Chapter 1: The Beginning (3)

During the 2nd period, which is English, Bernadette cannot help herself but stare discreetly beside her seatmate near the window. The dark-reddish haired classmate of hers, she is cute and pretty in Bernadette's opinion. Her eyes are round, her long nose is pretty and her lips is pinkish pale color, making her seatmate look beautiful.

"It is quite rude to stare, Miss Williams." A teasing tone makes Bernadette snap out of her reverie and looks to the owner of the voice.

It belongs to the seatmate she has been staring at.

Bernadette feels fluster being caught in the act.

"I'm sorry. It's just…"

"No worries. By the way, class has already ended. Third period is a self-study time then lunch time. Do you mind if I give you a tour?"

"Oh, I did not notice, uh…"

"My name is Sheryl, Sheryl Regis. Nice to meet you." The beautiful classmate, Sheryl introduces herself.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Regis." Bernadette greets back.

"You may simply call me Sheryl. Is it alright if I call you Bernadette?"

"Yes. I have no problem with it, Sheryl." Bernadette smiles at Sheryl, who smiles in return.

"Since it's a first day of school year, let's give you a tour now? I should tell you a lot of things as well, if you want a peaceful high school life here." Sheryl says as she extends her hand to Bernadette, who grabs it as she stands up from her seat.

The two girls walk out of the room, not aware of the stares looking at their direction, including a pair of cobalt blue eyes.


"So why did you transfer here?" Sheryl asks as both Bernadette and she ascends the stairs.

"My mother asked me to. She is worried about me." Bernadette responds to the question as they have now reach the 4th floor of the Main Wing building.

"We are here now on the fourth floor. In this floor, this is where the Headmaster Office, faculty member's lounge are located. On the West Wing and East Wing, where all 1st years students of Middle School Division and High School Division are located. The stairs we just came from is the only access to get to the fourth floor. If we go down, the third floor is where 2nd years of both divisions while in the main building, the rooms consist of indoor clubrooms, such as Arts, Drama & Choir Club etc. Of course, Student Council room and Broadcasting room is on this floor as well." Sheryl describes as she descends downstairs with Bernadette following behind.

Sheryl stops once they have reach the 2nd floor.

"On the second floor, the main building consist of audio, music room. Library and Faculty Room. And you can guess who occupies the floor on both East and West Wings. The senior students. Since we will be going down anyway, let's go to the ground floor." Sheryl continues to go downstairs, with Bernadette in tow, who observes each paths they have taken.

Once the two of them reaches the ground floor. Sheryl says this to Bernadette, "On the ground floor, Cafeteria and a small canteen. Plus at the front entrance is the shoe-lockers. For us to get to the outdoor activity sports, stadium, gym, the only access is to the cafeteria and nothing else. For East and West Wing, laboratories and student lounge. Are you able to get it?"

Bernadette nods her head.

Sheryl then smiles at Bernadette, who stares at her in skepticism.

"I know you are new and I am not trying to scare you or anything but I should tell you a few things about this school."

"What is it?"

"In this school, there's a certain hierarchy. It has something to do with social groups, similar to fraternity or sorority in other schools but here, it's different."

"How different?" Bernadette asks, out of curiosity.

"We have five different groups here. The first group is the called "Communia", it is referring to group of students that are neutral. The second one is called "Magistratus", it is referring to our Student Council members. The third group is called "Regum", referring to a group of rich and handsome guys. If I were to give an example, I'd say Louis Kirsten from 1st year High school Division. He is the perfect example as he can be approachable. The other group is the opposite called "Regina", referring to the group of rich and pretty ladies, such as Veronica Crimson, Leila Kirsten but the latter is part of the council, so yeah. Both groups are like Kingka and Queenka from other countries. Last group to make the list is called "Intemerata Regiorum", referring to the group of people that are untouchable or way out of league. The best people to describe here would be Henri Kingston, Lancelot Crossfield and Czarina Weller."


"Of course, Brandon Williams is included but he is the head of the council, so I did not include him."

"I don't understand such hierarchy, Sheryl."

"Well, other than the neutral group, the other groups are a landmine. For your sake, I hope you should never make contact with them. Though, it might be too late?"

"You already figure it out, didn't you?"

