Chapter 17 Complaint.

After resting up and playing in the water with Iris and Mia teaching them how to practice swimming I just walked up and sat at the edge of the beach looking at them practicing as I thought about what they said about buying a house. I thought about how I should buy some land near a mountain to quell my dragon instincts but I was not sure how to go about telling them that as I was sure the idea of being far away from the civilization was nothing they liked.

After they had there fun we went back to the tent as it was getting "dark" inside the dungeon and we were grilling meat outside so I took up my courage as they were talking about what kind of house they wanted. 'um... w-would you mind if I got a property in the mountains?' I asked smiling a little nervous at them as they looked blankly at me. 'for what?' Mia asked calmly as they kept looking at me. 'to spread my wings and hunt and stuff as it is a n-natural instinct so um...' I said trying to explain to them but saw they looked a little weird at me.

'you mean like vacation cottage?' Iris asked smiling softly to me that Mia picked up on making her cheeks blush a little. 'what do you mean by instinct? not a house you take others flirt with?' Mia asked quietly as she glanced at me. 'what... no I mean like actually spreading my wings and I was thinking more of a cave but a cottage is good too but I need a place to go hunting and fishing.' I said a little stunned to she would think that but than again we had not gotten time to know each other that well. 'so by instinct you mean like getting doing guys stuff like fishing...' Iris asked smiling a little awkward to me. 'yes... I am still getting used to...' I said but saw Iris made a silent cough meaning she was streaming as we agreed upon.

'to um... living alone and being a dragon in-game opened my eyes for other hobbies...' I said smiling awkward back and saw Mia smiled a little amused as she glanced at Iris but looked at me with a little cute pout. 'I want a large enough cottage that we can spend summer break there... and bring our parents.' Mia said casually but saw she was blushing a little. 'I think he means alone Mia...' Iris said quietly to her. 'n-no I don't mind having you there... I could build the cottage myself as it shouldn't be that hard but since we are on the subject maybe a little island cottage would be fine.' I said thinking about it as there was a few big abandon islands near the coast so I we could take a boat or something.

'sure but remember that me and Mia still have the interview and we still have to buy a house and talk to miss Kelly.' Iris said smiling calmly at me so I just nodded a little as I looked at the fire sighing a little. 'would have been easier to fly to another city...' I mumbled quietly as I was not looking forward to Kelly's interrogation as she already suspected me of being a dragon as she was probably the one shining a flashlight at me and sister checking the school post box. 'what did you say?' Iris asked plainly.

'n-nothing...' I said glancing awkward at her smiling a little smug at me as we had agreed to downplay the dragon part outside the game so we would not get swarmed by reporters and they had agreed to do an interview to explain that we were just making a how would a dragon react in a modern society hype video. we eat and talked about their character quests as Mia had to do archer training as Iris had her summoner advancement quest as I just had ethics training with Emma as there was not really a quest for me as I had not progressed my mage core yet as it took longer time than other classes.

we called it an early night since we were going back early tomorrow to sell everything at the guild and get our quests done so I just fell asleep in bed to get time to pass as we didn't really need that much sleep but got a well rested bonus when we did. I woke up a little confused to find Iris and Mia sleeping on each side but saw Iris woke up smiling tired but happy at me but felt her grab my hand behind her and placed it on her back. 'cuddle?' Iris asked smiling tired as she laid her head down making me swallow a little hard as I cuddled her back.

she drifted halfway asleep smiling happy as Mia woke up glancing tired but puzzled behind her but saw her cheeks blushed up at she glanced back at me but Iris took held her hand. 'morning cuddled are the best. to bad we have to go back...' Iris said smiling tired to her making her relax as she glanced shy at me as I cuddle her back as well for a little while. 'we should get packing...' Iris said tired as she was struggling to keep her eyes open so I just sat up calmly up but saw Iris and Mia laid down at my spot as Mia kept hugging the blanked glancing shy at me as Iris just glanced tired not caring if I could catch a glance or not.

'what... getting your warm spot is cozy...' Iris said quietly as she giggled softly as Mia hurried and covered her but Iris did not care if i saw anything as she just pulled Mia in for a cuddle so i just took the blanket and tucked them in. 'five minutes... i start packing down.' i said calmly to them looking blushed at me. 'y-you could join us...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy at me making me sigh a little. 'i really would like that but i do not have the willpower to resist the two of you...' i said calmly to them as i stood up and put on my clothes.

i started to pack down the little we had used and after five minutes i walked back to get them to get up but saw Iris glanced at me slightly biting her lip as Mia had her eyes closed holding around her. Iris made a kiss mouth towards me so i bent down to give her a kiss but she leaned away smiling as she looked over at Mia that open her eyes but gasped surprised as she glanced blushed at me. 'I-Iris...' Mia said quietly and bite her lip.

