Chapter 12 Registering.

I watched speechless as Gina packed down the one on display as Mom walked calmly up to me after spending over 200 000 Euros on just capsules but she smiled as she gave handed Rose and me a box so I opened it and glanced baffled at her smiling calmly at me. 'Gina set it up with unlimited date so you can call me or Rose if there is anything on your mind so um... c-can you help me explain it to her.' Mom said quietly as she smiled a little nervous to me. 'e-explain what?' I asked quietly still stunned. 'I live an hour from here and I am afraid I have to move her to a school closer to me...' Mom said quietly to me smiling a little nervous as I looked a little sad down at the ground.

'I let her come over on weekends o-or you can bring your friends and visit home...' Mom said quietly as she smiled worried at me glancing up at her. 'h-home?' I asked quietly and saw she smiled softly as she walked up and pulled me into a hug. 'don't forget me and your father adopted you as well so... I want you to come visit home at least once per month... at least once per year.' Mom said quietly as she glanced worried down at me but I sensed her body had an old injury so I just leaned my head at her and felt she gently cuddle my hair but I used dragon sense and tried controlling the mana in my body to carefully repair the damage to her intestine as there seemed to be a lot of scarring from what felt like an old injury.

the damage tissue was easily repaired but I did not dare to modify her body to increase her chances of having a child on her own as I knew to little about the human reproduction organs but her injuries where at least healed up so I withdrew my mana and glanced up at her a little exhausted as it was hard to focus so much but I had been careful. 'you okey dear?' Mom asked quietly as she bent down. 'I a-am fine. I was just keeping my promise too you mamma...' I replied quietly as I smiled calmly to her and I saw she glanced down a little before looking at little puzzled at me so I just turned calmly to Rose.

'Lily have adopted you sister but you have too move home but mamma is nice and will look after you. mamma also got you a capsule so we can see each other in big brothers world... is that okey?' I said smiling a little tired to her but asked as I was leaning slightly at mom as I regained my strength and saw Rose gently patted Mia's arm that let her down and she walked up and hugged me. 'your not leaving me...' Rose said quietly with a worried voice so I gently cuddle her back. 'I have to stay in school but at night I can fly over If you really need me but I have to get back before sun comes up.' I explained quietly to her and she leaned back smiling happy nodding a little but reached into her pocket and handed me chocolate bar making me chuckle silently as I just opened it and took a bite.

I felt better right away as so I just gulped down the rest. 'maybe we should get you some proper food.' Mom said smiling a little worried at me. 'I can go hunt once I get home so I just need to get a light snack for now.' I said quietly to her but mom turned at looked at Mia and Iris. 'go buy a lot of sandwiches, snacks, or um... raw meat if possible.' Mom said quietly to them and they just gave a firm nod before walking out of the store before mom could take out her card and she looked a little puzzled at me. 'big brother is dating them...' Rose said quietly as she glanced at mom that smiled slightly awkward to her.

'both of them?' Mom asked smiling amused at Rose that nodded shy to her. 'Mia called it poly... gamy.' Rose said quietly to her. 'you mean polygamy?' Mom asked her glancing amused at me glancing a little awkward away. 'yes... that one m-mamma.' Rose said shyly as she glanced at her. 'it is actually called polygyny and mean when a man marry more than one wife and polyandry when a woman marry more than one man.' Mom explained amused as she glanced at me so I just lifted Rose over to mom as I glanced dull at them. 'go ahead and stay with mamma for a little moment as I need some air...' I said calmly and looked around the area and walked over to a section that was no people around so I took a slow deep breath.

I felt the faint mana in the air got absorbed and I slowly breath out feeling the heat around me slowly going up until it was ten of fifteen degrees warmer around me and but I stood there as my body calmly absorbed the mana in the air and I thought about how I needed to get back into the game world and study mana circles or something as I was basically starving right now and I felt the air around me got depleted of mana so I walked calmly back to mom and Rose trying out a massage chair but Rose just liked sitting on her lap. 'you turned into a mamma's girl...' I asked teasingly to Rose that instantly blush a little in her cute cheeks pouting at me.

