Chapter 3 Quest.

'not stipend not tressure…' I replied calmly to her and just laid my head down glancing at her. 'oh, you mean no assets that people get when taking you in?' Lily asked smiling a little awkward to me. 'Mhm.' I replied nodding slightly to her and just continue to bite at the grass as it was a good control exercise. 'I don't care about some dragon tressure. As you have seen I am a little firm making people worried about me as I um… I cannot have a child on my own so I tried adopting one.' Lily said quietly to me so I looked calmly at her but looked at her body but didn't sense anything wrong with her physically.

'just need mate…' I said smiling awkward to her. 'I have a husband called Frank and we tried to have a child but I cannot have one dear…' Lily said quietly looking a little embarrassed at me as I was thinking. 'Frank human your mana too strong.' I said calmly looking at her but she looked a little puzzled at me. 'need to pull mana back…' I explained and pushed some air at her stomach making her mana retract a little and she looked a little perplexed down at her stomach.

'o-oh um… I don't mean t-this body but in another. A body where aunty vanished too.' Lily said quietly as she smiled a little awkward to me. 'ah… I know. No um… other world is same.' I said trying to say I was the same but it was difficult to get the right words out then simply speaking the same language in a different body. 'I don't understand but other world is same… if you are thinking about if my condition is the same then no. it is different.' Lily said quietly as she smiled awkward at me. 'I come same world…' I said slower to her but saw she bite her lip a little looking quietly at me.

'let's just focus on getting you to school first… is it okey if I am your guardian?' Lily asked smiling calmly to me. 'Mhm.' I said nodding to her as it didn't really matter to me and I just laid my head down on her lap to show her it was okey. 'w-we are ready…' I heard Mia say awkwardly as they came walking around a bush but looked a little baffled at Lily as they walked up. 'too bad we didn't get to fish for tressure…' Iris said quietly as she glanced at Lily. 'that is just a myth Iris… just some drunk that tossed a bottle in the lake.' Mia said smiling calmly to her.

'but the quest pays well…' Iris said smiling awkward to me and Lily. 'how much is it now?' Lily asked smiling amused at them. 't-three thousand… split four ways?' Iris asked smiling awkward as she took out a fishing pole making me and Lily glance a little awkward at each other. 'you don't have enuf line to reach the bottom… I don't need to do a quest right now but if you want to help them you can.' Lily said calmly to us but glanced at me. 'y-you don't want a cut?' Mia asked puzzled to her. 'I only do quests because of the yearly requirements but if you share it three ways I am sure Aleph would like to help you out.' Lily said giggling to them but pointed at me resting on her lap.

'c-can you?' Mia asked quietly as both of them smiled a little hopeful so I just stood up and laid over Lily's hand. 'toss?' Lily asked smiling amused at me so just nodded to smiling calmly back so Lily just lifted me up with her hand and casually tossed me out into the lake. I swam down to the bottom below the rock as I focused my senses but sighed a little as I started picking up all sorts of things hidden below the mud hoping at least one of the knifes, rings, fishing hooks, and even a crystal gem and some coins were the right one as I needed the money if I am going to school here.

After I picked up the major things I swam back up to the surface and calmly wobbled over to them waiting for me. 'you didn't find anything… you can take longer if you want?' Iris said smiling a little sad to me. 'ugh…' I spat out the items I found and scraped my tongue free of mud but Lily giggled as she held out the palm of her hand and I saw a smaller water orb appeared.

I Chomped! Over the water ball and shook it in my mouth and spat it out to the side before I stood calmly in front of Iris and Mia looking a little stunned at me. 'dragons hate dirt… more?' Lily said glancing amused at their looked but asked as she held up her hand summoning another water ball so I stood up and drank a few gulps of water. 'thank you.' I said smiling calmly to Lily smiling happy to me. 'did you find anything good?' Lily asked as she summoned a larger water ball and lowered it at the little pile of mud as Mia and Iris glanced a little dazed at me but shifted their gaze over to the little pile of mud getting sucked into the water ball.

I saw at least a dozen old rings, some coins, some old knives, fishing hooks, two gems, and a crystal orb that Lily placed down on the grass after a good cleaning. 'storage orb… these are old.' Mom said picking it up after she made the water ball vanish and Iris and Mia sat calmly down waiting for her to check it. 'no traps or locks…' Lily said calmly as she glanced at me to make sure I understood some could have traps in them but saw her face blushed a little as she put it aside. 'anything good?' Iris asked curious.

