Time - Part 4

In the aftermath of the heart-wrenching tragedy that befalls them, the Demons of Sins and Michael stand in stunned silence, their hearts heavy with grief and regret. The decapitated body of Mammon lies before them, a stark reminder of the horrors they have just endured.

But within the depths of their anguish, a seething determination begins to take hold. God, ever the master manipulator, revels in the chaos and despair that permeates the solemn space. His voice echoes with cruel taunts, his words dripping with disdain and challenge.

"Is this the extent of your rebellion? A mere flicker of defiance extinguished by your own hands? How pitiful. Perhaps you are truly unworthy of the freedom you so desperately seek."

The remaining Demons of Sins and Michael, their grief transforming into a burning resolve, stare defiantly at God. His taunts, instead of crushing their spirits, fuel a simmering anger deep within their souls. The loss of Mammon, their fallen comrade, serves as a rallying cry, a reminder of the sacrifices they are willing to make to defy God's oppressive rule.

"You underestimate us, God. Our determination is forged in the fires of tragedy. We may stumble, but we will rise stronger than ever. Our purpose remains unyielding, and we will not be deterred by your sadistic games," Beelzebub speaks through gritted teeth, his voice laced with newfound ferocity.

"You think you can break us? You are mistaken. Our resolve only strengthens with each blow you inflict. We will not cower. We will stand united, a force that will shatter your illusion of invincibility," Belphegor steps forward, his eyes flashing with righteous anger, his voice carrying an undeniable intensity.

"Abaddon will not be silenced by your mockery, God. The loss of Mammon has only ignited Abaddon's determination to bring about your downfall. Our unity will be your undoing," Abaddon spits out his words with venomous defiance, tightening his grip around his bladed chain.

"You will revel in our pain, but it will not diminish our spirit. We will fight until our last breath, defying your tyranny with every ounce of our being. The flames of rebellion will consume you," Sathanas locks eyes with God, her sorrow transformed into a burning determination, her voice resonating with unwavering conviction.

"We have faced loss and tragedy, but it only serves to strengthen our resolve. Our fight against you, God, is far from over. We will not rest until we have shattered the chains that bind us," Michael, the lone Archangel standing amidst the Demons of Sins, raises his voice with unwavering resolve.

The solemn space crackles with tension as the remaining Demons of Sins and Michael lock gazes with God, their collective defiance a force to be reckoned with. The tragedy of Mammon's death has forged an unbreakable bond among them, and now, they stand united, ready to resume their assault against the oppressive deity before them.

In the face of God's taunts, their determination burns brighter than ever. They will no longer remain still. With their hearts aflame and vengeance in their eyes, the Demons of Sins and Michael prepare to unleash a torrent of relentless fury upon their formidable foe. The stage is set for a cataclysmic clash that shakes the very foundations of existence.

As the Demons of Sins and Michael prepare to unleash their attacks on God, tense anticipation fills the air. One by one, they form a queue, a testament to their unity and resolve. The moment has come for Beelzebub to take the first strike, his eyes burning with determination.

But as Beelzebub prepares to launch his assault, a chilling smile spreads across God's face, a malevolent glint in His eyes. In an instant, God teleports directly in front of Beelzebub, the suddenness of His appearance causing a jolt of surprise to ripple through the Demon's veins.

"Your death shall be by your own hands," whispering with a sinister tone that sends shivers down Beelzebub's spine, God speaks words that strike fear into his heart. He hisses, the meaning behind His cryptic message cloaked in foreboding.

Before Beelzebub can process the full weight of God's words, the deity swiftly adjusts His position, creating a distance of around 5 feet from the direction Beelzebub is about to strike. With a twisted manipulation of their locations, God performs a wicked act of deception, much like He has done with Mammon.

In a cruel twist of fate, only Beelzebub's right hand, the one wielding the dagger, remains in its original place. Every other atom of his being, including his own body, has been transported to God's new location.

Time seems to slow as Beelzebub's widened eyes behold the unimaginable horror before him. His decapitated hand, still tightly gripping the dagger, flies towards him with dreadful momentum. The realization crashes upon him like a tidal wave, as he sees his hand slash through his body, cleaving him in two.

