Chapter 1: The Beginning (2)

Louis and Bernadette arrives in front of St. Augustine of Valentine Academy's gate and Louis gets off the car, opens the door on the back seat for Bernadette. When Bernadette gets off the car, she notices how big the academy is.

Louis is staring at Bernadette, who is staring at the academy in amazement. Louis smiles at this in amusement.

"Miss Williams, you are only staring at the gate, where we need to get past security first then we have to enter the building, which is only a head office where we have to get your schedule, student manual and a map, so you won't get lost. Also, there are rooms here that are exclusively for workers." Louis explains.

Bernadette looks at him, shock shows on her face.

"Eh? Really? Just how big this academy is exactly?"

"Hmm… well to be honest, the academy is as big as a small island but mostly surrounded by trees outside the walls, if you have noticed them. As for the buildings, I'll explain once we have the map for you. For now, I'll tell how many buildings in the academy."

"Sure, go ahead."

"So aside from this building you are seeing, we called this "The Heaven's Gate". Why we are naming buildings, it just happened like that. The purpose of this building is for security and protection. Anyway, we have the school building, divided into three: The Main Building, the East Wing and the West Wing. There are five dorms. Two dorm buildings per division and a special dorm building called "Cupid's Lair". I'll tell you about that later. So… there's a greenhouse, an auditorium, a gym, a library house. There's also a CO-OP or store where you can buy all the things like school supplies, toiletries, and I forgot the rest. Last but not the least, there's parking lot when we past the entrance gate earlier. Though, it is big enough to fit ten to fifteen vehicles only."

"Only fifteen vehicles, why?"

"Most of the cars that parked here were owned by the faculty members. And only a few students take their cars here, like five cars. I'm one of them."

"I see…"

"Louis Kirsten, I cannot believe you are flirting with a transfer student." A feminine voice interrupts them.

Both Bernadette and Louis turn their heads to see the owner of the voice. Bernadette sees a short girl, wearing the academy's exclusive design uniform, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the ground. Bernadette observes the girl's features. The girl has a fair skin. Her blonde wavy hair reaches pass her shoulders. The girl's forehead is hidden under her styled bangs but she can distinguish that the girl's forehead is pretty. What amazes Bernadette is…

She can actually imagine the girl smile like an angel, if said girl is not scowling at Louis at the moment.

Bernadette steals a glance to her side and sees Louis panicking to the point she can literally see sweats around the attractive guy.

"L-Leila, it's not what it looks like!"

The girl, Leila, raises her brow, "Please do elaborate?"

"The stupid bus dropped her off the other side of the bridge and I just happen to see her and gave her a ride! You know me. I can't flirt with someone I only see for the first time."

"Uh huh…"

"Just believe me for once, Lei-."

"Okay, I'll believe you. For the sake of not embarrassing you in front of our transfer student." Leila smiles like how Bernadette imagine. 'An angel.'

Louis lets out a sigh of relief.



Leila pulls on Louis' ear and scream to his ear.

"Stop standing there and park your damn car before I actually smash it for taking that with you, Louis Kirsten!"

Louis immediately rushes back to his car, gets in then starts the car to the parking lot.

Leila smiles at Bernadette, like nothing happen. That most beautiful smile that the latter has seen in her whole life. A beautiful smile of an Angel.

"Sorry for my rudeness. Louis sometimes ticks me off but do please ignore what you saw earlier. Apologies for the introduction, my name is Leila Kirsten, Louis' sister and I am in my senior year (3rd), High School Division. Welcome to St. Augustine of Valentine, Miss Bernadette Williams." Leila introduces herself as she extends her hand to Bernadette.

Bernadette stares at the hand before takes her hand, "Nice to meet you, Senior Kirsten."

"No need to be formal, you may call me Leila. Anyway, I am glad you came here safely. Your brother, Brandon, has been anxiously waiting for your arrival. It's quite rare to see the usual poker face Brandon, to be worrying over something, especially someone. You must be very special."

"Thank you for taking care of my brother. I do apologize on his behavior." Bernadette apologies, making Leila laugh in amusement.

"No worries. I am quite amused to see him like that." Leila smiles.

"Oh…" Bernadette smiles, a bit nervous to be around the elder Kirsten.

Leila notices this of course and smiles gently.

"No need to be nervous. You just became friends with my idiot of a brother and I am also your brother's best friend. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask us for help. I heard from Brandon that you want to keep a low profile?"