'nothing good except the storage orb…' Lily said quietly as she picked up a white gem. 'can I see?' Iris asked quietly as she glanced at her and Lily just sighed a little as she picked up the orb and held it out to her. Iris put her finger on it but took it away blushing bright red glancing away. Mia glanced curious at Iris and put her finger on the orb but she too blushed up and took her finger away glancing embarrassed towards Lily silently giggling a little. 'I see?' I asked Lily as I got curious.

'No – no…' Mia and Iris said at the same time as they looked embarrassed but a little firm at me. 'it is just some paintings of mating rituals dear…' Lily said smiling calmly as she held the orb out to me so I just placed my paw on it. an open space full of paintings of ladies doing suggestive poses showed up in my mind but I ignored that as I senses a void of some sort. 'h-how long are you going to take looking at them?' Mia asked pouting to me as I looked over at her but just looked at Lily smiling a little awkward to me. 'there is a void inside that looks weird.' I said calmly to her as I took away my paw.

'hidden storage?' Mom asked as she looked at the orb and I saw Mia and Iris blushed glancing down as I looked calmly at them. 'is painting that horrible?' I asked puzzled to them. 'it is not the paintings themselves but the suggestions of mating they represent dear…' Lily explained calmly to me and I glanced a little embarrassed away. 'ah… o-okey.' I said quietly but saw Iris and Mia smiled slightly as they looked puzzled at Lily.

'dragons have a tendency to look at things to objectively… like one painting is the same as all other paintings.' Lily explained quietly to them and I heard they quietly giggled a little as I laid down pouting slightly but Lily took out a little chest so I looked up firmly at her. 'Hiss!' I hissed as I could sense danger from it as she was reaching to open it but looked a little stunned at me so I just stood up and pulled it away from them. 'i-is he keeping it for himself?' Iris asked quietly to Lily. 'no. he probably sense danger so he is just protecting us…' Lily said calmly back to her.

I ignored them as I walked around the chest sensing only a vial containing danger so I just sat down in front of it an stretched out a claw and flicked the lock open then the lid. I saw the vial jumped up but I hurried and grabbed it with my paw and saw there was a light fuse. Poof! The vial exploded and covered an area of one meter around me in a purple mist but it got sucked towards my body.

[Swamp Fever neutralized by Immunity] The message and the purple mist faded away and I saw the grass around me had yellowed out as it died.

I dragged the chest out of the dead area and used my dragon sense on the chest full of coins and myself but the poison got either absorbed by me or dissipated as I sensed no danger so I just walked up to the dead area and breathed in a lungful of air and aimed it at the ground. Whoosh! I breathed out dragon fire that even set the dirt on fire and purified the entire area clean of any possible remains of poison.

I dragged the chest back to Lily that looked worried at me but I smiled calmly to her. 'safe now. Swamp fever poison.' I said calmly to her and she just hugged me. 'd-don't you ever do that again…' Lily lectured me when she leaned back holding a finger up looking firmly at me. 'I do… poison does not hurt me but hurt Lily, Mia, Iris…' I said a little sulky as I just laid down to let her look true the rest of the items and I saw Lily glanced a little worried at me so I just bite a grass straw that made her ease up and picked up a little rusty knife.

'I think it have markings of the second era…' Iris said quietly as she pointed at the hilt. 'I think so too but we let the guild decide as I am just making sure they are safe to transport.' Lily said calmly to her and they let her inspect each item before Lily store most of it inside the storage orb and got up as Iris and Mia carried the rest. 'come…' Lily said calmly to me as she started to walk towards the city with Iris and Mia so I just got up and followed and wobbled after them walking on my back legs.

After a slow walk to the city gate I saw Hilda writing on a report and handed it to the guard before looking at Lily walking calmly up to her. 'took your time…' Hilda said calmly to her but glanced back at me. 'he decided to help Mia and Iris with a guest. You got them sorted out?' Lily asked calmly back to her. 'yes. the girls just need to give their statement at the guild and the guards are handing boys over to their parents.' Hilda said calmly as she started walking inside.

I wobbled after them as I glanced curious around as even if this was a medieval city it had clean streets and with streetlights and more modern looking shops and markets. Lily held a door open to a bank looking building that had a sign saying guild waiting for me so jogged on my four paws up to her before I stood up and peeked inside. the guild hall was bigger than I thought it would be as there was benches to the left with a café shop and in the middle there was a fountain looking structure but instead of water there was several magical windows.

