Chapter 16 Investigation.

I stood a little stiff as the Knight stood straight and bowed politely towards mom and Emma walking calmly towards us. 'it is an honor to see you Lady Lily.' the knight said politely before he stood up straight again but he glanced over at me pouting a little to the side. 'stop being disrespectful to a Noble lady and bow.' he said clearly to me as mom smiled amused at me but glanced puzzled down and I felt a familiar bite at my leg so I just sighed as I glanced down at the struggling ant biting my leg as it had managed to crawl up to me so I just looked up at the knight with an irritated pout as he looked awkward at me.

'where is this ant nest?' I asked pouting firmly to him. 't-ten m-minutes t-that way... w-why?' he said quietly as he pointed behind me. 'someone broke a law that warrants Death...' I said calmly as I just turned towards mom. 'excuse me...' I said pouting dull at her and she giggled silently as she crossed her arms and just smiled at me but I ignored her as I turned around frowning and all the ants struggling at the ground started to screech in terror all at once. Splat! the ant below me was squashed as the rest started bleeding out of their eyes and mouths as I started walking.


I heard the queen ant screech out in fear after I took a few steps so I dashed forward at full strength morphing into my dragon form yelling out in anger from the pure provocation from her letting her subordination even dare to move when I had released my aura but but my yelling was replaced with roaring dark red flames that sat burned everything it even got close at to ash as my fully released dragon aura killed every ant I passed at high speed and came to a dead stop right in front of the ant queen crawling out of her ant nest to flee but fell down to the ground as I glanced angry "down" at her as she struggled to even move as her eyes were bleeding as I had retracted my dragon aura.

'you violated the hierarchy law...' I said plainly and morphed into my human form and just grabbed her neck. Boom! I felt the shock-wave of the air barrier caught up but I dashed back towards mom holding the queen ant passing an inferno of flames but was back in a half second close to them holding the queen ant's neck in my hand as she was struggling. Crack! [you killed the Queen Ant] - [you leveled up to Level 6] - [you leveled up to Level 7] - [you leveled up to Level 8] - [you leveled up to Level 9] - [you leveled up to Level 10: Ability Unlocked] - [you leveled up to Level 11] - [you leveled up to Level 12]

I glanced at the dead queen ant with a silent sigh and just stored her body into my inventory and walked calmly up to mom smiling a little awkward at me but she looked a little worried at me as I walked up to her glancing sad up to her and she just put her arms around me and gave me a hug. 'what is it dear?' Mom asked smiling worried at me. 'I keep getting stronger widening the gap between the others...' I said quietly to her. 'you worried they look scared at you?' Mom asked quietly as she smiled a little worried at me and I just nodded silently at her.

'then why don't you make it easier for them to level up? it isn't against the rules right...' Emma said calmly as she looked over at me. 'how?' I asked and Emma just pointed at the dead ants so I glanced back at them before looking at her. 'you subdue them and let them kill them but don't party up or you get the most credit for the kill.' Emma said calmly to me as mom gently let go of me smiling calmly to me but gave a slight glance towards Emma so I walked up to her and saw she glanced a little uneasy down at me so I gave her a hug.

't-thank you Emma. I will give it a try...' I said quietly glancing a little nervous she get mad at me but she glanced stunned over at mom so I took a little step back glancing nervous at mom but she just smiled calmly to me before she looked over at Emma. 'if one start thinking one is hopeless then are you really giving them a chance.' Mom stated with a calm smile making Emma look back at me with a little frown. 'when you get back you Will do ethics training even if I have to knock it into your head.' Emma said lecturing. 'okey...' I said quietly as I had already promised mom I would do every lecture she said.

'what do you mean okey.' Emma asked frowning firmly at me. 'y-yes ma'am.' I said quietly taking a little step back glancing worried at her. 'that is enough Emma. my son is actually really straight forward and he is not trying to trick you in any way. if you continue you are only going to drive him away...' Mom said plainly to her and I saw Emma became quiet as she looked at me without any expression. 'you are returning home tomorrow for training. midday at minimum...' Emma said calmly to me. 'y-yes ma'am.' I replied quietly swallowing a little hard as she walked back towards the stairs.

'e-excuse me... s-sir.' I heard the knight said quietly to me looking a scared as he seemed to dread to tell me something. 'y-you have to collect the c-corpses sir or they will rot and spread decease or beast growth...' the knight said quietly as he looked worried at me. 'but some of them are yours and I don't want to steal from your party as your team fought hard for it.' I said smiling a calmly as I looked over at the injured scout and the lady. 'if you allow then we can pick what we can carry sir?' the knight asked smiling worried at me. 'of course. pick as much as you want.' I said smiling calmly to him.

