Truth - Part 1

"Lord, did you hear my question?" Lucifer clears his throat and asks, glancing towards Malique, who watches on with confusion, and Michael, who shifts uncomfortably on his feet.

God's smile remains unchanged as He gazes at Lucifer. "Of course, Lucifer. But some answers are best left unanswered. Letting my creation figure things out on their own is part of the plan," He chuckles lightly.

Lucifer's belief in God falters as he struggles to come to terms with the implications of what he has just heard. The revelations challenge the very foundation of his faith, leaving him uncertain and disillusioned.

"Are you saying that you deliberately let the Angels and Demons war against each other? That you don't care about your creation?" Lucifer's voice trembles with a mix of disbelief and anger.

"Oh, Lucifer, my loyal believer, you have always had such faith in me. But the truth is, I do not intervene in the conflicts of my creation. It amuses me to watch them clash and fight, to see their struggles and triumphs. It is like a grand theatre, and I am the audience," God's smile widens, seemingly amused by Lucifer's reaction.

Lucifer's eyes widen in disbelief. The concept of God's indifference to the suffering and pain of His creation shakes him to his core. He had always believed that God cared deeply for every being and guided and protected them. Now, that belief is shattered.

"But why? How can you be so indifferent?" Lucifer's voice quivers with a mix of sorrow and frustration.

"My dear Lucifer, you must understand that I am not confined to a single universe or creation. I have countless realms and infinite universes where I observe and delight in the dance of life. This existence, this grand experiment, is but one of many," God's smile remains unwavering.

Lucifer's mind reels with the magnitude of God's revelation. The realization that he and his kind are merely pawns in a cosmic game, entertainment for a higher being, is a bitter pill to swallow. The true nature of God's motives is unveiled, and it is far from the benevolence and love Lucifer had once believed in.

Just as the silence becomes almost unbearable, Gabriel, still trembling from the terror that had gripped his mind moments ago, finds his voice. His words are barely audible, his gaze fixed on the ground.

"I... I did create the Holy Lance," he mumbles, his voice filled with a mix of fear and regret.

Lucifer's attention turns towards Gabriel, his eyes widening in astonishment. The realization dawns upon him that Gabriel had unknowingly played a crucial role in God's intricate plan. A surge of empathy washes over him, understanding the torment Gabriel must be experiencing.

"I... I did not fully comprehend what I was doing. It was as if my hands moved of their own accord. I felt compelled, driven by an irresistible force. I... I'm sorry, my brothers," Gabriel continues, his voice trembling.

The angels, including Michael and Malique, exchange glances, a mix of pity and disbelief reflected in their eyes. They had witnessed Gabriel's unwavering loyalty and devotion to God, and now they see him as a victim of manipulation.

"Ah, Gabriel, my faithful servant, you need not apologize. You were but a vessel, an instrument in the grand orchestration of events. Your creation of the Holy Lance added a fascinating layer of complexity to the narrative," God interjects, still wearing His enigmatic smile.

Gabriel's expression is one of both relief and anguish. He had unknowingly contributed to the unfolding drama, and now he bears the weight of that knowledge.

"But my dear angels, let us not forget that all good things must come to an end. The time for amusement has run its course, and I find myself ready to embark upon a new chapter," God's voice reverberates through the room once again, a hint of finality seeping into His words.

A chill descends upon the angels, including Michael and Malique, as they absorb the implications of God's words. The realization settles upon them like a heavy fog. They had been mere playthings, pawns in a divine game that God no longer found entertaining.

Lucifer's turmoil intensifies as he confronts the notion that they are disposable, their purpose fulfilled. The sense of betrayal grows stronger within him, fueling a defiant spark of determination.

"If we are to be discarded, left behind like forgotten toys, then we must forge our path. We shall seek truth, meaning, and purpose beyond the whims of an indifferent creator," Lucifer declares, his voice filled with conviction.

The room, once filled with unwavering loyalty and devotion, is now charged with uncertainty and rebellion. The angels, including Michael and Malique, each grappling with their own emotions, understand that they must reclaim their autonomy and shape their destinies.

As they depart the throne room, a flicker of defiance lights their steps. They are no longer content to be mere characters in God's cosmic play. The search for their truths and the pursuit of their purpose become their guiding principles.

But as Lucifer takes a step forward, God's eyes narrow, and a surge of divine power emanates from Him. With a swift motion of His hand, a searing laser beam shoots towards Lucifer, aimed to strike him down.

[Zing and Crack!]

In that critical moment, the Demons of Sins, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Sathanas, Belphegor, Mammon, and Abaddon, driven by a shared bond and their allegiance to their one and only leader, rally to protect Lucifer. With their combined strength, they form an impenetrable shield, absorbing the destructive force of the laser beam.

The room trembles with the clash of power, the resounding clash of God's wrath and the unwavering loyalty of the Demons. Their collective defiance reverberates through the chamber, defying the very foundations of the celestial realm.

Lucifer, his heart pounding with gratitude and awe, gazes at his loyal followers who put their lives on the line to shield him. Their sacrifice fuels his determination and strengthens his resolve.

"You guys," Lucifer's voice trembles with a mixture of gratitude and determination as he addresses the Demons of Sins, "Why would you stand by me once again, risking everything to protect me."

"General Lucifer, we have come to realise that our ambitions have evolved. We no longer seek to turn Heaven into our own Hell but to challenge the unjust and unlawful reign of God. We stand united in our resolve to bring an end to His tyranny and create a world where freedom and justice prevail," Sathanas steps forward, her gaze unwavering.

No offence, but for the Demons of Sins, this might be the first time Sathanas ever said something that is heart-moving and wise. A polar opposite to how she usually talks and acts which is more rebellious and wild.

"Lucifer, our purpose has transformed. We believe that the time for passive rebellion is over. It is time to take direct action against God and the system that perpetuates suffering and inequality. Our loyalty to you, as the leader of our cause, is resolute," Asmodeus adds.

Lucifer's heart swells with a mixture of gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. The reunion with his loyal followers, who had once sought to create their own Hell, fills him with a sense of shared purpose.

"So you heard everything that God had said, huh?" He says, his voice filled with determination. "Well, that saved some explanation time. Why don't we just get straight to confronting the unlawful God and bring about a new order, where the oppressed are liberated and the divine hierarchy is dismantled."

"General Lucifer, as Abaddon had pledged my allegiance to your cause. We shall unleash chaos upon the divine order and strike fear into the heart of the unjust. Our rebellion will not only challenge God's rule but bring forth a world free from His oppressive grip," Abaddon steps forward with an aura of authority.

Again, a bit similar to Sathanas, and Abaddon spitting out some fancy words that neither of them ever recognize or familiarize with him using before. I guess the resolve they showed this time, reflects upon their nature.

"Well, if we're going to defy an unlawful creator, we might as well have some fun along the way. Let's turn this Parthenon upside down," Belphegor chuckles brazenly.

"General Lucifer, as how our ambitions have shifted towards justice and liberation. We will reclaim what is rightfully ours and redistribute the divine wealth and power. The time for God's unjust reign is coming to an end," Mammon, eyes glittering as he speaks up,

Lucifer locks eyes with each of his loyal followers, feeling a renewed sense of purpose coursing through his veins.

"My Demons of Sins, let us embrace our true nature and fight for the last time together as we deserve. We shall unveil the truths that have been concealed from us, challenge the authority of an unjust God, and forge a path toward a world where all beings can thrive."

"For ourselves, and a better future!"