Chapter 16 Made Money Again_1


Liu Chao had asked Chen Yuting to go shopping.

"Yuting, how's the fundraising going?" Liu Chao asked.

"I couldn't borrow money from my dad and my sister, so I asked my friends and only managed to borrow three hundred thousand," Chen Yuting said.

In fact, she hadn't managed to borrow that much from friends.

Two hundred thousand was from planning to cash out credit cards, and the rest was borrowed from online lending platforms.

"Still too little, that amount of money won't earn much, even a tenfold increase would only make three million," Liu Chao shook his head.

"The time isn't right yet, I will continue to borrow money. When the time comes, it should be more than just this little," Chen Yuting would continue to borrow; she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

As for Chen Yuyan, she had already given up hope.

Perhaps, investing in egg futures this time would cause Shen Dong to lose all the money he had earned from gold futures.

Even his principal might be lost.

"By the way, there's another money-making project, are you interested?" Liu Chao suddenly said.

"What project?" Chen Yuting was naturally interested.

She broke up with Shen Dong and got in touch with Liu Chao for money.

She was interested in any money-making projects.

"Next Tuesday, there's a big antique appraisal convention in An City, organized by An City TV Station. Many private antique collectors will bring their treasures for the experts at the convention to appraise. We could go have a look," Liu Chao said.

"An antique appraisal convention? How can that make money?" Chen Yuting was full of doubt.

"Heh, there are lots of tricks involved there; you'll find out when we go," Liu Chao chuckled, teasing her.

"Can you really make money from it?" Chen Yuting asked again.

As long as there was money to be made, she was willing to go.

"Chen Yuting, there's no need for me to lie to you. If I did, you would find out soon enough," Liu Chao said with a smile.

Chen Yuting nodded.


If Liu Chao was deceiving her, she wouldn't trust him anymore.

There really was no need for Liu Chao to do that.

"Alright, I'll go with you then," Chen Yuting said.

"How about we go watch a movie later?" Liu Chao invited her at the right moment.

He was always thinking about winning over Chen Yuting.

Going out for meals, watching movies, and other forms of entertainment were all just steps towards that goal.

"Okay," Chen Yuting hesitated for a moment then agreed.

No matter what, she had to rely on Liu Chao to make money.

For the insider information on Yaolai Technology, and the money-making from the antique appraisal convention Liu Chao had just mentioned, she needed Liu Chao.

Repeatedly rejecting Liu Chao was not a good idea.

"That's great, there's a romance movie that will be playing at the nearby Baina Cinema. There's a showing in half an hour, let's go now," Liu Chao happily took out his phone, checked the movie timings, and immediately picked a movie.


While the two of them were watching the movie, a piece of news swept across the country.

A widespread outbreak of avian flu had occurred throughout the nation, and the state would send experts to assist poultry farmers in dealing with the situation.

The futures market for egg futures soared sharply. In just fifteen minutes, they had hit the upper limit.

Shen Dong often monitored the market trends of egg futures. Noticing the abnormal trends, he immediately realized that something big must have happened.

He promptly searched for the news.

"So that's what happened."

Shen Dong realized what was happening when he saw the news about the nationwide outbreak of chicken flu.

No wonder the egg futures had hit the daily trading limit in just fifteen minutes.

Shen Dong immediately sent the news and the trends of the egg futures market to Chen Yuyan to put her mind at ease.

He knew that, although Chen Yuyan claimed she trusted him, she definitely had her worries, fearing that he might have lost the money.

To prevent Chen Yuyan from worrying, he naturally needed to inform her about the news and the market trends.

Chen Yuyan quickly replied on WeChat, "Wow, hubby, you're so amazing (hug)."

Shen Dong: "I'm not bad, I guess. Pretty awesome (smug face)."

Chen Yuyan: "With such an incident, those breeders are in for a tough time. Isn't this making money off the nation's misfortune? (giggle behind hand)"

Shen Dong: "Asking this question shows you don't have a deep enough understanding of the investment market. You have to understand whether I'm involved or not, the egg futures would rise. I'm just going with the flow; there's no malicious speculation or kicking someone when they're down or anything like that, it's not at all related to profiteering from national disasters. Don't start thinking of your husband as a bad guy."

Chen Yuyan: "Mm, it's just my narrow understanding. I'm going to tell Chen Yuting about this. I'll see what she has to say now!"

Thinking of how Chen Yuting had confidently said last night that Shen Dong would lose money, Chen Yuyan couldn't swallow the affront.

Hmph, now that Shen Dong has made money, let's see what she has to say!

At that moment, she was only interested in defending Shen Dong, regardless of whether Chen Yuting was her sister or not.

Shen Dong was a bit helpless: There's no need for that.

Chen Yuyan: "It's necessary, very necessary. I won't talk to you now; I'm going to message Yuting, got to work now, love you (hug)."


Chen Yuting and Liu Chao emerged from the cinema, and she didn't see Chen Yuyan's message until she checked her phone.

During the movie, she always put her phone on silent.

That was a habit; she wasn't like some people who let their phones ring while they were engrossed in a movie.

That was disrespectful to other filmgoers and to oneself.

She couldn't stand those kinds of people and wouldn't become one herself.

Chen Yuting's face turned sour when she saw the message.

"Yuting, what's wrong?" Liu Chao noticed the change in Chen Yuting's expression and quickly asked.

This was their first movie together, and although he hadn't yet held Chen Yuting's hand, their relationship had progressed somewhat.

He believed that given some time, he would win over Chen Yuting.

It was only because Chen Yuting was pretty and his type that Liu Chao had such patience.

Otherwise, he wouldn't hang around her for so many days without holding her hand, still accompanying her to shop and watch movies.

"Take a look." Chen Yuting handed Liu Chao her phone.

"What, how could this happen!" Liu Chao's face turned pale after reading the message, then he forced a bitter smile, "There's nothing to be done about this, you can't blame me. Who could predict such a thing? It's just another black swan event."

"This time my sister and Shen Dong have made money again," said Chen Yuting with mixed emotions.

She had been hoping that Shen Dong's investment in egg futures would fail, so she could mock Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan a bit.

Now, with egg futures soaring nationwide, she couldn't find an excuse to scoff at them.

Moreover, on both occasions, she had eagerly sent messages to Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan swearing this and that would happen.

The outcomes had always been the opposite of her claims, making her cheeks twinge with embarrassment.

"No worries, we'll make money in An City next week," said Liu Chao, trying to console Chen Yuting, sensing her foul mood.

"Yeah." Chen Yuting nodded faintly.

"Let's go to The Bund tonight," suggested Liu Chao, his eyes darting around, issuing another invitation.

The Bund was a romantic spot, and perhaps a stroll there could lead directly to booking a room.

"No thanks, I'm not in the mood today," Chen Yuting declined, shaking her head.

"Alright, I'll take you home," Liu Chao said, inwardly irked but begrudgingly agreeing to take Chen Yuting home, without showing his annoyance.