Truth - Part 2

As the Demons of Sins stand united, ready to confront the unlawful God, a wave of divine energy washes over the room. In a burst of light, God resurrects Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Camael, and Zadkiel, their decayed bodies now transformed into gruesome zombies or mummified creatures. The resurrected Angels, driven solely by God's command, turn their vacant eyes towards the Demons of Sins, ready to carry out their master's orders.

A fierce battle ensues as the Demons clash with the resurrected Angels. The room reverberates with the sound of Demonic roars and the clash of celestial power. The Demons, fuelled by their determination and newfound resolve, unleash their formidable abilities, countering the relentless assault of the undead Angels.

Lucifer and Malique, sensing the urgency of the situation, prepare to join the fray. But before they can engage in combat, Asmodeus steps forward, her captivating female form emanating an air of authority. She holds out her hand, halting Lucifer and Malique in their tracks.

"Asmodeus, why are we holding back?" Lucifer questions, his eyes fixed on the ongoing battle. "We need to fight alongside everyone else and push back against - these resurrected Archangels."

"Lucifer, we must not let ourselves be distracted by this battle. Our best option is to find the Holy Lance and end God's unjust ruling. Engaging in this fight will only divert us from our path," Asmodeus turns to Lucifer, her gaze unwavering.

"But Asmodeus, these Archangels pose a significant threat. They have no feelings whatsoever. If we don't help them, they might be overwhelmed," Malique, his dark eyes gleaming with intensity, interjects.

"You're right, Malique. They do need our support, but there is a greater strategy at play here. We must stay focused on the bigger picture. If we can retrieve the Holy Lance, it will provide us with the power we need to challenge God directly," Asmodeus nods, acknowledging Malique's concern.

Just as Lucifer and Asmodeus reach their agreement, a voice cuts through the tension-laden air. It is Michael, the mighty Archangel, his presence emanating strength and resolve. He approaches the trio, his eyes filled with determination.

"Lucifer, Malique, fear not," Michael declares, his voice commanding yet reassuring. "I will no longer stay behind and do nothing after learning the truth. I stand here before you all to offer my aid in this moment of darkness."

"Michael, why do you choose to stand with us? Are you not bound by your allegiance to God?" Lucifer asks, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and caution. His eyes widen in surprise, his initial scepticism giving way to a glimmer of hope.

"I have come to understand the injustices that have befallen both the celestial realm and the mortal world. God's tyranny knows no bounds, and it is time for change. I believe in the righteousness of your cause, and I am willing to lend my strength to the Demons of Sins," Michael's gaze meets Lucifer's, unwavering and resolute.

"Stay safe, my brother," Lucifer concedes, his voice tinged with reluctant agreement. He clenches his fists, torn between his desire to assist his comrades and the realization of Asmodeus's logic. "Very well then, Asmodeus. We will trust in your wisdom. But remember, they're fighting for our cause, and we can't let their sacrifice be in vain."

"Lucifer, I understand the weight of their sacrifice. Rest assured, we're more than glad to be able to serve you one last time. So let us proceed towards our ultimate goal," Asmodeus's expression softens, and she places a hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

With a shared understanding, Lucifer and Malique withdraw from the ongoing battle, their focus shifting to the search for the Holy Lance. As they move through the celestial realm, their steps echoing in the silence, their determination remains unyielding. The Demons of Sins advance cautiously, their senses heightened, and their conversation turns to the significance of their quest.

"Lucifer, if we retrieve the Holy Lance, we might stand a chance against God," Malique says, his voice filled with a mix of hope and determination. "We will finally have the means to stop this unjust reign of our creator."

"Magnificently said, Malique. The Holy Lance holds the power we need to pierce through the divine essence of God. With it, we can expose His weaknesses and bring an end to this eternal struggle," Lucifer's eyes gleam with a renewed fire as he nods in agreement.

Their minds filled with thoughts of triumph and liberation, Lucifer and Malique press on, their determination guiding their every step. The path ahead may be treacherous, but they are resolved to find the Holy Lance and unlock its potential.

