Chapter 15 Training.

Iris and me glanced at Mia walking tired up to the bed and she just grabbed the blanket and pulled it away from sister that glanced tired and confused at her. 'Get up and stop calling Iris mamma... we are having breakfast before packing up to hunt on our way back so get up...' Mia said calmly but firmly as she looked tired at sister that sat tired up looking confused at us. 'I called Iris mamma...' Sister asked puzzled as she looked at Iris smiling gently at her.

'I don't mind it but I like sister better...' Iris said smiling calmly to her making sister smile happy. 'big sister...' Sister said giggling quietly as she crawled up to the edge of the bed and just fell into Iris's arms in a giggling hug but I saw Mia pouted a little tired at me. 'don't tell me you slept here all night...' Mia asked pouting slightly firm. 'w-well Iris told me to watch over sister so I did...' I said quietly as I smiled a little awkward at Mia glancing tired at me but just looked over at Iris. 'I d-did s-say that but I meant um...' Iris said calmly to her but stopped as she thought about something.

'don't go holding his arm so you can sleep like a princess... come on as we have work to do.' Mia said lectured to sister with a soft voice before starting to walk tired toward the common room as Iris stood up holding sister and walked after Mia. 'I didn't do it on purpose big sister...' Sister said quietly to Mia as she glanced a little worried at Mia lighting the stove and just smiled tired as she leaned over and gave a little kiss on sisters cheek. 'I know little sister and I am not mad but we all need rest as we are inside the dungeon even darling.' Mia said calmly to her as she nuzzled her cheek a little.

I just tidied sister's bed before walking over to my room and looked true my backpack and saw we had more than enough supplies to last a whole week but glanced over at Mia walking over smiling a little as she held out her hand so I took out the coffee and tea box and gave her. 'did you get any sleep?' Mia asked smiling a little worried to me. 'yee I can sleep almost sleep anywhere so I am fine.' I said smiling calmly to her as it was the truth and according to dragon lore I could even sleep in lava and I just looked at Mia walking back.

I took out some ingredients before I walked out and stopped Mia from putting on the casserole on the stove. 'the stew last longer and it is easier to eat between fights so I make breakfast for us but want to discuss us going down to the third floor... at least make our way over there so I can take a look.' I said calmly to them. 'I don't mind but we are not setting up camp there.' Iris said calmly as I started to make breakfast and Iris and Mia talked about staying up at the staircase leading to the third floor as it was to dangerous.

I made omurise for us and even if we didn't have any ketchup it was still good but felt the ones I made in real life were better as I looked at the Life skills and saw my cooking was at level 1 after making breakfast. 'are there life skills for everything?' I asked curious to them lightly chatting as they eat. 'Mm... yes. from what I understand the ai will create a skill on the spot if it does not fall under the categories that already exist... why?' Mia explained but asked as I was thinking about what she said.

'just trying to learn the system but we cannot see the life skills until we do it right?' I asked curious to them. 'no big brother. like my backpack skill that is a life skill but also affect my stats making me able to carry more in a backpack than one can have in the inventory.' Sister explained smiling to me as Iris wiped her mouth. 'i-inventory?' I asked smiling a little awkward to her and saw Mia gently slapped her forehead.

'I keep forgetting you are not a npc anymore...' Mia said giggling a little as she smiled amused at me looking a little awkward at the three of them and opened my menu using my mind and open the forum on the browser and sat all three of them were streaming. 'so every player have something called soul storage... you seen it?' Mia said smiling to me. 'um... y-yes but I d-didn't want to say anything to hurt sister's feelings.' I said quietly as came clean about it but sister just giggled as she looked amused at me.

'cute... um... you see there is a weight limit on ours and if that gets filled up we get a speed penalty and if it goes over five minutes we get an exhausted debuff that will make your avatar sluggish.' Mia explained smiling gently to me. 'oh...' I said quietly as I glanced at their chats seeing a lot of deceleration of love towards them. 'by avatar she means your body darling...' Iris said smiling a little flirty as she glanced at me so I just gave a little nod.

'it is nice that look after me big brother but as a carrier I am allowed to carry live animals in my backpack that are technically a personal inventory but at most with my backpack right now I can only hold small size animals because it is my starter backpack even if my skill can carry up to four medium size.' Sister explained to me as I thought about it as I looked at their chats getting randomly love confessions and even sister got some but they were quickly censored by a bot and I saw a few times that there was a ban notification.