'Aleph can kiss you...' Iris whispered softly to her and i saw Mia glanced embarrassed at me biting her lip hard so i just sealed my lips over hers and felt she sighed heavy out as she put her arms around me and pulled me down. 'you two done?' i asked calmly as Mia looked a little dazed at me. 't-thank you...' Mia said quietly as she glanced shy at me. 'if i didn't have to be at the mansion at midday the two of you would not walk out of this so easily...' i said calmly as i pulled down the blanket a little making Iris take back her hand.

's-so you would join us?' Mia asked shy as she looked at me. 'yes. now get up and get dressed...' i said calmly as i stood up but saw Mia glanced shy over at Iris biting her lip a little but sat calmly up. 'b-but i am um...' Mia said quietly as she glanced embarrassed at me. 'consider this your punishment for being over time...' i said calmly and saw Mia blushed as she sat up and put her legs calmly down on the floor as Iris calmly crawled up to her so i sighed out a little as i just turned and walked out.

'w-what about our punishment...' i heard Mia asked after me. 'you two are punishing me...' i replied back and just walked out and waited for them and it didn't take long until they walked out blushing a little as they glanced at me but i just started to pack down the tent. 'we are s-sorry...' Mia said quietly as she smiled a little worried at me. 'i am not...' Iris said calmly making Mia pout a little firm as she glanced at her as i put the tent into my backpack.

'we learn about each other and he likes our body...' Iris said smiling calmly to Mia that glanced shy at me. 'of course i like your bodies too... just not fair to play around like that when i have to do ethics training after we get our loot sold.' i said calmly as i stood up and put the backpack on as i walked up to them and gently pushed them towards the stairs leading to the first floor but saw they blushed up glancing back at me gently pushing their lower back to keep walking. 'p-punishment...' Mia asked quietly as she glanced shy back at me.

'more like my reward for resisting the two of you...' I said calmly to her and saw she blushed as she looked down smiling a little happy but reached back and pulled my hand down on her soft butt and just leaned her shoulder against me as we kept walking. Iris leaned back glancing over before she did the same as she giggled quietly. when we came close to the stairs i had to take my hands away as i sensed people getting close but saw Mia and Iris glanced puzzled at me. 'people...' i said calmly to them and they just smiled as they walked up in front of holding hands as we walked on the dirt pathway.

'you want anything special for dinner after school darling?' Mia asked calmly as she smiled happy back at me. 'your going to cook for me?' i asked puzzled to them. 'yes. after we talk to the bank about a house...' Mia said quietly as she smiled happy back at me. 'don't forget the cottage darling... i really want a dock so we can get a boat afterwards?' Iris asked smiling a little as she glanced happy back at me. 'sure. lets just see how much we make.' i said calmly to them and walked behind them looking around at rocks and forest as they chatted about designs on curtains and other ideas.

walking past the first floor was like walking in the park as no beast even dared to get close to us and even Iris and Mia had fully relaxed not even caring to be on the alert like on the second floor so we walked true the portal. i just followed Iris and Mia walking on the sidewalk towards the guild as i looked at the people going about their day just like actual people and i saw there was even farmers inside the guild as we walked inside and stood in line waiting for our turn. 'we are here to sell our dungeon materials.' Mia said calmly as she walked up to the guild worker looking dull at us.

'i am taking a break so please wait for someone to service you...' the guy said casually as he just walked away leaving us looking after him a little stunned. 'h-how rude. he didn't even get anyone else...' Iris said quietly as she pouted shy back at me and i sensed the guild worker just stood leaning at the other side of the door snickering to himself. 'lets see how bad service i can give that brat...' i heard him mumble quietly and he fixed himself before walking calmly out up to the counter. 'i am sorry but our capacity is full for the moment so you have to take your goods to the next city...' he said smiling fake at me.

'you must be from the Stillten family right?' i asked dull at him and i saw Iris and Mia pouted as they glanced wary at him calmly smiling to us. 'my family have nothing to do with my work at the guild sir... i am just informing a client that our warehouse is backed up at the moment and that is out of my hands.' he said calmly as he took out a paper. 'here is a complaint form if you would like to fill it out...' he said smiling calmly clearly bluffing to me. 'sure...' i said as i took it from him and started to fill it out but saw he calmly waited not worried at me but put the pen down as i looked at the paper.

