Time - Part 2

The Demons of Sins unleash their precise slicing technique, effortlessly cleaving through the zombified Archangels. Limbs are severed, bodies torn apart, and the once invincible enemies are immobilized. The Archdemons and Michael advance, ready to follow up their attack on God.

However, God remains unfazed by their advance, saved by a sudden onslaught of more zombified Angels and Demons. These grotesque beings emerge from the ground, joining the battle with their disfigured forms bearing the marks of death and previous wounds.

God, in His sadistic nature, has turned the fallen corpses of Angels and Demons into abominable zombies. These lifeless bodies rise again, animated by His dark power. They swarm the Demons of Sins and Michael, launching a vicious attack from all sides.

Caught off guard by this unexpected turn, the Demons of Sins and Michael find themselves in a desperate struggle. They fight not only against the zombified ArchAngels but also against the reanimated corpses of their fallen comrades. The battlefield becomes a chaotic battleground filled with frenzied clashes and anguished screams.

The Demons of Sins press forward, their weapons stained with the remnants of their dismembered foes. Beelzebub, his eyes filled with determination, urges his comrades amidst the chaos.

"We can't let these abominations stop us! Keep slicing them apart!" he shouts, resolute.

Sathanas swings her mace with renewed fury, delivering blow after blow to the advancing horde of zombies.

"We'll cut through them, piece by piece!" she declares, defiant.

Abaddon's bladed chain lashes out, tearing through the air with deadly precision.

"These creatures won't deter us from our goal!" he growls, tightening his grip.

Mammon fires arrows from his bow in rapid succession, each finding its mark.

"We'll bring them down, no matter how many rise against us!" he proclaims, grimly determined.

Belphegor's bladed shield clashes against the zombified beings, the sound of metal meeting flesh reverberating.

"Keep pushing forward! We'll show them the strength of our resolve!" he shouts, unwavering.

As the battle rages on, the Demons of Sins find themselves locked in a brutal struggle. Their blades cleave through decaying flesh and bone, filling the air with the stench of death and burnt ethereal essence.

Michael fights alongside them, his sword emitting a divine glow. He aims to sever limbs and strike down the abominations. His face shows unwavering determination.

However, the number of zombies seems endless despite their relentless efforts. Overwhelmed by their fallen comrades turned foes, the Demons of Sins and Michael face a chaotic frenzy of violence and clashes.

Frustration and concern fill the glances exchanged among the Demons of Sins. They had hoped to reach God, to end His reign of terror. But now, they are entangled in a vicious struggle against former allies turned enemies.

"We can't let them stop us! We need to find a way to break through!" Beelzebub shouts, his voice strained.

"We can't be overwhelmed! Stay focused and keep fighting!" Sathanas urges, scanning the battlefield for weaknesses to exploit.

Abaddon's bladed chain whirls, striking down zombies with deadly precision.

"We must turn the tide! Keep pushing forward!" he declares, urgent.

Mammon's arrows rain down, but the horde's advance shows no signs of slowing.

"There must be a weakness! We can't give up now!" he exclaims, frustration in his voice.

Belphegor grits his teeth, his bladed shield an extension of his will.

"We'll carve a path through this madness! Don't falter!" he commands, unwavering.

But as the Demons of Sins and Michael continue to fight against overwhelming odds, God's voice booms, aiming to break their spirit and sow despair.

"Is this the best you can do, my pitiful creations?" God's voice resonates with amusement and scorn. "You thought you could challenge me? How amusing."

His words inject doubt and weariness into the hearts of the Demons and Michael. The weight of their struggle grows as they contemplate the seemingly insurmountable power of their foe.

"Do not listen to His lies! We have come too far to give in now," Michael's voice cuts through the chaos. "We must stand united against this darkness!"

His words ignite renewed determination within the Demons of Sins. Their expressions harden, and their grip on their weapons tightens. They rally around Michael, their collective strength sparking hope.

"We won't be swayed by His words!" Beelzebub resounds, firm and resolute. "We fight for our freedom, to reshape our destiny!"

"We've faced challenges before and triumphed! This will be no different!" Sathanas battle cries, her mace swinging with ferocity.

"We'll carve a path through this darkness, even if it consumes us!" Abaddon's bladed chain strikes with urgency, delivering a resounding message of defiance.

"We fight for a future free from His tyranny! Let our arrows pierce the veil of despair!" Mammon's arrows rain down, finding their targets with lethal precision.

"We'll prove that we're not mere playthings in His twisted game! Our strength and resolve will prevail!" Belphegor steps forward, his bladed shield raised as a symbol of unwavering determination.

