Chapter 11 Adapting.

As Kelly looked a little worried with a hint of fear I just turned towards the school door I walked towards. 'Sister Come...' I stated calmly as I open the door and stepped outside holding the door open as Rose obediently followed after me glancing a little worried at me. 'we are Not done talking Mister Aleph...' Kelly said clearly over to me and I just glanced at her with a dull but firm look. 'I do not mind Burning a bridge or two...' I stated calmly back to her as I let go of the door and just calmly picked up Rose that looked worried at me. 'y-you s-sure it is okey...' Rose asked quietly looking worried at me as I started walking towards the school gate.

'no... but there was a woman guiding her on the phone so I had to bring you out of there until I can figure out who it is as the government might have taken an interest in your videos.' I explained quietly to her but I glanced back as I heard footsteps and saw Iris and Mia came jogging up beside us. 'why are you here?' I asked a little stunned to them. 'we finished our assignment but with a headmistress like that I don't feel comfortable going to a collage like that so I just tossed the paper at her and walked after you.' Mia said pouting a little arrogant but glanced a little shy and worried at me.

'I d-didn't toss the paper but I said I would talk to my mother about how this collage was the wrong fit for me...' Iris said quietly and I could not help but to smile worried at them as I stopped walking. 'you two should have stayed... Miss Kelly was only after me because of that lady she was talking to on her phone.' I said quietly to them. 'that was what I thought too. did you hear what they were talking about as Kelly was nice the last time I meet her.' Iris asked quietly to me still holding Rose's phone pointing at us.

'I am sure someone is conspiring against us but now that we are part of your plans we must stay in the shadows...' Mia said thinking about it like some master planner. 'let's go shopping...' Iris said smiling awkward to Mia that perked up and just reached out and took Rose from me giggling happy. 'you are right. we must keep up appearances in case we are followed.' Mia said calmly as she started walking and i glanced a little confused back at Iris that just smiled a little awkward as she silently pointed down at Rose's phone.

'fine... we wait until the darkness of night before we strike.' I said quietly and just held out my arm a little to her and she happily walked up and put her arm around mine and I just followed after Mia and Rose as Iris ended the recording. 'got it...' Iris said calmly and Mia slowed down her walk and Iris just handed the phone over to Rose. 'I still need a recording of you getting summoned to our world big brother...' Rose said smiling happy so I just nodded a little to her as I thought about what to do next.

the next school was on the other side of the city and even if it would take me no time at all to fly there I would easily be spotted in broad daylight but I kept my thoughts to myself as we walked down to a mall and I paid for Rose burger and soda that I had promised but when I checked my bank I saw I had 8980 Euros. 'eh... did they mess up my stipend or something?' i asked mumbling but saw Rose leaned up and looked at my phone. 'that's money you earn from the game... see. B, R, C... it is from the black crows conversion and one silver is one euro.' Rose explained calmly to me.

'I get paid what I earn in-game?' I asked puzzled to her. 'yes. you didn't know that?' Mia asked calmly smiling a little amused at me. 'n-no... e-excuse me I take a large burger menu please.' I said a little stunned to the guy behind the register. 'there is a little wait time will that be okey?' he asked calmly to me. 'we can just go shopping at the second floor while you eat as it is just lady things...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy over at me. 'that be fine...' I said smiling awkward and just paid for the food.

they eat their food that came first as I listened to them talking to Rose about fashion while thinking about school and how to make money inside the game. 'Aleph...' I heard Mia said right next to me so I turned and looked at her as I had got lost in thoughts but saw she blushed as we were close to each other when I turned and looked at her and I saw she cast a glanced down at my mouth. 'w-we are taking Mia up to the lady store...' Mia said quietly as she looked blushed at me so I glanced over at Rose still chewing her last bite holding the cup in one hand and Iris hand in the other.

'we wait outside Mia...' Iris said smiling softly to me and just took Rose with her so I looked back at Mia glancing embarrassed away from me but she leaned ever so slightly forward. 'I watch extra carefully after her.' Mia said quietly glancing shy at me. 'thank you...' I said quietly and just leaned up and gave her a little kiss but felt she sighed lightly out as she gently responded as she kissed me back a little before she leaned back glancing around to see if anyone had noticed us as her cheeks were blushed.

's-sorry for making you always take initiate...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy but worried at me. 'if it is hard for you I don't mind taking the initiate but it isn't really proper to make out in a restaurant.' I said quietly to her smiling calmly as I gently held her hand and she glanced shy over with a slight smile. 'r-right... maybe it be better to kiss at home.' Mia said quietly thinking about it so I chuckled a little as I leaned over to her cheek as she glanced a little stunned at me as her cheeks blushed up.

