Chapter 10 Settling.

Me and Rose wait long until Iris and Mia came walking out in a bit of a rush putting on their school vests but they put on their shoes holding a stylish shoulder bag and I felt seriously under-dressed looking silently at the two beautiful girls standing in front of me but saw Mia smiled a little shy as she glanced at me as Iris stood calmly up but Iris glanced puzzled over at Mia before she gave a slight smile to me as she leaned closer.

'Mia is a bit shy when it comes to romantic attention so you have to take more charge and say what is on your mind d-darling...' Iris said quietly to me and gave me a light kiss on my cheek really close to my mouth but smiled softly as she leaned back. 'I-Iris... y-you didn't need to tell him t-that...' Mia said quietly as she glanced a bit blushed at her. 'then would you dare give him a kiss on the cheek?' Iris asked quietly to her but I saw Mia lowered her head blushing. 'w-we should go unless y-you want to be late...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy at me but I could not help but to notice Iris glancing calmly over at me as Mia did not walk out despite her words.

'okey... i really feel under-dressed being close to you.' I said calmly what was on my mind and I saw Mia smiled slightly as she glanced happy at Iris silently giggling to her so I just leaned close between them and gave them each a light kiss on their cheek. 'we should start moving...' I said calmly and just walked to the door and held it open to them as they walked after Rose dashing out full of energy but saw Mia stopped in front of me looking nervous before she leaned blushing over and gave me a light kiss on my cheek but leaned quickly away glancing back at Iris smiling happy to her so she walked embarrassed after Rose as Iris closed the door and locked it.

'I hope you continue to encourage her...' Iris whispered calmly as she glanced happy at me as she walked past me so i just followed calmly after her and walked next to her as we followed the road towards the school as Mia played tag with Rose in front of us but Iris glanced a little shy as she held her arm at my elbow so I just took a step closer to her and gently wrapped her hand around mine and saw she glanced slightly stunned at me. 'this is how one escort a beautiful lady Miss Iris. it feels like we are going to a park...' I said calmly as I glanced at her and saw she smiled relaxed as her cheeks blushed slightly as she looked at Mia and Rose running around.

'I am scared of other guys...' Iris said quietly as she smiled happy at Mia but i just waited for her to speak as she seemed to think about something. 'I get shy so i just wanted you to know that before you draw the wrong conclusion and think I might be flirting with them but in reality I only get shy because I don't trust them.' Iris said quietly to me and I saw she glanced a little worried at me. 'thank you for being honest about it and I try to live up to your expectations of me but since we are honest with each other then I feel i should tell you that I have no idea about relationships but if you are in danger then just call out for me as I have really good hearing...' I said quietly glancing at her and I saw she blushed a little as she seemed to think about something but Rose came running up to me.

'can you walk me inside?' Rose asked smiling a little worried so I just smiled calmly to her. 'I can but I cannot stay as I have school to attend too.' I replied calmly to her and she glanced a little shy at Iris. 'you want us to come too?' Iris asked smiling calmly to her. 'I already agreed...' Mia said casually as she glanced a little shy at me. 'should we call you our little daughter?' Iris asked teasingly to Rose. 'n-no... that will go against brothers plans but sister in-law works.' Rose said teasingly back and just ran up ahead as Iris looked a little stunned after her but blushed a little as she glanced at me.

Mia walked up next to me glancing slightly blushed at me. 'w-what did she say?' Mia asked quietly so I just held out my arm to her and she carefully wrapped her arm around mine. 'she joked back by saying sister in-law suggesting we are engaged or married...' I replied casually to her and saw she slightly lowered her head glancing shy down at the ground and we walked up Rose talking to a teacher. 'okey fine... your brother can follow you to class.' the teacher said sighing a little to Rose but turned and looked a little puzzled at us. 'y-you are her brother... now her attitude make sense.' the teacher said looking at me. 'what is that supposed to mean?' I asked puzzled to her but she looked dull at me.

'maybe if you did not skip class as much you be a better example Aleph...' The teacher said pouting a little firm at me and just walked inside making me think I had definitely seen her before. 'Miss Peterson... you still hold the record of most skipped classes and still pass.' Rose said smiling calmly at me and I looked back at Miss Ava Peterson my old grade school teacher. 'a-ha... yee do not try that as it was just share luck she mistook another student for me so i should not technically pass that grade...' i said quietly to Rose that silently giggled smiling smug at me.

