Chapeter 18 Payday.

after handing over the 103 common, 8 green, 22 blue, 1 purple, and 2 orange ant chitin then started to take out all the other materials and meat that came with it and from the other beasts and saw the guild worker was more and more pale as he kept glancing over at another guild man calmly standing at the side but saw he walked up to me smiling a little worried. 'sir... maybe you should sell the purple and orange materials in Haven city...' he said smiling a little worried at me. 'why... they told me to go sell my materials at another city so that i am well withing my rights to do so... am i wrong?' i explained to him and he just looked baffled at me. 't-they said that?' he asked smiling awkward to me.

Ding! [Affirmative Guild Master. the guild worker Bob Stallten said in the surveillance recording that he should sell his materials to another city. Aleph are well within the rules between kingdoms to sell the materials] the AI 3636 stated to him making him smile calmly as he looked at me. 'i give you double the price if you sell your materials here...' the Guild master said calmly to me. 'you have a deal...' i said and took out the Queen Ant. 'do you also want to buy the queen ant?' i asked him smiling a little awkward. 'y-yes... i g-give you um...' he said counting on his fingers.

'hundred thousand for it...' he offered and i was not in the mood to barter over a few thousand silver so i just gave a nod and placed it on the counter that crackled a little from the weight so i smiled a little awkward at him but he just stored it into his ring. 'thank you for a lucrative deal Mister Aleph.' the Guild master said smiling calmly to me and gave a nod to the guild worker before walking away and the guild worker sighed a little as he started to type on the calculator looking a little weak.

't-that sums it up to a hundred and twenty-two thousand one-hundred gold... one-thousand eight-hundred and thirty silver. you said you were in a party?' he asked pale at me. 'yes it is to be equally shared between me, Rose Valence, Mia Holden, and Iris Parken that i am in a party with.' i said calmly to him making him sit stunned down but clicked on a magical window. 'from Haven Kingdom correct?' he asked and i gave him a nod so he just printed out a paper and showed it that each of us got a share of 30 525 457,5 euros each.

't-that is correct...' i said as the photos of us and names were correct and he handed it over to me. 'the money will be transferred once you give the report to the Haven Guild sir... h-have a nice day.' he said politely to me so i stored the document in my inventory and said goodbye to him and walked calmly towards the guild exit. 'i am taking off from the docks AI 3626 so don't be alarmed friend...' i said smiling calmly to the information fountain as i walked past.

[alerting AI 3-3-4-3 of shock wave arrival. have a nice flight Aleph] the AI 3626 said in a friendly but polite robotic voice so i just casually waved my hand back at it and walked out. i walked happy down to the dock and saw the guard was twisting dry his shirt as he looked worried at me. 'you have a lovely town. too bad i cannot stay longer but thank you for the hospitality.' i said waving goodbye to the guard and just walked off the end of the dock and morphed into my dragon form and started swim fast away from the dock but curved upwards and darted up into the air and spread my wings out.

i glided calmly above the sea and chuckled a little before i shaped my wings into the V-shape and vibrated them feeling the speed surged back up. getting the hang on the flying i managed to cross the ocean in one third of the less time but that also meant i had to use longer to break and my usual water breaking plan wasn't sufficient. i caught a glimpse of mom standing at the edge of the dock with her arms crossed glancing down at me passing her underwater but glanced at the rock formation.


i shook my head a little spitting out pebbles as i calmly swam towards the surface as i morphed into my human form and climbed carefully up on the dock as i glanced at mom walking calmly over dripping wet. 'i heard you were causing some problems...' Mom said calmly as she walked up to me. 'i did not... Bob Stallten said i had to go sell my loot in another city so i flew over to the closest one mamma...' i said calmly as i looked a little nervous at her holding up her hand and i felt the sea water got sucked out of my clothes as i usually just used my mental strength to push it away but her way was more elegant and it left the clothes more fluffy and clean.

'i can teach you magic at home dear. but i am curious how you will managed to explain selling materials to another kingdom... shall we?' Mom said smiling smug at me as she held out her hand for me to walk so i did but glanced back at her smiling calmly at me. 'will Emma's training make me as elegant as you mamma?' i asked honestly to her and saw she smiled amused at me as she easily picked me up. 'yes... are you going to start listening to Emma now?' Mom asked giggling amused at me. 'yes. i will...' i said thinking about it and who wouldn't want to look elegant and cool.