'I keep that in mind then...' I whispered calmly to her and gave her a little kiss on her cheek and saw her face blushed up a little. 'Mhm...' Mia said slightly giving a nod but slightly turned her head to me. 'I a-am going n-now...' Mia said quietly glancing shy at me so I just gently placed my finger at her chin making her turn a little more towards me. 'have fun and don't spoil Rose to much okey...' I said quietly to her and right as she was going to say something I leaned slightly forward at sealed my lips on hers as I kissed her.

she sighed a little dazed as she leaned back looking at me. 'Mhm...' she said quietly as she stood up and just walked dazed towards the restaurant exit making me lean out looking a little worried if she be okey but saw Iris open the door smiling calmly at Mia but glanced happy back at me and gave me a wink as she grabbed Mia's hand saying something to her and Mia gave a little nod as she glanced back blushing in her cheeks so I just gently waved at her making her glance shy down at the floor but carefully waved her hand back.

I sat back as they walked away but saw the waiter came over with my food and placed it in front of me and left so I just lifted the burger up and took gaped over to take a bite but glanced out the window as I saw mom stopped right outside looking towards where Iris, Rose, and Mia went but I closed my mouth a little tense when she turned and looked inside the restaurant but realized I had made a little mess as I felt the dressing dripped on my hand so I looked down and saw I had almost spilled out the entire burger.

I managed to lay it down on the plate carefully chewing as I slowly glanced out the window and I felt my shoulder sank as she had noticed me as she even bent down looking right at me with a little pout. I swallowed hard before I smiled awkward at her and saw she calmly stood up and walked away so I leaned slightly out glancing at the door and sure enough she walked right inside right towards me but glanced over at the register. 'one burger menu...' Mom said plainly to the guy and sat down right across me and pulled out a few paper napkins and laid them right in front of me looking plainly right at me so I carefully wiped my mouth.

'delivered to the Hopkins Adoption center at the age of one, parents unknown, origin or family unknown but how surprised I was this morning when Emma handed me an adoption paper of one Aleph Valente Valence...' Mom said calmly to me and I sunk down in my seat looking baffled at her. 'Valente?' I asked quietly to her. 'I set my last name as your middle name. care to explain to mamma what is going on and why did I have to call your headmistress to get in touch with you but then you just walk out...' Mom said calmly but I could feel she was clearly irritated so I quietly explained everything to her.

'thank you...' Mom said smiling calmly to the guy putting the burger in front of her and left making her look back at me. 'is that everything?' Mom asked calmly as she lifted up the burger and took a bite. 'y-yes... I d-do not care about me but i-if it is possible can you adopt Rose as Hopkins are only after her stipend and do not even watch after her...' I asked quietly but nervous to her and she just chewed calmly looking at me but swallowed her food. 'then you are going to school And apologize to Miss Kelly as she is convinced you are a dragon...' Mom said plainly at me.

'um... b-but like I told you... those videos Rose made a-are real...' I said quietly glancing around making sure no one was listening to me and I saw mom lowered her burger looking puzzled at me so I sighed as I glanced around that no one was watching and just morphed into my dragon form and just picked up my burger and gulped it down whole. I morphed back in my casual clothes and picked up my drink and sucked at the straw as I gave mom time to comprehend what she just saw as she looked shocked at me with her mouth slightly open.

's-so let me get this s-straight...' Mom said quietly as she was thinking looking awkward at me. 'you were real before but your trip t-to this world and the videos is also... real?' Mom asked quietly to me. 'Mhm...' I replied with a nod still sipping my soda and after thinking about it she took out her phone and typed something on it. 'done... anything else?' Mom asked quietly as she put the phone down looking at me.

'I think Rose is my biological sister but I am not sure...' I said quietly to her as I put the drink down. 'we can take a dna test to find out, do you know who your biological parents are?' Mom asked sighing a little as she looked at me. 'abandon at the stairs and the records said she did not want contact even if deceased...' I said taking up my phone and found an old picture and showed her the document she had left with me on the stairs. 'y-you broke into their records?' Mom asked baffled as she took my phone.

