Chapter 2: Being Engaged to Someone You Just Met For the First Time Sucks (1)

Brandon, Leila, Sheryl, Louis and the newly engaged couple, Bernadette and Henri are currently standing in office of the Headmaster with the current Headmaster, Aileen Kingston.

Henri has been debating with the headmaster for 2 hours straight.

"I have been telling you that it was an accident. And my intended person to propose is not to her but Veronica Crimson!"

"And I keep telling you that the announcement is irrevocable." The Headmaster, who is currently sitting on her desk, crossing her arms and staring at the student arguing with her.

"Can you please reconsider this, just once? For your brother's sake…" Henri's cobalt blue eyes stare at the mauve eyes belonging to the Headmaster, his sister.

Bernadette stays silent, not really bothering as she does not even know the whole situation. She stares at her hand, recalling what just happened.



Bernadette jolted out of surprise as she heard the announcement. She looked down on her hand and to her horror, holding an apple.

She recalled what Sheryl told her then she looked up to look at Sheryl and Louis, who looked at her, speechless. 

Bernadette didn't realize what was going on, neither realized that all the students, including Sheryl and Louis, moved away until someone grabbed her by the arm to stand up. Bernadette snapped out of her reverie and looked up to see that the one holding her was none other than Henri Kingston. The person that Sheryl warned her to not get involved with.

Henri Kingston, who looked so dissatisfied at this point, just said something with a voice that could send chills down the spine.

"You are coming with me right now."

Bernadette couldn't do anything as for the first time in her life, she was scared, scared witless at the enigmatic person, who is Henri Kingston.

Bernadette lets herself be dragged by the man, without noticing the stares from the students and the glares from the so-called fans of the person she accidentally became betrothed with, or the fact both Louis and Sheryl followed her.

Brandon and Leila, who were at the stage at that time, looked around and saw the Headmaster's disappearance. Brandon, as the President of the Student Council, stood up and announced that all students must return to the classroom. He then instructed Cecilia and other Student council members before leaving the auditorium, with Leila following suit.


Henri rudely opened the door to the Headmaster's Office, harshly dragging Bernadette inside, with the others slowly following behind.

Henri harshly let go of Bernadette's arm and marched towards the Headmaster, who was sipping on her tea then slammed his palms on the surface, making the Headmaster looked up to him.

"How may I help you, Mr. Kingston?" The Headmaster asked with her serious yet playful tone.

"I want you to revoke the announcement that I am engaged with Bernadette Williams, this instant."

"And why should I do that?"

"Because it was a mistake."

"A mistake? Isn't it you, who threw the apple?" The Headmaster challenged the student.

"Yes, I did but it is supposed to be with the intended person."

"Who? Veronica Crimson? Do you think I will allow such a person to be your betrothal? Don't be stupid, Henri."

"So, are you expecting me to marry someone whom I didn't know?" Henri asked his sister.

"If I were to be frank, then yes. As your sister, I prefer Miss Williams over Miss Crimson."

"I would appreciate it if you don't use my sister as a tool, Headmaster." Brandon intervened.

"See? Even Brandon hates the idea itself." Henri immediately agreed.

"Do not worry, Mister Williams. I do think your sister is a good person and a perfect candidate for my foolish brother." The headmaster immediately shut down Henri and reassured Brandon.

"You've got to be kidding me, Aileen." Henri sneered.

"I'm not kidding around, Henri." Aileen retaliated.

-Flashback Ends-


While the Kingston siblings are still in the middle of arguing, Brandon looks to the side and sees Bernadette staring at her hand blankly. Brandon puts his hand on her sister's shoulder, which made the latter jump in surprise.

"Are you alright, Bernadette?"

"Uh? Oh, brother? Yes, I am alright. Just confused…"

"I'm sorry, Bernadette. If only I knew this would happen, I should have warned you about this tradition." Leila appears in front of Bernadette and apologizes.

"I should have told you during the time I toured you around, I'm sorry…" Sheryl follows suit with apologizing.

Louis only frowns but said nothing, but Bernadette can tell that his junior is also apologetic.

"It is not your fault, so don't feel bad about it. I am fine." Bernadette assures Louis as she looks back to the accidental betrothal of hers and the Headmaster. 

"Henri, can you just suck it up and accept that you are now engaged to Miss Williams? I hate to repeat myself as well as I am against the idea of you and Miss Crimson. So, suck it up and deal with it." The Headmaster says as she massages her forehead, already having a headache about the whole ordeal.

"Fine. I will do this my way and I will make sure to do everything I can until Miss Williams here to be the one to propose the cancellation of our engagement and will do everything to make you all like Veronica." Henri says as he looks at the Headmaster's eyes, fill with determination.

"That's great and all but if you do break up your engagement, I will see to it that you will be the one to bear the consequence of transferring out of this academy and not Miss Williams. Are you ready to deal with that consequence?" The Headmaster looks at Henri with eyes akin to seriousness and mischievousness.

All the students in the room are stunned at the declaration.


"Transferring out?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Henri voices out the thoughts that the others are thinking about.

"Because of your stunt earlier, I was not able to announce it but that will be included in the decree, starting this school year. The board of directors of the school, approved it without much thinking." The Headmaster says nonchalantly before pressing something on her desk.

