through the air towards Hadraniel's chest. The angel dodges to one side, narrowly avoiding the attack, and counters with a swift kick to Beelzebub's midsection.

But even as Beelzebub stumbles back, Asmodeus and Sathanas rush forward to take his place. Asmodeus swiftly uses the holy sword equipped in her hands, while Sathanas straight from above tries to flatten him down with her mace, forming a crater instead that sparks of flying dust after Hadraniel evades her attack. However, this makes his vision obscure.

Hadraniel grits his teeth, fighting through the blinding smoke. He can suddenly feel the blood running down his arms and legs, but he refuses to give in. With a fierce cry, he flaps his wings as hard as he can trying to clear his vision and surrounding plus escape from the initial lockdown.


Still, all he manages to do is remove the debris away as the same stinging impression of blood escaping his vessels is present on his wings. The reflective light that shoots at the corner of his eyes unveils who is the culprit that has driven him to the low. It is none other than Abaddon himself that uses the opportunity to silently strike Hadraniel using the bladed chain.

Now, he is stranded there and killing them all is the only option left for him to take. As Hadraniel stands his ground, he grits his teeth and looks at the four Archdemons with a steely gaze. Beelzebub lets out a mocking laugh as he wipes the blood from his mouth.

"Is that all you've got?" Beelzebub sneers. Disappointed actually, "You're not as strong as they say you are."

Hadraniel doesn't respond, he simply narrows his eyes and waits for the next attack. Asmodeus steps forward, twirling a holy sword in her hand.

"You're just a pathetic excuse for an angel," Asmodeus says, "You're not even worth our time."

"I thought angels were supposed to be tough," Sathanas chuckles as she looks down at Hadraniel, "But you're just a weakling."

Hadraniel doesn't let their taunts get to him. He remains focused, waiting for the right moment to strike. As he watches Abaddon approach, he knows that he has to act fast.

"You should have left when you had the chance," Abaddon hisses, "Now, you will die and so are the rest of your kind."

Hadraniel takes a deep breath and lunges forward, his sword flashing in the air. The Archdemons try to dodge his attack, but Hadraniel is too quick for them. He manages to wound Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Sathanas before turning his attention to Abaddon.

"You will not defeat me," Daniel says, his voice steady, "I am a servant of the Almighty, and I will not allow you to harm his creations."

"You are no match for us," Abaddon says and lets out a dark laugh. "The best you can do against one of us is run away. How come you gain such confidence to think about winning?"

"Because unlike you all, traitors, I believe in God the Almighty and He will assist me to clean the corruption you all spark on His land," Hadraniel confesses.

"Hadraniel, Hadraniel. To not know that the beloved God of yours is long gone abandoning His creations." Beelzebub mocks by admitting sympathy.

"Shut up, Beelzebub. Who do you think you are to say such a blasphemous lie?" Hadraniel retorts.

"We are the truth, Hadraniel. The Almighty has long abandoned this world, leaving it to us to rule as we please." Beelzebub smirks. "I know you're not dumb enough to never think about how we're able to meet here today."

"You see, Hadraniel, the only thing you've been fighting for is an illusion. A false hope." Asmodeus chuckles.

"There is no God out here to save you anymore. Just fucking accept the truth already and let yourself get dismembered by us." Sathanas lavishes in agreement.

Hadraniel grits his teeth in anger. He can't believe what he's hearing. The thought of the Almighty abandoning his creations is too much for him to bear.

"You're lying," Hadraniel says, his voice shaking with anger and disbelief, "The Almighty would never abandon us. He loves us."

"Love? What kind of love abandons his creation to suffer and die? What kind of love allows evil like us to roam free and corrupt his creations?" Abaddon sneers.

Hadraniel feels a deep sense of despair and hopelessness washing over him. He has always believed in the Almighty's love and protection, but now, it all seems like a lie.

"You're wrong," Hadraniel says, his voice barely above a whisper, "I refuse to believe that the Almighty has abandoned us."

"Believe what you will, Hadraniel. It doesn't change the fact that you are about to greet him later." Beelzebub shrugs.

Hadraniel takes a deep breath and raises his sword, ready to face his enemies. He may not have the Almighty's protection anymore, but he will fight to his last breath to protect what he believes is right.


Suddenly, a holy blade is thrust into Hadraniel's chest from behind. Asmodeus uses the moment when Hadraniel is beginning to doubt himself to close herself to him. It was the same blade that she had stolen possession from an Angel she murdered.


Hadraniel's reaction to being ambushed is simply clutching the blade with both hands. Even if the uncertainty is troubling his mind, he wishes to pray to the God he serves, one last time.

Hadraniel closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He remembers the words of his mentor, Michael, who had taught him a powerful prayer to seek God's help in times of need. With renewed determination, he begins to recite the prayer, his voice growing louder and more confident with each passing moment.

"Oh Almighty God, lend me your strength and guide my hand in this battle against the forces of evil. Help me to overcome all the sins that are trying to disgrace your name. Fill me with your divine power and let it flow through my veins, so that I may become a beacon of light in this dark world. Show me the way, Almighty God, and I shall follow it with all my heart."

As Hadraniel recites the prayer, a bright light begins to emanate from his body, growing brighter and brighter with each passing moment. The Archdemons shield their eyes, unable to look directly at the blinding light.

"Asmodeus, stop him!" Beelzebub orders but al Asmodeus could do is flee to safety from the shine of the light that burns her.

When the light finally fades away, Hadraniel undergoes a holy transformation. His wings are now twice as large, and his body is covered in golden armament and seems to glow with an otherworldly light. His sword now shines with holy radiance, and he seems to radiate an aura of pure divine power.

The Archdemons stare in shock and disbelief, unable to comprehend what they are seeing. Hadraniel takes advantage of their confusion and charges forward, his sword flashing in the air as he unleashes a barrage of attacks. The Archdemons try to fight back, but they are no match for Hadraniel's newfound power.

With a mighty roar, Hadraniel sends them flying in all directions, his wings flapping furiously as he hovers in the air. The Archdemons lie defeated on the ground, their bodies battered and broken.

Hadraniel lands on the ground, his sword still shining with holy light. He looks down at the defeated Archdemons with a steely gaze, his voice booming with divine power.

"Know this, Archdemons. The Almighty has not abandoned his creations, and he never will. As long as some belief in his power, there will always be hope. Now, face His divine wrath."

Now, the Four Archdemons finally acknowledge that Hadraniel has become a certain foe that they must perceive as a threat. While they do not show any facial expressions towards his transformation, their heart does tilt a bit in fear.

"So, what's the difference now? Just a new armour?" Beelzebub jokes.

"I don't know." Hadraniel shrugs. "How about we test it out?"

After the short exchange of words, no answer is needed as both parties straight on going head-to-head with each other. Both of them have no excuses to waste time. The Archdemons want to finish Hadraniel as quickly as they could and so does he dying to show them who rules the afterworld.