Nightmare I

Dark jungle has own secrets. Tonight jungle is silent but not as usual. Feels like this silence of jungle is silence before storm. On usual days sound of wind, animals, birds, insects can be heard. But tonight nothing is making sound.

On top view, Jungle is very dark and very dense. Moonlight is spared on the jungle like painter finish painting with detail. Moonlight on jungle is like making jungle more scarier.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Scream breaks the silence. By the scream birds and animals are awake. birds fly away in fear and animals are running from here to there.

"Follow Her. Catch Her. Bring her to me. Hurry, Go everybody." said man to the group.

The group of people is starting running behind the 10 year old girl. The girl is running very fast and very far from group. She is running in the jungle to save herself from people.

The commotion was edge of the jungle. The group of people has wooden torch which spread yellow light. Girl was running like wind. In no time she was very far from the group as they could not figure out where has she gone.

" I saw her running in this direction." said one of the group as pointing finger.

" But I saw her running this direction." said another as pointing finger at opposite direction.

" No, you are wrong. I saw by my own eyes." said first one with frowning and angry voice as he was trying to prove that he was right

" No, you are lying . I also saw my own eyes." said second one Imitating him."

" Okay. It is not best time to fight. We split and go in each direction." said leader of group in powerful and loud voice to stop the argument as they have no time for that. everyone agreed with that and start searching for her in two direction.

Yellow light can be seen in two different direction. Far from them at the center of jungle little girl has cover a long distance.

Now she was resting her back on tree trunk to get rest as she was panting and tired from the running. She is gasping for air. She felt pain fro her feet. Subconsciously she look down and happen to know that she was barefoot from start. She caught attention on her cloths which was torn and dirty.

She was looking at her hands which was injured. Her palm was dirty with mix of dirt and blood. Besides palm not other injury found in her arms.

The shape of face is round. Her eyes are pointy but has tears, lips are plump, Nose not so pointy but slim, Ears are small. Hair is silky, black and long as they tied in low pony tail. Cheeks are smooth and almost has no fat but dirtied with mixture of salty tears and dirt.