'how are things going with your wife's... can i expect grandchildren?' Mom asked smiling smug at me. 'so that is why they are clingy...' i said pouting a little to her. 'what... not like you don't have enough babysitters...' Mom said smiling calmly to me and i sighed as i glanced at her. 'what about education and the fact that i am um... something else.' i said quietly to her with a little pout. 'did you glance at their soul in-game when you gave them a kiss?' Mom asked quietly as she glanced at me and i could not help but to glance a little puzzled to her as she walked inside the alleyway making sure no one was around.

'Rose said she felt her body change after you um... escaped. kiss...' Mom said quietly as she gently tapped her lips so i gave her a little kiss sensing her real body laying inside a capsule and looked puzzled at her thinking as she looked at down at her body. 'i don't think it is from the kiss but do you think of us as family when you sense our soul?' Mom asked quietly making me think about it. 'did you feel some change to your real body?' i asked quietly to her. 'it feels like i am connected to my real body somehow but we talk about that offline... okey?' Mom asked quietly so i gave her a silent nod and she continued to walk towards the guild and saw Mia and Iris waiting right outside of the alleyway.

'h-how did it go?' Mia asked quietly as they walked up to mom that put me down. 'you got mom to help us?' Iris asked quietly but mom just giggled softly as she looked happy at them. 'i heard you two failed in the quest i gave you...' Mom said smiling calmly to them and they glanced embarrassed and shy at me. 'there is always tomorrow... how are you going to deal with the guild dare?' Mom asked smiling amused at me pouting a little at her. 'stop forcing the idea of babies in their heads as you should be more concerned about your own...' i said quietly to her and she looked silently at me.

'what...' Mom asked quietly to me. 'you said Rose changed right... have she started resting her head on your stomach?' i asked calmly to her and mom looked puzzled at me but open her mouth a little as she looked shocked at me. 'in the store before you told your sister...' Mom said quietly thinking about it gently holding her hand over her mouth and i saw she blushed a little as she looked back at me. 'd-don't tell your father yet as i w-want to go to the doctor f-first...' Mom said quietly as she looked worried at me. 'you didn't notice your scars on your stomach was gone?' i asked smiling a little awkward at her but she pouted embarrassed at me.

'with Rose wandering around the house we didn't have time to get all cozy...' Mom said quietly with a embarrassed pout and i just sighed as i turned towards the guild building. 'no child wants to hear about that...' i said calmly and just walked towards the guild building. 'are you um... expecting?' i heard Mia asked quietly to mom. 'to early to tell yet so give it a week or two...' i said glancing back at them as i walked inside the guild. 'a-are you serious d-dear?' Mom asked quietly as she grabbed my shoulder. 'yes. i fixed your scars and if it is like you said then even sister would have noticed the change and put her her head on your stomach...' i explained quietly to her.

's-she have d-done it once before she entered the capsule but she asked me if she had to move away in a year b-but thought she was just having a childish thought...' Mom said quietly to me. 'ah... dragons are competitive so she is probably worried you kick her out since you are pregnant...' i said quietly to her and saw she stood up nodding a little about what i said. 'y-you really keep your word when you said you go to my world...' Mom said quietly as she looked a little stunned at me but Iris and Mia walked on each side smiling a little smug. 'then you got your wish of having little footsteps in your house...' Mia said teasingly to mom as she held her hand.

'w-what was it... don't worry about school as you could babysit. if you need babysitter just let us know.' Mia said smiling happy to her making mom sigh a little. 's-sure... but i also remembered both of you saying you wanted to start your own family...' Mom said quietly with a little pout glancing between them blushing as they glanced shy at me. 'right... i am going to avoid the trouble here and go make trouble there...' i said smiling awkward to them as i pointed at the guild counter. 'we still have our condition to buying a house...' Iris said quietly as she looked a little shy at me.

'i know...' i said quietly and just walked calmly towards the back of the line and waited my turn and saw Bob smiled calmly at me walking up to the counter as i took out the paper and placed it down. 'took to your sense and returned the form...' Bob said casually as he took the paper and put it to the side. 'scan it please...' i said calmly to him but saw Ruth walked by holding a stack of paper. 'hi Ruth.' i said smiling friendly to her and she smiled as she walked up. 'hello. how is it going Aleph done with your training?' Ruth asked giggling to me. 'Emma's no... just came back after selling the materials at another city but thanks for reminding me.' i said sighing to her but saw she looked stunned at me.

