Levels - Part 2

God's malevolent laughter echoes through the desolate expanse of Hell as he revels in Asmodeus's desperate situation. He takes a step closer, His divine power crackling in the air, and raises His hand again, this time choosing to choke her with an invisible force.

"You dare challenge me?" God sneers, tightening His grip on the unseen noose around Asmodeus's throat. "Your defiance only brings you closer to your demise, foolish Demon."

Asmodeus gasps for breath, her hands instinctively reaching for the ethereal restraints that bind her. She struggles to break free, but God's power holds her in an unyielding grip.

In a desperate bid to protect herself, Asmodeus focuses her energy and forms a circular black cloud-like pane between her and God. The smoky barrier undulates and swirls, becoming an extension of her will.

With a surge of concentration, Asmodeus pulls the cloud towards her, effectively teleporting to a spot further away from God. But she doesn't stop there; she takes a gamble and decides to bring along God's arm that was choking her.


The act is a risky move, as tampering with God's divine essence could have severe consequences. Asmodeus knows she has to act quickly to sever the connection between herself and God's arm before the backlash of His power reaches her.

The severed arm dissipates into thin air as it forms back at God's side, leaving Him momentarily bewildered. Asmodeus lands on her feet, her chest heaving from the lack of air and the exertion of her actions.

"You dare play with my power, Asmodeus? You are indeed brimming with surprises," God's eyes narrow with fury and a mix of admiration for her audacity.

With her back against the smoky pane, Asmodeus forces herself to catch her breath. She knows that God won't be fooled for long and that she needs to think of her next move quickly.

"I'll do whatever it takes to protect myself and those I care about," Asmodeus retorts defiantly, her voice regaining some strength.

"Your struggles are in vain, Asmodeus. You may have managed to evade me momentarily, but you can't escape your fate. I am the Almighty, and your defiance is but a fleeting shadow," God chuckles darkly, a sinister glint in His eyes.

Asmodeus narrows her eyes, determination burning anew within her. She can't let God's taunts get to her. She knows that while she may not possess the raw power of a deity, her cunning and resourcefulness are her strengths.

"You have grown quite formidable, Asmodeus," God acknowledges, surprising her with His words. "Your intellect and wit are impressive, even for a Demon."

Asmodeus's eyes widen slightly at the unexpected compliment from her adversary. She had expected nothing but scorn and condescension from the Almighty, yet here he stands, recognizing her abilities.

"But do not mistake my admiration for weakness," God adds, His tone stern. "You are still but a mere speck compared to the vastness of my divine power."

Asmodeus straightens her posture, absorbing the backhanded compliment with a mix of pride and caution. She knows that God's praise is not a sign of leniency; rather, it is a reminder that she must stay vigilant in the face of His overwhelming might.

"I may be a speck, but even specks can create chaos," Asmodeus retorts, her defiance unyielding. "And chaos is the key to breaking the chains that bind us."

God's expression shifts, a flicker of uncertainty crossing His features. He knows that Asmodeus's words hold a kernel of truth. Chaos and unpredictability can be powerful weapons, even against a deity.

"You think your chaotic nature can challenge the order of the cosmos?" God challenges a hint of intrigue in His voice.

"Perhaps not on its own, but chaos can be a catalyst for change. It can sow the seeds of revolution, even in the most rigid structures," Asmodeus smirks, seizing the opportunity to play on His curiosity.

God's eyes narrow, considering her words. He has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, the ebb and flow of chaos and order throughout History. Perhaps there is a grain of truth in Asmodeus's beliefs.

"You seek freedom, Asmodeus," God states, a touch of solemnity in His voice. "But freedom comes with a price. Are you prepared to pay it?"

"I am prepared to pay any price for my freedom," Asmodeus declares, her determination resolute. "Even if it means challenging the Almighty Himself."

"Very well, Asmodeus. Then prove your worth. Show me the extent of your chaos and see if it can truly rival my divine order," God's expression remains inscrutable, His divine aura pulsing with restrained power.