Behind that were a few guild counters where people were standing in line and to the left were an booth area were both children and adults waited for their turn to walk inside. I wobbled quietly inside looking curious around but saw the message fountains magical windows turned red with an warning as an alarm sounded out. Beep! 'Warning. . . Calamity Beast d-detected. Civilians please evacuate to the nearest shelter.' A robotic voice sounded clear out making everybody inside the guild hall look puzzled or worried around as Lily walked up next to me sighing as she looked at a guild lady walking hurriedly up to the fountain and opened a panel before taking out a card as the beeping kept going but stopped as she placed the card at a slot but Lily walked towards her.

'still having issues with the guild core Ruth?' Lily asked calmly to her as I stood still as I had felt some weird energy sweeping over me. 'oh, welcome back Lily… yes. but it never tried activating the city defenses before. I am worried that the AI core is starting to get corrupt…' the guild lady called Ruth said sighing as she took back the card looking a little tired at her but she glanced over at me standing still. 'ah, this is Aleph. Aleph come say hello.' Lily said smiling calmly to me so I started wobbling towards her. Beep! 'Warning! Warning! Warning!' I heard the robotic voice warned again making Ruth sigh heavy as she frowned and placed the card in the sloth again making the alarm shut off as I stopped.

Ding! 'Alert! Calamity Beast Detected. Threat Level One. . . Repeat. Threat Level One. . . Activating Weapon Control. Weapons unmanned. . . Turning on Automatic Targeting system. . .' the robotic voice sounded out clearly making Ruth look a little stunned at the service panel as I felt that weird energy flow over me. 'Alert! Gravity Magic attack failed. . .' the robotic alert sounded. 'is it a-actually fighting a Calamity beast?' Lily asked puzzled to Ruth that slowly looked a little worried at her.

'e-even how corrupt the system is the weapon system would not activate unless the ancient protocols had a c-confirmed lock on the threat…' Ruth said worried to her. Beep! 'Warning! Activating Plasma Cannon. . . Charging.' The robotic alert sounded as the lights and magical windows vanished from the information fountain but got replaced by an energy orb making Ruth and Lily looking shocked at it charging up and I looked puzzled at the plasma orb chittering with energy.

'Warning! Firing Plasma Weapon. . .' the robotic alert sounded making the people around the guild hall cover down as Ruth and Lily looked baffled at the energy orb. BROOM! The vibration of echoed in the guild hall as the beam of energy shoot fast out right at me as I did not even get a warning as I was instantly covered in a thick beam of sludge light gently tickling as dragon scales easily dispersed it as the plasma splatted down on the stone floor around me directly melting the stone floor where it landed.

The energy beam faded away as it got dead silent in the guild hall and I saw Lily looked really worried at me so I just gently shock off the liquid plasma sludge sizzling on me like it was water and lowered my head a little as I wobbled over to Lily looking silently stunned at me so I glanced a little worried up at her as I gently tugged her shirt. 'Warning! Plasma Attack Failed… Evacuate! Repeat. . . Evacuate!' the robotic alert sounded clearly as Lily looked silently down at me.

'mean robot lady tossed warm water on me…' I said quietly with a little sulky pout to Lily as I pointed at the fountain. 'y-you're the C-Calamity b-beast…' Ruth stuttered stunned to me and I just walked worried behind Lily and hugged her as I peeked carefully out at Ruth. 'n-no. I Aleph…' I said quietly back to her but glanced slightly up at Lily that turned and looked firmly at the service panel where a crystal orb was. 'Apologize to Aleph and Stop shooting plasma at people that have not done anything wrong…' Lily said firmly making the guild floor quietly rumble as the guild building vibrated.

'Artificial Intelligence number 3343 designated Guild S-System Apologizes to Cal… Aleph. . . Shutting down and Deactivating Plasma Cannon. . .' the Guild system said clearly and Lily pouted a little firm as she leaned down lifted me up in her arms and just walked casually towards the counter Ruth came from and just waited as Ruth put back the service panel and came back. 'can you register him and put me as a guardian?' Lily asked calmly to Ruth that took out an orb and placed it on the counter in front of us.

Lily placed my paw on the orb and a window popped up where Ruth looked at a little nervously but after looking at it she seemed relaxed so I got curious and leaned forward to take a peek but before I could manage to do it I fell flat on the desk right in front of Ruth that was holding a white plastic looking card looking puzzled down at me glancing awkwardly up at her. 'sowwy…' I said quietly as I carefully tried standing up but there was no free spot to put down my other paw but felt Lily put her hand around my chest and lifted me back up.

'are you a little curious dragon?' Lily asked giggling amused as she glanced at me so I just laid down my head on her shoulder pouting slightly as I felt embarrassed for being so clumsy but glanced over at Ruth placing the card on a black stone tablet. 'what's wrong with him?' I heard Mia asked calmly.