Their voices blend, a chorus of defiance amidst the chaos. The Demons of Sins and Michael push back against the horde of zombies with renewed vigour. With each strike, they carve a path forward, determined to reach God and end His reign of darkness.

God watches from His makeshift throne, momentarily taken aback by their resilience. His twisted amusement fades, realizing that his creations possess an unexpected power — unity and unwavering resolve.

As the Demons of Sins and Michael continue their relentless assault, Michael's keen eyes scan the battlefield for weaknesses. Amidst the clash of weapons and moans of zombies, a realization sparks within him.

"There must be a way to break free from this endless cycle," Michael whispers, his voice determined yet thoughtful.

His gaze shifts to God, seated upon His jagged throne. The twisted amusement lingers in God's eyes, a reminder of His overwhelming power. But Michael refuses to succumb to despair.

Insight strikes him. He recalls how the dismembered Archangels turned into zombies. It dawns on him that preventing more dead bodies from becoming zombies might allow them to focus solely on God.

"Listen!" Michael calls out, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We must find a way to sever our connection with these zombies and confront God directly!"

The Demons of Sins turn their attention to Michael, curiosity and hope to shine in their eyes. This could be their chance to turn the tide and confront their ultimate adversary.

"Is it possible?" Beelzebub asks, sceptical yet tingling with anticipation.

"I believe it is. If we can prevent more dead bodies from being created, we can break free from this endless cycle and focus solely on God," Michael's eyes burn with determination as he replies.

Understanding passes between the Demons of Sins, their unwavering determination growing stronger. Facing God without the distraction of zombies fuels their resolve.

"How do we prevent more bodies from becoming zombies?" Sathanas questions urgently.

Michael's gaze falls on the fallen bodies scattered across the battlefield, some belonging to their allies who perished. A risky gambit takes shape in his mind, one that could grant them the chance they need.

"Tell them. Tell the deceived Angels and Demons below about God's true self," Michael explains. "We need to unite ourselves, again. Once and for all."

The Demons of Sins nod, their determination unyielding. They quickly devise a strategy to shield the fallen bodies from harm and stop their transformation into zombies.

With renewed purpose, the Demons of Sins and Michael fight through the chaos, focusing on preventing more dead bodies from becoming zombies. They intercept zombie attacks, aiming to incapacitate rather than kill, ensuring no more fallen comrades join the ranks of the undead.

But before the Demons of Sins and Michael could execute their plan, God's power teleports them to a solemn space, away from the chaotic battlefield. Silence replaces the mayhem that once surrounded them.

God gazes at the weary yet resolute group, a twisted amusement evident in His eyes. Slowly, He claps His hands in mocking applause that reverberates through the space.

"Congratulations, my pitiful creations," God's voice resonates with a mix of amusement and condescension. "Your quick resolve has surprised me."

His words hang in the air, a blend of praise and derision. The Demons of Sins and Michael exchange uncertain glances, unsure of God's intentions.

"Your futile attempts to challenge me are amusing. But remember your place, for you are mere pawns in my grand design," God continues, dripping contempt in His voice.

Undeterred by His taunts, the Demons of Sins and Michael stand firm. Their expressions harden, and their grip on their weapons tightens. They refuse to falter.

"We may be your creations, but we are not bound by your control," Michael asserts, his voice steady and unwavering. "We fight for our freedom, to shape our destiny."

"We are not toys in your twisted game. We will forge our path, regardless of the cost," Beelzebub steps forward, his defiant gaze meeting God's eyes.

Sathanas, Abaddon, Mammon, and Belphegor step forward in unison, their voices filled with determination.

"We reject your tyranny and the imposed cycle," Sathanas proclaims, her mace ready.

"We will defy your expectations and prove our strength," Abaddon adds his bladed chain crackling.

"Your attempts to break our spirit only strengthen our resolve," Mammon declares, his bow taut.

"United, we stand against you, prepared for whatever comes our way," Belphegor announces, his bladed shield raised in defiance.

"You may be determined, but you cannot escape your fate," God sneers, anger and desperation lacing His voice. "You are bound to me, now and forever."

The Demons of Sins and Michael refuse to accept this grim outlook. They have come too far and fought too hard to succumb to God's taunts. Tension crackles in the space as the opposing forces face each other. God, once all-powerful and confident, now confronts a rebellion fuelled by unwavering determination.

The battle is far from over. The Demons of Sins and Michael embark on a defiant path, ready to challenge God's reign and reclaim their freedom.