Chapter 13 Tricked.

we followed mom across the street to the city hall and walked up to the counter where mom was talking to the man at the counter. 'there have to be two witnesses. those are the rules.' the man said calmly to her. 'is there a problem?' Iris asked quietly to mom. 'Rose is not old enough to be a legal witness and there have to be two to get the registration complete... I could call sister but she is an hour away.' Mom explained as she was thinking. 'I can ask my mom as she should be at work a block away...' Iris said quietly to mom.

'that works fine do you have her number?' Mom said smiling calmly to her as she held her phone to Iris that awkwardly put her number into mom's phone. 's-shouldn't I talk to her first?' Iris asked quietly but mom casually waved her hand holding the phone up to her ear and just walked outside. 'I can go true the registration form while we wait to save time...' the man asked calmly to us and I saw Iris lowered her head blushing a little shy as she glanced worried at me. 'sure.' I said calmly to him and just handed the paper to him and just held Iris hand as Mia gently wrapped her arm around mine looking over at her.

'you okey?' Mia asked quietly to her and Iris quietly nodded as she glanced over at Mia leaning her shoulder against me and I glanced out and saw a lady walked over to mom and hugged her and they talked quietly as they glanced inside at us. 'd-does she know mom?' Iris asked puzzled to me when they started giggling. 'if it is mom then I would not put it past her...' I said sighing a little but saw another lady walked up to them. 'M-Mom....' Mia said stunned as she almost hid behind me but she calmly waved at us as she looked inside so I waved awkwardly back as I glanced awkward at Mia glancing a little stunned at me.

they walked inside smiling calmly at us and I smiled a little awkward at them. 'this is Nina. Mia's mother and this is Tina Iris mother. and this is my son Aleph.' Mom introduced us before she walked up to the counter. 'h-hello. nice to meet both of you.' I said bowing politely to them and saw they smiled calmly to me. 'no need to be so formal as it is nice to meet you too.' Nina said smiling calmly to me. 'I am just glad Mia and Iris found someone they likes.' Tina said smiling happy to me. 'I know right. at first I had my doubts about the game but if she find such a polite man I can lay my worries aside.' Nina said giggling to Tina that smiled amused at her and I just smiled a little awkward as I glanced between Iris and Mia.

'Aleph the registration is ready...' I heard Mom say calmly to me and I saw Iris and Mia turned blushing embarrassed and took a step up to the counter so I just walked up to the Man standing up looking at us holding a pen in his hand. 'Nina Holden. Mia's mother as a witness.' I heard Nina say calmly and the man wrote it down on the paper. 'Tina Parken. Iris Mother also as a witness.' I heard Tina say and the man nodded calmly as he wrote on the paper and stood calmly up straight again looking at me.

'and all of you agree to register?' he asked calmly to us. 'y-yes.' Iris said quietly holding my hand tight. 'y-yes.' Mia said shy as she nodded a little and I saw the man looked back at me. 'yes...' I said smiling a little nervous at him and I saw he glanced at mom. 'are they really that nervous?' the man asked smiling awkward to her. 'y-your used to this because it is your job but wouldn't you be nervous if you had to stand here...' I said smiling a little awkward to him. 'it is e-embarrassing...' Mia said quietly as she glanced a little blushed at him. 'Mhm...' Iris replied nodding slightly making the man chuckle calmly as he nodded to us.

'I have actually stood where you are and I know it can be intimidating but it is just making vows to each other what you already feel and that should be fine right?' he asked smiling calmly to us. 'b-but we already promised each other that we keep watch over each other true better or worse in the dungeon s-so isn't that good enough?' Mia asked as she glanced embarrassed at him. 'Mhm... y-yes...' Iris said quietly. 'oh so you spent time in-game?' the Man asked smiling calmly to us. 'y-yes... a w-week...' Iris said quietly leaning worried at me.

'w-we weren't a complete w-week down in the dungeon b-but that was because of school but t-then the server shut down for maintenance.' Mia said nervously to him. 'don't forget that we are also investigating the anomaly in the dungeon too and depending on how long that will take it can easily taken a month before we get back...' I said sighing a little. 'they have those food dispensers on the newer capsules so you should be no problem staying a few extra days dear.' Mom said calmly to me. 'really... how long could we be down there?' I asked curious to her as both Iris and Mia looked at her.

