Chapter 5 Home.

Afterwards shopping my essentials mom held my hand as we walked on the street to her house and I was a little stunned as we came to a big mansion where she gave me a little tour of two hours looking at rooms and listening to her explaining them to me until we came to the living room. 'and this is called the living room or common room where one comes to relax or chat with guests.' Mom said smiling happy as she walked calmly up to a man looking calmly at us sitting in the sofa holding a newspaper.

'this is my husband Frank that is your pappa now.' Mom said calmly to me but I saw dad looked a little baffled at her. 'there was a little mix-up when I offered to be his guardian at the guild. Me and Hilda found him over at Torren Kingdom. Can you change form dear…' Mom explained simple to him but asked me so I just morphed into my dragon form feeling my clothes got sucked right under my skin but it didn't feel weird or uncomfortable so mom just picked me up and sat down next to him with me on her lap explaining everything to him.

'I see… you sure it is fine to let him go to the dungeon?' Dad said smiling a little worried to her. 'he is quiet sturdy and they cannot go past the fifth floor since they have not finished school.' Mom said calmly as she kept cuddling my head. 'okey… I don't want to be the bad one bringing this up but you should not mention him to your friend in real life.' Dad said smiling a little worried to her. 'why not. Miska plays the game too…' Mom said pouting a little sour to him glancing a little awkward at me. 'm-maybe we should talk about this alone…' Dad said quietly to her.

'he already knows I have a different body in another world and I have to explain to Mia and Iris that are probably going to log out in the dungeon too… if they vanish like aunty too long you don't need to wait for them dear. okey?' Mom explained plainly to him but asked me. 'okey um… where do you live in the other world I mean?' I asked a little worried I might bump into them. 'Blackland city.' Mom said smiling casually and I looked a little surprised that they lived in the same city as me. 'oh… it is in the Milky way but I don't think our universe have a name. but don't even try to fly there as it is long and dangerous.' Mom said a little lecturing to me but had a little amused smile.

'actually… our universe is called The Cosmos because of redshift… never mind.' Dad said smiling a little awkward as mom was looking a little weird at him. 'because of wavelength light distortion from the increase of speed?' I asked as I remembered the subject of our universe from school. 't-that's right…' Dad said smiling surprised at me but glanced awkwardly at mom looking at him. 'b-but your mother is right that it is too dangerous to travel there.' Dad said awkwardly as he looked down at the newspaper but mom smiled a little.

'maybe you can study magic and find an easier way to travel to us…' Mom said smiling calmly to me. 'what are you doing?' Dad asked a little stunned to her and she leaned closer to him. 'giving him an incentive to study…' Mom whispered quietly to him but I could still hear her. 'why don't you go study the mage book in your room?' Mom asked smiling calmly to me. 'o-okey…' I said a little stunned and she lifted me down and I morphed into my human form. 'and what if he finds a way…' Dad asked plainly to her. 'then we adopt him there too…' Mom said pouting to him a little arrogantly.

I just walked a little baffled out of the living room thinking I should probably had said that I was from that world too but then again it was a little late for that and if I happen to run into them I would just play dumb about it and walked up the stairs. I sat down in my double bed in my room reading the mage training book that teach that meditation was the key to create ones core and further development.

I sat down in the bed meditating and it took me a little while to get the hang of emptying my mind to sense the mana in the air to pull it towards my mind where it should concentrate but it took time and effort to meditate even as a dragon. 'time for bed dear…' I heard mom say so I open my eyes and saw mom smiling a little happy at me as she sat down at the edge of the bed. 'mom… what if I was from your world.' I asked quietly to her as she took the book and laid it on the nightstand.

'if you find a way to come to our world then I would adopt you.' Mom said quietly giggling and I just sighed out a little as I saw she took out a pajamas from her ring and placed it on the bed so I just changed into it. 'that's your fathers but you can have it.' Mom said smiling calmly as she held the blanket up to me so I just laid down and tucked the blanket around me and laid down gently cuddling my hair and I felt a little torn between telling her or not but she probably just toss me away like the orphanage had done when they said I was old enough to got to school and just let me handle everything myself.

I understood they needed the space as they packed up and placed my suitcases at the door and the benefit the orphanage got stopped when I was sixteen and got deposited right to my bank account instead as the laws changed to stop bad orphanage to take advantage of the system and apparently I grew up at one. 'mamma have a favorite place she likes to eat where one can eat good hamburgers which is a paddy of grilled meat with two bread buns… and before you say it probably taste bad because it is grilled meat I have you know it taste really good…' Mom said calmly to me as she continued to cuddle my hair and even started explaining metal horses called cars to me.

