Chapter 1: The Beginning (1)

A girl comes out from the bus, taking her luggage and backpack with her. The bus driver even assists her in lifting the heavy stuffs. The driver tells the girl that the bus cannot go any further from the bridge and apologizes. The girl waves her hands, disagreeing and that she is grateful for the help as she bows her head in gratitude. The bus driver smiles gently and advices her to take care.

After that, the bus drives off, leaving the girl on the side road, at the end of the bridge.

The girl is wearing a plain white blouse, a black skirt that reaches her knees and a pair of black shoes for girls. She also wears eyeglasses and her obsidian black hair is tied in a bun.

The girl looks ahead on the bridge, she can already the see the gigantic front gate of the academy she is going to be studying as she holds tight onto the handle of her luggage.

The school is one of the biggest and prestigious schools in Southern Winter Dale Heights, Country of Graceland: St. Augustine of Valentine.

The girl starts to look around her surroundings. Other than the bridge, she can only see trees, like inside the forest on the other side of the bridge.

'Will I be alright staying in this school? And why did I even agree to transfer here in the first place?'



"Bernadette dear, I want you to transfer to St. Augustine this year." A woman in her late 40's said.

The girl, who was called "Bernadette" who was currently eating her lunch, stopped and raised her head at the woman and asked, "Is there are reason as to why I have to transfer out, mama?"

The woman smiled and answered, "You didn't do anything wrong, if that is what you are wondering. I only want you to be safe. I mean, your brother Brandon and cousin, Czarina are studying there as well. They can take care of you. I do not want you to be alone throughout your high school days. I also have not seen you go out of the house, to be with friends. You always focus on reading or studying. I just hope that transferring you to St. Augustine might change your social life for a bit."

Bernadette thought for a while before she nodded her head, as a sign that she agreed to be transferred.

"I don't mind going to transfer. If that is what mama wishes then I'm okay with it."

The woman smiled gently and said, "You won't regret it. In addition, I do not want you to wear those outfits again. I do not want to see my precious daughter being called nerd again."

Bernadette shook her head, "Mama, you worry too much. I am fine being like this. I will make sure that I can enjoy my high school life in the academy. Also, I really do not want them to know how I am affiliated with Brother Brandon and Czarina."

The woman only shook her head, in defeat.

"Okay. If that is your wish then I'll consider it, sweetie."

"Thank you, mama." Bernadette smiled gently.

"Now let's finish this and we'll work on the transfer papers."

"Yes, mama."

-Flashback End-


'Oh right, it is because of mama. I did promise her that I would enjoy my days here. Anyway, the academy is really big, if that gigantic front gate is any indication, even from afar… wait, mama did tell me that the school is isolated than most prestigious schools because the middle school and high school divisions is located in an island. The Elementary division is in the Capital City, the same goes for the University. Sigh… will I really be able to survive this…? Hopefully…'


Bernadette feels like digging her own grave.

'How can I get there if there's no public transportation around here that can take me there?' She facepalms at this.

Bernadette wants to cry but it seems like luck is on her side as a car suddenly stops in front of her.

She blinks her eyes and stares at the window of the car.

She snaps out of her reverie as the window suddenly rolls down and sees an attractive guy, who has a tan skin (similar to a Filipino term "Moreno") but makes him look more attractive, with the way his ash brown hair is style with wax.

"What are you doing in the middle of nowhere?" The guy asks Bernadette.

"Uh… the bus driver said he couldn't go any further so…" Bernadette answers, a bit embarrassed.

The guy rolls his eyes before he comes out the car.

Bernadette's eyes widens at the guy in front of her. The guy is taller than her by a few centimeters or so. Also, a bit on the muscular side that makes him sexy and more attractive.

Bernadette suddenly gets alarm when the guy holds her wrist and pushing her inside the car, along with her backpack.

"What are you doing?!" Bernadette exclaims as she looks at the guy.

"Pushing you inside along with your things and driving you to the premises?" The guy questions, instead of answering.

Bernadette feels her vein in the forehead, twitch in irritation and remains silent as the guy puts her luggage inside the compartment. Once he does, he gets inside the driver's seat and starts the car.

There is an awkward silence inside the car, so Bernadette decides to break the ice by asking, "May I know your name?"

"Louis Kirsten, first year student in the High School Division." The guy named Louis, replies.


"And you? Tell me your name. Also, I have not seen you around. Are you new?" Louis asks.

"Ah! I am sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Bernadette Williams. And I… uh yeah, I'm new?"

"Oh! You must be the new student that my sister is referring to, last night." Louis starts.


"But I didn't expect someone nerd to transfer to this academy. It is rare since the students that are usually here are rich, sassy and obnoxious, who come from rich families that wants to be away from their parents and so-called problems. Did you get here by scholarship?"

"Uh… no?"

"So you're rich as well? Wow, you are weird. If you're rich, why are you dressing like a nerd?"

"I'm not a fan of people crowding all over me. I prefer to be in a quiet place."

"Hmm, point taken. So why did you transfer here?"

"My mother wants me safe, so she decided to transfer me here. My brother and cousin studies here as well. My mother also wants me to learn how to be independent and be my own person."

"Your mom is nice. I mean, she must really care about you a lot. You rarely see parents from rich families being nice and caring for their children, these days. Anyway, your brother and cousin studies here. What's their name?"

"Brandon Williams and Czarina Weller."

The car suddenly stops, making Bernadette almost hit her head on the back of the passenger seat. Bernadette looks at Louis, who is looking at her with his eyes widening and jaw dropping in surprise.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Nope." Bernadette says in a deadpan tone.

The atmosphere suddenly turns awkward once again.

Louis clears his throat before starting his car and drives off.

"I am not expecting that Senior Brandon and Czarina have a relative. I mean, they never talk about you or their family members. Both of them are very secretive."

"The two of them are both private people. Moreover, they have their reason for keeping it. It's a bit personal though."

"It's alright if you can't tell. I mean, you can tell me when you are ready or when we are close enough for you to trust me with anything, okay?"

"Okay, thank you."

"I have been wondering, how old are you?"

"I am eighteen."

"Whoa! No way, you are older than me by a year? You look so young than your age, Miss Williams."

Bernadette smiles at him, "You look cute despite the appearance though, Mister Kirsten."

Louis laughs at her statement.

"You are the first person who ever tell me that I am cute, Miss Williams. You're really something. Other people would tell me that I look hot though. Also, you don't have to be formal with me as I am your junior. Welcome to St. Augustine Academy, Senior Williams. Let's enjoy this school year together, okay? Louis finishes his statement with a wink.

Bernadette smiles shyly, "Okay, I understand. Thank you, Mister K- I mean, Louis."

Louis smiles at her and there's silence surrounding but this time, a comforting one during the ride.
