Chapter 17 Treasure Appraisal Master_1


Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan had dinner, cleaned up the dishes together, and then sat on the living room sofa to discuss buying a house.

"Husband, where do you think we should buy a house?" Chen Yuyan asked.

Today, my husband had earned several million again.

In the next few days, making more money was a certainty.

With enough for the down payment on a house, there would still be money for Shen Dong to continue investing.

She was already impatient to buy a house.

Once they bought a house, they could decorate it however they liked and carefully arrange their love nest.

There was a huge difference between renting and buying a house.

"Wherever you want to buy, we'll buy; we aren't short on money now!" Shen Dong said with a smile.

"Hmm, what do you think about the Candy Community in the western suburbs? I checked, and the prices there aren't too high, only fifty thousand per square meter. Look, it's this community."

Chen Yuting took out her laptop, searched for the Candy Community, and showed it to Shen Dong.

It was mainly geared towards young people, featuring elements that appealed to them.

"This community isn't bad, but it's too far from where we work," Shen Dong glanced at it and shook his head.

Although he had the system and no longer needed to work, living anywhere was fine.

But Chen Yuyan would definitely want to keep working, despite having money, she couldn't just do nothing all day.

That meant Chen Yuyan would continue to work in the city center.

The commute from the western suburbs to the city center took too long.

"Then what about Hua Ting Ya Yuan?" Chen Yuyan searched for another community.

Ever since seeing Shen Dong make money on gold futures, she had been planning to buy a house.

These days, she had been looking at various properties, considering where to buy.

She randomly found another community, a bit closer to the city center.

The community's environment was good, and it was well-equipped with facilities.

"Still too far," Shen Dong glanced at it and still shook his head.

"What about Jin Xiu Garden then?" Chen Yuyan searched for another community, "This one is in a school district, with both the environment and facilities around it being very comprehensive."

Chen Yuyan was quite satisfied with this community.

"You know," Shen Dong smiled helplessly, "that's still a bit too far. I've said that we aren't lacking money now. If we're buying, we should buy a better place, within the second ring road."

"A house within the second ring road?" Chen Yuyan's eyes widened.

Houses within the second ring road were at least tens of millions.

This was something she had never considered. Even after Shen Dong had made money, it hadn't crossed her mind.

She had thought about the future, about having children with Shen Dong, and the considerable costs for their children's upbringing and education; money had to be set aside for the children.

"Yes, a house within the second ring road," Shen Dong nodded with a smile, seemingly aware of what Chen Yuyan was thinking, "I told you, we're not short on money now, and we won't be in the future. Anything that money can buy, we can afford, so just pick whatever you like, and once you've chosen, we'll go house hunting."

He had the system and wasn't afraid of not being able to make money.

With just the investment master skill, he could become a billionaire in just some time.

Not to mention, the system would surely have other rewards in the future.

"Mm, I'll keep looking," Chen Yuyan nodded happily and quickly continued her search for houses within the second ring road.

Just then, a notification from the system sounded in Shen Dong's mind.

[Ding! A random reward has granted the host the skill of a Master in Treasure Appraisal!]

[A piece of future information is presented to the host: On September 20th, An City will hold a treasure appraisal conference. A local collector named Wu Feng will present an authentic work for expert appraisal. The work is genuine, yet a so-called expert named Zhao Anhua will intentionally label it as a fake and purchase it at a low price. Half a year later, this piece will be auctioned in Jing City, selling for thirty million!]

Master in Treasure Appraisal skill?

Shen Dong's eyes lit up.

Didn't this mean that from now on, he would be a master in treasure appraisal?

Just strolling through the antique street, he could effortlessly find a bargain, right?

I'll visit the antiques street someday soon and test out this master appraiser skill.

As for the message from the system, Shen Dong really despises this so-called expert named Zhao Anhua and also feels sorry for that private collector named Wu Feng.

I'll go and see what Zhao Anhua looks like when the time comes.

Had I not known about the deceit, it would have been one thing, but knowing it and not intervening just wouldn't be right.



The egg futures hit another limit up.

Looking at the profits in his account, Shen Dong's smile was so wide it looked crooked.

He took out his cell phone and sent Chen Yuyan a message, "Made money again today, let's go out for dinner tonight to celebrate."

A few minutes later, Chen Yuyan replied, "Sure (happy happy)."

Shen Dong: Wherever you want to eat, it's your call.

Chen Yuyan: Hmm, let's go for Western food. I've heard the Crystal Restaurant on The Bund is good. I've always wanted to try it but just hadn't had the money or the chance (awkward).

Shen Dong: No problem, we'll go to the Crystal Restaurant tonight for Western cuisine.

Chen Yuyan: Awesome, thank you hubby (hug).

Soon, it was time to get off work.

Shen Dong waited for Chen Yuting at the subway entrance.

After waiting for over ten minutes, Chen Yuting finally came, laughing and talking with two female colleagues.

"This is my husband," Chen Yuting introduced Shen Dong to the two female colleagues beside her upon reaching him.

She had already told her colleagues that they were officially married.

There was no helping it, due to her looks, there were always people at the bank offering to set her up with a boyfriend.

So, after registering their marriage with Shen Dong, she spilled the beans at the bank as soon as she went to work last Monday.

It caused quite a stir in the bank at the time.

A lot of colleagues were curious to see who had won over their most attractive female colleague.

"Not bad, he's quite handsome."

"Most importantly, he gives off a very energetic and sunny vibe."

Both female colleagues brightened up when they saw Shen Dong.

This was the kind of guy they were looking for too.

Too bad he was now Chen Yuyan's husband.

"Nice to meet you," Shen Dong greeted them with a friendly nod and a smile.

"Lucky guy, you scored big time with our Yuyan."

"You might not know how many people at the bank have been pursuing her."

"Yuyan, we won't keep you from your date with your husband. We'll be off now," the two female colleagues chattered away and then waived goodbye before entering the subway station.

"Let's go have dinner," Chen Yuting suggested, naturally linking arms with Shen Dong.

"Let's take a taxi, the subway is too crowded, and we might have to wait for a long time," Shen Dong said.

Rush hour always meant being packed like sardines in a can.

And the worst part was the waiting.

"Right, let's just take a taxi," Chen Yuting readily agreed.

"It seems we really should buy a car," Shen Dong suddenly realized they should get one.

Though there might be traffic jams, it would still be better than squeezing into a subway.

"Yeah, after we buy a house, we'll get a car, so we won't have to take the subway to and from work," Chen Yuting's eyes crinkled into half-moons.

They hailed a taxi and headed to the Crystal Restaurant on The Bund.