'so can you carry dragon eggs little sister?' I asked casually making Iris and Mia glance at each other a little blushed in there cheeks. 'as long as they are considered small animals if they are alive... are we going to steal dragons eggs big brother?' Sister explained but asked looking a little worried at me. 'eh... no. was just thinking about my mates but I don't think dragon eggs counts as small beast even if they look little...' I explained calmly and just eat my last bite but saw Iris and Mia covered each of sister's ear pouting blushed at me.

'w-what are you t-thinking talking about t-that stuff h-here...' Mia said quietly but looked a little firm at me. 'it is just a natural thing for dragons to discuss trivial things like that and I did not mention anything about the actual mating process.' I said calmly as I stood up and started cleaning up after breakfast. 'you know I can still hear you um... mamma is asking if you found our stream big brother?' Sister asked smiling awkward to me so I just glanced plainly back as I looked a little firm at them.

'yes... unless they are prepared to die by dragon fire I suggest they stop provoking me and leave what's mine alone...' I said calmly but felt the ground was silently rumbling and one could hear whimpering screeching outside as Iris and Mia blushed up a little looking at me as sister glanced puzzled at the sounds but looked down in front of her before pouting a little at me. 'Stop it... or mamma say she come down and give you a lecture.' Sister said quietly pouting a little firm to me so I calmed down.

'I am just protecting what is mine by dragon law...' I said calmly as I turned and looked right at sister with my arms crossed. 'tell those chatters or humans... that they better learn ethics if they dare even speak to my little sister like she is some treasure that...' I said calmly pouting a little as I leaned forward but sister stood up and lifted her hand. Bonk! I glanced dull at her chopping hand on my forehead but saw she slowly took it back and held it. 'you okey?' I asked smiling a little awkward to her pouting a little to me.

'stop being jealous as those people writing are only saying that to get a reaction out of you so stop falling for their tricks.' Sister said quietly but kept her nervous cute pout as I gently took her hand and looked at it and apart from a slight little red spot she was not hurt. 'fine... but they really should think if provoking a dragon is the best form for entertainment as I heard humans say that phrase... don't play with fire unless you want to die.' I said calmly as I stood up and just started to pack down the food.

'y-you mean don't play with fire unless you want to get burned...' Iris said smiling awkward to me so I just chuckled a little as I smiled a little smug at her. 'when a dragon light a little flame there is only death so I believe my statement is correct darling.' I said calmly in a soft voice as smiling amused at her and saw her cheeks blushed up as she glanced down at the table. 'lets get going as we have a lot of kill... hunting to do.' I said smiling a little teasingly to them as I walk to my room and took the short sword and clipped it on my belt.

when I put my backpack on my back I saw they were in full swing gearing up as sister stood looking calmly at them so I just walked calmly out with them following after me but I glanced a little awkward at the big stone triangle teeth slightly curved towards the tent as a center making the view give off a scary aura. 'A-Alpeh...' Iris said pouting a little firm but stunned to me. 'I am not jealous but protective...' I mumbled loud enough so they could hear me as I packed down the tent as they looked a little blushed in there cheeks around.

we started making our way towards the pathway and started following it but meet a wolf so I drew my sword as Mia hurried and aimed her nocked bow as Iris summoned her wolf that dashed up front so I stood still covering the back as sister was in the middle as we discussed. Iris's wolf and the beast wolf lunged at each others necks and I could hear their yaws snap each time they tried to bite each other as I kept an eye around the sides and saw two wolfs were sneaking up at our left. 'Left side...' I called out to Mia but saw all the wolfs laid down flat from my voice as an arrow flew right above the wolfs on the left.

'Aleph...' I heard Iris called out and glanced over at her pouting to me as her summoned wolf laid flat too. 's-sorry... it is hard to control my dragon aura when fighting.' I said a little quiet as I lowered my head a little as Mia just shot three rapid arrows out that killed the three wolfs. 'do I go harvest them now?' Sister asked to Mia and Iris sighing silently but smiled calmly to her. 'no... we bring the bodies to you so don't leave the formation as it isn't safe.' Iris said calmly to her as she walked up to the wolf at the front as Mia went and got the wolf that tried to flank us as I kept guard near sister feeling useless.

