Chapter 4 Team Up for Leveling

Harry had walked through the entire village and was very familiar with the route. It didn't take long for him to arrive outside the village.

However, when Harry arrived outside the village and saw the players all around, he could not help but be stunned.

"Hum..." Harry rubbed his nose. There were just too many players. They stretched as far as the eye could see. As for the monsters, he couldn't spot any live ones. They seemed to respawn as corpses.

Feeling helpless, Harry squeezed into the monster area along with the crowd. However, after half a day, he couldn't snatch a single monster. In the end, he reluctantly continued moving forward, hoping to find an area with fewer people.

But many players had the same idea, so like Harry, they kept moving forward, searching for a place with more monsters and fewer people.

After walking for a long distance, Harry finally came to a stop. However, when he looked around, he couldn't help but wryly smile. 

"This game is really popular!" Harry sighed. As far as his eyes could see, there were still countless players, with an average of ten players for every monster. 

Harry continued to walk forward until he arrived at another monster area. He only stopped when he realized that there were fewer players around.

Although there were fewer players here, there were still quite a lot. The place was packed, with everyone pushing and shoving, and insults could be heard at any moment.

But the number of monsters here was also considerable, making it suitable for leveling up. However, most players were in groups because these monsters were no longer the weak chickens and rabbits from earlier.

Deep in thought, Harry looked around and decided to level up here. If he continued moving forward, it wouldn't be about leveling up anymore; he would be about being slaughtered by monsters.

Harry had two primary skills that he hadn't checked before. Now, he quickly accessed his skill bar.

[Skill Name: [Basic] Firebolt Spell]

[Proficiency: 0/100,000]

[Casting Requirement: 10 MP]

[Cool Down: 2 seconds]

[Skill Description: Cast a fireball at the designated target, causing a certain amount of damage.]


[Skill Name: [Basic] Insight]

[Proficiency: 0/1,000,000]

[Casting Requirement: None]

[Skill Description: Gain insight into target information. The skill is ineffective against targets more than 5 levels higher than the caster.]


Harry looked at the proficiency of the two skills and was speechless. One required 100,000 proficiency points, and the other required 1,000,000 proficiency points to level up. How long would it take? Moreover, releasing a skill required 10 points of Mana. With 100,000 skills, how many potions would he need to purchase?

After checking the skill, Harry looked up and searched around, planning to look for monsters. Soon, he found a wild boar with red eyes resting not far away.

Harry carefully took a few steps forward, maintaining a certain distance, and used an Insight Spell.

[Name: [Common] Red-eyed Boar]

[Level: 4]

[HP: 200/200]

[Attack: 10]

[Defense: 20]

[Skill: None]


"Hi there!"

A shout came from behind Harry. Harry was stunned and turned around. He saw a man and a woman walking over from afar. The man smiled and greeted him.

"What's wrong?" Harry smiled.

"Hello, Harry! The Red-eyed Boar has high attack and high HP, while you are only Level 1. How about teaming up?" The man slung his wooden sword behind his back and smiled as he spoke.

Harry pondered for a moment. Indeed, he was only Level 1 now. He had no chance of winning against a Level 4 Red-eyed Boar.

Looking at the two players on the other side, they looked very embarrassed. It was obvious that this Red-eyed Boar was extremely difficult to kill, or else they wouldn't be inviting a level 1 player to join their team. Looking around, he saw groups of five or six players teaming up together.

"Thank you!" Harry said with a smile.

The man nodded and sent out a team invitation.

"Player Sunshadow has invited you to join the team. Do you agree?"

After Harry agreed, the three names turned green, representing the same team.

Harry checked on the roster and could see the profiles of the other team members.