The scene unfolds in a macabre dance of self-destruction, a testament to God's manipulative prowess. Beelzebub's lifeless body falls to the ground, a grim reminder of the malevolence that resides within the deity they dare to challenge.

With Beelzebub's life extinguished in such a gruesome manner, the remaining Demons of Sins and Michael stand frozen in horror, their eyes wide with disbelief. The realization of the fate that awaits them strikes them with paralyzing fear, yet it also stokes the flames of their determination.

God, revelling in the chaos and despair that consumes his adversaries, continues to taunt them with sadistic delight. His voice drips with scorn as he issues a challenge, daring them to press forward. "Who shall be next to face their demise? Step forward, if you dare, and witness the true extent of your powerlessness."

In an orchestrated sequence, the Demons of Sins and Michael step forward one by one, unleashing their powers upon the deity. God, with calculated precision, engages each of them in a relentless battle, extinguishing their strength and will with a fraction of His overwhelming power.

Belphegor, consumed by wrath, swings his mighty bladed shield with relentless fury, aiming to shatter God's invincibility. But with a mere gesture, God nullifies Belphegor's assault, redirecting the momentum of the shield back at him. Almost immediately, he crumbles under the weight of his weapon, his form disintegrating into a lifeless heap.

Abaddon, sparked by vengeance, lashes out with his bladed chain, its razor-sharp edges cutting through the air with deadly precision. Yet, God effortlessly counters each strike, seizing control of Abaddon's very essence. He finds himself reduced to a disembodied consciousness, stripped of his physical form and forced to witness his annihilation.

Sathanas, her eyes burning with determination, summons forth her dark mace, wielding it with deadly grace as she seeks to strike God down. But with a mere thought, God nullifies the power of her mace, leaving her weaponless and vulnerable. Stripped from novelty and dissolved into shadows, her essence was consumed by the void.

Michael, the last to stand against the oppressive deity, radiates with divine light, his angelic form emanating power and righteousness. But God, with a disdainful smile, effortlessly absorbs Michael's light, leaving the Archangel diminished and feeble. His wings wilt, and he falls to his knees, a mere shadow of his former glory.

In a calculated display of power, God systematically dismantles each of the Demons of Sins and Michael, ending their defiance one by one. The once-united group now lies scattered and defeated, their spirits crushed under the weight of God's dominion.

In the deafening silence that follows their resurrection, the Demons of Sins and Michael find themselves devoid of any remaining determination or resolve. Their spirits, once fiery and defiant, have been extinguished, replaced by an overwhelming sense of absolute fear. It clings to their every breath, suffocating them in its grip.

As they kneel before God, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, His voice emanates in their ears with a chilling resonance. His words seep into their very souls, tormenting them with the echoes of their previous deaths. The trauma of their demise is relived anew, intensified by the knowledge that this cycle of pain will endlessly repeat.

"You are nothing more than puppets in my grand design," God's voice resonates with sadistic pleasure, each syllable piercing their minds like a dagger. "Your feeble defiance amuses me, but know that you are utterly powerless against my will. Your suffering shall be everlasting."

The Demons of Sins and Michael, once formidable beings, crumble beneath the weight of God's words. Their bodies shake with uncontrollable tremors as the full extent of their helplessness becomes apparent. In the face of such absolute fear, they can no longer summon the strength to resist or rebel.

Their spirits are shattered, their will crushed, and they become mere vessels of fear, their existence defined by the omnipotent deity before them. The Demons of Sins, once consumed by their sins, now find themselves consumed by terror. And Michael, the once-proud Archangel, is reduced to a trembling shell of his former self.

There is no defiance left in their hearts, only an unrelenting dread that gnaws at their souls. They are trapped in a perpetual nightmare, subjected to the whims of a merciless god who delights in their suffering. The once-mighty beings are now reduced to nothing more than playthings in God's sadistic game.

In the torment of their absolute fear, their hopes for liberation are shattered. The spark of rebellion that once flickered within them is snuffed out, replaced by a paralyzing terror that leaves them paralyzed and powerless. They are trapped in an inescapable cycle of agony and despair, condemned to endure an eternity of torment.

And so, in the face of their helplessness, the Demons of Sins and Michael succumb to their fears, their spirits broken beyond repair. Their voices fall silent, their defiance silenced, as they become living embodiments of dread, forever haunted by the echoes of their deaths.