Chapter 2: Being Engaged to Someone You Just Met For the First Time Sucks (2)

Bernadette, Brandon, Leila, Louis and Sheryl are currently outside the Headmaster's office.

"Bernadette." Brandon breaks the silence.

"Yes, Brother Brandon?"

"Are you really going along with this whole engagement thing? You know that you can back out, right?"

"I know but I will be fine. It is quite a shame if I suddenly transfer out on my first day, isn't it? I really don't want to worry mother because of this."


"You guys worry too much. I know that Henri Kingston is someone that I should never touch but if the headmaster's words earlier is true, I don't want to sacrifice his highschool life here, for the sake of my own freedom. I don't know him that much but I am sure we will find something on how to deal with this whole ordeal."

"All I am hoping is he takes his part seriously." Brandon grumbles.

"Well, I am more worried about Senior Kingston's fanclub and his girlfriend."

"I agree with Kirsten Junior here. After their session in front of the class while Bernadette was being introduced. I am sure Bernadette is already on Crimson's list of most hateful."

"Wait, what session?" Louis looks at Sheryl in confusion.

"What did they do?" Leila asks while Brandon looks at both Sheryl and Bernadette, which the latter turns red out of embarrassment.


"They made out inside the classroom at Kingston's seat, which was at the back. Of course, the teacher is already there."

"I see. I should write a formal letter of warning to Crimson then." Brandon says as he takes out his phone, taking note of this issue.

"We should go to the dorms now. Class is already over. And I think the Dorm Assistant is already aware that Bernadette will designated in the Cupid's Lair." Leila smiles and the group of five, walk away until they leave the premises.

Along the way, Bernadette cannot help herself but ask.

"What is he like? Henri Kingston."

Brandon, Leila, Louis and Sheryl turn their heads to look at her in surprise, not expecting that.

"Why do you want to know?" Brandon asks in a skeptical way.

"I heard that you were good friends but had a fall out because of reasons. I know I shouldn't involve myself since it was not my business but I am pretty much involve now because of this whole traditional thing, so might as well tell me so I could be cautious."

Sheryl rubs her temple at this.

"I apologize, Senior Williams. I told her about Kingston, for her sake but I guess I failed. I didn't expect that she would get caught up like that."

"It's alright, Regis. It's not your fault. I think no expected things to escalate like that."

"I know you prefer your brother to say this but he kind of sucks explaining stuff, so I will do that on his behalf. He can butt in if my story is off, okay?" Leila says as she turns her head to Brandon for permission, who nods his head in approval. Bernadette smiles with gratefulness.

"Of course, Louis and Sheryl may add their insights on this if ever." Louis and Sheryl nod their heads.

"Where should I start? Henri Charles Kingston, is the eldest son of Harold Kingston, the founder of Kingston Corporation, one of the richest companies in our country that focuses on real estates, hotels and resorts. Despite this, Henri Kingston is not someone who is cold and scary like what you saw earlier. When he entered the academy, he was known to be approachable, attentive and friendly. He was pretty much close with everybody during his middle school years here. He was known as a "Happy Virus" because he always maintain positive composure despite the pressures from teachers and overbearing fangirls."

"It was a drastic change, really. I used to talk with Kingston before as we were part of the same club during middle school." Sheryl says as she looks at Bernadette.

"True. The reason for that positive attitude of his is because of one person. The youngest child of Wincott family, Krystelle Lavinia Wincott."

"Who is that?" Bernadette asks.

"Krystelle Lavinia Wincott is Henri Kingston's best friend and first love. They were also engaged in an arranged marriage." Brandon answers his younger sister's question.

"Krystelle Wincott didn't study here during middle school but she is very famous for her tremendous strength in martial arts like Judo and Taekwondo as she's a black belt holder. Not only that, she is known as a 'Queenka' in her previous school in the Graceland Central Town, St. Therese of Benevolence, the richest school in our country." Leila explains as they have reach the fork on the road.

"She is infamous for her personality. She is frank, opinionated and rude. She is also very rude to anyone, especially girls. She is neutral with others at best." Sheryl says her opinion.

"How did you know that?" Louis asks Sheryl about this.

"I was studying there during my 1st year before transferring to St. Augustine in my 2nd year in middle school." Sheryl explains.

"Is she rude to you as well?" Bernadette asks.

"Nope, we seldom talk but according to the opinions of others. I may not know the history but it has something to do with Henri Kingston as to why she is that way." Sheryl answers nonchalantly.