[Team Leader: Sunshadow]

[Level: 2]

[Class: Warrior]


[Team Member: Moonshadow]

[Level: 2]

[Class: Archer]


[Team Member: Savion]

[Level: 1]

[Class: Mage]


"I will go forward to attract the boar's Aggro. You and Moonshadow will attack from a distance. If the boar runs towards you, stop attacking immediately. Remember to turn around and run quickly." Sunshadow said with a smile when he saw Harry enter the team.

"Okay." Harry nodded and looked at Moonshadow beside him. The girl had a delicate appearance, petite body, and fair skin, and could be considered a beauty.

"Okay." Moonshadow also agreed and looked at Harry. Their gazes met, and Moonshadow's face turned slightly red as she quickly turned away.

Harry didn't think much of it at first, but when he saw Moonshadow's face turn red, he was instantly amused. He thought the little beauty was too introverted, just one glance could make her blush.

"You guys wait here. I'll go up and lure the monsters. Remember, don't let the boars get close." Sunshadow's expression was serious. After giving his instructions, he walked into the distance.

Harry used [Insight Spell] on Sunshadow and discovered that his HP was 250, which was 150 points higher than his own. No wonder Sunshadow dared to go up and lure the boar.

Level 2 had 10 attribute points, and it seems like he allocated all of them to stamina. Additionally, each time a warrior leveled up, their health points and cooldown bonuses were higher compared to other classes. That's why he had such a high amount of health. 

"Add me as a friend?" Harry withdrew his gaze and looked at the little beauty beside him as he joked.

If this was real life, Harry definitely wouldn't act like this. But in the game, it was different. Harry became bolder, thinking that it was just a game, and he didn't have to be afraid of anything.

Moonshadow was stunned for a moment. She raised her head and looked at Harry without saying anything.

Seeing that the little beauty didn't say anything, Harry rubbed his nose and felt a little embarrassed. Then, he coughed dryly.

"We can level up together next time." Harry concealed his embarrassment and requested to be added as a friend.


[System Prompt: The other party has accepted your friend request.]"

The system prompt sound rang, and Harry was taken aback. He didn't expect the girl to agree. Opening the friend panel, he saw the name Moonshadow.

After adding each other as friends, both of them fell into an awkward silence. Just then, a sudden wild boar roar came from afar. Harry and Moonshadow quickly tightened their grip on their weapons and swiftly turned their heads to look

Sunshadow held a wooden sword in his hand and slashed at the head of a Red-eyed Boar. Immediately, a "-5" number floated out from the boar's head.

The boar felt the pain and turned around while roaring. It immediately used its fangs to hit Sunshadow, and a "-11" number floated up.

Sunshadow saw that he had attracted the boar's Aggro. Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran towards Harry.

"Attack!" Sunshadow shouted as he ran.

Before Moonshadow could react, Harry waved his staff and a fireball appeared, smashing towards the boar.


The Fireball smashed into the boar, and a huge Damage number floated up, causing both Moonshadow and Sunshadow to be shocked. They did not expect the damage of a Mage's skill to be so high.

Moonshadow regained her composure and took out a wooden arrow, immediately shooting it toward the boar.



The damage from Harry's damage was too high. The wild boar felt the pain and no longer paid attention to Sunshadow. Instead, it turned around and ran towards Harry.

As Harry realized that he had drawn the Aggro of the wild boar, he was about to retreat. But at that moment, Sunshadow took a step forward and directly stood in front of the boar. With his wooden sword, he continuously slashed at the boar, prompting another enraged roar from the beast as it launched another attack on Sunshadow.

Seeing the boar's attention diverted to Sunshadow, Harry didn't hesitate. He swung his staff and unleashed fireballs, one after another, hurling them towards the boar."





Every time the boar felt the pain and attempted to turn around to chase Harry, however, Sunshadow wouldn't allow it. He directly moved in and blocked its path, launching a chaotic onslaught to quickly attract its Aggro.

On the other hand, Moonshadow, being an Archer, had decent attack power. She could deal around 15 points of damage to the boar with each hit, but out of three attacks, at least one would MISS.