"I am not sure why you want that but we'll see what we can do about that."

"Thank you, Senior Kirsten."

There's a comfortable silence then someone shouts from afar.

"Leila! Classes will begin soon, we need to get Senior Williams' schedule and stuff, you know!"

The ladies look at Louis, who is already in the building, carrying Bernadette's backpack and luggage.

Leila smiles at Bernadette, "Let's go, shall we? We do need to get your schedule and map at the reception. Louis will take your things at the counter. They will be the ones to put your things to your assigned room."

Bernadette nods her head as Leila starts tour guiding her. With Louis joining them after dropping of the stuffs.


Bernadette and the Kirsten siblings comes out of the office, with Bernadette's schedule, student manual and a school map.

Bernadette's assigned dorm room is still not finalize as there has been a problem with this year's room assignments. They are currently at the waiting area for it.

"While we are waiting for your dorm number, should I tell you about the academy rules? I will tell the dorm rules." Leila suggests.


"The academy has simple rules like any schools around. No breaking things, no smoking, no drinking, no drugs, no vandalizing of academy properties and no cutting classes –unless you have a valid reason to do, such as health concern or emergency-. The only thing is, you cannot go outside the academy at night. There's curfew hours which is from 9 o'clock in the evening until 6 o'clock in the morning after. Unless you have valid reason, you need to inform the admin ahead of time. The only thing they can slide the breaking of curfew hours is family or business matters."

Bernadette nods her head in understanding.

"There are lots of surveillance cameras around the school, so every actions has been recorded. If you violate anything, you will be called to the guidance office or worse, the Headmaster's office. There are three degrees of punishment, 1st is suspension; 2nd is your parents being called and 3rd is you will be expelled with bad records, if ever you study in a different school."

"So all I need to be is become a good student?"

"Basically. I hear from Brandon that you are the studious-type and prefer libraries all the time, so I think you are safe."

"Hopefully." Bernadette nods her head.

The ladies wait in silence until Bernadette is called for the dorm number. Once done with their agenda, they see Louis at the backdoor, leaning against the wall.

The backdoor is the way to the where the academy building and dorms located.

Leila signals Bernadette to follow and they go outside, only to see a beautiful garden and a mini-fountain display.

"This backdoor we came from, is the only way to get outside the school. If you have the need to go out, you need to go through here for a pass to go out. So if ever you are planning to sneak out, don't think at all or you'll be spotted immediately. Louis did mention to you that the security of the academy and protection of all students is the top priority in this place." Leila explains.

"I see. Hence, it was really called "The Heaven's Gate?" Though I do not see the connection." Bernadette says as she follows Leila and Louis walking ahead. She observes her surroundings and the path direction they are going.

"True, it is weird. But the reason for the name came from a story, I forgot what it was but the lines from there is 'If you are qualified, you may enter the Heaven's Gate. Once you do, you'll see the beautiful paradise you are privilege to have.' Or something like that." Louis explains.

"We are here, at the intersection." Leila announces.

Bernadette cannot help but stare at the beautiful scene before her.

There's another fountain display, bigger than the one outside the Heaven's Gate Building. There are benches surrounding the fountain with flowers on each side and lamps. And then, Bernadette sees three paths. North, East and West. Thankfully, there's a signage for each paths. The North path is directed to the school itself. The West path is where the Library, Chapel and Co-op that Louis is referring earlier. And the East path is where the dorms are.

"It feels like I am in a forest…"

Leila and Louis chuckles at Bernadette's statement. The latter blushes upon realization that she says that out loud.

"You are quite amusing, Miss Williams." Louis smirks at her.

"Ignore that idiot, Miss Bernadette. We are going straight to the academy's premises to get you to your class. Your brother is not able to get you because he is currently busy with the council. He promises to be with you when you go to the dorms later." Leila says.

Louis slows down to be beside Bernadette and leans closely to her ears.

"Did you know? Some students who graduated here previously, said that when you and your lover ever kiss by at that fountain at night, you two will be together forever. Not sure if that is true but who knows? Additionally, you can actually date here and do all lovey-dovey stuffs. Some even says that it's more romantic if you date here at night. Not that I am interested. I just heard about it from my classmates." Louis says to Bernadette, who looks at him in amazement.

Bernadette mentally takes note of Louis' information as she nods her head, a sign that she is listening.