'depending on the supplement I think a month but lets focus on the registration first and don't forget you have school and Emma's lessons to attend...' Mom said smiling a little exhausted at me and I just sighed as I looked up at the man smiling awkward at us. 'r-right well... everything looks in order so congratulations. I take a copy of the registration...' the Man said smiling calmly to us and walked away. 'congratulation...' I asked over to Mia and she just held up her hand showing the ring. 'e-engagement not the dungeon...' Mia said quietly giggling happy to me and I saw mom silently giggled as she glanced back at Nina and Tina but couldn't say anything before the man came back and handed over three copies of the paper and three little boxes to us.

'there... everything is settled so on behalf of the city I wish you a happy marriage.' he said smiling calmly to us. 't-thank you...' I said bowing politely to him as I looked puzzled at the box but looked up at him. 'you can open them at home as we have others waiting...' He said smiling polite. 't-thank you.' Mia said quietly to him and just walked around me so I just followed with Iris glancing a little puzzled over at me as we walked out of the building. 'd-did he say marriage?' Iris asked quietly to me but she got hugged by Tina. 'congratulations dear.' Tina said happy to her as she giggled and I looked over at Mia but we got hugged by Nina.

'congratulations dear's I would love to stay but I really need to get back to work but we can talk later okey?' Nina said giggling happy to us as she stood up. 'I should also get going as I need to get to a meeting over at the other side but how about we throw a marriage party this weekend.' Tina said smiling happy to us as she stood up. 's-sure...' I said quietly to her. 'I am heading there now as this one is getting sleepy and you three don't forget to talk to Miss Kelly tomorrow.' Mom said holding her finger up to us. 'o-okey...' Mia said quietly to Mom and Tina walking towards a car and I saw Rose waved smiling tired to us. 'I see you in-game big brother and sister's in-law.' Rose said smiling happy.

we saw mom's car drive away so we silently began to walk back thinking about what had happened but when we got to my apartment I saw a delivery truck waiting there with a couple of guys standing outside the door with the boxed capsule mom had bough me so I just walked over and unlocked the door for them. 'Aleph Valence?' a man asked and I nod to him and signed the clipboard he held out and they carried the package inside. 'your doing a delivery to Iris and Mia too right?' I asked calmly to them walking out. 'yes. do you know them?' he asked a little skeptical to me but I just pointed my thumb at Iris and Mia standing silently behind me.

'they are here as it was my mother who placed the order but we go over and unlock the door...' I said calmly as I locked my door and just put my arms gently around them and started walking down the road. 'w-we just got married r-right?' Iris asked quietly as she glanced stunned at me. 'I try not to think about that right now as I need to get back into the game before sister logs in alone in the dungeon.' I said quietly to them and they walked up silently to the door and unlocked it to the delivery guys.

after they carried the new capsules inside I helped them unpack them and set them up and gave them each a little kiss before telling them we could talk about it in-game and walked a little stunned back to my apartment. I unpacked and replaced the old capsule with the new one and waited for the update to finish putting the sim card into the new phone and called mom. 'yes dear...' I heard Mom say calmly. 'did you just get Iris and Mia to marry me?' I asked stunned to her.

'welcome out of your shock...' I heard Tina say giggling happy. 'thank you but that did not answer my question...' I said sighing lightly out. 'yes we did get the three of you married how are the girls taking it?' Tina asked calmly to me. 'they are at their apartment probably logging into the game but they look more relaxed than I am...' I said honestly as Iris and Mia kept glancing at their rings smiling happy before I left. 'don't worry about it and just think of it like this... you were already getting engaged and marriage is just the next level so you skipped a level. did you try and talk to them about it?' Tina explained but asked.

'n-no. I was stressing a little to log in before sister did so she would not be alone inside the dungeon... b-but I told them we could talk about it there.' I replied quietly to the phone. 'Rose... Dear...' I heard Mom called out. 'yes...' I heard Sister replied. 'can you wait two minutes before logging into the game as Aleph is making sure it is safe.' I heard Mom called out to her. 'fine, but tell him to hurry up...' Sister called back. 'did you hear her?' I heard Mom say giggling a little. 'yes... I will hurry up but w-what do I um... say to Iris and Mia?' I asked quietly but a little nervous as I put my card into the sloth in the new capsule as it said ready.

'hm... how about you just be yourself and let things work out naturally. if they want to talk about it then you listen. was that all you were worried about?' I heard Mom say calmly to me and asked. 'um... yes. t-thank you...' I said quietly feeling a little weird having someone to ask questions too. 'any time dear. I have to go make some tea for Tina so we talk later. good luck.' Mom replied giggling happy and hung up and I felt a little relaxed as I laid down in the new capsule and felt it was more comfortable than my bed with all kinds of monitors inside.