I woke up early in the morning by mom poking my cheek but she was standing next to the bed wearing different clothes. 'if you want to take a bath before Mia and Iris gets here you have to wake up…' Mom said giggling to me so just sat confused up. 'I fell asleep?' I asked quietly to her and she giggled as she nodded to me. 'yes. you mumbled something about it was nice to have a mamma and fell asleep… bath, now…' Mom said trying to be firm as she smiled a little amused at me pointing to the bathroom so I just got up and walked to the bathroom where she already drawn a bath for me.

I took a bath where mom washed my hair and even held out the towel for me and it felt weird being spoiled so much but was also nice. I put on my "work" clothes that looked almost as nice as my casual outfit and stored the mage training book in the backpack and just took it and walked downstairs to the dining area where there was a maid and a butler working. 'no weapons at the table young master.' the butler said calmly to me and pointed at the side of the door so I sat my backpack there and sat down at the chair he held out for me.

'that is James our butler and this is Emmy our maid.' Mom said calmly to me before she took a bite of her toast. 'I am Aleph nice to meet you.' I said smiling a little awkward to them but they just gave a simple nod to me and Emmy put a plate of toast in front of me. 'use the knife and fork to eat.' Emmy said plainly standing next to me so I just glanced to see if she was going to walk away but she stood still and pointer at the utensils. 'that is a fork used to hold the food to your mouth and that is a knife to cut the toast into bite size pieces.' Emmy explained calmly to me. Knock! Knock! Knock! She turned to go to the door. 'I got it.' I heard James say so I just put the entire toast in my mouth making mom silently giggle.

Emmy pouted a little when she looked back at me and took the plate and walked away so I just chewed the toast glancing slightly at her. 'miss Mia and Miss Iris is here…' I heard James say and was about to get up as I glanced back but saw Mia and Iris walked inside looking a little awkward at me but I saw Emmy walked out of the kitchen holding my plate. 'Sit…' Emmy said plainly to me so I just sighed a little.

Emmy walked up next to me holding the plate and I saw Mia and Iris walked up and sat down at the chairs. 'pick up the fork and knife…' Emmy said looking a little firm at me so I picked up the fork and knife. 'what is happening?' Mia asked smiling a little awkward to mom. 'she is teaching him to eat with utensils…' Mom said smiling a little amused to Mia as Emmy put the plate down but kept looking a little firm at me but fixed how I held the fork and knife.

I stuck the fork into the toast glancing at Emmy that sighed a little so I pulled it out. 'try to do it gently…' Mia whispered over to me so I did what she said and glanced at Emmy looking neutral at me so I placed the knife in a bite size piece and glanced at her but saw she frowned slightly so I made the bite a little less and glanced at her and she was looking neutral at me so I made it a little smaller and saw she smiled a little so I cut it. Mia and Iris got toast as well and after a long timely breakfast learning that Emmy had frowning, neutral, or slight smile to signal I was doing it right.

I felt more hungry after breakfast as the toast didn't really give me any nutritional benefits since I was a dragon and strictly speaking I didn't really need to eat between meals for two weeks or a month if I wasn't doing high energy motions like flying. 'I am stuffed…' Iris said sighing as she held her stomach. 'really?' I asked baffled as she only eaten half a toast. 'we eat before we came here…' Mia said quietly to me as Emmy took my plate. 'you want another?' Emmy asked calmly to me. 'n-no I am full. t-thank you for the meal.' I said quietly as I glanced awkward to mom silently giggling amused at me.

'I get you something to drink while you wait for your friends to eat up.' Emmy said calmly as she walked to the kitchen so I just leaned over and grabbed Iris and Mia's toast and gulped it down as they looked a little stunned at me. 'c-can we go now?' I asked worried over to mom and dad smiling a little amused at me. 'sure…' Mom said calmly to me so I just stood up and walked around the table and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 'by the way… that is called indirect kiss.' Mom said smirking slightly as she glanced over at Mia and Iris blushing a little in their cheeks as they stood awkwardly up.

I just gave dad a kiss on the cheek as Emmy walked out with a glass of water. 'indirect kiss is almost the same as kissing son…' Dad said calmly as he glanced amused at me. 'so…' I asked but glanced worried over at Emmy frowning slightly at me. 'we have to go but thank you for the breakfast…' I said plainly and just leaped towards the door as I morphed into my dragon form and picked up my backpack. 'run…' I said glancing back at Iris and Mia that blushed embarrassed at me but bowed their heads politely to Emmy. 't-thank you for the food.' Mia said politely as I ran out of the dining room. 'y-yes… thank you.' I heard Iris said politely as Mia came walking fast as I used my paws to open the front door.

