Chapter 14 Getting Familiar.

'right... your a mage Aleph but you should practice with swords in case of close combat or low mana and such as for spells that you have to ask Iris about.' Mia said glancing shy at me. 'I only know summoning magic and even that is hard for me but I do have mana missile that lowers my agro in a party but it only does ten to twelve damage as my main fighting abilities are summons.' Iris explained shrugging her shoulders.

'guess I can learn some spells and try them out on the first floor until I get used to fighting in human form and practice sword fighting against a tree or something.' I said thinking about it and saw they nodded a little to me. 'are we still hunting beast to earn money here?' Sister asked looking puzzled at me. 'of course. we need to get you geared up and I have two extra bill's to pay...' I said smiling dull as I teasingly pointed my thumb towards Iris and Mia who pouted to hide their smile but it was easy to see.

I just stood up with sister hanging on my shoulder giggling happy and just walked back with Iris and Mia to the tent where they started to make dinner as I find my mage training book and looked at the tier 1 spells and started to learn the basic four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire as I sat on my bed. I didn't have a notebook with me to write in so I just used mana to write and draw in the air to keep track on my progress as I learned the different elements and as one had to reflect within oneself the meaning of each element and for a collage student like myself it was easy to define the four basic elements.

[you learned the 4 Basic elements that combined into passive skill: Elemental] I saw the message showed up in my view and faded as I read it so I open my stats and looked at it. [Elemental: Magic elemental affinity] I looked at the description of it a little confused as a dragon I already had magic affinity but saw a window showed up as I looked at the passive skill. [Elemental: a skill that boost magic control and magic focus to the user] I smiled a little from the explanation as I walked out to the common area they were making food at and sat down next to sister as I looked at my status window.


Name: Aleph V Valence

Age: 17

Race: Black Dragon

Class: Mage T1 [Tier 1]

Level: 5

Guild Rank: F

Health: 1500/1500 Mana: 100 000/100 000

Vitality: 5 Strength: 5

Agility: 5 Stamina: 6

Intelligence: 7 Magic: 10


Soul Storage: Personal Inventory.

Immunity: Immune against harmful stats.

Morph: Shapeshift into other Beings.

Elemental: a skill that boost magic control and magic focus to the user.

[Select Ability]

I looked a little stunned as i read the status window but opened the ability I had not selected after fighting the Rhino-Carno fight and looked true it and saw there was several that was suitable but right now the most convenient was the [Library: store the books the user touch into a mental library] which meant I for one that I did not have to pack down unnecessary items and smiled as I looked at the skill and felt like something got unlocked in my mind but looked at the first skill called Soul Storage a little puzzled.

'eh...' I said quietly a little stunned as I saw a inventory window popped up like sister had. 'what is it big brother?' Sister asked looking puzzled over to me and I just smiled a little awkward as I didn't have the heart to tell her I had somewhat the same skill as her. 'o-oh I just learned the four basic magic elements and got a boost skill called Elemental that rise up my affinity...' I replied smiling calmly to her and she smiled proudly towards Iris and Mia that quietly giggled a little to her. 'brother is smart.' Sister said happy and tried to wink subtle to them but I had to glance away as I chuckled silently from her trying to copy mom's way of winking.

'you learned any magic yet?' Iris asked softly as she walked up behind me gently placing her hands on my back and rested her chin on my shoulder making me tense up a little as she glanced softly at me with a flirting gaze. 'n-no. not yet b-but I learned the foundation of it...' I explained quietly as I gently turned my head towards her but she put her finger lightly at my chin smiling a little smug. 'then keep practicing.' Iris said softly and just gave me an ever so light kiss on the cheek before she just stood calmly up and walked back to the potatoes and carrots they were pealing.

'y-you need help?' I asked glancing over at Iris standing next to Mia but saw they silently glanced at each other and Mia just smiled a little shy as she leaned over and kissed Iris's cheek. 'your so good at pealing potatoes darling...' Mia said softly to her but she glanced slightly over at me as she returned to peeling the carrots. 'keep training darling...' Mia said plainly as she looked at me and I just looked down at the book in my hand and just flipped over to the spell section.

I looked at the diagram of nodes drawn in the book that looked a little confusing so I just flipped the page back and read the nodes of magic was a mixture of math and mental control as well as mana control as the firs node was the amount of mental control one were to use to pass by two buffer nodes that was basically check marks from my understanding so I held my hand up to try it. 'no magic inside darling...' I heard Iris say so I looked a little defeated as I looked at her giggling quietly at me as Mia was blushing lightly in her cheeks looked a shy at me.