'hamburger...' i said plainly to her and saw she stood up straight and just walked up to me holding her arms up so I let go of Iris and Mia and picked her up and just started walking. 'coming?' I asked calmly as I glanced back at Iris and Mia waiting at the gate but saw they looked a little worried at the teacher. 'Sisters in-law Come...' Rose called out making them blush up and hurried to walk inside.

I carried Rose to class and when I sat her down she just grabbed my hand and showed me around the classroom as she ignored the teachers call that they are going to start soon so when she showed me her square shelf I bent down and patted her head smiling calmly as she lowered her head glancing a little sad at me. 'big brother have too go now but you got the key?' i asked calmly to her. 'yes...' Rose replied somewhat sad as she took out her keys so I just hugged her. 'remember we are going out to eat afterwards but you can just send me or Mia and Iris a message if something comes up.' i said calmly to her and felt she held on to me like it was the last time she would see me.

'p-please don't leave me...' I heard Rose whispered quietly. 'I am only going to school a block away and you have the spare key to my place as well as my phone number. I am not going anywhere without you, I promise.' I whispered quietly to her and she leaned carefully back making me smile a little sad as I gently wiped her cheeks clean of a few tears. 'remember my plan little sister...' I said extra quietly as I smiled a little smug to her and saw she smiled slightly and nodded to me.

'your going to be late big brother...' Rose said quietly to me so I glanced up at the clock on the wall and sighed and just gave her a kiss on her forehead before standing calmly up. 'call me after school...' I said glancing back at Rose gently nodding as I walked to the door but saw Mia bent down gently waving Rose over and when she walked up she hugged her and gave her a little kiss on her cheek. 'behave in class and I take you out shopping with Iris okey?' Mia said smiling calmly to her. 'r-really?' Rose asked glancing and Iris giggled softly as she just leaned down and gave her a little kiss on her cheek nodding calmly to her. 'Aleph... I know she have the same last name as you but is she really your sister?' Ava asked quietly when she walked up to me and I glanced over at Rose using my dragon sense.

I smiled calmly as I finely understood why I had been so protective about Rose as she had the same scent and I did not know how but she was blood related, I could not be sure if she was my sister or not but that was the most logical sense. 'yes we are actually family and I will give her support outside of school that I never got so please be patient with her.' I said quietly to Ava and bow my head a little polite to her leaving her speechless as Iris calmly grabbed my arm pulling me with her as she walked out of the classroom waving at Rose so I just smiled calmly to her and saw Mia quietly giggled as she looked at me. 'you really do care about your sister but we have to get to school...' Mia said still giggling.

we hurried out of the grade school and managed to slip inside the front where groups of students were gathered listening to the Headmistress welcome speech. my first day at school was easy as students task was only to get familiar with the school and routines, there were the basic math, history, language, biological, and science classes but the courses were not all held at the school but in the virtual reality deep dive. I was basically done learning the curriculum and the layout of the school that was basically going to each classroom and listen to the teacher giving a little explanation then put a stamp on the paper almost like a quest inside the game so Iris and Mia was standing in front of me waiting in line at the reception to do our registration.

As i was glancing around I saw there was a lady looking calmly right at me and I grew a little nervous as she took out a phone calling someone as I pretended not to have noticed her. 'hey it's me... yes that is right. oh... you really think that. sure... Aleph...' I heard the lady talked but then she called my name I nervously looked at her and she smiled calmly as she walked up up to me still holding the phone to her ear. 'y-yes m-miss?' I asked smiling a little worried at her. 'Headmistress Kelly. I heard from Miss Claire that you were worried that your letter had not arrived but just wanted to let you know we reserved it.' Kelly introduced herself and explained calmly to me still holding the phone to her ear.

'o-oh... t-that is good. thank you for letting me know Headmistress Kelly.' I said as calmly as I could and bowed politely to her but saw she smiled a little amused at me. 'how are you settling in? got your social security number and a place to stay?' Kelly asked calmly smiling amused at me but she took her phone and pointed at me. Click! I heard a click and I could not help but to take a step back as I could not read her emotions other than it looked like she was smiling teasingly at me and I realized I had taken a protective stance looking at Kelly smiling a little smug at me. Click!

'it is just a camera so calm down...' I heard Mia say quietly to me so I glanced over and saw Mia glanced at me covering her face lightly as she glanced embarrassed back at me as Iris smiled awkward glancing back as she glanced between me and Kelly. 'I feel that I should remind you that um... our school have a different uniform Mister Aleph.' Kelly said calmly smiling amused as she put the phone to her ear glancing away. 'did you get them?' Kelly said calmly to the side and I saw she giggled quietly as she just walked back to the side of the school reception counter and I glanced down at my uniform that was the in-game uniform and looked back up at Iris and Mia glancing amused but stiff up as they took a step forward as it was there turn.

