"That's right eyerone. I'm his real wife," the waitress yelled with confidence. The paparazzi go crazy. Everyone is howling questions at us while taking pictures, and the waitress happily obliges. "Elliot wanted me, but I told him I wasn't interested. He wouldn't take no for an answer, so I finally gave in. He put a ring on my finger during a beautiful ceremony in Vegas," She added. The waitress shows her wedding band to the paparazzi. I immediately notice how cheap it looks - more like a toy from a cereal box than a real ring. "Then again, if they got married by a fake Elvis, it might be authentic," I thought to myself. My heart starts speeding up when I realize that I don't know what to do. Luckily, Elliot does. "Everyone calm down. Can't you see that this woman is lying through her teeth?" Elliot says, trying to lighten up the situation. "The only liar here is you,Elliot. You told me I was the only woman for you!" The waitress yells. Her eyes well up with fake tears. Everyone starts taking pictures of her, and she gives me a wicked smile. "That's ridiculous. I've never given her any ring." Elliot declared. "And what's this one then, eh?" "Anyone can buy a ring at a thrif store." Elliot snickers. Elliot addresses the paparazzi "If i ever had any intention to marry this atten seeker... dont you think I would have put a much bigger diamond ring on her finger? That's exactly the kind of ring I got for my real wife." I stiffen. "What is he talking about? I don't have a ring!" I talk to myself quietly. Unfortunately, the waitress seems recognize what's going through my head. "Oh, yeah? Let's see it then." She asked. "Crap." Elliot grabs me by the waist and pulls me cloe enough to whisper in my ear. "Check your right pocket " Elliot whispers. I look in my right pocket, and pull out a huge diamond ring, and the crowd gasps as I put it on my finger. The waitress's ring now looks even more ridiculous when compared to mine, and she looks mad about it. "Hey, don't be sad. I fyou seel your ring, you might get a dollar for it !" I nagged her with my comment. Elliot chuckles beside me, and the waitress gives me a look that could kill. "This isn't over. I'll get what's mine and expose you less than a heartbeat!" She yelled angrily. She points a finger at us. "You're not married - you don't even live together. Just admit it before I take legal action and haire a lawyer!" She shouted. "You do that,Mina. And for The record, Evie is moving in with me this Friday." "This Friday,huh? And you chpse to get married before moving in together?" She smirks. "I smell lies" Mina grinned. Elliot doesn't even flinch. "My home is under renovation - has been for the last couple weeks. I've been staying in a hotel room this entire time. Once everything is finished, we'll move in together." Elliot said confidently. The media seems satisfied with his statement. They take a few more shots before they leave us with scornee wife. Mina get's in Elliot's face, rage evident in her eyes. "This isn't over. I'll get what I want. I always do." And with that, she walks away. A few hours later... Ellioy is pacing the floor with his hands behind his head. His best friend, Paul, is sitting in one of the chairs, whike I'm standing and looking at them while leaning against the wall. The air is tense. "This is such a mess. I can't believe she's doing this to me!" Elliot panicked. "Calm down. I'm the best lawyer in town. We'll fix this," Paul comforted. "I don't understand what's happening right now. Can someone please explain?" I questioned everyonein the room. "My wife is suing me for half of my fortune, that's what's happening!" Elliot explained. "I knew it. But why she so certain that I wasn't your real wife?" "My head is killing me." Elliot complained. "Let's focus for a while, alright? I won't let her screw you over." Paul comforted Elliot. "And how are you going to stop her?" Elliot questions. Paul strokes his chin."Well, first of all, you two need to move in together ,as soon as possible. Then you can divorce after, let's say, six months." Paul explained. "Wait, What?! I did not sign up to move in with him, let alone be married for six months!" I yelled. " I understan, but under the circumstances–" "No! I'm not doing it." "Pleas Evie" Elliot begged. Elliot looks me in the eye, and I have to try my hardest not to give in. "Why is it so hard for me to resist this man?" I say to myself. "I"ll do anything if you do this." Elliot begged again. " You'll do anything?" I asked. "Yes" "Elliot, I don't think–" "Just hear me out, alright?" I sigh heavily. Elliot comes close to me and takes my hand in his. A shiver runs down ,y spine at his touch, and a swarm of butterflies dances in my stomach. "I promise I'll make it up to you" Elliot continuly begging. "Make it up how?" "You can have anything you'd like if you play along. I'lll set up for life, and I know you could use the money." I narrow my eyes at him. "How did you know?" I ask. He at least has the decency to look uncromfortable. "I overheard your conversation with yout friend the other day. You told her theat money was tight." Elliot confesses. "I can't believe he eavesdropped on me! I don't need his pity," I think to myself. Still, when I realize what he's offering me, I can't help but think of my mom. "She's been working hard as a cleaning lady for years just so she could afford a decent life for the two of us. Her dream was to one day own a house in Greece with blue windows next to seashore. If i agree to this, If i spend six months living with Elliot... I could easily buy my mother her dream house." I think to myself "What do you say, Evie?" Ellipt askes me. "I can't believe I'm about to do this..." I thought to myself. "Okay, I accept your proposal." I answered. "Your manipulative, indecent proposal." I say to myself. Elliot blows out a harsh breath and sighs in relief. "Thank you, I promise it will be worth