Meanwhile, Gabriel, ever loyal and vigilant, absorbs their conversation. His eyes widen as he recalls the exact location of the Holy Lance—the ancient weapon that can pierce through the divine essence of God. Buried deep beneath Houska's castle, the key to their salvation lies hidden.

"I know where the Holy Lance is buried! It is beneath Houska's castle, the place where I initially hid it!" Gabriel's voice cuts through the silence, his tone filled with urgency.

However, before Lucifer can respond, a blinding flash of divine power engulfs the room. God's voice booms with authority, commanding attention.

"Gabriel, I forgot about you there. Such treachery cannot go unpunished."


In an instant, God's divine energy surges, and with a swift motion of His hand, He splits Gabriel into two halves. The room is filled with shock and horror as Gabriel's severed halves stand as a grim reminder of God's wrath.

Not just the Demons of Sins, but even the zombified Archangels stop for a second to witness the horror. To add insult to injury, Gabriel no longer resurrects. As if to show how serious the matter is, death now will continue to be absolute.

The Demons of Sins, their hearts heavy with grief and determination, know that they must avenge their fallen comrade that grows in number by the second. Their path is clear—retrieve the Holy Lance, challenge God's tyranny, and bring an end to His reign.

"Gabriel's sacrifice will not be in vain. We will honour his memory by accomplishing what he set out to do—to expose God's injustices and bring about a new era where freedom and justice prevail," Asmodeus, her voice resolute, breaks the silence.

"God, you will pay for this!" Lucifer shouts, his voice filled with righteous fury. His anger flares up once again, ignited by the sight of Gabriel's severed halves. He grits his teeth and clenches his fists, his resolve hardening.

But before Lucifer can make a move, God's attention turns towards him and Malique. A sinister smile creeps across God's face as He raises His hand, conjuring a beam of pure destructive energy—a death ray—charged with the power to obliterate everything in its path.


The beam of death ray shoots forth with blinding speed, its lethal trajectory aimed directly at Lucifer and Malique. At that moment, Asmodeus acts swiftly, her reflexes honed from countless battles. She wraps her arms tightly around both Lucifer and Malique, her teleportation ability activated.


In the blink of an eye, the trio vanishes from the Parthenon, reappearing outside in a different part of the celestial realm. As they materialize, a shockwave ripples through the air, heralding the devastating impact of God's death ray.

The laser of destruction obliterates everything in its path—where both the resurrected Angels and the Demons of Sins who were engaged in combat had no other choice but to evade the beam as well with sheer luck. The Parthenon is reduced to rubble, and the very fabric of the afterworld is torn apart, layer by layer.

Lucifer, Malique, and Asmodeus hover there, witnessing the cataclysmic aftermath of God's attack. Their eyes widen as they realize the extent of the destruction. The battlefield where their allies fought valiantly moments ago is now a desolate wasteland, consumed by the annihilating power of God's wrath.

Grief and determination intertwine within the hearts of the remaining Demons of Sins. The ugly truth unfolds themselves which weighs heavily upon them, sparking their burning desire for revenge against the tyrant who calls Himself God. They know they must press on, for the fallen must be avenged and justice must prevail.

"Lucifer, Malique, we have witnessed the extent of God's cruelty. We must not waver in our mission. Gabriel's sacrifice demand that we continue our pursuit of the Holy Lance. It is our only hope for a future free from God's tyranny," Asmodeus, her voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and resolve, speaks in a hushed tone.

"You're right, Asmodeus. God will pay for the atrocities He has committed. We will be bringing an end to His reign of oppression," Lucifer's eyes, now blazing with a newfound determination, lock with Asmodeus's gaze.

"Together, we will find the Holy Lance and unleash its power upon God. We will expose His weaknesses and forge a new era where freedom and justice prevail," Malique, his voice filled with conviction, adds.

"Now, hold tight. I will shorten our distance as much as I can," holding tight to both of them again, Asmodeus continue to utilize her power and start a chain of teleportation with each getting them closer and closer to Hell.