"Yeah. I did see Leila Kirsten earlier. Of course, some students even saw you walking with the younger brother, Louis. So I guess you cannot avoid the inevitable." Sheryl shrugs her shoulder.

"The last group, there's more to it but it has something to do with the school tradition. Speaking of which, I will warn you, do not ever catch anything being thrown your way, especially an apple, okay?"


"Just don't. It's for your own good and sanity, Bernadette." Sheryl looks at Bernadette sternly.

"Okay, I won't. I'll just dodge it."

"Good. Anyway, let's go have something to eat. I bet you haven't have your breakfast." Sheryl winks at Bernadette before grabbing the latter's arm, to pull her to the cafeteria.

"Thank you, Sheryl." Bernadette smiles as she lets herself be dragged.


In the cafeteria, Bernadette can say that it is one of the simplest but elegant one she has ever seen.

Bernadette holds her wallet tightly as she stares at the menu. It has cuisines from Asian, Indian and Western countries. She then orders Japanese Ramen while Sheryl orders French fries with Caesar salad. Sheryl brings out her Student ID and gives it to the counter. Bernadette is about to follow suit when Sheryl stops her.

"This is my treat for you, so let me. I am not sure if they explain it but our Student ID is like our wallet, no need to bring money."


"Done." Sheryl gets her ID back and smiles at Bernadette, while carrying her meal. Bernadette pouts a little before following suit.

Both Bernadette and Sheryl are looking for a table to sit and they find a space near the glass door accessible to the outside.

The girls sits down across each other, placing their meal on the table.

"How do you feel on your first day?" Sheryl asks.

"It's fine. I may have misjudged the academy as a whole."

"Oh? Why do you think that?"

"The academy itself. Unlike the campuses in the city, this place gives you a calm and peaceful feeling. Although, I can feel stares from somewhere. Or is it my imagination?"

"It's not your imagination. They are observing you. They are checking which hierarchy you will belong to. And will you be a threat or a friend to them."

"I see. So much to consider, just to have a peaceful year, huh?" Bernadette sighs as she slurps on her ramen.

"Yeah." Sheryl eats some of her Caesar Salad then looks at Bernadette. "I need to warn you about something."

"What is it?"

"The couple who were making out in class..." Bernadette chokes on her ramen at this. She recalls the particular scene, making her blush. Sheryl laughs at her reaction before continuing, "Those two, never touch them. If you ever accidentally see either one of them or at the same time, just ignore them."

"Why?" Bernadette asks as she finally finds her voice after drinking a glass of water.

"How should I put this… Those two has a large fan-base in this academy. Majority calls them, "The Royal Couple," not that they are royal or anything. There's just this infamous incident in our senior year in Middle School Division. The infamous best friends –or used to be, Brandon Williams, 1st year in High School Division then Henri Kingston fought. I don't know what the reason is but according to anyone who are there that day, Kingston's first love died in a car accident. It's not a secret per say but best not to mention this to Kingston. After that fight, Veronica came to the picture. And since then, they have been together. Not sure about the nature of their relationship but it is best to be wary."

"Is Henri Kingston that scary?"

Bernadette hears Sheryl gasps.

"Wait, you don't even know Henri Kingston?!" Sheryl shrieks as she stares at Bernadette, eyes wide in surprise.

"Am I supposed to?" Bernadette questions Sheryl.

"Bernadette, Henri Kingston is the eldest son of Harold Kingston, the founder of Kingston Corporation, one of the richest companies in our country, on par with Wincott Group." Sheryl explains.

"I know Kingston Corporation and Wincott Group. They're a multi-billion companies. Kingston Corporation focusing on real estates, hotels and resorts. While Wincott Group are focusing on restaurants and food supply chains. They recently acquire a shipping company focusing on catering services."

"It seems you research your assignment but yes, I am really referring to the future heir, so he is scary in a sense." Sheryl sighs in relief.

"But it doesn't make sense to me. I have not heard Brandon fought with someone…" Bernadette mutters under her breath, Sheryl hears her.

"So you are Senior Williams' relative?" Sheryl asks out of the blue, making Bernadette look at her. "And Czarina Weller as well, I suppose?" Sheryl stares at Bernadette's brown eyes, sternly.

