Chapter 30:Her last hope

Later in the night, Avery was standing in front of the window lost in thoughts. She didn't know what to do at that moment. How will she get the money to pay for her father's bills. She has no one to run to or call for help. All she has now is her sick father who is in an helpless position. And the man that claims to be her husband isn't even been a helping hand. He gave her rule not to ask him for something. Why?

Why does fate has to be cruel towards her? What have she done to deserve this kind of cruel punishment from the hands of fate?? Why does the world detest her presence to make her life a a living hell.

What wrong have she done? Must it be her? Must she suffer before she gets what she wants? She was tired. Tired of him,, and everything else related to this world. How she wish she could just disappear for good so at least the suffering fate is inflicting on her will also decrease.

Avery closed her eyes to stop the lurking tears from flowing down her cheeks. She had made up her mind that no matter what punishment James inflict on her; no matter the heartless words he tells her. She will beg him because he was her last hope. She thought as she opened her eyes after calming her heavy heart.

She went to the bathroom to have her night bath, after bathing she climbed her bed to sleep. While she was sleeping, a tall figured man was standing in front of her bed his gaze locked on her peaceful sleeping face. His eyes surveyed from her head down to her toe and he averted his gaze from her. He walked towards her and covered her with the duvet.

As he covered her body, he was once again lost as he stared at her. He quickly averted his gaze and was about to leave when he stiffened. He stiffened because the sleeping girl turned and was holding his hand in a tight grip.

"James please help me pay the bills of my father. He is the only one I have in this world. I don't want to leave him. I don't care what punishment you give me. At least if my father stays alive I will be glad and grateful that I was able to save him.". She said softly as she slowly opened her eyes and stared at his back.

The moment she heard the door crack open , she pretended to sleep because she knew it was him. James. He was here to check if she was sleeping or still awake staring out the window as she always do. When she felt him covered her , her hand quickly used that opportunity to grab his hand . To tell him her heart felt words.

James closed his eyes before opening it. So she wasn't sleeping. She was actually.... He pinched his brows in utter disbelief. What was wrong with this girl? Why doesn't she understand a simple rule? A single simple rule; not to ask him for anything. Why?

Why does she like to dare him? He had purposely said hurtful words to her in other to chase her away from him. His heart was playing havoc within him and he was afraid .

Afraid? Afraid was never in his dictionary. He was never afraid of anything. After all ,, he is an hot billionaire. An hot billionaire for that matter. The world tremble upon hearing his name. Even the underworld people. Then what was wrong with him that a single woman came to his life and since the first day she came. His heart has been acting funny. He can't fall in love with her. He just can't.

James closed and opened his eyes before he finally moved. He unclasp her hand from his and turned to look at her.

So, you don't mind any punishment I give you for breaking the second rule? He asked his eyes probed at her. And Avery said yes without hesitation.

I don't! She said as she sat up. James kept staring at her for a long while before he grabbed her wrist.

He helped her to stand. He grabbed her by her waist as his eyes locked on hers. Once again,Avery was drawn in to the ocean of his eyes. His dark cold eyes that can scare the hell outta someone. His dark cold eyes that held lots of mysterious secrets.

She didn't know why but as she stared back into those deep cold eyes, she could see nothing else but an empty emotion bottle which had affected him wholly to become a cold blooded and an heartless monster. They kept staring for so long till James broke the eerie dark cold silence with his next words.

"You will do something tomorrow." He said and Avery gulped. W-what? She managed to ask her heart racing faster like never before.

Don't be too nervous. You will find out tomorrow morning. He said as he let go of her. Avery stared at him with both confusion and anticipation.

I am not nervous. She said calmly. He didn't answer her as he left the room. Avery felt relieved even though he didn't say anything about her father bills. Atleast he was slowly listening to her. She thought happily as she climbed her bed to sleep and also to prepare for tomorrow.

James left the mansion. He was driving like a bullet on the highway. After a long while of driving, he got down from the car and went inside the hospital. He went straight to Avery's father ward and entered. He saw the man sleeping peacefully with oxygen on him. He was breathing through oxygen. He then remembered her words and for some unknown reasons he had a slight smile before his expression abruptly changed. He walked towards the man as he kept staring at him his hands in his pockets.

He stopped staring and left the room. As he left, The strange mysterious man appeared inside the room and also stared at the man before he too vanished into thin air.