'you done...' he said calmly holding out his hand but i just smiled calmly back. 'yes. i go deliver the complaint form at the guild in the other city since you are backed up at the moment...' i said calmly to him and saw he looked a slightly worried at me. 'e-each guild have their own complaint forms s-so that wont work...' he said lying to me as he stood calm. 'good... then they know where this came from.' i said casually as i just turned and walked towards the door. 'Stop... that is Guild property and i cannot allow you to walk out with it...' i heard him said but i just smirked irritated back at him as i let Iris and Mia walk out the guild door.

Ding! [Warning! Calamity Surge Detected...] the AI voice sounded out an alert. 'shut up AI 3343 designated Guild System...' i said clearly as i glanced at the information fountain. [AI 3343 Apologies to Aleph. Standby mode Activated] the AI said clearly so i just glanced back at the guild worker looking scared at me but i just walked out the guild door where Iris and Mia glanced quietly at me gently biting there lower lip. 'i am taking this to the town next over so be right back...' i said calmly as i walked down the guild steps and walked into the alleyway and morphed into my dragon form. 's-should we just go wait at your mansion?' Mia asked glancing shy at me.

'no need as it won't take that long...' i said smiling calmly as i spread out my wings and stretched them calmly out and just gave them a little wink before i jumped up and flapped my wings making me surge spiraling up in the air and corrected my direction according to the map i had about cities and flapped my wings hard as i flew out towards the open sea feeling the gentle vibration of the air trying its best to avoid me but i smirked as i folded my wings into a V-shape and started to vibrate them purposely forcing the air to flow faster in a wave pattern and felt my speed surged up.


the echo of the sound-barrier could be heard faintly behind me as i flew across the sea at really high speed and gently corrected my course towards the port city of Taluga in the Morran Kingdom and i had to slow down as soon as it came into view. i glanced a little awkward to the side as i saw my speed was barely slowing down so i spread my wings and body straight up and down with the tip of my tail gently touching the ocean making me slow down significantly but according to my estimate it would be slightly to late but figured a plan up in my head.


the echo of the sound-barrier could be heard but i just folded my wings and fell down into the ocean making me splash to a stop right before i hit the dock pole a couple of meters in front of me. i calmly morphed into my human form and swam up to the dock and climbed up but saw a guard looking shocked at me dripping wet. 'this is the Taluga port city right?' i asked calmly as i walked up to him. 'y-yes... w-what was t-that...' he asked pointing at the uneasy ocean outside the dock. 'the ocean... or do you mean my landing. anyway i need to talk to the guild so please excuse me.' i said politely as i bowed my head at the guard looking baffled at me but calmly followed the dock up to the city.

it seemed every city was convenient to have guild signs pointing toward where the guild was so i just calmly followed them and heard the familiar sound of a calamity beast warning so i walked inside the Taluga guild. [Warning! Calamity Beast Detected. Civilians seek shelter immediately...] i heard the AI alerted in a robotic voice as some guild workers was looking confused at the service panel so i just walked calmly up to their information fountain. 'hey ai... shut up and consult AI 3343...' i said plainly to the ai and the guild workers looked puzzled at me.

Ding! [contacting 3-3-4-3. . .] the robotic voice called out and it didn't take long until the alert windows faded away as i looked calmly at it. Ding! [Calamity beast designation Aleph. p-please hand over the complaint form to the reception. AI 3626 Turning on standby mode designated Shut Up...] the AI said in a more meek voice as it returned to normal operations. 'thanks...' i said dull and just walked up to the reception counter and took out the guild complaint form i had filled out and looked calmly at the guild worker looking a little worried at me.

'good afternoon... so Haven guild said they were backed up but i know that was a lie as the guy was from the Stallten family...' i said calmly to him. Ding! [Bob Stallten is the Haven employee that submitted a false statement to Aleph and his party to inconvenience their party. AI 3-3-4-3 Sending surveillance] AI 3636 said so i just smiled calmly as i glanced back at the information fountain. 'thank you AI 3626.' i said calmly as i politely bowed my head a little and smiled back at the confused guild worker that snapped out of it and looked at a magic window as he filed a report.

'do you want to sell the materials here?' he asked looking a little nervous at me. 'am i not allowed?' i asked puzzled to him. 'o-of course you are allowed sir... it is that um... normally kingdoms tend to keep the materials for themself but if it is something we usually do not have we give a better price for it.' he said and i smiled calmly as i started to take out the common chitin materials and he pointed happy to the work counter at the side so i placed it there.