Chapter 35:Like a deadly dangerous villain

Well, that's by the way,what am I going to do?? She asked beaming with joy. Can you do it? He asked with a probing eyes his hands in his pocket. He was talking like a deadly dangerous villain. And Avery nodded a yes with out hesitation. But what she heard next shatter her little bright of happiness. Her happy expression was replaced with horror and shock.

"You will jump inside the river and stay there for three hours." He said with an unreadable facade his eyes still locked on hers to see her expression.

W-what?? Avery asked stammering with an unbelievable shocking tone.

What? You can't do it? He asked with a mocking voice.

James, is that the reason why you brought me here in the night? She finally asked her heart racing faster in her chest.

If you can't do it, then go look for Money else where to pay your father's hospital bills. He said harshly and Avery took a deep breath.

I thought you wanted me to work in your company. She finally said innocently and James was taken aback by what she said.

Was this girl out of her mind? He thought but discarded the thought immediately.

NO. He said blatantly and Avery stepped back. Should she do this? What if she drowns before the three hours is up? She thought as she looked at him with pleading eyes. But James looked away.

He hated that look she always give him. It's as if each time he looked at those pleading eyes, he was always reminded of something strange.

Avery knew he won't agree and she badly needed this money to save her father's life.

"I am ready to do it." She finally said and James turned to look at her.

Good. He said. Where is the river? Avery asked when she couldn't see any river nearby.

We haven't reached there yet. He said and both of them entered the car while James drove off.

After driving for an hour , they finally reached a tree spot. It was a mango tree there. They were no houses there or a market place. The place looked a bit suspicious. Avery got down from the car and walked towards the tree side. There was a huge river there but she wasn't scared of the water but what was inside the water.

This place looks isolated. Avery finally said. The moon was already shining brightly in the sky. Showcasing it's ethereal beauty to the world.

But as usual, James was mute. It was as if every word she says has no effective impact on him. To him, she was like a talking mannequin because he rarely have a one on one conversation with her.

Avery stared at him and went to stand in front of him. Why are you not answering? She asked.

It's because you have no importance in my life except Becky. He said looking deeply into her eyes and Avery felt as though a sharp needle pieced her heart. She took in a deep breath and calmed her heart that was about to burst like a swollen balloon.

"I know. You don't need to rub it in." She said in a whisper tone. James had an unreadable expressions and went to stand behind the car as he watch her took off her heels. Avery closed her eyes as if drawing inner strength from the cold breeze that was was brewing. She slowly opened eyes and looked back at him hoping he will change his mind.

Avery slowly walked towards the edge of the river and was about to place her feet in the cold calm water when out of the blue, like a blur, James had grabbed her from behind saving her from the deadly water.

Avery gasped as she slowly stared at him. Both of them were staring deeply into each other eyes unable to break eye contact. They were so lost in each other's gaze. While Avery heart kept skipping a beat. After a long while, James slowly let go of her as if he was brought back to reality.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Yes I am,but why did you pull me like that? She asked calmly.

"There was an hungry creature in the water. The moment you placed your feet there,you'd be a dead meat for the creature." He said blankly. Avery was shocked by what he said.

She wanted to ask him why he saved her if he hate her so much but what left her mouth was, " It would have been better if you had let me die. "

James stared at her and before she knew, he bursted out laughing out loud like someone laughing at a inner joke.

He suddenly stopped laughing as he spoke. "why should I let you die now when there is a lot you need to do. " He said with a blunt sharp voice that had Avery fall speechless.

W-what? What things am I to do before I die? She asked instead returning the same intensity. James was unfazed cause he already knows Avery.

A lot. He replied.

Like? She asked again.

As time goes on,you will find out. He said casually. Then, what about my father's bill? Avery finally changed the topic. She don't know why but she has this unnerving feeling that James will never hurt her even if he hurts her with physical words.

The way he had stopped her from entering the river prove that he can never hurt her even if he denies it. She thought as her eyes flew towards him.

Just because I saved you tonight doesn't mean -------

You love me. You did that to keep me alive cause I have things to do. She cut off his words. James ignored her again as he entered the car and she too followed as the car drove off in max speed.

As the car left, Something moved in the water slightly and The water became still again. After a long while, they finally reached home and Avery went to her room to sleep.