Nightmare II

'Why those people following me? Who are they? and Why me?What can be the situation that i have to be killed? Are they sacrifice me ? but Why?' Lots of questions running in her mind.

' Are they following me? but i see nobody around. I think they left behind. Why am i barefoot? Why can't i remember anything. There is so much pain at feet. My cloths are torn probably when was running it was torn by dried bush.' She thought as she was finding answers as well.

' Forget it. It is not time to think about anything. first of all i have to escape to this jungle . I am sure there is something at end of jungle that will help.'

Now she can thought of running very far from those people.

'Wait, What is on my shoulder? Something wrapped around the shoulder like rope. But where did the rope come to the jun-'

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She screamed at top of her lungs as soon she saw big thick snake trying to wrap up itself around her shoulder.

As soon she saw snake she was trying to shake her arm to get rid off snake while screaming. But the strange thing she did not notice that snake did not harm her until she heard scream. that scream horrified her.

"There she is. look over there. Behind the tree." Shouted the first man that claiming to go right side.

That group of people heard the scream. They thought she was near somewhere. So they run towards to source of voice and they were right. They can see her under large tree resting her back at tree trunk. they could not see snake because of dark.

' How can they fast to reach here. What if they catch me and try to kill me once again. only i can see only one option. I have to run as fast as i can or else....' she could not think further. She completely forget about snake and think about which direction she should be running to get end of jungle.

" Over here guys. She is right in front of us. Come here everyone. We cam catch before she try to run."Shouted one of people to call for another group.


As soon he finished shouting she could not waste any second here. so she turn around and try to run but she fell. Because of darkness she could not see root of tree which was coming below the ground.

Before she can get up, she saw pairs of legs around her . She looked up but before she could see anyone face slap planted on her face.

She was already scared. Because of slap she is very afraid that she stared crying. Her cheeks getting red. Tears flowing on the cheeks by the source of eyes.