"You're not wrong. Krystelle's attitude towards everyone has everything to do with Henri. She is overbearingly protective of him. Two opposite personalities yet the love they have for each other is genuine. It's not like Henri was not that good-looking in middle school." Brandon says as he smirks in amusement when he sees their reactions, mainly Bernadette and Sheryl.

"Are you pulling a prank here, Senior Williams? No normal person, who was an ugly-duckling during middle school, becomes that handsome!" Louis exclaims at the revelation.

"Are you trying to pull our legs here, brother? I know you are not a humorous person but that's too much, even for a joke." Bernadette says as she looks at his brother in disbelief.

"That was too much, Senior Williams. I would have believed you if you show us a picture right now." Sheryl says as she puts her hands on her waist, challenging Brandon, who immediately check his phone for photos.

"Brandon is not really lying but he exaggerates a bit. I know you're good looking but why compete with Henri?" Leila sighs in exasperation.

"Well let me be petty for once. After all, he did get my first love."

Silence envelop around them after that statement. Brandon looks up from his phone and sees his sister looking at him in surprise.

Louis and Sheryl have their eyes widen and jaws hanging. Only Leila closes her eyes, shaking her head.

"Your first love..."

" Krystelle Wincott as well?"

"No freaking way!"

"So Brandon Williams is capable of loving too?"

"What's that supposed to mean, Louis you brat!" Brandon runs after all Louis, who runs away from the assault.

"That's the first time I saw brother lose his composure. Is the reason why brother and Henri Kingston fought in the past, is because of Krystelle Wincott? But why?"

"It was summer during my 1st year in high school, where we still used to interact with middle school division, so that would make Henri Kingston a 2nd year and I think Sheryl was already here at that time?"

"Yeah, I was already enrolled here. Kingston was the one who approached me and showed me around in Spring." Sheryl confirms.

"Anyway, that year was also the year that Krystelle Wincott was supposed to transfer here but she chose to study abroad. I don't know the reason but along the way, Krystelle's car was caught in a traffic accident in the midde of the Central Bridge." Leila tells them and sees Bernadette have her hands on her lips while Sheryl looks neutral. Leila continues.

"According to the news report, there were 3 people inside, including Krystelle Wincott. The driver was severely injured but died upon arriving the hospital. However, the dashcam of the car, the other person and Krystelle's body were all missing. Since the car's left side hit the railings and the window was opened, it was hinted that they jumped out of the car but fell down to the river, They formed a search group but in one week, they have not found Krystelle's body and was assumed dead. When Kingston learned of this when Brandon told him in person and showed the article report, He went hysteric. Brandon tried to calm him but that resulted in a never seen before fight. Since that incident, the interactions between High School Division and Middle School Division has been limited to Club Activities." Leila ends her story.

"So that was how it went. No wonder. But seriously, why is he with Crimson then? The contrast between Krystelle Wincott and Veronica Crimson is too vast." Sheryl wonders out loud.

"Let's not think about it and follow those two already run off somewhere." Leila smiles and walks. She turns around and looks at Bernadette and Sheryl with a serious expression.

"What we talked just now, you must never mentioned this to Henri Kingston. It is not a taboo but it can trigger him."

"I will keep that in mind." Bernadette says as she looks up in the sky.


And true to Leila's words, all Bernadette's things are with Cupid Lair's Dorm Assistant, Arlene Grace. Apparently, she is currently waiting for them.

"Hello kids, I thought you will be taking your time. I will take it from here and you guys should return to your respective dorms."

"But Mrs. Grace..."

"I know you wanted to help reorganize her stuffs but dinner and curfew hours will be up soon. Be a good student and shoo." Mrs. Grace smiles brightly as everyone except Bernadette, leave.

"Hello, you must be Miss Williams? I am the Dorm Assistant, Arlene Grace. Hope you enjoy your stay. I will show you to the room that you will be sharing with Mr. Kingston." She smiles at Bernadette and motions for her to follow, carrying her luggage.

"I heard your circumstance is a bit special, so I think the room you will be residing in, is the best option for you and Mr. Kingston." Mrs. Grace says as both of them reaches the second floor and towards the door with the room number '0208' and opens if with a card key.

The door opens as the lights turn on automatically and Mrs. Grace first goes inside the room, still carrying Bernadette's luggage. Mrs. Grace drops the luggage in the living room and motions for Bernadette to enter, which the latter do. Once Bernadette enters, she observes the room.