'don't mind your brother as he was exactly the same...' Mom said giggling softly to her and stroke her hair. 'I should tell you that if you keep doing that she will fall asleep...' I said calmly to mom and she glanced over at Rose glancing a little tired back at her but I glanced back at Iris and Mia walking up with one back each and opened them up in front of me but smiled as I picked up dried beef jerky and just opened it and took a bite but gulped it down as it was good on energy and even had slight mana in it. 'good?' Iris asked smiling a little worried as Mia glanced a little worried down at her bag.

'taste doesn't matter as I need energy and mana.' I said quietly to them. 'mana?' Iris asked puzzled to me. 'there is a faint trace of it in the air but there isn't enough here to sustain myself so I am actually starving a little.' I explained quietly to her. 'what about this energy bar? it have free roaming goat milk in it.' Mia asked smiling a little worried holding out an energy bar to me so I calmly took it and opened it before taking a bite from it. I was a little surprised that it actually had a good concentration of mana in it so I gulped it down and peeked into her bag and picked up the remaining two.

'good?' Iris asked smiling calmly to me as I opened both of them and directly gulped them down nodding happy to her and saw she leaned closer to Mia blushing slightly as she had a little happy smile. 'I think you need to get more of those...' Iris said quietly to her. 'h-how many?' Mia asked quietly a little surprised. 'all of them... here is my card.' I said smiling calmly to her holding out my card as Iris took the bag from her and she looked a little stunned at me. 'y-you trust me with your card?' Mia asked quietly as her cheeks were a little red. 'if I trust you with my life why wouldn't I trust you with my card... I can always earn more money.' I said looking a little puzzled at her and she glanced a little embarrassed down but leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before she walked blushing away.

'she really is shy when it comes to romance but you have seem to drive it out of her...' Iris said giggling to me as she handed the bags to me. 'still don't understand why she got so happy...' I said honestly as I glanced after where Mia went. 'besides me no one have trusted her and you giving your card means a lot to her in a romantic way... almost the same as buying her a ring.' Iris said calmly to me and just leaned over and kissed my cheek before she went and sat down next to mom and Rose.

'a ring...' I asked puzzled as I glanced over at Iris as I kept eating snacks. 'getting engaged dear.' Mom said straight out looking calmly at me. 'isn't that to soon?' I asked looking at them. 'for a lady such as me and Mia it gives us some comfort to know that you are serious about us.' Iris said quietly as she glanced a little shy at me so I thought about it and it made sense but saw Gina walked up to mom and gave her a paper. 'the order have been complete and the drivers are loading the capsules on as we speak.' Gina said calmly to mom that looked at the order. 'thank you for your help. how long will it take for them to arrive?' Mom thanked her and asked.

'first truck should be the first address in fifteen minutes and the other one is one and a half hour. depending on the traffic so feel to reach out if there is something else I can help you with. have a nice day.' Gina said politely before she walked away so mom stood up holding Rose that was halfway asleep so I just helped Iris get up that wrapped her arm around mine as we followed after mom.

I had gulped down the two bags of candy and snacks except from a few Rose helped herself with just as Mia came walking back with two bags filled with energy bars and drinks and she looked a little stunned as I tossed the two empty bags into the garbage bin and just picked up an energy drink. 'the lady said it is made from the same goat milk from the free roaming goats.' Mia explained looking a little shy at me so I just turned the cap and gulped it down.

I felt a surge of mana flowing out into my body as the milk got absorbed in my stomach and i calculated that if the energy bars were one percent then the energy drink was about twenty percent and I would only need around eight or so of the energy drinks to feel full so I just leaned over and kissed Mia and smiled happy to her. 'this is exactly what I needed. thank you Mia.' I said honestly to her but she handed the bags over to me and walked blushed over to Iris and covered her face right on her shoulder. 'there, there... nobody saw him kiss you so it is okey.' Iris said giggling with a little happy smile as I looked a little worried at Mia glancing embarrassed at me.

'o-oh s-sorry. I just got so happy that I don't have to starve to death that I forgot you don't like to show affection in public...' I apologized honestly to her but saw mom walked up to me smiling happy. 'then you must take responsibility for your actions With action.' Mom said smiling smug at me and just grabbed my hand. 'come...' Mom said smiling calmly to Iris and Mia and just dragged me with her towards a jewelry shop and I glanced a little worried at mom walking up to the shop lady smiling wide at her.