'w-we have first right to buy the materials Aleph...' Ruth said looking worried at me so i just glanced over at the information fountain. 'care to weigh in AI 3343?' i asked smiling calmly to it before looking back at Ruth. [Guild employee Bob Stallten stated to Aleph Valence to go sell the materials in another city on the premise that our warehouse is backed up Guild Master] AI 3343 stated calmly and i smiled calmly to Ruth that glanced a little firm at Bob. 'i was not aware we were backed up so the loss goes to your family...' Ruth said a little firm to him.

'not to spoil the fun or be of inconvenience but Mister Bob did state that he did not represent his family when working at the guild...' i said smiling awkward to Ruth a little worried i would not get paid. 'then he can bare the cost himself...' Ruth said pouting to him as she put down the papers and crossed her arms. 'f-fine... just a couple of beasts anyway...' Bob said frowning as he took the paper and put it on the black stone tablet. [your party got paid an Equal amount of 30 525 Gold Coins 4575 Silver Coins] - [Balance Update: 30 526 297 Euros] i saw the screen updated and smiled calmly as Bob's face paled up before he fainted on the spot and just sunk down.

'what the...' Ruth said stunned as she looked puzzled down at him but looked over at the guild screen and could not help but to smile a little amused as she looked calmly over at me. 'you save the guild quite a loss there... thank you Aleph.' Ruth said giggling to me. 'oh did i... i have no idea what you are talking about...' i said smiling slightly smug to her she just laughed as she looked over at mom looking puzzled at us. 'how much did you get paid?' Mom asked puzzled to me. 'Thirty Million...' Mia said clearly as she sunk down on the floor along with Iris. 'e-each d-darling...' Iris said glancing shocked over to her as mom looked puzzled at them. 'so you earned ninety-one million... not bad.' Mom said smiling calmly to me.

'yee we are a party of four so that is a hundred and twenty-two millions mom... i am betting little sister is giggling happy right now.' i said smiling calmly to her and she giggled softly to me. 'can you stop spoiling your little sister as i just got her to agree to get an allowance after she did Emma's ethic course...' Mom said smiling happy at me. 'naa-ah... we agreed to the deal and she gets a fair pay just like the rest of us.' i stated calmly pouting a little cute as i glanced at her and she just smiled calmly as she walked up nuzzling my cheek. 'don't forget you have to do the same course my little hatchling...' Mom said smiling softly at me and gently "fixed" my hair running her fingers cuddling me.

'y-you know i get tired when you do that mamma...' i said quietly pouting a little to her but she just giggled softly as she smiled at me. 'just giving out a little tip to your wife's dear...' Mom said calmly as she gave me three pat on the head and i glanced at Iris and Mia standing calmly up like they were looking at pray. 'darling... come here.' Iris said quietly as she smiled happy to me but i hid behind mom. 'study time girls... come.' Mom said calmly as she walked up and grabbed their hands walking towards the guild door but glanced back at me happy.

'm-mamma is scary...' i said quietly to myself. 'why do you say that?' i heard Ruth say so i just glanced back at her giggling quietly at me. 'anyone that can handle a calamity beast like a little child... do you really need to ask.' i said quietly to Ruth that blinked stunned at me but looked over at mom waiting at the door. 'come...' Mom said calmly as she glanced at me so i just lowered my head and walked after her and followed silently after them as they walked towards home.

at the gate of the mansion i saw Emma standing at the gate looking at a pocket watch but glanced at me as i walked inside the gate. 'thirty seven seconds to spare... your late.' Emma said calmly to me. 't-there is still f-five minutes left Miss Emma.' i said quietly as i glanced at her watch. 'a gentleman should always be five minutes early.' Emma said calmly and pointed for me to walk inside so i just quietly walked inside the mansion and there was no soft start to her education as she piled a few books on my desk.

after a grueling mindless tutoring of ethics training, dancing, noble conversion, clothing and posture drilled into my head i walked out to the back garden sighing silently but relaxed as it was good to breath fresh air. [Alarm: the time is 06:00] i looked at the alarm and lowered my head. 'another busy day...' i mumbled as i opened my menu and exited the game.

i got out of the capsule and just took a shower and got dressed in proper school attire that i ironed out any wrinkles it might have before making myself a breakfast and school lunch. i wrote an apology letter to Kelly and took my backpack and walked calmly to the front door and put on my shoes. as i opened the door i saw Iris and Mia walked towards me and they blushed a little in their cheeks as they looked at me. 'Morning Husband.' Iris said calmly as she curtsied a little. 'Morning Husband.' Mia said quietly as she curtsied. 'Morning Misses Iris and Misses Mia... did you finished writing the apology letter too?' i asked smiling a little tired to them smiling calmly to me.