After that, the trio proceeds to walk to their next destination, Bernadette's class.


Bernadette, Leila and Louis reaches the campus building.

"We are here now. The campus is a 4-storey building. We are standing at the Main Wing, where the cafeteria, shoe-lockers are on the ground floor. 2nd floor is where the faculty rooms, music room, library, audio room are located. 3rd floor is where the clubs are having the meetings, including the Student Council room. 4th floor is where the Office of the Headmaster and faculty members' cabin are located. Some faculty members do stay here, like us students." Leila describes the facility to Bernadette.

"West Wing is where the classrooms that Middle School Division students are residing and the East Wing is for the High School Division." Louis continues.

"I see…"

"Middle School Division and High School Division are not allowed to interact with one another, unless it is related to club activities only." Leila says before entering the premises.

Bernadette and Louis follow behind.

"Louis, you should go to your class. You can meet with us later as there will be a program later in the auditorium. I'll get Bernadette to her class now." Leila instructs Louis, who pout before waving goodbye and goes to his class.

"Let's go, Bernadette?" Leila smiles at Bernadette, who smiles back.

"Thank you, Leila…" Bernadette says as Leila guides her to her class, on the 3nd floor.


"We are here in your classroom. I'll wait here with you until the homeroom teacher is here." Leila says as she and Bernadette are now standing in front of the door of Class 2-A.

"Oh Miss Kirsten, to what I owe the pleasure to be visited by my favorite student?"

Leila and Bernadette turn their heads to see a lady in her 30's, wearing a khaki dress and a pair of red shoes. Her hair is style in a bun with a slight make-up.

"Mrs. Harren, apologies for dropping by so suddenly. I am just here to drop the new student under your care." Leila smiles and bows respectively.

"Miss Williams, I presume?"

"You already know?" Leila looks surprise that the teacher knows the transfer student.

"Why are you surprised? I saw Williams just now and informed me that his baby sister will be under my care." Mrs. Harren says.

Bernadette can tell that Leila is a bit annoyed.

'Oh Brandon, how overprotective can you be?' Bernadette thinks as she shakes her head in disbelief.

"You should go to your class now, Miss Kirsten. I'll takeover for Miss Williams here." Mrs. Harren assures that Bernadette will be taken good care of. Leila nods her head and goes to her class, leaving Bernadette behind.

"Please wait for me here. I will introduce you to the class."

Mrs. Harren goes inside and announces to the class that they will be having a new transfer student.

Bernadette hears the chorus of response from the students inside the classroom. Mrs. Harren gestures for her to come in and she comes in.

Bernadette walks inside the classroom until she reaches the front to where the teacher is before facing her new classmates.

"My name is Bernadette Williams, nice to meet you all." Bernadette introduces herself then bows in respect.

The girls in class, snorts at Bernadette, while majority of the boys in class, groan in disappointment. It seems they are expecting something else. As Bernadette observes her new class, she notices two people at the very corner of the room, next to the window.

'W=what are they doing?' Bernadette thinks as she notices the girl, -who she thinks, is dazzling- sitting on the good-looking guy's lap, face on the guy's neck. She even notice the girl kissing the guy's neck. Bernadette immediately turns her gaze away from the two, blushing for some reason.

Bernadette, trying to be discreet, the scene itself did not go unnoticed by the teacher and majority of the students.

Mrs. Harren is about to interrupt but is beaten to it by a girl, who stands up and looks to the direction at the back.

"Henri Kingston and Veronica Crimson, can you two stop with the demonstration? The teacher is already here and we have a transfer student. Not everyone is comfortable with what you two are doing!"

Mrs. Harren clears her throat, "Mr. Kingston and Miss Crimson, kindly refrain from doing such activity in the school premises. And Miss Crimson, please return to your class."

The girl, which Bernadette now knows as "Veronica Crimson" gets off the guy's lap, kisses his lip before leaving the classroom, not before staring daggers at Bernadette.

'Why staring daggers when I have not done anything wrong?' Bernadette frowns at the gesture.

"Thank you for the assistance, Miss Lewis. Apologies you have to see that, Miss Williams. Anyway, you can have your seat at the empty spot beside Miss Regis. Miss Regis, please raise your hand."

A girl with dark-reddish hair, raises her left hand and Bernadette sees and slowly goes to the seat she is assigned to. Bernadette greets her by bowing her head before taking a sit. Not realizing that several eyes are observing her.
