Chapter 4 Guild.

'he fell flat on the counter…' I Ruth said and giggled quietly with a calm smile as she looked behind me. 'why did the ai shoot at him?' I heard Iris ask quietly. 'because there was something wrong with its sensors, luckily Aleph is a dragon or he would have gotten hurt or killed.' Lily said somewhat lecturing but I couldn't tell if it was me the ai or Iris and Mia she lectured but I saw she took out the storage orb and placed took out the "treasures" on the counter as Iris and Mia placed a couple of rings there.

'ah, Mister Goldstein's quest…' Ruth said as she picked up a what looked like a stone ring. 'is that the one he was looking for?' Mia asked curious to her. 'yes. he have been here almost… Paul…' Ruth said calmly but called out for a Paul and I saw an old man that was glancing at the damaged floor as he walked inside but looked towards us and walked over. 'm-my ring…' Paul said happy as he walked up to Ruth that handed it over to him almost crying as he looked happy at it. 'thank you so…' Paul said smiling as he turned towards us but stopped speaking as he looked at me and his face paled up slightly as he took a step back almost bumping into Ruth.

'w-why did you let a c-calamity beast inside the city Miss Cracker…' Paul asked glancing worried over at Ruth that looked a little puzzled at him. 'you mean Aleph? he is the one that found your ring along with Mia and Iris.' Lily said calmly to him and I saw he looked a little worried at Lily. 't-thirty years ago we fought tooth and nail to drive two of them away as they almost destroyed the entire city… even the dragon race lost a lot of people.' Paul said frowning at me as he put on the ring and took out a black pike almost pointing it towards me but Ruth stood up in front of him grabbing the weapon.

'Aleph have nothing to do with whatever happened thirty years ago.' Ruth said clearly to him. 'him and his kind is death walking…' Paul said frowning a little to her. 'I Do not care… put your weapon away or I have the guards escort you out from the guild.' Ruth said firmly to him.

[Personal Quest: Hold out your paw towards the Black Dragon spear and retrieve the ancestral bones] a quest window popped up in front of me as he dashed to the side past Ruth.

I held out my paw as he pointed the spear at me and I felt some sort of connection between me and the spear and I saw it dissolved into dust and flew straight into the palm of my hand and saw got a memory of surging into my mind. I saw Paul and a lot of people walking into what looked like a tomb only there were dragon statues there. -Captain. Are you sure it is wise to trespass into the black dragon graveyard?- a guard asked worried. -shut it… I don't need you to start spreading fear among the Death Legion.- the Captain said indifferent and just pulled his weapon and cut his head right off.

-Paul. Start retrieving the dragon bones as they are going to be our ultimate weapon for defeating the dragons once and for all… next month the Death Legion will rule over the Dragon Kingdom… pff... black guardians are just a myth…- the Captain said smirking evil and memory ended with Paul starting desecrating tombs by pushing the lid off and as I saw a window showing the incident on a magical bubble in front of me vanished but I had seen it right in my mind.

'Give back my weapon this instance!' Paul said frowning to me as Ruth took a step away from him as an window popped up. [Personal Quests The End of the Guardians complete: Reward 1 Ability] the Ability window popped up as Guards restrained Paul as I picked the ability. [Morph: shapeshift into other beings] the window faded away and I saw Ruth and the guards holding Paul looking worried at me. 'what do you want the guild to do with him Aleph?' Ruth asked smiling a little worried. 'Give Back my weapon!' Paul yelled angry to me and I frowned a little as I understood they were nothing but grave robbers.

'your weapon… that is the bones of my ancestors. You admitted it yourself that you were there fighting off the black dragons but you did not mention that you were the cause why the black dragons were there and you said even dragons lost a lot of people… did you explain to the dragons what you have done. probably not… luckily for you I am not part of your generation.' I said plainly to him and saw he glanced worried at Ruth and Lily.

'unlucky for you she is part of the generation your Death Legion deceived and you probably have to stand accountable for the plotting and destruction of the Black Dragon Guardians…' I said smiling calmly to him and just glanced over to Lily that thought about what I said with a little firm frown. 'arrest him and send a letter to informing the Dragon Queen about what happened.' Lily said calmly to Ruth that gave a nod and the guards pulled Paul away to the back.

'your speech got better…' Lily said looking calmly at me as she put me down on the ground next to her as she signed a paper Ruth put in front of her. 'I retrieved what was stolen from my ancestors…' I said quietly as felt embarrassed to say I was a player too and just finished my personal quest and got my reward so I closed my eyes as I closed my eyes as I connected to the morphing skill and saw a ethereal image of myself wearing simple but elegant clothes and I felt my body started to morph.

