Chapter 3 Women's Buttocks Can't Be Touched (1)

Harry found himself in a white space, looking around in confusion. He couldn't quite tell if he was in his own room or inside the game because everything felt unbelievably real.

"Hello, I'm Monica in Pure Land!" Monica held a colorful wand in her hand and gently waved it, causing a burst of rainbow light to envelop Harry.

As the rainbow light surrounded him, Harry felt a warm sensation throughout his body. It felt incredibly real, surpassing his expectations for the game once again.

The visuals, the senses—everything was so vivid and lifelike, just like the real world. 

"To ensure that players can enter the game together, there's still half an hour until the game's official launch," Monica waved her colorful wand once more, and a large countdown appeared in front of Harry.

"You can create your character in advance, learn about the game's background, and acquire some basic knowledge," Monica fluttered around Harry, her voice was very cute, inducing a tingling sensation in one's heart upon hearing it. 

"Create a character," Harry said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Monica in front of him gently waved the wand in her hand. Immediately, the scene in front of him changed. A circular platform appeared, and there were four men on the platform. They looked exactly like Harry.

"There are four classes in the initial stage: Warrior, Mage, Archer, Assassin. Please choose..."

Looking at the four of him in front, each holding a greatsword, a staff, a bow and arrow, and a dagger, Harry pondered for a moment and said.




"Please enter a name."


"Name available. Confirm?"


"Generating, please wait…"

"Character created successfully. Please use your mind to access your character attributes."

Harry followed the instructions and concentrated his thoughts, a frame appeared before his eyes displaying his character attributes. 

[Name: Savion]

[Class: Mage]

[Secondary Class: None]

[Level: 1]

[EXP: 0/100]

[HP: 100]

[MP: 100]

[Physical Attack: 1]

[Magic Attack: 2]

[Physical Defense: 1]

[Magic Defense: 1]

[Endurance: 1]

[Reputation: 0]

[Remaining Attribute Points: 5]

[Attribute: None]

[Strength: 1 (Affects physical attack)]

[Intelligence: 1 (Affects spell attack)]

[Agility: 1 (Affects movement speed, attack speed)]

[Stamina: 1 (Affects HP, Physical Defense)]

[Spiritual Power: 1 (Affects MP, Magic Defense)]

[Endurance: 1 (Affects player's resistance ability)]

After the character was created, Harry looked at his attributes. They seemed ordinary, and at the early stages, everyone should have similar attributes. However, as he had chosen the mage class, he expected to have higher bonuses in terms of magic as he leveled up.

Looking at the countdown timer, there were still 20 minutes left. Harry felt that he could not waste any more time, so he looked up at Monica.

"Can you introduce the game?" Harry asked with a smile.

Monica blinked her big blue eyes and then introduced some information about the game to Harry.

"Death Penalty: There is a chance to drop any items carried, decrease current experience by 50%, and if in red (criminal) status, the chance of dropping doubles."

"Class Change: After reaching level 10, players can change their class in the main city. Hidden classes may appear with a certain probability and require a trigger."

"Item Level: Rough, Common, White, Blue, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Artifact, Legendary."



10 minutes passed quickly. Harry had a rough understanding of the game. At this moment, as he watched the countdown, there were only 10 seconds left, and his heart couldn't help but become nervous.

Harry took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.






"Entering the game, please wait..."

Harry's vision went black, and he felt his entire body enveloped in a radiant light. Then, he experienced a weightless sensation, as if entering a tunnel.

When he opened his eyes again, the scenery around him had changed. Before him was a small village, with "swishing" sounds and white lights appearing constantly. Within each white light, there was a player. Before long, Harry found himself surrounded by the figures of other players.


"Welcome to Pure Land. You have received a system-gifted weapon. Please check your inventory." Please check your inventory."

A voice appeared in Harry's mind. He quickly accessed his inventory.

[Rough] worn-out wooden staff

[Level Requirement: Level 1]

[Magic Attack: +1]


Harry looked at the staff in his hand. It looked like a wooden stick, which was quite ordinary. However, it was understandable. After all, it was a system-gifted weapon for newbies.

As the white lights continued to increase, Harry found himself surrounded by more and more players. Their figures couldn't overlap, leading to a crowded environment. This was just the situation where players were assigned to different newbie villages by the system. After all, with over 2 billion players, and the number still rising, it was expected to be crowded. 


[Quest Prompt: Find the village chief]

[Quest Description: Please pay attention to all NPCs around you.]

This quest was normal, but the tips seemed peculiar. Pay attention to all the NPCs around you. Could it be that the village chief could transform into other NPCs? He pondered for a moment and decided to explore the village first. Not only would it help him become familiar with the map, but perhaps he could also find the village chief.

"Ah! Pervert…"

"Get lost!"

Just as Harry was about to set off, he heard a scream from afar, causing him to be slightly startled and immediately turn his head to look.

Not far away, a player had a wretched expression on his face as he slapped a certain female player's butt a few times. Just as that player was about to push his luck, a bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket suddenly descended from the sky and struck that player in an instant. A shrill scream sounded, and that player instantly turned into a white light and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Their hearts trembled, especially some players. When they realized that there were female players standing beside them, they were all shocked and immediately retreated in panic, maintaining a certain distance.

The scene just now and that player's miserable scream echoed in everyone's minds for a long time. Although he did not really die, the pain was obvious from the twisted face of that player before he disappeared.

Harry was also shocked. He quickly looked left and right, and only relaxed when he saw that there were no female players.

Harry had understood this before entering the game. If the female players were in a state of rejection, the system would descend heavenly lightning. This was also a form of protection for the female players.

Harry quickly collected his thoughts and walked into the village.

Along the way, many players were like Harry, circling around the village, looking for the village chief, and familiarizing themselves with the map of the newbie village.

However, it was only after a few hours had passed that everyone finally reacted.

"Damn it, I've been searching for hours, but I couldn't find anything!"

"Is the village chief not in the village?"

"F*ck, I and my five bros split up and searched, but we still haven't found him!"



The surrounding players complained. After searching for a few hours, they could not find anything, including Harry. He walked through the entire village but did not find the village chief.

"F*ck, I quit. I'm going to kill monsters to level up."

"You're right. I'll go kill monsters and level up. Once the news spreads, I'll come back and accept the quest."

Harry also felt that the other players were right. If they continued to search like this, not only would they not be able to find the village chief, but their levels would also be far behind the others. It was better to kill monsters to level up first and wait for the others to find it before coming back to accept the quest.