Time - Part 3

In the solemn space where God has trapped them, the Demons of Sins and Michael see an opportunity, undeterred by the presence of their all-powerful adversary. They know they have to act swiftly and synchronize their attack on God Himself. With no more zombified beings to hold them down, they seize the chance to confront Him directly.

While their main goal is to stop God once and for all, even if they fail, they still manage to slow Him down. Thus buying precious time for Malique, Lucifer, and Asmodeus to reach Hell and retrieve the Holy Lance, the ultimate key weapon in their quest to defeat God.

As they close in on God, a determined fire burns in the eyes of the Demons of Sins and Michael. This is their moment to strike, to challenge the very essence of God's power. They exchange glances, their thoughts unspoken but understood.

"God, your reign ends now. We will no longer be pawns in your twisted game," Beelzebub steps forward, his voice resonating with defiance.

"We reject your control. We fight for our freedom and the right to determine our destinies," Belphegor's words follow, firm and resolute.

"Your tyranny will crumble before our united strength. We will seize our power," Mammon's voice joins the chorus, filled with unwavering conviction.

"You underestimate our resolve. Prepare to witness the consequences of your oppression," Abaddon's words add weight to their declaration.

"We stand united against you, ready to face whatever the fuck you throw our way. Your hold over us weakens with every passing moment," Sathanas steps forward, her voice filled with righteous anger.

"God, we may be your creations, but we are not bound by your control. We fight for our freedom and the right to shape our destinies," Michael, the only living Archangel left, raises his voice with unwavering determination.

Their words echo in the solemn space, charging the air with rebellion and defiance. The Demons of Sins and Michael are resolute, prepared to challenge the very fabric of God's dominion. With their intentions declared, they ready themselves for the synchronized assault.

In a symphony of aggression, the Demons of Sins and Michael spring into action, each moving with calculated precision to their designated positions, their intentions veiled in lethal intent.

Beelzebub, his eyes ablaze with defiance, swiftly closes the distance between himself and God, his wickedly sharp dagger gleaming in the ethereal light as it finds its place poised at God's right side, ready to pierce through the veil of divinity.

Belphegor, a stalwart sentinel of rebellion, plants himself firmly in front of God, his bladed shield held high, a formidable barrier against any retaliatory strike that might come from the divine being's left side. His muscles tense with anticipation, every fibre of his being prepared to intercept and deflect the wrath of God.

Meanwhile, Mammon, the embodiment of precision and finesse, draws his bow with a fluid motion, his arrow notched and aimed unerringly at God's chest. The very air seems to hold its breath as he unleashes the projectile, its flight path meticulously calculated to breach the impenetrable armour of God's omnipotence.

Abaddon, with the agility of a predator, swings his bladed chain in a dizzying display of skill, the metallic links whirling through the air like a swirling vortex of lethal strikes. Each revolution brings him closer to God's vulnerable back, his determination unyielding as he prepares to deliver a devastating assault from behind.

Sathanas, the epitome of unwavering strength, clenches her mace tightly in her hand, its weight a mere extension of her will. She strides forward with purpose, each step resounding with a sense of impending divine retribution. With a single swing, she will unleash the full force of her weapon upon God's form, shattering the illusion of invincibility.

And then, in a breathtaking display of aerial prowess, Michael descends from above with majestic grace. His sword, imbued with otherworldly power, gleams like a beacon of hope amid the celestial clash. With unwavering resolve, he poises himself to strike, his gaze fixed upon God, ready to cleave through the very essence of His supremacy.

As the charged air crackles with anticipation, the Demons of Sins and Michael stand poised, their bodies taut and minds focused. At this moment, they are an unstoppable force, ready to unleash a storm of defiance upon God, a collective assault that will test the limits of His defences and pave the way for the salvation they seek.

In the face of their synchronized assault, God watches with a mixture of amusement and disdain, his mocking laughter resonating through the solemn space.

"Is this truly the best you can muster?" He taunts, his voice dripping with condescension. "Do you honestly believe that your feeble efforts can even scratch the surface of my power?"

Undeterred by God's mocking words, the Demons of Sins and Michael stand their ground, their resolve unyielding. They exchange glances, a silent acknowledgement that their determination will not be shaken. With gritted teeth and burning defiance, they prepare to launch their coordinated attack, hoping to prove God wrong.

But in an instant, God's form blurs and shimmers, and with a thunderous burst of power, He teleports Himself out of harm's way. His mocking laughter echoes through the space, taunting their failed attempt.

"Foolish creatures," He sneers, his voice ringing with contempt. "You truly believe you can challenge the might of a deity?"

Caught off guard by God's teleportation, the Demons of Sins and Michael momentarily falter, their blows intended for Him redirected towards Mammon, who now stands in God's stead. Despite their best efforts to swerve their attacks, their strikes still find their mark, cutting a piece of Mammon's body. The arrow Mammon had shot himself, now diverted from its original target, pierces through his own heart.


The chaotic scene unfolds before their eyes, a grotesque twist of fate. Beelzebub, who had swung his dagger with full force, is unable to halt his slash, resulting in the decapitation of Mammon. The space that had once held the promise of victory now becomes a macabre tableau of unintended consequences.


Shock and horror seize the Demons of Sins and Michael as they bear witness to the gruesome outcome of their assault. The once triumphant moment has morphed into a horrifying spectacle of tragedy. Beelzebub, in particular, feels the weight of despair crush his heart as he stands before the decapitated body of his kin and friend. His breath catches in his throat, and a strangled cry escapes his lips, a gut-wrenching acknowledgement of the monstrous act he has unwittingly committed.

God, now composed and exuding a sense of sadistic satisfaction, observes the scene with an air of superiority. His voice drips with malicious delight as he revels in their torment.

"Your feeble attempts only serve to demonstrate the futility of your rebellion. No matter how you struggle, your efforts are in vain. You are but insects before me, easily swatted aside."

In the face of this devastating turn of events, the Demons of Sins and Michael refuse to succumb to the overwhelming despair that threatens to consume them. Their determination, fuelled by the realization that they must press on despite the cruel irony of their situation, blazes within their beings like a defiant flame.

Grief and pain wash over them, yet within the depths of their anguish, they discover a shared resolve to rise above the chaos and continue their unwavering quest for freedom. The loss of Mammon serves as a haunting reminder of the high stakes at hand and the urgent need for unity in the face of an all-powerful adversary.

With grim determination etched upon their faces, they exchange glances, silently vowing to carry on despite the profound setback. Though wounded, they refuse to let their spirits be shattered. Their eyes lock onto God, unwavering in their focus, as they steel themselves to regroup and press forward in their unyielding defiance against His reign.

The once-hopeful and anticipatory atmosphere of the solemn space has been replaced by the weight of unfathomable tragedy. Yet, within that darkness, a resilient spark ignites, enraging the Demons of Sins and Michael to rise from the ashes of their despair. Their spirits burn brighter than ever as they prepare to confront the daunting challenges that lie ahead.