'Aleph!' I heard Emmy called out a little firm as Iris came walking fast out towards us but I just bolted out of the house with Mia and Iris following. 'shouldn't we go back and apologize?' Iris asked worried as we left the front gate. 'nope… I don't have room for another toast.' Mia said worried as I morphed into human form and put the back pack on. 'I end up spending days eating toast until she let me go so no thank you.' I said sighing. 'the portal is the other way…' I heard Iris say making me and Mia stop and look at her I just lowered my head as I started to go back.

'Let's just hope she is not there…' I said quietly to them and they nodded a little nervous as we came up to the gate to the mansion but I saw James waiting there holding my sword. 'Miss Emmy told me to remind you no shapeshifting inside the house.' James said calmly as he held the sword out to me so I just took it and clipped it on my belt. 'tell her I bite…' I said pouting a little to James. 'might I suggest you try to get along young master…' James said smiling calmly to me.

'if I don't?' I asked curious to him. 'she is immortal like your mother and father and myself young master. on that regard Lady Lily asked me to remind the young ladies that you have to notify Master Aleph if you log out as the process senses as death so to not make him worry.' James said casually to us so I just sighed a little. 'can I go now?' I asked a little worried Emmy would come out. 'yes. have a nice hunt young master and try not to destroy the dungeon as many people use it as livelihood.' James said calmly to me. 'I will… bye.' I said politely back to him and saw he smiled a little as he gave a polite nod.

I started walking with Mia and Iris showing the way and we came to a guarded area close to the guild where a adventures were getting ready. 'should me hire a carrier?' Mia asked looking over at a group of people carrying big backpacks on their backs. 'yes. that way we can hold many more skins and they cost only one silver.' Iris said smiling happy as she walked towards them and I saw there was many that looked calmly at us wearing fancy gear. 'I don't see our usual carrier… we have to be careful as some are corrupt and will extort you for money after carrying.' Mia said quietly to me.

I glanced over at a little girl that stood apart from the main group looking nervous but she was wearing ragged clothes and a patched up backpack. 'need a carrier sir… one gold for a whole month a guy asked as he stepped in front of me confidently. 'that is thirty-three silver a day… no way.' Iris said frowning as she pouted at him. 'I got double the carriage capacity and can even hold your gear.' The guy said confident as I pointed with his thumb at his backpack. 'don't bother Neil. They are beginners and cannot go past level five…' another guy said sighing to him and his looks changed to judging glance as he looked up and down at me and just walked away.

'h-hello… I a-am a beginner t-too a-and I only c-charge f-five hundred iron.' The little girl said stuttering nervously but I heard the main group started laughing from her words. 'look, the orphan is trying again.' The guy that just walked away said mockingly but smiled calmly at me. 'she steals sir…' he said glancing at her. 'N-No I Don't… I found that herb fair and square.' The little girl said pouting sad at him so I glanced over at Mia and Iris looking skeptical at me. 'maybe it is better to take him up on the offer and rent him for a couple of days…' Mia asked quietly to me but I just ignored her and bent down.

'how much can you carry?' I asked calmly to her. 'I d-don't know h-how much but I do also have double carry capacity.' She said nervously to me. 'seriously man. She steals and are untrustworthy and she is an orphan in real life…' the guy said as he took a step closer looking firmly at her and she took a step back so I just turned and looked a little firmly at him as the other started laughing. 'at least she doesn't have a hidden storage in her backpack.' I said clearly so everyone could hear it and it became quiet as even the adventurers that was about to step inside the portal stopped.

'w-what kind of nonsense are you spouting…' he said frowning to me. 'I am dragon-kin and can sense hidden barriers and your backpack seems to have a strong energy coming from it… care to disrupt my talk again?' I asked calmly but looked kept my firm gaze at him and saw he stepped back a step so I looked calmly back at the little girl. 'that herb. Was it agreed upon if beforehand that you could not pick items for yourself?' I asked calmly to her and saw she shook her head. 'n-no. they even saw me pick it when they were having lunch.' She said quietly as she glanced nervously at the other carriers.

'is it not standard to eat together?' I asked over to the group of carriers that thought about it. 'it is therefore she is lying.' The guy said crossing his arms but I just looked back at her. 'I a-am n-not lying…' she said quietly as she glanced sad at me. 'your not in trouble. why did you not eat with them?' I asked calmly to her and she just pointed up at her head where there was a pair of cat ears.