I open my eyes and looked down at my hands smiling a little as it felt good to be back in human form but made sure to look down at my simple but neatly starter clothes so I wasn't standing naked inside the guild. I gently patted my cheeks a little but glanced up at Lily glancing back at me with a little smile but looked over to the side so I turned and saw a mirror hanging on the wall. I calmly but slowly walked a little unsteady over to it but I was to small to see anything but my face and the mirror wasn't exactly large enuf to view myself in it as I tried standing on my toes to glanced down at my body.

Lily walked up behind me and lifted me up a little and apart from the clothes I looked exactly like in real life. 'do I look weird?' I asked quietly to Lily but she just giggled softly from my question as she put me back down. 'no. you look handsome.' Lily said smiling happy to me as she held out her hand so I just carefully held her hand thinking the handsome part was a little overstated as people never talked to me in real life and some even avoided me.

Lily walked calmly back to the guild counter where Mia and Iris glanced a little awkward at me but didn't say anything to me but that was normal for me. 'sign here.' Lily said smiling calmly to me as she pointed at the paper so I just picked up the pen but it slipped out of my hands as I was so used to the paws by now. 'weird having a human body?' Lily asked smiling softly to me as she picked up the pen and placed it correctly in my hand showing me how to hold it. 'Mhm…' I said quietly as I gave an embarrassed nod and signed the paper and Lily gave it to Ruth that smiled friendly to me.

'more relaxing when one can see his reaction.' Ruth said giggling a little. 'huh? You cannot see it before?' Lily asked curious to her. 'I am not a dragon so no… he looked a little cold and distant before.' Ruth said smiling a little awkward to her but Lily giggled from her words. 'ah… yes it might look that way but he is just shy. You should have seen how embarrassed he was when I had to explain the paintings to him.' Lily said giggling amused as she glanced at me as Ruth placed the paper on the black stone tablet.

'paintings?' Ruth asked curious but glanced amused at me glancing slightly to the side embarrassed. 'yes. can you audit the items and split it between them?' Lily asked calmly as she put the orb on the counter next to the "treasures" but I saw a message pop up in my view.

[System: Lily Valente Adopted Aleph Valence] I glanced a little shy up at Lily as the message faded and saw she looked a little awkward at Ruth. 'did you take the wrong paper?' Lily asked quietly to her but I could still hear her and I saw Ruth picked up the paper from the black stone tablet and looked at it. 'oh… you wanted guardian and not um… I can run a cancel request.' Ruth said quietly back to her. 'n-no it is fine.' Lily said quietly but turned a little awkward to me looking a little nervous.

'um… so there was a little mess with the guardian papers and it seems I… adopted you i-instead.' Lily said smiling nervously to me. 'what is the difference?' I asked puzzled to her but she just glanced a little awkward at Ruth. 'apart from her being your mamma there is really no difference but the guardian only last until you are eighteen.' Ruth explained calmly to me with a little worried smile. 'then after I turn eighteen?' I asked a little confused. 'she still be your mamma so don't go traveling the world without letting her know and if you find a girlfriend you introduce her to Lily.' Ruth said smiling calmly to me.

'okey.' I said a little plainly as I gave a simple nod so Ruth just giggled silently as she glanced at mom looking a little nervous but relaxed but took the items to the working station in the back and started to write on a piece of paper as she went true the items. 'y-you okey with me being your mamma?' Mom asked quietly as she glanced a little nervous at me. 'yes mamma.' I replied calmly to her with a little smile as I didn't know how to react properly to the news.

Ruth came back with a piece of paper and I saw Iris gently pushed Mia forward up to the counter. 'd-do we get a reward from the quest even if Mister Goldstein got arrested?' Mia asked quietly but nervous to Ruth. 'yes. the guild takes payment before publishing the quests just in case something like this happens. Is everything being divided between the three of them?' Ruth explained to Mia but asked mom. 'yes. they asked for his help and agreed to split it equally between them… right?' Mom asked calmly to Mia and Iris that looked a little stunned at her but nodded a little.

'y-yes. b-but we only asked for help with the quest s-so we r-really don't have any claim on the treasure h-he found.' Mia said quietly as she glanced a little worried at her but mom just turned and looked calmly at me. 'I only found the scrap because of their quest and we agreed to split the reward equally.' I replied casually to mom that smiled happy to me as she bend down and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. 'm-mamma… d-don't kiss me out in public…' I said quietly as I covered my hand over my cheek she kissed. 'your not rubbing it away?' Mom asked giggling softly to me.