'if you are so eager for Mia's incentive to learn magic then go practice outside...' Iris said teasingly and I saw Mia blushed up as she glanced over at Iris smiling slightly smug as she leaned over to her ear. 'be a nice wife and reward him with a good kiss when he is able to cast magic...' Iris whispered to her but I heard it and saw Mia glanced embarrassed down but gave a slight nod. 'big brother is going outside to train...' I said calmly to sister that looked a little puzzled at me. 'okey. don't go far as we have dinner soon.' Sister replied and I just nod as I walked out of the tent and sat down outside and looked down at the diagram in the book holding my hand up a little.

I followed the steps in the book as I focused and followed the nodes step by step but when it came to imagining the spell it failed and I felt a backlash from the failure causing a headache that made me grit my teeth rubbing the side of my head. when the pain subsided I looked down at the book puzzled why it did not work trying to find the solution but there was none. 'maybe I just need practice...' I mumbled committed to it and held my hand up trying to cast the Earth Shield spell following the nodes in the diagram but it failed no matter how many tries I did.

'Son of aah....' I called out slamming my fist in the ground. Splat! I heard the sound as I felt my hand went true the grass dirt like slapping water as I gritted my teeth in pain but sat up a little irritated as the pain faded away gently rubbing the side of my head but glanced at Mia walking carefully over looking worried at me. 'it is dinner soon...' Mia said quietly as she smiled a little worried at me. 'ah... okey.' I said quietly as I shook the dirt of my hand looking tired down at the book but saw Mia sat carefully down next to me.

'I can give you a kiss if that is whats bothering you...' Mia asked quietly as she glanced shy at me. 'it isn't that but I cannot seem to cast a simple spell as a dragon...' I said irritated as I looked down at the book but sighed lightly as I glanced over at Mia smiling worried at me. 'sorry. I am not angry at you as I just fell like a fake dragon as magic is supposed to be a dragons origin.' I apologized to her smiling a little sad and saw she just leaned her shoulder against mine. 'want me to see if i can help you?' Mia asked quietly as she glanced shy at me.

'please... I read it several times and cast so many failures it feels like my head is going to split in two.' I said sighing softly as I glanced at her and she picked up the book and looked at it. 'it's the earth shield?' Mia asked quietly to me. 'yes. but when I come to the image node then it fails when I try casting it...' I explained to her and held my hand up and started casting the spell but gritted my teeth as it failed again so I just stood up sighing heavy. 'I need a break anyway so lets just go eat...' I said rubbing the side of my head as I lost count of how many times I failed a basic spell.

'w-wait...' I heard Mia say as I started to walk but stopped and glanced back at her reading in the book but she stood up and walked over to me. 'how do you hold your hand?' Mia asked quietly as she looked a little excited at me so I just held up my hand like usual and saw she bite her lip glancing shy to the side but reached out and gently turned the palm of my hand outwards. 'earth shield might be a difference spell but it is a target location spell... meaning you have to cast it in front of you darling...' Mia explained quietly to me so I just looked down at the book in her hand and she pointed at a drawing of man casting the spell with his palm outwards and I just covered my hands over my face wanting to yell out in frustration but just sighed heavy out as I been to focused on learning the spell that I missed a simple thing like that.

I stretched out my hand as I focused on following the steps of the nodes as I imagined a protective wall in front of me as I cast the spell and felt mana flowed into the palm of my hand. Rumble! a stone wall emerged out of the ground two meters tall in a half shape like I thought and I smiled happy as I turned and looked at Mia that silently gasped out as she looked stunned up at the stone wall but closed her mouth as she glanced over at me and blushed in her cheeks. I looked a little puzzled at her walking over with her head lowered and it was only until she stood right in front of me that I saw she was blushing bright red but she still nervously put her arms around my shoulders as she leaned close and sealed her lips against mine as she kissed me so I kissed her back as I put my arms around her.

'Mm...' I heard Mia uttered a sound as my hand touched her lower back and saw she looked a little stunned at me but she didn't lean away but relaxed her eyes as she continued to kiss me so I gently moved my hand under her shirt and saw she closed her eyes leaning her body against me. 'your brother finely cast a spell...' I heard Iris say making Mia lean away silently gasping and licked her lip looking a little dazed at me but reached back and gently pulled my hand out as she bite her lower lip looking gently at me before she took a step to the side and I saw Iris calmly peeked around the wall.