I kept looking dull around as sister started doing her skinning mini-game but saw Mia walked up smiling a little calm at me. 'this is why we train so don't feel bad about it.' Mia said softly as she leaned up and gave me a little kiss on my cheek. 'I know but but still feel useless as all I do is hindering your fighting.' I said and sighed quietly. 'we know you are trying your best so just keep practicing.' Iris said smiling a little sad at me so I just nodded a little to them.

after sister was done we continued and fought an Ant-Scout which was a dog size ant that was fast enough to dodge Mia's arrows but Iris wolf managed to sink its teeth into its legs to halt it long enough that Mia managed to shoot an arrow into its eye that killed it instantly. 'Ants are not supposed to be up on the second floor...' Iris said glancing back at me as Mia dragged the body of the ant over to sister that started skinning it. 'ants are floor three beasts darling...' Mia said looking worried at me.

'I see... do they ever wander up here?' I asked calmly to them. 'no darling.' Iris said looking worried at me but cast a glance at sister that finished butchering the ant and stored the materials into her bag. 'lets go straight to the entrance to the third floor and you stay with sister but if you get into any danger you get out of here.' I said walking up to the front and they nodded to me as they moved to each side of sister so I just started following the path and it didn't take long until I saw the cave entrance.

I looked over at Iris and Mia taking sister to the side so I just glanced around the area looking a little firm as I let out a faint dragon scent that covered an area around them and just walked down the stairs alone. I used my dragon senses to scout around me and I saw there was a couple of adventurers fighting ants outside the bottom of the stairs so when I got down there I saw there was a knight defending against a little group of ants as a mage slowly cast fireball out on the ants as a lady kept wrapping a bandage on man's foot that was bleeding so I walked calmly towards them.

'Kid!' I heard the Knight said glancing back at me bashing his shield out. 'ah... sorry. my name is Aleph and I have no ill intentions as I just saw your scout was injured and was going to offer to help...' I said calmly holding my hands up a little as I smiled awkward at him. 'w-what n-no... can you run back and alert the guards that there is an outbreak.' the man said firmly stabbing his sword straight at an ant soldier that died on the spot. 'outbreak? so your not hunting...' I asked confused to him as I pointed at the ants. 'h-his artery got bitten over and unless we can get a healer he will die.' the lady called out the the knight that sighed heavy as he slashed his sword in a wide slash.

'excuse me...' I said plainly to him as I just licked my hand and walked over to the lady and pulled the bandage she had applied down and put my licked hand over his wound. 'w-what are you d-doing?' the lady said frowning to me. 'ah... sorry. my name is Aleph and I am investigating the first floors of the dungeon... there. he should be stable enough to move on his own now.' I replied calmly to her as I took my hand away and just shook the blood away.

'w-what...' she said looking stunned down at the wound that had stopped bleeding and was slowly closing up. 'Aleph... I am, Investigating the... dungeon...' I said more slowly but clearly to her looking baffled at me but she frowned a little. 'I haven't lost my hearing but what is there to investigate... there is an ant nest that have gone out of control.' the lady said pouting a little firm to me. 'ah... then are you the ones that lured ants up to the second floor?' I asked calmly as I stood up looking a little firm at her.

'w-what n-no. we were just doing an inspection our self but were is the rest of your squad?' the lady asked looking a little firm as she stood up looking down at my clothes. 'then do you know who lured the ant upstairs?' I asked calmly to her. 'n-not to in-interrupt but If you are fit to fight then help me o-out here.' the knight said slashing down an ant. 'Sit...' I said clearly towards the ants and they fell flat down on the ground struggling as I directed my dragon aura against them as the knight jumped back looking baffled at them struggling to move before glancing worried back at me.

'well... care to explain how an ant made its way up to the second floor?' I asked calmly as I walked up to the knight. 'm-must have slipped true our defenses as we have not lured it up.' the knight said looking worried at me. 'even if it did that would be impossible as the ants have there own designated area and should not be here let alone get up the stairs.' I said plainly to him as I was thinking about it and the only way an ant could get there was if someone carried it there inside a backpack as the faint barrier at the stairs were designed to keep beasts from wandering into other floors.

'what is your title?' the knight asked looking skeptical at me. 'title?' I asked dull back at him. 'you said you were part of the investigation department so if you don't have a title that is a violation of the noble rank and a serious crime against the Haven Kingdom.' he said frowning at me. 'I never said I was part of your investigation team as I am investigating it on my own accord because there have been to many discrepancies from what a dungeon should be like.' I said calmly to him but felt something bite leg.

I glanced down at an ant biting my leg struggling down at the floor so I looked calmly back up at the knight that looked stunned at me but he turned around towards the stairs as there was an powerful aura emanating from there but I sighed heavy out as I lightly kicked the ant away and saw mom walking out smiling happy with Emmy walking after her.