I put my new phone into the sloth and pressed start that closed the capsule door and I heard quiet fans started spinning and felt a slight breeze over my body before they stopped and saw a check marker of air quality got marked so I just closed my eyes. I only felt like I turned my head fast and open my eyes to find myself Inside the tent but saw a message pop up right away. [You created your Mage Core Tier 1: Gives access to Tier 1 Magic] the message faded away so I just stood up from the bed and walked towards the exit but stopped as I got to my room door as Mia suddenly logged inside and was startled as she stepped forward a little unsteady and her hands grabbed my shoulders.

's-sorry...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy at me as she stood calmly up. 'it takes a little getting used to the reaction speed... you okey?' I said calmly but asked looking a little worried at her. 'o-oh yes I am fine.' Mia said quietly as she smiled happy biting her lower lip a little as she glanced at me but we looked over and saw Iris logged in and she instantly reached out and held the tent wall. 'w-wow... that is a little f-fast. feels like a drank four coffee's right... oh are you making out?' Iris said smiling happy but asked teasingly with her hand on her cheek glancing amused at us.

'n-no I just fell but he happen to c-catch me...' Mia said quietly pouting embarrassed to Iris as her cheeks were blushed up but Iris walked a little unsteady over and put her arms around her smiling happy. 'then don't mind if I do...' Iris said giggling as she leaned forward and kissed Mia gently on her lips and I saw Mia glanced embarrassed and slightly worried to me but Iris just smiled and gently pulled Mia with her as she leaned against me and continued to kiss her as I looked speechless at them.

'd-don't...' Mia said quietly as she gently pushed Iris away glancing embarrassed away from us. 'you didn't mind kissing me back in our room but fine... can I have a kiss darling...' Iris said giggling to her a little teasingly but asked softly as she looked happy up to me with her lips wet after kissing Mia. 'c-can you wipe your lips f-first...' Mia whispered embarrassed to her but Iris smiled calmly as she looked at me. 'you want me to wipe my lips or do you...' Iris asked softly to me leaning closer to me so I just kissed her and saw Mia's face blushed up as she looked stunned at me but Iris gently pulled her closer to us making Mia gently bite her lip.

Iris leaned slowly away sighing happy as she smiled calmly to me but pointed over at Mia that glanced embarrassed away but leaned shyly closer so I leaned up and sealed my lips gently on hers and felt she leaned against me as she relaxed closing her eyes. she sighed relaxed when I leaned away looking puzzled at me. 'I have to check the area if it is safe as sister is logging in.' I said quietly to her and she gently bite her lip giving a slight nod leaning against Iris that quietly giggled to her. 'you have to let go of his shirt darling...' Iris whispered quietly to her and Mia blushed up in her cheeks as she slowly let go of my shirt glancing shy at me.

'look after Rose until I get back okey?' I asked them and they gave a happy nod to me as I walked calmly out of the tent smiling a little happy as it went better than I expected but glanced around the area besides from a couple of bull's drinking at the river there wasn't any beasts around so I just morphed into my dragon form and calmly walked up to the river and saw the bull's looked at me but I ignored them and just drank a little water from the river. I kept an eye on the beast bull's even if there was a animal code to not hunt each other when drinking I was not sure if the same applied inside a dungeon.

the two beast bull's walked calmly away so I sat down thinking I should learn how to be an adventurer so I morphed into my human form sitting next to the river thinking how the bull's would probably attack if they saw me in my human form and since I had school in a month where we had to gather at Haven capital I needed to learn how to fight like a human. 'you okey?' I heard Iris asked walking up to me so I just nodded as I glanced back at her smiling a little worried.

'is it the marriage your thinking about?' Iris asked smiling a little worried as she sat down next to me. 'no... I need to learn how to fight as a human as I don't want to fight in my dragon form around our class as it would only raise suspicion among our fellow students irl...' I explained calmly to her but noticed sister and Mia standing behind listening to us. 'I can train you to dodge or parry arrows...' Mia said quietly as she smiled a little nervous to me. 'I do have some attack skill's with my butcher knife but they are mainly stun or fear attacks that doesn't do much damage big brother.' Sister said giggling as she ran up and hugged me from behind.

'how is it at mom's?' I asked smiling calmly to her. 'awesome... Emmy is helping decorate my room and keep bringing food and snacks. she even brushed my hair...' Sister said giggling happy and I glanced a little awkward over at Iris and Mia smiling awkward to sister. 'y-you sure she isn't trying to teach you how to eat with table manners?' Mia asked smiling awkward to her. 'she tried that trick on me at first but she found out I don't want to learn it...' Sister said giggling amused as she seemed to be thinking about it hanging over my shoulder.