'there you are...' Iris said smiling smug at us but stepped to the side letting sister walk past her and i saw sister smiled proud at the stone wall but giggled as she glanced at Mia standing blushed beside me. 'I think they were kissing...' Sister said quietly to Iris that giggled quietly to her. 'maybe... lets go eat some meat stew.' Iris said smiling amused at her as she gently pushed sister towards the tent but glanced at us with a soft smile biting her lower lip a little. 'don't take to long or the food gets cold...' Iris said softly smiling a little smug to Mia before they walked out of sight.

'I d-do not trust myself around you...' Mia said quietly as she started walking but I gently took her hand making her stop and saw she glanced gently back at me biting her lip but walked up to me as she took my hand and placed it on her waist and let go as she gave me a little kiss. 'I m-might be shy but d-don't think I do not want to... kiss you too.' Mia whispered quietly but I felt she put her shirt over my hand as she sealed her lips on mine and gently pulled up my hand making me feel her soft warm skin as she slowly kissed me and I had to gently pull her away as I sighed quietly out and she gently wiped her thumb over my lips smiling happy.

'see... not easy to stop kissing is it?' Mia asked quietly to me. 'l-lets go e-eat...' I said quietly back to her but saw she glanced shy at me. 'you?' she whispered teasingly to me making me sigh silently out as I took out my hand and gently fixed her shirt and just took her hand as I dispelled the Earth shield wall and walked towards the tent where Iris stood outside smiling calmly to us. 'how was the reward...' Iris asked teasingly to us. 'almost second...' Mia said quietly as she walked inside leaving Iris glancing stunned after her.

Iris pulled me to the side and just as I was going to explain that we just kissed she leaned up and kissed me but took my hand and placed it on her waist and she closed her eyes kissing me with her arms around my shoulders. she leaned back softly gasping out as she looked dazed at me but leaned her cheek against mine and I heard she sighed lightly out. 'are you still thinking about the marriage?' Iris asked quietly to me.

'yes... isn't it too sudden?' I asked quietly back to her and saw she leaned back. 'does it feel wrong?' Iris asked quietly smiling a little worried at me. 'no... that's whats worries me.' I said quietly as I rested my forehead against hers and she just smiled gently as she looked tired at me. 'if it feels right and you like us we can take it on our own paste. I am going to fall asleep if you keep cuddling my back darling...' Iris said quietly to me but leaned her head down on my shoulder smiling happy at me so I gently pulled back my arms sliding it slowly past her upper waist making her silently gasp out but bite her lower lip smiling calmly at me.

'r-right f-food...' Iris said quietly as she glanced shy at me as she stood slowly up straight and gently pulled down her shirt letting me look at her. 'keep flirting like that and I might just log off and come over... you have been warned.' Iris whispered to me and just calmly walked inside glancing happy back at me and I just sighed silently out as I glanced around the area before I walked inside. we sat at the table eating stew listening to sister telling a ghost stories until late at night.

I carried sister to her room as she was half asleep already and just tucked her in for the night but she held my hand and fell asleep. I looked a little lost out at Mia and Iris but they just glanced awkwardly away. 'I a-am going to call it a n-night... g-good night.' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy at me. 'g-good night darling...' Iris said quietly as she looked softly at me with long light sigh. 'oh um... good night and love you two.' I replied as I tried to gently get my hand back but sister leaned her cheek holding her arms around it like it was a teddy bear.

I sat down on my knees in front of sister's bed and just looked over at them looking silently but lost for words at me. 'any help?' I asked calmly to them but saw their cheeks blushed up as they glanced shy down. 'l-love y-you too...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy at me before she walked to her room so I looked silently over at Iris that was actually blushing as she glanced a little shy at me but had a little happy smile. 'love you too darling... I think it is best you look over Rose tonight. g-good night...' Iris said quietly to me and just walked to her room holding her cheeks.

'is saying love you such a big deal when we are married...' I mumbled quietly as I looked over at sister sleeping so I just laid down my head at the edge of the bed and just meditated for a little bit as I casually read the mage training book even if was hard to multitask but beneficial. I tried multitask with taking mana notes in the air but I had to keep my eyes closed to meditate so I just meditated and read the mage book.

I woke up early morning glancing up at Iris gently poking sisters cheek and saw she glanced slightly up at Iris but looked down at my hand she was hugging and let go of it. 'time to wake up dear...' Iris said quietly but softly to her but sister turned tired around. 'five more minutes mamma...' Sister said quietly as her voice faded to sleepy mumble and I saw Iris sat quietly down next to me glancing slightly over at me as her cheeks were blushing light pink.