Truth be told, the room is the best option for her and her traditional fiancé.

There is a minimalistic designed living room and small kitchenette with complete kitchen appliances and equipment. (electric stove, refrigerator, coffee machine, microwave and baking oven.)

"There are plates and glasses in the cupboards, frying pans, pots and baking equipments are inside the counters. Utensils, knives and baking fools are inside the drawers. The food and ingredients are already stock up in the fridge. If they are fully consumed, just simply write a list and give it to me. The refilling of goods are always on Saturdays, to make sure you receive them personally. As for laundry, there's a basket in the bathroom. I collect that every Saturday mornings then will be returned on Sunday afternoons, already folded."

"Eh? We could do our laundry, right?"

"No, it is our job. Instead of additional chores, just focus on your studies."

"But we can cook?"

Mrs. Grace laughs at Bernadette's question.

"Yes, sweetie. You can cook, it's a good practice. This kind of rooms, do not exist in other dorms. Only in Cupid's Lair."

"Oh... is it because this dorm is a simulation practice for marriage life?"

"Correct, it is."

Bernadette sighs at this. Mrs. Grace sees this.

" You and Henri Kingston are not the only ones who are in this one-sidedness tradition. There is another pair in a similar situation as you. You will meet them soon, since they are residing

in this dorm. They reside in room '0217'. If you want to meet them, just knock on their door."

"I will."

"I will show you your room as Henri Kingston already settled in his room."

'He's already here?' Bernadette thinks as she follows Mrs. Grace to the room she will be sleeping in.

The room is spacious. There's a queen-size bed, a study table and a chair, a closet. There are two bookshelves with some books. There is also stack up notebooks on the study table. On the bed, there are six sets of uniforms.

"It seems Mr. Kingston already organized your stuffs. The books on the shelves are your textbooks and elaborative student manuals. Your uniforms just came earlier than expected. It seems he took into consideration not to take it out of its covers."

'He should have left it alone.'

"I am sure they have mentioned this to you but I'll just let you know. There's a co-op store near the library. You can buy any school supplies that you need and toiletries."

"Yes, they have mentioned it. I will take a look on them during weekends."

"That's good to hear. I should show you the bathroom." Mrs. Grace opens the door to the bathroom and motions for Bernadette to come closer. Once Bernadette sees the bathroom, she is stunned.

"This bathroom is simple. There's a toilet, a bathtub, a sink with vanity mirror, shower room good for two and the laudry basket for two. Just put your names as labels, to be safe." Mrs. Grace explains but that is not what catches Bernadette's attention.

"Mrs. Grace, what is that door on the other side?"

"Oh, that. That door is an adjacent to Mr. Kingston's room. So this bathroom is shared between the two of you."

'Oh.My.God. What the hell?' Bernadette screams in her mind.

"Every rooms are designed like this. Do not worry, the doors are lock from the bedroom side. Just make sure you settle your arrangements, to avoid any mishaps." Mrs. Grace says as if she is used to her dilemma.

"If you need anything, there's a phone in the living room with instructions or you may go downstairs in the lobby. Hope you enjoy your stay, Miss Williams." Mrs Grace smiles as she leaves Bernadette on her own.

Bernadette sighs. She hears the front door close, indicating that Mrs. Grace already left the room. She walks out of her room to get her luggage, only to freeze on her spot. Henri Kingston is currently standing in the middle of the living room beside her luggage. Henri notices her with his intimidating gaze.

"Oh, it's you."

"Ah, y-yes. I just got in, I hope I didn't disturb you or anything..." Bernadette responds and cannot help herself but shiver and looks away, avoiding his gaze, not noticing that Henri is walking towards her, dragging her luggage along with it.

Bernadette's eyes widen as she looks up, realizing that Henri is centimeters away from her. Bernadette remains still, suddenly afraid to move, especially with an intimidating aura surrounding Henri. She immediately looks down, avoiding his gaze.

"Bernadette Williams, just because you are the sister of Brandon Williams does not mean I will treat you differently. I will keep my end of the bargain but you must do the same." Henri says. His voice is deep and alluring to the ears, to the point it sends chills to Bernadette's spine. Realizing his statement, she responds in the calmest way possible.

"I am not sure what you want me to do but I will do my best to be out of your way."

"Meet me in the living room after you finished organizing your things." Henri says before walking away from Bernadette, to return to his room, closing the door behind him, leaving poor Bernadette alone. She looks down and gets her luggage before returning inside her room.