it." Elliot happily replied. "Well, it's not like I have a choice anyway" "Well, that makes the two of us. I already introduced you as my wife - I can't pull another one out of a hat."He says with a teasing tone. Elliot and I smile at each other. "He should smile more often. It's a crime to hide such a beautiful smile." I thought to myself. Paul clears his throat, and we remember that there is another person in the room. "Good. Now that that's out of the way...Let's talk about how to make this believable." Paul sates. "What do you mean? She moving in with me- isn't that enough?" ELliot asked. "It's a start, but there are a few more things we need to talk about." "What's that?" I asked. Paul looks at us seriously. "You can't flirt,kiss or anything with anyone else during this time. If someone catches you "cheating",it could risk everything" Paul declares. Elliot hesitates for a moment, but then he nods. "Alright, that shouldn't be a problem." Elliot responded. "Good. and you, Evie?" I almost laugh. "My love life is as non-existing as it can get. And I've got Elliot to thank for that _ I"ve been working like crazy ever since I became his assistant." I say to myself. "It's not problem for me, either" I replied. "Great!" Paul says. Paul checks his phone and raising his finger in the ait, not even glancing up. "I'll let you two talk things through. I'll see you later," Paul says leaving just like that. I turn to Elliot, and he staring at me like I'm impossible to figure out. "Are you really sure you'll be able to do this?" I ask. "Why?" "Well, for starts, you're not exactly known to stick to one girl. In every magazine article I've ever read about you, you always have different girl around your arm," I explained. "That may be true, but that doesn't mean that I'm going back to them." "so just a few, then?" Elliot chuckles and shakes his head at my comment. Suddenly, there is a shift in his eyes. His gaze is burning me up, and he places his thumb on his lower lip as he scruinizes me. "How about you, then?" Elliot asks. "What do you mean?" My voice comes out shy and a bit breathless. "You're beautiful, young, smart...and you'll certainly be the center of attention now, seeing you inspired a famous bachelor to settle down." Elliot explains. I could feel my cheeks turn pink. "He thinks I'm beautiful?" I think to myself. "Uh, no I don't think that will be happening" I replied. "Come on, It's true." "Really? And how exactly did I catch the attention of this famous bachelor?" I asked him. "With your beautiful smile, of course. The minute I saw you, I couldn't help but want you." He bragged. "Mhm, you mentioned something like that to the journalists." "I didn't give them all the details." His eyes are provoking me. I know this isn't real - we're playing pretend, keeping ourselves amused until we go out separate ways. His gaze is on me. "So... what did you do to get my attention" I question. "Simple. My looks" He smirks. Elliot steps closer to me, and i strugg;e to stay calm. "Its probably best if I leave. I need to start packing my stuff since I'm moving in with you." "Yeah, right. You do that." "I'll see you later." I start to walk toward the door. I flip my hair and sway my hip as I make my way to the door. Once I reach it, I turn around and see him smirking. Three days later. I look at all of my stuff, now neatly packed in boxes and suitcases. "I can'y believe I'm doing this. Marriage was one thing, but living together?" I say outloud. Just then, my phone pings.I see a message from Elliot. "Are you here soon?" "I'm still waiting for the movers." "Well, hurry up." "Oh... That excited to see me, huh?" "Funny. The thing is, I have a meeting later in the afternoon. I'd love to see you nicely settled in before I leave" "How nice of you. Anyway, they should be here any minute now." "See you soon,Evie" "I'd better change my clothes before the movers get here" Two hours later... "finally. That was the last box"I say outloud. The moving van has just disappeared to get the last forgotten suitcase. As of today, I am living with my boss, who I'm fake married to. "How did my life get so messy?" I ask myself. Elliot shows up at that moment, like an answer to my recent thought. ELliot Anderson is the answer to everything messy in my life right now. "Welcome to my home. I'm sorry _ our home." Elliot welcomes me, like a watitess getting orders. I blush alittle. This house or rather mansion was simply incredible. I never seen anything like it. "Do you like it?" Elliot asks me. "Like it? I love it." "I'm happy to hear that. I really want you to feel at home here." Elliot grinned. "I get that, but I'm stll a bit nervous." "About what?" "Well, I'm moving out of my apartment to live with my boss. I'd say that's something to be nervous about. " I explained with an upset tone. Elliot laughs out loud, amusement glowing in his eyes. "When you're off the clock, I'm not yout boss. And since it's your day off, I'll be Elliot to you. Not Mr.Anderson." Elliot explains. "I'll remember that" "Good. And after six months are up, I'll help you get a new place." "Really? That's really kind of you" Elliot merely shrugs at that. "Come one, let me show you around befor I go back to work." Elliot replies. After a thorough tour of our amazing home, we finally stop in front of the last unexplored room. "So, this it it." I look at him curiously. " What is that room?" I ask. Elliot's mood suddenly gets a little bit darker. "That's my bedroom, and it's off-limts." Elliot noted. The doorbell sounds, and Elliot relaxes a bit. "Must be the moving van. I'll be right back" Elliot said. After he leaves, I stand by myself in the hallway, wondering what to do next. 'His bedroom doot is slightly ajar. A little peek won't hurt anyone right?" I said to myself. Without thinking it through, my feet start to move toward his bedroom. I slowly open the door... and see a gun on his nightstand! "..."