'eh... wouldn't call it sneaking in when it was my room...' I said pouting a little to her and she just looked stunned at me. 'y-you said your sister have your old room now?' Mom asked and I just gave her a little nod and she picked up her phone and called someone. 'while you pack down her things there should be a file cabinet... I ask. is it locked?' Mom said but asked me. 'key hang on the last one next to the wall... easy to find.' I said calmly to her and just sipped the drink from the straw. 'you heard that... yes take everything related to them Emma.' Mom said and hung up the phone making me cough a little as I looked at her.

'E-Emma...' I said smiling a little worried to mom calmly smiling amused at me. 'ah yes... she was not happy you just left like that and have several ideas on how to tame a baby dragon.' Mom said giggling a little amused at me. 'r-right... any chance you can get Rose a capsule?' I asked quietly as I glanced a little worried at me. 'hm... if you do everything Emma tells you train at I go buy one for her right now.' Mom asked smiling slightly smug at me and I sighed a little as I looked down at the table for a moment. 'f-fine...' I said quietly as I glanced worried to Mom that smiled happy as she stood calmly up.

'come...' Mom said calmly as she walked over to the register and paid so I just gulped down my fries and sipped down the last of the soda before getting up. I followed mom upstairs to an electronic shop but stopped and looked over at Mia happily carried Rose with Iris walking next to her walking towards me and Iris handed over a bag to me. 'you can carry it darling...' Iris said smiling cute at me and I glanced a little awkward at mom waiting for me inside the shop. 'm-mine too d-darling...' Mia said stuttering a little shy as she held out her bag blushing in her cheek so I just took it and looked at Rose. 'you can carry mine too big brother.' Rose said smiling happy to me so I just took it and walked towards Mom that silently giggled at me.

'm-miss Lily... w-what are you doing here...' Mia asked stunned as they walked after us and I saw Mom smirked a little as she glanced at them. 'you think I would not show up after my son threatens to burn down the school...' Mom said calmly and just walked up to the show case of capsules and looked at them as Mia and Iris glanced shy at me as Rose took out her phone. 'hello. my name is Gina how can I help you?' Gina introduced herself and asked so mom just smiled calmly as she looked her.

'yes my daughter needs a capsule so what do you recommend?' Mom said calmly and the shop lady looked a little awkward at the three of them but mom just pointed at Iris. 'daughter in-law, daughter, and daughter in-law...' Mom said calmly smiling amused as she saw Iris face blushed up and pointed at Rose that gasped silently as she looked at her and Mia who blushed bright red as she glanced shy down at the floor. 'y-yes we do have a child capsule that have a parent safety feature that lets you control how much see is allowed to see.' Gina explained calmly to her but mom looked over at me.

'she does not need those so just get her a normal capsule.' I said honestly to mom as I have read that there was a limit on the transfer link on those capsules and all the capsules had a parental mode to them so it was just a sales gimmick. 'you sure?' Mom asked smiling a little worried. 'yes. all capsules have parental mode but the link speed on those are rubbish as they are made by a third party company that is only after money... she wants a black crow company approved one.' I said plainly making Gina smile awkwardly as she politely bowed her head and walked over to the normal capsules.

'we have the standard capsules or the new limited edition if you care about performance.' Gina said smiling awkward to me. 'and what is so special about the limited edition?' I asked skeptical to her even if the black and red dragon design looked good. 'um... to be honest I ordered those by a mistake and only know they are limited edition with improved connection link...' Gina said honestly to me so I took out my phone and looked up online what the limited edition was and was a little stunned as they really was a limited edition company approved with a brave wave link response time down to .02 as the mind was 0.1 meaning instant reaction or reflexes.

'are they good?' Mom asked calmly to me so I looked silently up and just gave her a nod and looked at the price that was 30 000 Euros making it the price of a little house. 'how many do you have?' I heard mom ask so I looked a little worried at mom. 'we got seven of the limited edition...' Gina said and mom looked over at me. 'is it worth replacing ours with?' Mom asked calmly to me. 'y-yes but they are expensive but I was wondering if I...' I said quietly to her but mom just turned and smiled to Gina. 'I buy all of them.' Mom said calmly making Gina give a little stunned nod to her but walked over to a computer.

'how good are they?' Mom asked quietly as she glanced at me. 'it can make a difference in a fight between a sword master and the slowest person...' I said quietly to her. 'judging from your reaction it looked like you stumbled on gold...' Mom asked quietly to me. 'these are professional competition capsules that should not be on the private market...' i said quietly to mom and she giggled happy as she walked over to Gina and I stood stunned as mom arranged delivery to each of our addresses and saw Mia and Iris glanced blushed at me.