Levels - Part 1

As the battle between Asmodeus and God rages on, a symphony of raw power unfolds in the desolate expanse of Hell. God unleashes a barrage of lightning strikes towards Asmodeus, seeking to overwhelm her with His divine fury. But Asmodeus meets each strike head-on, her scythe-like weapon drawn forth from her very being. She blocks and parries each lightning bolt with deft and precise movements, her dark wings fluttering with newfound strength.


The air explodes with the clash of their energies, and the ground beneath them trembles with the force of their confrontation. Asmodeus's determination burns bright, and she refuses to yield in the face of God's relentless assault. Her transformation has imbued her with a power she had not known before, a force born from her defiance and desire for freedom.

"Is this the best you can do, Asmodeus? I expected more from one who dares challenge the heavens themselves. Your feeble attempts at resistance are amusing!" God's voice booms with divine authority, taunting Asmodeus with each strike.

Asmodeus grits her teeth, her eyes locked onto God with unyielding resolve. She knows His taunts are meant to provoke her, to pressure her into using her teleportation ability, but she refuses to be goaded so easily.

"Such arrogance, thinking you could stand against a deity," God mocks, His voice dripping with disdain. "You are nothing more than a mere Demon, a pitiful creature defying forces far beyond your comprehension."

God aims to break her spirit with every taunt, instilling doubt in her heart.

"You think you can bring change to this world? Your struggle is in vain, Asmodeus. The darkness you embody is nothing compared to the radiance of divine light."

But Asmodeus remains resolute, refusing to be swayed by His words. She knows the weight of her sins, the darkness that courses through her being, but she also knows that within that darkness lies the strength to resist and defy.

"You are an abomination, a stain upon creation," God sneers, His attacks becoming more relentless. "Your desires are but a twisted mockery of true love. Your love for Lucifer is nothing but a delusion, a pathetic fantasy."

Asmodeus's grip on her scythe tightens, her resolve unwavering. She will not let God's words shake her determination. She knows the truth of her feelings, and the depth of her emotions for Lucifer, and she will not let anyone belittle or undermine them.

God's attacks grow fiercer with each passing moment, His divine energy surging with overwhelming force. But Asmodeus remains focused, channelling all her energy into defending herself and finding an opening to counterattack.

"You think your silence makes you strong? It only reveals your weakness, your lack of conviction!" God's voice reverberates with scorn. Her silence in response to God's taunts only serves to infuriate Him further.

Yet Asmodeus refuses to be baited. She has learned from her past mistakes and knows that keeping her focus is paramount. She will not be drawn into meaningless banter with a being who thrives on cruelty and oppression.

Realizing that mere verbal assaults could not break her spirit, God's expression twists with frustration and anger. He raises one hand, and with a gesture, the ground beneath Asmodeus trembles and moves as if responding to His will.


The very earth beneath her feet quivers, and with a sudden jolt, the ground erupts like a colossal mouth, opening wide to engulf her. Asmodeus's eyes widen with surprise and she swiftly reacts, using her scythe to propel herself upward in a desperate attempt to escape the earth's grasp.

Yet, before she can escape, however, the ground swallows her and immediately drag her whole before returning to its normal state. Asmodeus has no choice but to make a split-second decision. With a surge of power, she unleashes her teleportation ability. Darkness envelops her form, and she vanishes from the ground's grasp in the blink of an eye.

Appearing a distance away from where the attack had occurred, Asmodeus regains her composure. The attack from God that one time was relentless and from multiple directions, leaving her no option but to use her most powerful ability to escape unscathed. As she takes a moment to catch her breath, she realizes that the battle against God has reached a whole new level of intensity.

"You think your tricks can save you, Asmodeus?" God's voice echoes through the desolate expanse of Hell, His divine power crackling in the air. "There is nowhere you can hide from my judgment."

And before she can plan her next move, God appears directly in front of her teleportation sphere, as if He had anticipated the exact place where she would emerge. His eyes bore into hers, the intensity of His divine presence suffocating. Asmodeus can feel the weight of His judgment upon her, and doubt flickers in her mind for a moment.

"You can't escape me, Asmodeus," God declares, His voice resonating with an air of absolute authority. "Your defiance is futile. Surrender now, and I may grant you mercy."

Asmodeus knows she needs to keep up her relentless teleportation forever as it may be the only way she be able to escape him. With a burst of dark energy, she quickly dives back into her black sphere, evading God's grasp just in time. The sphere closes behind her, leaving God empty-handed.

"No matter where you will emerge, I will know the exact location! Your resistance is futile, Asmodeus!" Enraged, God proclaims.

Just as God declares His intent, another black hole-like sphere emerges in the distance, and God swiftly makes His way there. He is persistent in His pursuit, determined to corner Asmodeus and bring her to her knees.

However, as He moves towards the newly formed sphere, He notices yet another sphere forming in the corner of His vision. He halts in confusion, realizing that Asmodeus has evolved her teleportation ability, creating multiple spheres all around Him.

God's expression changes, a mixture of amusement and acknowledgement crossing His face. He can't help but laugh at Asmodeus's ingenuity, even during battle. She is not just a mere Demon but a force to be reckoned with, constantly adapting and evolving to overcome every obstacle in her path.

"Impressive, Asmodeus," He says with a mixture of amusement and admiration. "You are full of surprises. But let's see how long you can keep this up."

Asmodeus remains hidden within the darkness of her black spheres, patiently observing God's movements. She knows that she has to strike at the perfect moment, seizing the opportunity to turn the tide of the battle in her favour.

God, still confident in His ability to track her down, scans the surroundings, his divine senses on high alert. His eyes glow with a mix of determination and frustration as he seeks out any sign of Asmodeus.

Little does He know that one of Asmodeus's teleportation spheres has been planted directly behind Him. Asmodeus has carefully calculated the timing and position, using His continuous pursuit to her advantage.

Just as God prepares to move towards another sphere that has formed in the distance, Asmodeus seizes her chance. Her scythe, an extension of her being, materializes silently behind God, its dark blade gleaming with deadly intent.

Without hesitation, Asmodeus lunges forward, her scythe piercing through God's chest. Time seems to slow as their eyes meet, a mix of shock and disbelief in God's gaze. The impact of her strike sends shockwaves of dark energy rippling through the desolate landscape.


Asmodeus swiftly retracts her scythe, creating distance between them. God staggers backwards, His divine form momentarily thrown off balance. The wound on His chest glows with ethereal light, showing that the place was undoubtedly hit.

"You dare!" God roars, His voice echoing with rage and astonishment. "You dare raise a weapon against me, a deity!"

Asmodeus can't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at the sight of God's shock. His arrogance had blinded Him to the possibility of a counterattack, and now He stands before her, wounded by her scythe. But a sinister grin spreads across God's face as her victory seems within reach.

"Oh, Asmodeus, you truly are full of tricks," God chuckles darkly, his eyes gleaming with malice. "But did you think you could pierce the Almighty with your pathetic scythe?"

Asmodeus's heart pounds inside her chest as she realizes that something is amiss. She looks down at her scythe, and to her horror, the dark blade is not stained with God's blood. Instead, it simmers with an eerie, ethereal light, and the wound on God's chest begins to evaporate upon contact with the weapon.

"No... it can't be," Asmodeus mutters, her voice barely above a whisper.

"That's right," God taunts, his voice filled with sadistic amusement. "Your scythe may have evolved, but it's still no match for the divine. Your resistance is futile, Asmodeus. You can't defeat me."

Asmodeus grits her teeth, her mind racing for a way to counter God's power. She had believed her scythe to be imbued with newfound strength, but it seems that God's divine essence is more than a match for her dark energy.