I helped them collect the ant corpses and they only managed to carry around 10% of them before they bid their farewell and walked up the stairs so I stored the rest into my storage and even if I was overweight the debuff was nullified by my immune skill that made me immune to any sort of debuff's. I walked back up the stairs feeling the uneasy aura of the dungeon had calmed down and walked toward mom and Emma talking to Iris and Mia as sister was cuddled up with her head at mom's shoulder but mom glanced calmly over at me.

'I cleaned up the area and the dungeon should return to normal within a day or two mamma.' I said calmly to her. 'good. would you mind if I took Rose with me to buy her some gear and such?' Mom asked smiling calmly to me. 'oh... I don't really mind but I ended up with a lot of ant bodies.' I said quietly as I glanced at her. 'skin it yourself as it is an essential skill as an adventurer.' Mom stated calmly to me. 'y-yes but I also promised to buy her the new equipment...' I said quietly to mom. 'I said I will take care of that as I want to spend time with my daughter. do you agree or not?' Mom asked plainly at me which was not even a question at this point but a demand.

'can I big brother?' Sister asked smiling a little worried and I could sense she was worried I get sad. 'of course you can. nobody but yourself can tell you what to do little sister. if anyone tries then just tell me there names and I have them bow down before your feet.' I said smiling softly to her but mom giggled softly to her. 'I think your brother is a little overprotective dear...' Mom said quietly as she nuzzled sister's cheek making her giggle quietly but pure as she nodded slightly to her.

'we keep him in check mom.' Iris said giggling a little to mom that smiled softly to her. 'thank you Iris and Mia. remember what we talked about and good luck.' Mom said calmly to them but as I glanced puzzled at Iris and Mia blushing lightly in their cheek Emmy walked up to me looking plainly at me. 'I b-be home around m-midday...' I said quietly as I glanced worried at her but she gave me a hug. 'we do the training when you get home but don't be jealous around your wife's as you do have nothing to fear.' Emmy whispered quietly to me before she leaned back ever so slightly smiling to me and gently patted my head three times before she just walked away.

's-she really took a liking to you...' Mom said quietly as she leaned down and kissed my cheek and sister kissed my forehead. 'see you at home big brother.' Sister said quietly as she smiled happy as mom stood up. 'bye dears...' Mom said smiling slightly smug as she glanced at Iris and Mia gently waving at her walking away. 'mom said there was a good camping spot over at the right back...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy at me as she started walking with Iris toward the right back of the dungeon. 'okey.' I said as I walked after them.

we followed the right path back as I thought about how we could use right and left, forward, middle, and backwards to describe the dungeon since compass did not work here almost like we were teleported to an asteroid that did not have a magnetic field. 'Aleph... the tent?' Iris asked bending flirty into my view. 'yes... why don't compasses work inside the dungeon?' I asked as I took out the tent and started to roll it out.

'magic isn't it... there is to much mana and magic arrays that it overwhelms the magnetic field...' Mia asked as she helped me plug the corner of the tent. 'if that is the case then why do I not sense any magnetic field at all... maybe we are inside a asteroid or something.' I said glancing at them to see if they had thought about it. 'an asteroid... are we not just teleported under the city?' Iris asked smiling a little amused at me. 'um... if we were near Haven city then I would know it because there is an mana lay-line going past it and I do not sense it at all near us.' I said smiling awkward to her as I activated the tent and it rise up on its own.

'so?' Mia asked puzzled as she glanced at Iris thinking a little stunned about it as she glanced at the dungeon wall. 'dragons are magical creatures and he could be around the world and sense the mana lay-line so if he says he does not even sense it then we must be out in space or at another planet...' Iris explained to her as she was thinking about it herself. 'w-what?' Mia asked looking stunned at me. 'just a thought, but maybe there is a barrier around the entire dungeon that makes it separated from the world.' I said thinking about the other possibility of there being a barrier around this place sort of like my dimension tent.

I went to the side and started doing the skinning mini-game taking out a ant body one at a time listening to Iris and Mia talking about the asteroid theory and they even had some sort of vote on their stream as I just continued to skin the ants. 'darling?' Iris asked so I turned to the side looking at them. 'can you dig true the wall of the dungeon?' Mia asked as Iris smiled a little. 'no. I promised mom I would not ruin the dungeon so I cannot do it.' I explained calmly to them and saw they thought about something.