"Uh… yes, is something the matter?"

Sheryl sighs and puts her hand on Bernadette's shoulder before saying, "Say goodbye to your peaceful high school life."



Bernadette and Sheryl are now on their way back to the classroom as the self-study period is nearing its end. Sheryl promises to tour Bernadette to the gym, auditorium and sports club when they hear the campus speaker.

"Good day, students. This is Cecilia Lewis from Student Council. We would like all students from both divisions to proceed to the Auditorium in 10 minutes. I repeat, all students from both divisions, to please proceed to the Auditorium in 10 minutes. That will be all the announcement. Thank you and enjoy your day."

"And when we just came back, huh?" Sheryl says as she looks at Bernadette, who smiles awkwardly.

"It must be important then." Bernadette says as she follows Sheryl, who starts walking down the stairs.

"Perhaps the Headmaster has something to say."

"Who is our Headmaster anyway?" Bernadette asks in wonder.

Sheryl slows down a bit, so Bernadette catches to her.

"Our Headmaster? You'll meet her soon. Also…"

Once they have reach the ground floor, Sheryl leans closer to Bernadette to whisper in her ear, "Remember, don't catch anything, especially an apple."

"Why is that…?"

"I'll explain later. We have no time. Let's go to the auditorium first." Sheryl says as she grabs Bernadette's wrist and run.


The girls reach the auditorium, already filled with students. Sheryl tries to pass through the crowds, with Bernadette trying to follow but a hand grabs her wrist, pulling her along with Sheryl.

Once they get out of the crowd, Bernadette looks at owner of the hand, who turns out to be Louis.

"Ah! You…"

"Hi Senior Williams, also to Senior Regis." Louis smiles.

"Thanks for helping us out, Kirsten." Sheryl thanks her junior, who nods his head in recognition.

"No worries. I don't want you two to get hurt. It seems something is going to happen." Louis explains, observing their surroundings.

"Indeed." Sheryl agrees.

Bernadette takes note of this then focuses on stage, where the Student Council and a few faculty members are walking on the stage.

"All students. May I have your attention please?" The emcee asks the crowd. The crowd responds as the emcee give the microphone to someone from the student council

"Good morning, students. My name is Brandon Williams, the President from the Student Council and will give a little speech and announcement. As you can see, this year is a new semester for all of you. There might be some changes as we have new students that joined us this year. Later, we will be announcing some changes in the dorms like changing roommates as the previous students here have graduated or transferred to another school, leaving their roommates or the room empty. Please understand the adjustment. That is all. Thank you." A tall man who has his silver hair being styled like some character out of the shoujo manga says his announcement.

Brandon bows his head before returning back to his place beside Leila, whom the trio notice just now.

"And now, the school's headmaster has something to say to all students. Please welcome, Headmaster Aileen Kingston." The headmaster stands up from her seat and walks up to the stage and is now facing all of the students.

"Good morning, students?"

"Good morning, Headmaster!"

"Are you all cooperating with the teachers today?" The headmaster asks the students.

"Yes, Headmaster!" The whole student body replies with enthusiasm.

"That's good to hear. Anyway, I would like to welcome all of the new students in the Academy. Hope you enjoy your school life here in St. Augustine of Valentine. If you have problems, do not hesitate to ask your fellow students, teachers or me for help or go to the guidance office…" The headmaster continues with her speech.

As the speech of the headmaster goes one, Bernadette suddenly finds herself crouching down, holding her head with one hand.

Sheryl and Louis both look at Bernadette and their eyes widen in bewilderment.

Then they heard a gasp just beside the trio and all of the students turn their heads at their direction.

And then…

The girls scream, either in glee or in despair while some boys are whistling happily and some boys are silent and just stare at the scene.

But all of this has gone chaotic beyond imagination when the headmaster says something that both girls and boys scream in agony and happily respectively.








"It seems like we have another pair being born this school year. As a tradition, I, Aileen Kingston, the Headmaster of St. Augustine of Valentine, recognizes the engagement for matrimony between Henri Charles Kingston and Bernadette Williams and officially announces it to everyone. I will look forward for your future, Henri Charles Kingston and Bernadette Williams. I wish you all the best."