'am I supposed too?' I asked looking puzzled at her but she just bite her lower lip a little as she calmly turned over to Mia and Iris looking a little blushed in their cheeks at me but glanced slowly up at mom. 'your thoughts?' Mom asked calmly to them. 'um… he shouldn't wipe the kiss away… r-right?' Mia said quietly as she glanced over at Iris. 'Mhm… you're his mamma so it's okey.' Iris replied with a simple nod. 'I meant about sharing the treasure…' Mom said smiling amused at them. 'o-oh… a-as long as he is fine with it…' Mia said quietly as she glanced embarrassed down. 'y-yes…' Iris said quietly as she glanced away with her cheeks blushed.

'that be one gold and nine hundred silver coins.' Ruth said as she looked at the paper. 'w-we get t-three thousand six hundred and um… thirty-three e-each…' Mia asked shocked to her. 'no. you get ten thousand nine hundred each. one gold and nine hundred is the divided amount including the quest reward.' Ruth said calmly back to her and saw Mia glanced a little stunned back at mom and me as Iris was counting on her fingers. 't-that's like a week worth of going down in the dungeon… if we could borrow him there I would straight up marry him.' Iris mumbled not so quietly as she glanced at me.

'the dungeon is fine but I think you girls need to focus on school before thinking about marriage.' Mom said smiling amused at Iris that blushed slowly up as she glanced over at Mia. 'd-did I say that out loud…' Iris said quietly to her and Mia just blushed as she glanced away but I saw Ruth walked over and put a neck strap with a guild card over my head smiling calmly to me. 'this is your guild card that also works as a bank card. I already transferred the money to it and you can check your balance at the back.' Ruth explained calmly to me. 'thank you Miss Ruth.' I said smiling calmly as I thanked her.

I showed mom the guild card smiling a little trying to act a little cute. 'look Mamma… I got guild card.' I said smiling cute to her and saw she smiled calmly at me. 'don't spend it all on candy and cake.' Mom said smiling a little smug at me but thought about something. 'um… c-candy and cake are snacks like bacon… no you probably haven't eaten that either um… like deer meat.' Mom explained smiling a little awkward at me as I looked plainly at her. 'okey…' I replied awkwardly to her not even bothering to explain that I knew what candy and cake was.

Mom just walked towards the café area with out saying anything making me look puzzled at Ruth that smiled a little awkward to me but just as I was about to turn and walk after her I saw she came walking back holding a waffle with strawberry jam and cream and she bend down and held it to my mouth. 'try it…' Mom said smiling calmly to me so I just open my mouth like I always did. Chomp! I bite down on it but forgot I was in human form so I took a little to big bite making me spill out cream that mom hurried and caught with her other hand holding under it.

I chewed the food a little awkwardly but glanced down at the waffle that tasted really good after living almost a week on just bloody raw meat. 'good?' Mom asked smiling awkward to me. Chomp! I bite into the waffle and chewed as I just gave a little nod before swallow it and bite over the little piece that was left but didn't bite hard down as I felt mom's fingers in my mouth so I leaned back looking at her fingers to make sure I didn't hurt her and just licked the cream away. 'now I want a waffle too…' Mia mumbled quietly but she blushed up in her cheeks as mom glanced amused at her.

'dragons clean themselves like this but that isn't an invitation to spill food or get hurt.' Mom said calmly to them. 'what does food have to do with getting hurt?' Iris asked quietly to her with a little blushed cheeks so mom just took out a knife and made a little cut on her finger and held it to me so I just licked it clean and saw the wound healed up. 'dragon saliva heals wounds but cannot heal death…' Mom said calmly to them as she showed them her finger before she took the napkin Ruth held out to her and she wiped my mouth. 'and you need to learn how to eat properly.' Mom said smiling calmly to me.

'so… I practice by eating more food?' I asked smiling a little excited about the idea of eating proper food and saw she bite her lip a little. 'I walked into that one…' Mom said as she stood calmly up wiping her hands with the napkin and we said goodbye to Ruth as mom said I needed to get supplies if I wanted to train in the dungeon with Iris and Mia. I held mom's hand as she walked out of the guild to a shop called guild shop that was a branch shop of the guild according to mom after I commented that the shop name was genius.

Mom picked out a dimensional tent and some cooking equipment as well as a book and a short sword for me and showed me how to pay for it at the register and I mentally accepted the bill of 500 Silver coins for all of it. mom walked over to some clothes and picked out two outfits and asked me to try them on so I tried each of them on in the changing room and mom asked me to keep the "casual" clothes on but they looked more like I was going to a party as she paid for it in.