'my son would like to look at some engagement rings.' Mom said straight out to her and the shop lady just walked past me and smiled calmly between Iris and Mia. 'they are both his girlfriends.' Mom said smiling calmly to the shop lady that gave a simple nod to her and looked back at them. 'please follow me.' she said and walked calmly over to ring section that was quite large and looked fancy so I quietly took out my phone and checked my balance. [Bank: 8 402]

Mom walked up and put her hand over my phone. 'let them chose the one they want and I will cover it.' Mom said quietly to me so I just sighed quietly out as I glanced tired at her. 'why are you setting me up like this as there is no need to rush...' I said quietly to her with a little pout. 'because, it it is hard to find a honest girl these days and now you have two... is it fair for them to be anxious if you are serious or not and what if someone else comes and lures them away... have you thought about that?' Mom said quietly back to me honestly making me frown a little but felt a chop on top of my head.

'no one are taking them away so don't even try realizing your anger out in the shop...' Mam said lecturing to me as I held my hands on my head gently nodding silently to her. 'is everything okey ma'am?' the shop lady asked smiling awkward to mom as Iris and Mia glanced blushed at me. 'just my idiot son realizing what he could lose so no problem...' Mom said smiling calmly to her as Iris and Mia blushed up embarrassed as they glanced shyly at me with a little cute smile so I just lowered my head glancing embarrassed down at the floor. 'n-no problem so find them whatever ring they like...' I said quietly as as I glanced a little embarrassed to the shop lady that gave calm nod to me.

after making them look around for a bit trying different rings they the shop lady glanced back at mom as Iris and Mia walked over to a cheaper part of the store so mom dragged me up to her. 'the ladies seemed to like that ring but got worried about the price as it is per ring.' the shop lady said quietly to mom as she pointed at a simple but elegant silver looking ring with a golden dragon pattern on it but I saw the price were 45 000 per ring. 'w-what about this one...' Mia asked quietly over but mom smiled calmly over to them. 'I think we go for this one instead. if you could...' Mom said calmly to Iris and Mia but asked the shop lady that just unlocked a drawer and took out three silver boxes with a black dragon icon on it and I smiled a little awkward as as she held a box over to me.

'you have to try it on to see if it fits sir.' the shop lady said calmly to me so I took the box and opened it and saw the ring was the same but had black outlining on the dragon pattern as I tried it on. 'perfect fit...' the shop lady said as she stood up. 'isn't it a little to tight?' I asked a little worried it get crushed by my scales. 'that is just nerves talking as I am good at my job...' the shop lady said plainly to me as she walked over to the register as Iris and Mia walked up glancing a little shy at me. 'I am not worried about us but if the ring will crack when I morph...' I said quietly to them but saw their cheeks blushed as they pushed me up to the register where mom had already paid for them and smiled smug at us.

I swallowed a little hard looking at the open boxes on the counter but took the two rings and held them out to Iris and Mia. 'will you do me the honor...' I said calmly to them. 'y-yes...' Mia said quietly as she put her finger true the ring blushing embarrassed as Iris silently giggled and did the same. 'yes darling.' Iris said smiling a little shy but happy at me and they leaned over and kissed each of my cheek before walking out of the store looking happy at the rings as I stood silently up and glanced a little stunned at mom smiling calmly at me. 'guess they held back more than I thought...' Mom said calmly to me as she handed the empty boxes to me and followed after them.

'here is the receipt and registration forms.' the shop lady said as she handed over some paper and a pen to me so I filled out the form and looked puzzled at her wondering if that was correct and she looked at it and pointed at an empty space. 'your surname goes there...' she said so I wrote my last name and glanced at her. 'then just take it across the street to the city hall and get it registered.' the shop lady said smiling calmly to me so I put down the pen and and thanked her for the help and walked out to them waiting outside the shop.

'apparently we have to deliver them to the city hall?' I asked puzzled to mom as I gave the paper to her and she looked at them and smiled a little amused. 'yes but this is just the receipt for the rings dear... this one goes to the city hall.' Mom explained giggling amused to me as she handed the form I filled out. 'o-oh okey.' I said quietly and followed after mom with Iris and Mia following happy behind me.