"I, Headmaster Aileen Kingston, declared that as of today, The sacred traditional of St. Augustine of Valentine, must uphold its importance. Hence, I hereby announced that whoever breaks off the sacred tradition of betrothal, must leave the premises of the academy and is not allowed to be enrolled in any other private academic institutions and universities, consider any person as blacklisted! Upon the witnesses of Student Council members, Brandon Williams and Leila Kirsten, Sheryl Regis, Vice-Leader of Cooking Club and Louis Kirsten of Dance Troupe Club, this decree has now been implemented." The Headmaster states it with an authoritative tone as she presses something again on her desk.

Henri glares at the Headmaster with hatred.

"Are you really going this far?"

"It might look like I am abusing my power, but this is approved by the Board of Directors. Even without your stunt earlier, this will be implemented, nevertheless."

"But you are the one who proposed it, didn't you?" 

"Oh, how I wish I was but no, it is proposed by someone else. My role is only to deliver the announcement and protect the wellbeing of each student in this academy. Henri, as your sister, this decree is a blessing in disguise." The Headmaster stands up from her seat and goes to Henri, who is seething with anger. She places her hand on his shoulder, leaning closer to his left ear to whisper something.

The Headmaster leans away after that.

"Fine, you win. Of course, as to how I handle my fiancée, I hope you do not butt in, especially the council members and closest friends." Henri concedes, admitting defeat.

"What…?" Brandon reacts to this, but Henri cuts him off.

"If you intervene, I will make sure your sister does not have a peaceful life here. And I mean it." Henri looks at Brandon with cold and intimidating eyes, that looks can kill with a single look.

Brandon clenches his fist, feeling helpless.

"Why are you acting like I will kill your sister? I will take care of your sister and make sure she gets a peaceful life in the academy. That's the compromise that I can do, for making her attached to me." Henri states firmly before leaving the room, leaving everyone else behind.

"Bernadette, I…" Brandon starts but cuts of.

"I will be fine, brother. I know this all confusing to me but if he will do what he says about me having a peaceful in this academy, then that is all that matters." Bernadette smiles at this,

"Bernadette…" Leila utters her name fill with worry.

But everyone shuts up when they see Bernadette's expression.

The Headmaster softly chuckles at this. 

"You kids, make sure to escort Miss Williams to her dorm. And welcome to St. Augustine of Valentine Academy, Miss Bernadette Williams." The Headmaster smiles warmly. Everyone in the room pays their respects, before leaving the Headmaster's office.

The headmaster walks towards window and looks out. She sees every student, playing, chatting or simply walking. Then she sees someone, turning her warm expression into a cold one.


Henri, who is currently at the men's comfort room, is washing his bloody fist while looking at the now broken mirror.

Henri is enraged.

'I don't understand why my family is so damn against Veronica.' Are his current thoughts as he recalls what his sister whispered in his ear.

"Henri, I know something that you do not know. All I am going to ask is for you to take care of Miss Williams here. I want you to consider her as a potential candidate for you. You may care for Veronica, but she is not what it seems. I don't want you to get hurt, like in the past. We both know why you chose Veronica and I know you don't love her. Please Henri, take care of Miss Williams. If not as a betrothal, then as a classmate and a friend. I hope you listen to this sister, for once." 

"As a friend… haaa…" Henri is able to calm himself down.

'You owe me for this, Bernadette Williams. You and your brother owe me big time.' He thinks as he finishes washing his bloodied hand before leaving the comfort room, about to go back to class, only to have him bump into someone unexpected.

"Czarina Weller."

"I have heard that you are now engaged to my cousin, Senior Kingston." Czarina says. Czarina Weller is a 1st year in the High School Division. One of the famous "Regina". The coldest and the tallest "Intemerata Regina" and the Ace of the Archery Club.

"Indeed, I am. What are you going to do about it?" Henri stares at Czarina, challenging her.

"Please take care of my cousin. I know you and Brandon have issues with one another but please don't drag my cousin."

"What is so special about your cousin, who needs to be taken care of, by me of all people? Aside from being engaged, that is."

"My cousin, Bernadette. She does not like the attention she is getting. You see her personally, correct? You have noticed her appearance and manners for sure, you know what I am referring to." Czarina says, stating a fact about Bernadette.

Henri must agree with Czarina as he recalls his impression of the transfer student. Bernadette Williams, in his point of view, is an ordinary girl. An ordinary girl, who happens to be a daughter of a rich family. Round glasses, hair tied in a bun. An ordinary girl, studying in a prestigious academy, is already attention grabbing. However, he does not understand as to why they are pushing her towards him.

"And how does any of that concern me? Czarina, you and I both know that it doesn't. If I did not listen to your cousin's advice, why I should I listen to you this time?"

Henri is not expecting from this conversation until he finds his back pin against the wall, next to the men's comfort room, by Czarina Weller.

"You are no fool, Henri. That I know for sure but how about you use your brain for once? When you do, you'll see what I mean." Czarina pushes herself away from Henri before walking away, as if nothing happened.

Henri sighs before he pushes himself away from the wall and walks away to the opposite side of the deserted corridor.