Asmodeus's heart quickens with anticipation. She knows that this is not a battle she can win through brute force alone. She must rely on her intellect and her ability to outmanoeuvre God's power.

Asmodeus steadies herself, her mind focused on her ultimate goal – to buy enough time for Lucifer and Malique to return with the 'Holy Lance.' She knows that every moment counts, and she must keep God occupied.

As God approaches her once more, she maintains her defensive stance, the multiple teleportation warps covering her whole body like a protective shield. His attempt to choke her again is thwarted by the barrier she has created.

"You can't escape your fate, Asmodeus," God warns, His voice resonating with authority.

"My fate is not yours to decide," Asmodeus remains still, not budging an inch. Her eyes flicker with determination as she replies.

God, undeterred by her defiance, extends His hand towards the teleportation warp enveloping her. To His surprise, the moment His hand enters the barrier, it emerges from the side, as if the teleport has separated Him from touching her.

A sly grin curls on Asmodeus's lips as she observes God's confusion. He tries again, this time with more force, but the same result occurs. The teleportation warp is not only protecting her from physical contact but also distorting the space around her.

"An interesting trick," God remarks, His curiosity piqued. "But do you think a mere barrier can keep me at bay?"

Asmodeus doesn't respond verbally. Instead, she concentrates harder, manipulating the teleportation warp even further. The barrier becomes even more unstable, seemingly bending and stretching the fabric of space itself.

With a look of determination, God places His hand directly into the teleportation warp once more. But this time, something unexpected happens. The warp instantly sucks itself inside out, revealing Asmodeus with a shocked and terrified face.

"What... How did you..." Asmodeus stammers, her mind racing to comprehend what just occurred.

"Your trickery won't save you forever, Asmodeus. I see through your chaos," God's grin widens, relishing the surprise he had sprung upon her.

In a swift motion, God forms a small, marble-like object in His hand. He raises it above His head and with a forceful throw, sends it hurtling towards Asmodeus.

Asmodeus tries to react, but it's too late. The small object collides with the teleportation warp covering her, and in an instant, the warp begins to behave oddly. It's as if the space inside the warp is being compressed into a vacuum.


The warp itself starts to crumble, unable to withstand the force of the compressed vacuum within. Asmodeus's eyes widen in shock as she realizes what God has done – He sent in a condensed, miniature universe that begins devouring the space inside the teleportation warp.

"No!" Asmodeus shouts in desperation, attempting to control the chaotic force within the warp, but the miniature universe is too powerful. It eats away at the warp until it disappears completely, leaving Asmodeus vulnerable and exposed before God's divine presence.

"Well, well, well," God taunts, His voice dripping with satisfaction. "It seems your tricks have their limitations, after all."

Asmodeus, desperate to buy enough time for Lucifer and Malique to return with the 'Holy Lance,' focuses her energy and forms a circular black cloud-like pane between her and God. The smoky barrier undulates and swirls, becoming an extension of her will. She tries to use the teleportation warp to keep God at a distance, but He becomes too impatient to be fooled.

With a speed greater than light itself, God moves instantly behind Asmodeus, His divine power crackling with menace. He straightens His arm as if it were a sword, and before she can react, His hand pierces her chest with devastating force.

Pain, unlike anything she has ever experienced courses through Asmodeus's body. She gasps in shock and agony as the divine blade-like hand keeps her immobilized, leaving her defenceless against God's wrath.

God sends a surge of His power coursing through her body, limiting her from forming any tricks or using her abilities. She feels weakened, trapped, and unable to break free from His grasp.

Between this torment, Asmodeus's attention is drawn to a faint glimmer of movement in the distance. Through the haze of pain and despair, she sees Lucifer and Malique running toward her at full speed.

Her heart fills with a mixture of hope and dread. She knows that they are her only chance to turn the tide against God. Asmodeus musters every ounce of strength she has left and manages to utter a weak warning to her allies.

"Lu...cifer... Malique..."