I glanced awkwardly but slightly at the other students and some were wearing casual clothes as some had the standard uniform on. 'Aleph...' I heard Mia called out quietly so I looked nervously forward at her and Iris standing at the side as the reception lady smiled awkwardly at me. 'next...' the lady said calmly so I walked up and placed the paper down at the counter trying to ignore Kelly sitting calmly at the side holding her phone towards me. 'id card please...' the lady said smiling calmly at me so i just reached into my vest and took out my card and gave it to her but saw she smiled a little awkward as she glanced over at Kelly that stood up and walked up behind her looking down at my card but smiled amused up at me.

'do you have something else than a Guild card Mister Aleph?' Kelly asked smiling amused at me as the reception lady awkwardly held out my guild card back to me and I realized that when I morphed my in-game uniform I accidentally made that too and I silently took it back nervously thinking I was exposed. 'use your other card big brother...' I heard Rose say quietly so I glanced worried down at my side seeing Rose smiling awkward at me. 'huh...' I asked a little baffled as to why she was not at school.

's-sorry but big brother is a nerdy gamer that buys all sorts of game replicas...' Rose said smiling awkward to the reception lady and Kelly but turned and pulled me down a little and just reached inside my pocket and took out my other card and put it in my hand but I saw her awkward smile faded as she looked at my hip and I glanced down at a sword sheathed neatly at my waist. 't-that is the card you use b-brother...' Rose said quietly to me so I just looked nervously at my bank identification card as I stood calmly up and handed it silently to the reception lady hoping they would not call me out on bringing a weapon to school as I could end up in jail.

'so you are a hard core gamer... you go to conventions then?' Kelly asked smiling calmly to me. 'Mhm...' I said quietly to her but in honestly I could not afford the ticket to attend. 'what did you think about the last one... I myself found it quite fun.' Kelly said smiling calmly to me. 'oh I could not attend the convention last time.' I said calmly to her and she thought about it as she glanced down at the reception lady typing something on the computer looking at my card. 'oh... that was a shame as there was a commotions that a thief stealing and faking id card.' Kelly said smiling calmly to me but she looked over at Rose.

'but as you said in the stream you had prepared everything for him right?' Kelly asked smiling a little smug to Rose. 't-that was just a little movie project we are working on.' Rose said smiling calmly back but I could sense she was nervous. 'it is legit...' the reception lady said quietly glancing back at Kelly that looked surprised over at the screen but I saw Rose gave a nod over to Iris that silently giggled holding Rose phone to her chest and I could only guess she was recording so I calmed down as I looked back at Kelly looking closer at the screen.

'is there something wrong?' I asked smiling calmly but smug to Kelly standing calmly up and looked at me. 'where did you live before?' Kelly asked calmly but she wasn't smiling. 'orphanage.' I replied calmly to her. 'then I want to talk to your parents...' Kelly said calmly to me and I just smirked slightly. 'um... I have a guardian you can talk to as I am sure that Headmistress Kelly understands the term Orphanage implies...' I said calmly to her and I saw she glanced at my hip. 'then let me see the sword your carrying.' Kelly said plainly to me. 'I admit that I did bring a prop on to school grounds but even drawing it is against school regulations.' I said calmly to her.

'I insist...' Kelly said looking plainly at me so I sighed calmly shrugging my shoulder a little and just grabbed the hilt of the sword focusing my mind and morphed the blade inside the hilt away and unhooked the safety harness and pulled out an empty sword and showed it to her but saw she smiled calmly as she looked at the sheath that had some wear of a sword. 'as you can see this is nothing but esthetic and not a weapon.' I said calmly to her. 'still... people might get frightened thinking you might cut them with the sword...' Kelly said smiling a little smug.

'it not be the sword that cuts them but my claws...' I mumbled not so quiet but felt Rose slapped me and saw she pouted a little awkward at me. 'huh... i didn't say anything. ah you mean to reply...' I said acting innocent to Rose so I acted like in-game and sheathed a pretend sword down looking calmly at Kelly. 'carrying a sword or the representative of it is not a crime but if the idea frightened you so much then I will take my leave... Excuse me.' I said calmly to her but leaned forward and just took my bank card and simply turned around walking calmly to the exit but glanced back at Kelly. 'have a good and Safe day...' I said calmly without a single smile or mockery but firmness on my face.