'then we can do it?' Iris asked smiling a little. 'no. we are a party and that would be implementing me into it so please don't...' I said smiling a little worried to them. 'okey. are you not tired from skinning?' Iris asked looking puzzled at me. 'no... it is just waving my sword around a little so it isn't that hard work.' I replied and saw Mia leaned over to Iris and whispered something in her ear and she looked a little awkward at me.

'y-you do know you get better score using a skinning knife...' Iris said smiling awkward as she took out a skinning knife and handed it to me. 'oh, I didn't have one but thank you for letting me borrow it.' I said smiling calmly to her and used the skinning knife instead and noticed it was easier to get that perfect score but also got green and sometimes blue materials instead of the common white chitin and leveling the life skill skinning was faster as I was easily reached level 15 as I kept skinning the ants.

'do I skin the queen ant body too?' I asked over to them. 'eh... no. just hand it over to the guild as it is. you done skinning?' Mia asked smiling curious to me as she walked over looking puzzled around. 'yes. I just kept the materials in my inventory.' I explained to her as I took out a chitin plate to show her. 'y-you got a green drop?' Mia asked stunned to me. 'y-yes... is that good?' I asked puzzled to her as Iris walked over and looked a little stunned at it. 'yes it is good... white items sells for ten silver but a green sells for hundred.' Iris said smiling happy as she handed the chitin back to me.

'o-oh okey um... what about a blue chitin plate?' I asked smiling a little awkward as I took out a blue chitin and showed her but her mouth just dropped looking stunned at it but hurried and glanced over at Mia. 'y-your not streaming now are you?' Iris asked quietly to her. 'n-no. I turned my stream off when you did...' Mia said quietly back to her but they turned and looked at me. 'h-how many ants did you skin to get this?' Mia asked looking stunned at me. 'every four or five skin... I skinned around a hundred and twenty... thirty ants but it only started to drop after Iris lend me her skinning knife...' I explained but held out the knife back to Iris.

'k-keep it d-darling... t-the blue materials sells for a t-thousand silver o-or a gold coin. h-how many did you get?' Iris said stunned but asked and I saw Iris and Mia looked excited at me. 'oh... not that many since I already skinned most of them using my sword but let me look.' I said smiling awkward to them and looked into my inventory. 'I got twenty-two including that one of the blue chitin plates.' I said calmly to them about to list the other materials but saw Mia grabbed Iris arms looking shocked. 't-that is around twenty thousand euros...' Mia said quietly as she looked shocked at me but sat slowly down as Iris stood still looking shocked at me.

'what does a purple sell for?' I asked puzzled to Iris but she just sat slowly down next to Mia so I sat down on my knees looking a little worried at their little pale faces. 'hundred gold or one million euros d-darling...' Iris said quietly to me as they looked shocked at me. 'you think I am a monster now...' I asked looking a little sad at them but they just glanced silently at each other before looking back at me. 'no darling... we would never do that and we are just a little shocked that we could earn enough to buy a house... if you want.' Iris said smiling softly to me.

'o-oh we share the loot in four so it be around two-hundred and fifty thousand each but...' I said smiling awkward to them. 'b-but?' Iris asked smiling nervously so I just took out the one orange chitin drop I got and I saw both Iris and Mia silently gasped at me. 'p-put it back in your inventory d-darling...' Iris whispered worried glancing around the area as she pushed it towards me so I put it back into my storage. 't-that is worth t-thousand g-gold...' Mia whispered stuttering to me.

'that is ten millions darling...' Iris whispered quietly to me as she leaned up and kissed me and I looked a little stunned at them when she leaned back gently wiping my lips with her thumb. 'i-if we buy a h-house w-we have conditions... d-darling...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy down. 'what conditions?' I asked quietly looking a little shock after hearing we made millions just from a quick dungeon run. 'w-we w-want to start a f-family...' Mia said quietly glancing shy as her face was blushing bright red.

'is that all?' I asked looking at them and saw they nodded silently to me. 'I don't mind but don't you think we should wait until we finished school as we still have to apologize to Headmistress Kelly and I have to do Emma's training tomorrow...' I said sighing out from the responsibilities and this dungeon crawling game was not as fast paste where one teleported inside and just battled enemies and went out quickly. we were only at floor two and even then we had to be careful where we camped.

'then lets relax the rest of the day and go swim in the lake. we don't need to earn more as we we would need a carrier anyway.' Iris said smiling happy to me so I just gave a nod as we had worked hard enough to earn a rest. I followed them to a lake that seemed popular among players to go swimming like they was on a beach so Iris and Mia picked a spot where we sat down so I just laid down looking up at the crystals providing sunlight thinking it was a good place to rest up.